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Grandjackal's Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Playthrough+Review


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I know Cthulu's already doing one...But screw it, it's not like there have been multiple logs of the same game at the same time, and I am super psyched. So, let's get to it.

First off, I should explain some things.

1. I am going into this blind. I'd appreciate it dearly if you folks keep anything spoilerific off my topic. I don't even wanna know dungeon layouts, I am going to explore the everloving bejesus out of this game.

2. I am going to try being efficient. However, I do not have a thorough knowledge of the classes, or what weapons work best on who, etc. Even in past Golden Suns, I just had everyone be their default elemental class and just winged it. Therefore, I might fail at it a bit more than what could be expected. Again, this is something I would like to look through for myself, so again do not tell me anything about classes or whatever new stuff might be in.

3. Due to how I like doing my logs, this will be a sort of walkthrough (bar some points where I might have trouble spots), and it will have spoilers SO if you care quite a bit about not being spoiled on anything like the story, let me know and I'll keep it out of this, leaving it as a sort of opinionated guide through dungeons and various events.

So, I think now that we're done with the formalities, lets start this bad boy up.

So I flip on the game, and it says game card is being initialized. That seems kinda...Random. Regardless, the title screen starts up, and though it doesn't show off anything or have some sort of epic camera shot of something like Mt. Aleph, I can appreciate a warm sunrise of a truely Golden Sun oversetting a calm land. Then it takes me right to naming my character, though I signified nothing such as pushing start. As sudden as that was, I like the music.

Yeeeessss, original sound effects.

Game starts off basically explaining the origins of Alchemy, and how a nightmare came of it after the fantastic power was discovered. Thus it was sealed away. However, it is what was killing the world slowly, as Alchemy is what heald it together. The Golden Sun is what awoke the that power once more, and though saving the world it once again brought the threat...

IT starts off showing...WTF an AIRSHIP!? It's hovering over some sort of temple, then cuts to a seagull. It's been over 30 years since the Golden Sun. It says the ones from Vale were praised-or blamed-for their effort. Did I mention a cinematic that plays during this is quite awesome. Bac to the point, it seems that Mt. Aleph exploded during the Golden Sun, and Vale is gone. Violent natural disasters plague hte world as Weyard essentially goes through rebirth. Upon Goma Plateu the people of the now destroyed Vale still watch over the destroyed Aleph, which is now wrought with eruptions. Garret and Isaac chose to stay by in a cabin (...) overlooking the Golden Sun's place, studying the aftereffects of the Golden Sun. Their children are trained in the ways of which they were, as luck would have it there would need to be new warriors to fight hte darkness of this new dawn...

So it starts in the game, a cinematic approach to introducing you to yourself and Isaac, who is rocking a bitching trenchcoat and an amish beeard. Another thing I notice that puts a big smile on my face is in the top screen is your HP and PP status.

The music played is a subdued version of the main theme, and AW GAWD, the speaking sound effects did not make a friendly transition. It's livable, but at first hearing it sounds garbled. I notice it tells me to tap the name of my own character, and it tells me that I can tap such things to record stuff in a personal encyclopedia, which is a great way to keep track f progress if you ever put the game away for a long time, then forget what you were doing when you pick it back up, but that is not an issue for me as of yet.

So far though, liking the presentation. It certainly seems like the Golden Sun I remember, but I have only started.

Wow, are people really fighting eachother like animals after this cataclysm? This feels weird. Apparently it's trying to sound like an apocalyptic event happened, but...Everything still seems natural. Nothing's on fire, the world's not cracked and quaking, it...It's a pretty unique situation. The world's fine, but civilization is not.

Whoa, the continent has a name now! Angara. I can dig it. Also, Weyard is apparently a disk-like planet of fantastical magic. A certain british author might want to have a word with these guys. Also, Isaac calls out for the Wise One in the sort of way one would call to god for guidance or salvation. Isaac now seems a bit...More dramatic than I thought he was. I never thought him the type to suddenly...Do that. So, I'm a bit OH SHIT GARET HAS A MUSTACHE! This game has made Garet awesome. Garet finds Isaac's calling to the Wise One as silly, and also not going to save anything, calling the Wise One a hunk of rock. Isaac knows, probably just unsure what else to do until they find out more about the Psynergy Vortexes, which are distortions of space that came about after the Golden Sun, which oddly sucks out the elemental energy from the world and adepts around them. Apparently they were so powerful that they had unleashed a sort of unimaginable destruction upon the central area of Angara, the event called the Mourning Moon. Man, a lot happened the last 30 years I was away form Weyard.

Apparently, the situation has been made easier to deal with apparently since Ivan has made a contraption called the Soarwings which allow the user to glide upon the winds. Thanks to those efforts, it's become easier to study the vortexes. Ivan as the personal notes state now lives in the lands of Kalay. Speaking of Soarwings, they apparently have a pair that Karis is attempting to teach them upon it's use, problem being Tyrell got his hands on them first. "I'll be down before anyone knows it, Karis!" Clearly things aren't going to end well here.

