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Advice on Characters for next Playthrough


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I wanted to do a Playthrough using some characters I have rarely used mixed with some more common characters for me. Any help with Supports and Skills would be helpfull. I am doing Normal mode so that doesn't have to be asked.


Skill doesn't need any description...


Sol to help his durability, which he normally doesn't have any trouble with but it can make sure he never dies.

3)Boyd-Wrath Resolve

Wrath+Resolve combo, I thought that would fit Boyd as his HP will get low at times, and sice Mist should be around him most of the time for Support he shouldn't have to worry about HP being TOO low.

4)Soren-Adept, Vantage

Vantage allows him to take even better advantage of his Adpet skill, it also helps his lower HP too as he will attack everything (lacking a Longbow or Long range magic)first which can really help him.


Skill she starts with...no explenation needed...

6)Marcia-Adept, Counter

Adept is to help fix her Attack problems, and Counter? Well I decided to give her Counter 'cause 1) I don't like her having 1 Skill, and 2) it can help her kill easier if it activates since her dodge is good but not the best.


Helps him survive with his meh-ish defense, no real explenation can be used.


Really this was the only thing I could think of, it can help his offense a bit since he may have trouble with some kills later on in the game.

9)Zihark-Adept, Gamble

Adept since it is an amazing Skill for him, Gamble because he has good enough Skill that he can hit with it, unlike most units, and thanks to Adept he can get more chances to hit with it.

10)Jill-Guard, Savior

Guard can help her stop opponents attacks (and I've always loved it on her for some reason) while Savior eliminates penalties if she has to save someone.

11)Muraim-Smite, Nihil

I really just gave him left over skills that are somewhat useful...


The best skill for her hands down


I couldn't think of anything else to pass out so I left him with his Base Skill, which is good for him still.


Ike-Soren A, Oscar B

Oscar-Kieran A, Tanith B

Boyd-Brom A, Mist-B

Soren-Ike A

Mist-Jill A, Boyd B

Marcia-Tanith A, Kieran B

Kieran-Oscar A, Marcia B

Brom-Boyd A, Zihark B

Zihark-Muraim A, Brom B

Jill-Mist A, Haar B

Muraim-Zihark A

Tanith-Marcia A

Haar-Jill B


Ike-Knights Ring, before anything I want to give

Oscar-Knight Band

Boyd-Soldier Band


Mist-Mage Band so her Magic gets a little beter then Paladen Band

Marcia-Fighter Band

Kieran-Archer Band

Brom-Knights Ward

Zihark-Laguz Guard

Jill-Wyveren Band

Muraim-Demi Band

Tanith-Full Guard

Haar-Theif Band

Edited by Knight of Zero
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wait, you decide bands before seeing their stats?

I always look at their averages and decide every about 5 chapters what's best for every unit. this way my units always have more capped stats than usual.

but on the other hand, I also never plan out the skills before starting. I just throw them on who needs them.

I think this would make a great team, just maybe try to take a look at those bands~

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seems like a good team, a lot of my favorite people are in there ( except for Brom)

and you could do what I do and shuffle the bands back and forth, very useful using BEXP and the knight ward

I like giving Ike Miracle, Wrath and Resolve, I've actually beaten the final chapter in 3 turns because of this, but Boyd is also good with those skilss... heck anyone is broken with those skills, especially if you have a laguz that capped str, skl. spd or a mix of the three.

Oscar with knights band is pretty good, he will probably cap str, and maybe defense.

Boyd-Soldier Band soldier band raises def and hp growth, Boyd already has a very good hp growth,but I'd probably give him a different band, to focus on spd, skl or maybe even resistance.

Soren-Laguzguard Soren will become a killer since he will take little damage and have effective spells against laguz. I would however give him some sort of band to equip when he is about to level up.

Mist-Mage Band so her Magic gets a little beter then Paladen Band Mist should be able to cap mag at level 20/18 so you shouldn't need the mage band, if you want her to have good magic quickly I guess it's a good idea, but overall I'd say just give her a different band from the start. she could use a laguzguard

Marcia-Fighter Band she really shouldn't need it, she usually caps str without it, I usually give her the soldier band.

Kieran-Archer Band meh,he comes pretty close to capping skl and spd without the archers band, I would just use BEXP to get his spd up and equip the knight ward when you do this, then give him a different band, sword band if you really want that skill, otherwise I'd give him pegasus band for resistance and luck

Brom-Knights Ward no problems here, knights with speed are worthy indeed.

Zihark-Laguz Guard his stats are pretty good so he probably won't need a band, but still I'd give him one and give the laguz guard to maybe mist. your not even gonna get the other one till you've met up with lucia anyway.

Jill-Wyveren Band yup, very useful

Muraim-Demi Band take it off the last few chapters and use all the laguz stones you have.

Tanith-Full Guard yup, very useful

Haar-Theif Band he's not really gonna have it for too many level ups anyway, but yeah I'd use either this or the knight band.

skills and supports seem just fine.

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IMO, using Gamble is like robbing a police station - It's just never a good idea. Also, I don't think Nihil is of much use... Plus, looking at your planned supports, I couldn't help but notice that you left out Oscar's B with Ike.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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That was a mistake on my part Oscar's B Support is Ike, since they can only have two supports I believe. I do normally randomly switch the bands around to certain people so I'll try out some of those different combinations and Mist will probably get the Laguzguard. Thanks for saying my team is good, I love every character here but Brom really, he just happened to fit in well so I'm gonna use him.

