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GG is such a douche thing to say.


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I have no idea why the fuck you're so pissed about this. And hey look, you even fucking admit you've done it before. You aren't a supposed "human resistent being", you're a hypocrite. A fucking perfect example of one too.

I swear I'm gonna get warned to hell for this.

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gg is the only proper way to end a game.

Now, gg is not always worthy. If a team utterly rapes the enemy team and taunts them about it, and then finishes with a gg, that's snooty and wrong. If a team destroys an enemy team and is still generally good sports about it, and finishes with a gg, it's the proper use. If a team begins losing, lets forth the gg and then ragequits, that's improper. If a team loses and then gives the gg as the game fades to black, that's clean and righteous.

In short, if you're a good sport about winning or losing, gg cements that position. If you're a (whoring/camping/rushing/slow/demospamming) faggot who relies on (bugs/glitches/luck/stickies) to get all his wins without (skill/help/all of the above), then gg only cements your position as a prick. Last but not least, a gg shared between two evenly matched teams, where one wins only at great cost and only in the final stretch, can make a good game into a great game.

tl;dr: Integrity lectures you on the proper use of gg. Tomorrow's lesson: gl;hf.

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