Well now, it presents me with an opportunity to voice my own personal opinion on the game for how I feel about this situation. I feel like I'm suddenly in Return to Zork, so I am definitely smiling at this. I have the options of Happy, Gleeful (Difference being I suppose one is energetic, the other is just amused), Troubled, and Angry. I choose Angry because I thought it meant I would be angry at Tyrell for being a moron, but it seems I accidentally snapped at Garret. I feel a bit embaressed.

Yaaaay, game time! I walk about to the ladder to get on the roof, and I'm feeling the movement a bit more...I dunno, it seems a bit off compared to the other Golden Suns. Feels a bit more blockish. So, Karin tells me to go deal with that blockhead. I am given another emotional choice, and considering last time I snapped at the wrong person, so chances are I don't want to snap at Karin. It's starting to seem like less my choice and just shows that Matthew is incredibly bi-polar, especially since I react with "I'll be glad to" after having snapped at Garret. "You can't be happy-go-lucky at a time like this! Go get him down!" Ok wtf. This is just "Everyone be a dick" hour at the start.

I approach closer, then suddenly he tells me not to take another step and tense music plays. This is the dumbest hostage situation ever. "Don't get closer or I am going to throw me off a building!" It's like a suicide except he doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that what he's about to do will actually kill himself. I already don't like Tyrell. Tyrell jumps to fly, and...miraculously he actually maintains flight...for a bit as he starts to drop. Apparently you need stronger psynergy to keep flight, but you don't need it to take off. Tyrell says "But Isaac and dad can keep in flight", which if his pea-brain didn't realize his name wasn't in that statement. He starts to realize this as Karis talks some sense to him. A bit late for that as he starts to lower down to the forest below. Garret seems worried, thinking he won't last long down there on his own. Given another emotional choice, I choose Troubled, because I would be annoyed by this situation. Issac tells me I'm not helping, and I'm starting to think every choice is just wrong at the start, and I wanna slap Isaac in the face.

They try to tell Garet to fly to a nearby cave, and I try to further convince him by being pissed off at him. He tells me I don't need to be mad and I'm not helping, but I don't give a shit about Tyrell so he can bite me for all I care. He succeeds in heading towards hte cave, and Garret makes a mention that he won't let his son be eaten by wolves. I'm given another emotional choice, and I'm startng to think they might have abused these things a bit because it seems off at this point. I choose pissed because this shit wouldn't happen f Tyrell weren't a moron. Isaac responds with "Hear that? My son has spoken, so let's not fail yours". THANK you Isaac, for realizing we gotta go save a dumbass. Time to gear up.

Karis gives me a leather cap. It shows how to equip in a quick fashion with buttons upon the touch screen, so I like how it made that quicker with touch. Thank god that tutorial wasn't an obnoxious one that had to talk you through it, treating you like a dumbass. I then save, and it tells me in the top screen the situation I left at when I saved, which is useful. I open a nearby chest for a short sword, and read a journal that appears to be Isaac's saying it's been 10 years since the last Mourning Moon, so another should be coming soon. I already am a bit worried about that, because ti doesn't sound pleasant. I like how I can observe my surroundings. One thing I notice are notes upon a bookshelf, which teaches me about Move and Growth if I so choose to tap upon those things. I check the other note, thinking I'll find more info only to find a hidden item, Sun Saga 1. Apparently I picked up a book. It essentially recalls the events of Golden Sun 1 at the start with a sort of cute paper doll show. A metal xylophone plays as it recalls, and feel a bit nostalgia as it recalls the events. That was nifty. Heading upstairs I find another chest with Padded Gloves and a telescope looing towards Mt. Aleph, of which looks like a real volcanic area now as hte ground at it's based is cracked and burning with magma. Ok, apparently I was wrong...

Karis joins my party, and we head out. EPIC MUSIC. Yes, this is indeed Golden Sun. I check pots nearby an herb garden, and I get herbs. Should come in handy. Also, seems I can talk to people by tapping hte screen withotu having ot be right next to them. I certainly like that. I take a path (since it currently won't let me take another) into a cave. My first random encounter. 2 slimes, easy to take out as you'd expect. Combat flow SEEMs slower, but it actually isn't slower since enemies die when they die without needing to be cinfirmed by the messages at the bottom of the screen. Everything seems to flow more smoothly, but I still like how rapid the motions were in the past, even though in actual time I feel no difference. I run into my first psynergy obstacle and set Move to L, but at the moment I take a bit of time to see what we're set up with. Isaac has Move, Growth, the ablity to return to the dungeon entrance, and Cure. Karis has Whirlwind. I notice that it seems that Karis within the messages s weak to physical attacks because when she is attacked it ends with the !!! that normally depicts weakness. I remember to check the classes and see that Isaac is a Squire and Karis is a Wind Seer. Not surprised.

