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Pimp my Unit Contest

Chocolate Kitty

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Ermm... I don't think it was really specified that he has to stay as sword master looking unit, and i really don't see the point of re-classing and pimping, as being separate contests... Joshua can turn into a 'ssin so maybe someone see's Assassin Joshua as being pimped? It certainly crossed my mind to make him into a 'ssin when i was thinking up ideas/

-Class pimping shall go by similar means, however class changes may occur(yes even for promoted/non promotable classes)

If you're allowed to do it on the battle sprites why wouldn't you do it on the mugs too? I really do find your comeback to Ken's mug very ridiculous... this is WHY competitions really should be run by people who know what theyre doing and don't change the rules as they go along.

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If you're allowed to do it on the battle sprites why wouldn't you do it on the mugs too? I really do find your comeback to Ken's mug very ridiculous... this is WHY competitions really should be run by people who know what theyre doing and don't change the rules as they go along.


Never changed a rule, goodness. And If I am so incompetent, why even post a reply? Sheesh Vamp, thought we were cool, apparently not...

Whatever, fine, class promotion is a go... I actually didn't even notice I put that rule up :P


No need to flip out guys, first time running a competition, just have to remind me nicely, I wasn't a jerk to him!

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Herp, eyes are better, but the nose... The nose is irking me now.

Oh well, it's improvement.

The nose...take this with a grain of salt because I suck and fail at spriting, but I think the outline is too thick and possibly it's over too far to the left.

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The nose...take this with a grain of salt because I suck and fail at spriting, but I think the outline is too thick and possibly it's over too far to the left.

I tried to fix it, but I couldn't :<

I spent a good 30 minutes trying to get it right, said fuck it, and decided to fix it another day before the competition was over.

Otherwise, how d'you like the pimping I gave Joshua?

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Never changed a rule, goodness. And If I am so incompetent, why even post a reply? Sheesh Vamp, thought we were cool, apparently not...

Whatever, fine, class promotion is a go... I actually didn't even notice I put that rule up :P


No need to flip out guys, first time running a competition, just have to remind me nicely, I wasn't a jerk to him!

It's not that we aren't "cool", I just find it exceedingly ridiculous that you were going to disqualify him for no particular reason at all.

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I tried to fix it, but I couldn't :<

I spent a good 30 minutes trying to get it right, said fuck it, and decided to fix it another day before the competition was over.

Otherwise, how d'you like the pimping I gave Joshua?


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Actually started working on this as a new mug for my main OC Jerrike, I was using my self portrait as a base because I wanted Jerrike to look a little more like me, then I thought hey, the new chin I have on this thing could work for Josh, so I spliced in part of his hair(near side cheek) and messed with the nose a little, I was actually happy with those changes for Jerrike too :D. I then changed the eyes a bit to be more like Josh's and re-coloured it so It looks like him, and now I'm kinda killing 2 birds with one stone :D (It shows how lazy I am cause I used massive chunks of my Vika's hair in it too haha)

Funny how the colours and the eyes changed it from looking like my self portrait and Jerrike into a Joshua replica :S

Either way, dno if they'll share a body as of yet as their both swordsman, it wouldn't be too far a stretch, depends on if I'm lazy or not haha, either way I'll probably cater the sprite more to Jerrike(and his new naked-er design) than to Joshua's hatter coated design, I dno, quite happy with how this' worked out cause I wasn't quite planning to join

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General rundown of my progress, I guess...


Three points that bugged me.

1) 3 pixel line, it blended well on Jerrike, but with Josh's palette it stood out badly.

2) Outline on the hair, it looks boxed, make it curve more, or flick out like the other strands of hair going up the head.

3) The big spot of dark shade here just stands out, I'm not sure about you but I personally would make it thinner, and to the left of it I'd put a parting showing the seperate hair strands coming out from under the other hair which is going towards the back of his head. :/

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