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That was a mistake on my part Oscar's B Support is Ike, since they can only have two supports I believe.

Actually, you can have 5 support levels total, so it isn't that you can only support two units. You can support at least three units if you want to go ACC or BBC. I'm not sure which games allow you to go with more than 3 units (eg: BCCC). I think many of the FEs restrict you to a total of three units.

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Really? Sure, I've never tried, but I thought you could go with CCCCC if you wanted in all of FE 6 - 9.

Don't know. I thought I'd read it for one of the games. I've never actually gone beyond 3, or tried, so of course I wouldn't know for sure either.

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I don't think Oscar and Kieran need Sol; I gave Sol to Kieran, and it wasn't really useful since he barely got hurt. And when he did, there was a healer near all the time. Maybe I was just lucky. (this was NM)

For Brom, I think Provoke is a good ability, so he can sponge hits. Vantage and Guard may be a useful combination, since you have a possibility of canceling the opponent's attack before they get a chance.

I also gave Boyd Colossus, and gave him a Statue Frag so he can use it on more opponents.

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I agree on Kieran and Oscar not needing Sol. Recently did a hard playthrough with a team and supports similar to this one; kieran doesnt get hit enough to make Sol useful due to his awesome Oscar A support. Also on Soren, giving him Vantage is a bad idea. Even on normal mode, Soren can't take hits and should sit out enemy phase behind someone else. Vantage isn't going to help him. I myself suggest pairing it with Boyd's Wrath, for getting to half hp, then always attacking first AND critting. Considering it's Boyd and he hits, that's usually an OHKO. Much more effective use of the skill than on Soren.

Gamble can actually be quite useful on Zihark under certain circumstances. If you give him a crit+hit forge, under gamble his crit will rise to 60%+ easy, near 100% if he has a Killing Edge (assuming he is SM). While his displayed hit rate will be 50-70% on hard, so higher on normal. I use it sometimes to deal with Warriors or similar units.

Edited by KieranAllmighty
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If I give Vantage to Boyd then who would get Resolve? Haar and Marcia are the only two people I can even imagine would make use of it. I could add Provoke to Brom as he does have 5 Capacity left with Luna, however I am planning on giving him Boots to fix his movement so he may not need something like that. Gamble has been a good skill on Zihark before, I remember in a past play I was on Ena's Chapter and he attacked someone had a 100% hit chance and a 50% Crit chance with his Killing Edge, I used Gamble he had a 60% Hit chance and a 100% Crit chance afterwords and destroyed the guy.

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Knight of Zero: Are you even sure your hit rate can go over 50% with Gamble?? I dunno because I think the cash it sells for is more useful than the skill itself is. Not to mention the fact that I think that Gamble is one of the most worthless skills in the entire FE series.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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It did that time, I found it odd too and never thought it could happen either, trust me I was wondering how that could happen. It's not like I use Gamble a lot just when he needs to get someone out of his way and I have a good base crit chance.

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Knight of Zero: Are you even sure your hit rate can go over 50% with Gamble?? I dunno because I think the cash it sells for is more useful than the skill itself is. Not to mention the fact that I think that Gamble is one of the most worthless skills in the entire FE series.

Yes, Gamble can have over 50% hit rate. The skill halves hit rate after taking account the enemy's evasion but before limiting it to 100% hit. In fact, a Swordmaster with a max hit and crit (and might would probably be a good idea as well) Slim Sword forge often sees hit rates around 70% with Gamble.

The skill isn't useless, but it's only really useful with the aforementioned forge, because with regular weapons the hit rate rarely climbs above 50%.

As for the most worthless skill in the FE series, Shriek probably takes that title.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Yes, Gamble can have over 50% hit rate. The skill halves hit rate after taking account the enemy's evasion but before limiting it to 100% hit. In fact, a Swordmaster with a max hit and crit (and might would probably be a good idea as well) Slim Sword forge often sees hit rates around 70% with Gamble.

The skill isn't useless, but it's only really useful with the aforementioned forge, because with regular weapons the hit rate rarely climbs above 50%.

As for the most worthless skill in the FE series, Shriek probably takes that title.

Hmmm... you mean it takes the hit rate of the character and halves it? (e.g. 170 to 85 hit)

Over 12k just to make Gamble not suck? No thank you.

Or Sure Strike.

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Yes, Gamble can have over 50% hit rate. The skill halves hit rate after taking account the enemy's evasion but before limiting it to 100% hit. In fact, a Swordmaster with a max hit and crit (and might would probably be a good idea as well) Slim Sword forge often sees hit rates around 70% with Gamble.

The skill isn't useless, but it's only really useful with the aforementioned forge, because with regular weapons the hit rate rarely climbs above 50%.

As for the most worthless skill in the FE series, Shriek probably takes that title.

try gamble with resolve, it makes gamble slightly useful without a forge. still, it's one of the worst skills.

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try gamble with resolve, it makes gamble slightly useful without a forge. still, it's one of the worst skills.

If you're using Resolve you shouldn't need Gamble... Especially since you could just use Wrath even if you did need the critical.

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