After hte cave, we enter Tanglewood, a place that seems to come to live and ensnare the brave and foolish who dare enter it at night. Wtf, lend me djinn? Err...I guess I shouldn't be too shocked. I don't see why Garet and Isaac would just let djinn go, but it seems weird I am given them so casually. It tutorials me in how to use Djinn, and it even shows off Ramses who is a lot more of a badass summon as he launches his fist into the enemy, and it's satisfying to see. I am then given 6, 3 Earth and 3 Fire. I feel awkward already, since none of those are Wind, so off the bat I am forced to try out different class works. I am given exposition about who should lead, Felix being mentioned. It says he has not been seen since the making of the Golden Sun.

The Djinn are automatically set to 2 Fire and 1 Earth for Matthew, 2 Ground and 1 Fire for Karis, making Karis a Diviner with Whirlwind, Bolt (Learned at level 2) and Cure, Matthew being a Ruffian with Fireball being his only new spell. I don't really mind these changes, but let's see what happens when we mix it up. If I make Matthew a Knight and Karis a Pilgrim, it results in Karin having less PP but better all around stats while Matthew loses a bit of attack for something similar. Karis loses Bolt and gets Slash. I do not like that. Matthew gets Cure back, and gets Quake. I am opting to return them back to Ruffian and Diviner.

A path is blocked to the left, so I go right to find myself at a umping maze in a pond, leading to a chest with an Herb and the way forward. Fighting is faster without the touch screen as a note. I test out Whirlwind and see it could pretty much wipe out anything I run into. I find a chest in a split path, it having Bramble Seeds which I recall being useless garbage. Everything here seems to be weak to wind, now that I actually notice it.

Oh sweet! Fireball's now an out-of-battle use psynergy! Time to burn up some stuff. Wait a tick, Fireball? I could only get that if I wasn't a normal class. Seems this game actually encourages you to mix it up. I navigate through the place, finding another pond jumping maze with a chest containing an Elixer. After that, we find the broken Soarwing, Tyrell not to be found. We enter the cave of which we told Tyrell to head towards. Seems it's an abandoned mine.

I meet Rat Soldiers again, and they look more like thieves than soldiers. They are resistant to wind, but Fireball kicks their ass. Karis lvl 3 learns Growth. This is great, because Matthew has some terribly low PP. I find a psynergy Stone, but...It shatters without restoring PP. Apparently, something wicked this way comes. We enter a room, Isaac saying Tyrell's close by, but it's dark and requests that Garret throws some fire around. He lights two plants up, and his third accidentally getting sucked into one of the vortexes mentioned earlier, which look like a black hole if it were purple at the center. We see Tyrell unconcious, the vortex having sucked his psynergy out. Garret gets pised, thinking he was "Brave" enough to touch it. So, I have to get close to the plant that is near the vortex and trapping Garret. I set it on fire...Oh shit!

Boss: Tangle Bloom

First off, not liking the boss music. Sounds a bit more intense, but too upbeat. Original and Lost Age had better. Anyways, it uses Bramble Seeds, attack normally, and defend. Just blast it with anything Fire. Fireball does great. Also, since Garret uses up Fire Djinn, you can summon powerfuls stuff. Dies in 3 turns. You get a Psi Crystal for your troubles.

The plant roots die and hte vortex shrinks. You go to wake up Tyrell. A Cure from Isaac and Garet wake him right up, or they transferred him some psynergy or whatever. We're told we gotta fix what he broke, and we're dragging dumbass with us for feathers off a Mountain Roc, which is apparently far across the continent. Great, so we gotta go on adventure because our parents are making us or we're grounded. Thanks Tyrell.

We're told to head to...Morgal? Looking up the encyclopedia, it is a country occupying hte norhteastern part of Angera, the capital of Belinsk at it's center. It is home to wonders like the tree village of Kolima and the ancient dock facilities of Port Rago. I don't remember a Port Rago, but still, definitely a lot happened.

So, it seems I'm going without Karis, only bringing Tyrell along. That just...angers me. We're gonna have to go through Bilibin (which has apparently grown into a country), and then through Border Town before Morgal. Seems Kraden's visiting soon, Isaac deciding he could come with us to help us, which is A-OK with me because Kraden is awesome. Tyrell: "Who's Kraden again? I only remember some old crusty guy visiting once". Garet: "Sure he's old as the hills, but have some respect for Kraden". Oh thank goodness that Karis is coming along. For you see, I will need two pairs of hands to slap Tyrell enough times to be happy. Our first destination is Carver's Camp, a lumberjack camp. I'm supposing that's where Garet and Isaac got their facial hair. Namely, Patcher's Place item store.Patcher's apparently the closes thing the refugees of Vale have to a mayor, and apparently isn't too fond of Tyrell, so me and Patcher will get along just fine.

So now we're on the world map, and my is it lush looking. Just what I was hoping for. As we leave for adventure, Isaac's djinn Flint comes to help us out by Isaac's request. I give Flint to Tyrell, since Matthew's powerful enough, and Flint makes Tyrell like a second Matthew, while Flint doesn't actually boost Matthew much at all. I only have Flint now, so I don't keep the ones given to me. Seems all that past was just the "Tutorial section", which though it had obvious tutorial portions did kinda fool me so I won't complain. Now I'm on my own, and ready for adventure.

I think I'll break there. Let me know what you guys think. In my opinion, this certainly is a Golden Sun game, and I'm loving it. While it doesn't start off anywhere near as epic as the first or second game did, I can still appreciate it. Music's good, battles are nice and fast, it's all cool. I would think a game with many menues like this would be made faster with the touch screen, but it's not. It confirms buttons so quick, that I don't even need to bother with the touch screen, since the touch screen seems to need to be touched very precisely to confirm in comparison, making the touch screen feel a bit clunky when it didn't need to be. But still, minor gripe, and I much prefer buttons anyways.

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Cthulhu is DONE his.

Anyway, if you're switching Djinni and people around, use some judgment about it. If you have 2x of the same Adept and 1 of the others, it's OK to have those 2 of the same element in your party if they're in good classes. GS2 and GS3 don't penalize you for using 2 Earth Adepts and 0 Jupiter, for example.

Whoa, the continent has a name now! Angara. I can dig it.

The name always existed. Angara is the northern country, Gondowan is south of it, Indra and Osenia are in the south-eastern part of the world while Hesperia and Atteka are to the west. If Angara isn't mentioned in GS1 (it probably is because Gondowan is), it is in GS2 (when Kraden explains where Champa is).

Edited by Cthulhu
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Cthulhu is DONE his.

That was quick.

Anyway, if you're switching Djinni and people around, use some judgment about it. If you have 2x of the same Adept and 1 of the others, it's OK to have those 2 of the same element in your party if they're in good classes. GS2 and GS3 don't penalize you for using 2 Earth Adepts and 0 Jupiter, for example.

I suppose that much is true. I have a good idea in how team construction helps in RPGs, so I at least have a general idea of it. I just am not quite keen on how the classes wor with the djinn is all. I'm winging it, you see.

The name always existed. Angara is the northern country, Gondowan is south of it, Indra and Osenia are in the south-eastern part of the world while Hesperia and Atteka are to the west. If Angara isn't mentioned in GS1 (it probably is because Gondowan is), it is in GS2 (when Kraden explains where Champa is).

I don't recall any of this shit.

Anyways, continuing!

So now I am on the world map, and the encounter music has changed! I am liking it quite a bit. I am liking it quite a bit more. Also, holding down A, feels a lot more rapid than with touch screen. Screw the screen for this game.

Anyways, one set of enemies I run into are Drone bees, and they do a wtf 14 damage to Karis. They down her in 4 shots. Been a while since I played an RPG that can kill you that quick. Whirlwind helps against these things.

I quickly get to Patcher's Place. Music seems vaguely familiar, but I can't put my finger on it...Anyways, first barrel I find has 3 glittering gold coins, and I jump with joy and glee. I enter the big building as it's the only place I can go, and I'm happy to see a full blown shop in it. I always like buying equipment, I dunno why. Weapon shops are just awesome like that. Tyrell seems to not want to be in here in the slightest. I get the feeling he just hates Patcher. Speaking of, he shouts out from the balcony. He welcomes me, says hello to Karis, and goes off on Tyrell for nearly burning down his store. I am at this point very willing to sacrifice Tyrell for any reason at any chance. I would sell him for pocket change, I swear. Tyrell is quite bitter about the fact Patcher's never going to forgive him for it (because you know, the last opportunity in a world going through hell for a village that was destroyed to stay alive has a lot of room for forgiveness) that he starts flaring up with psynergy, nearly doing it AGAIN! God, I fucking HATE this imbecile! We try to think of a way to get Patcher to tell us info now that he's upset over seeing Tyrell again (I can relate, but I have to see this motherfucker every second of my day!). Karis gives him a brow beating, Tyrell acts like a cunt as if he was doing nothing wrong, so we ignore him and try to think of how to get Patcher talking again. I suggest we get pissed, because that always works. Tyrell says he is lucky to have friends watching his back like that. I wonder what the fuck he's talking bout since that had nothing to do with him and Karis says we like him for how he is. I HOPE she's just acting in order to not be rude, because who the fuck is "we" in this statement? Sure as hell isn't me! I hope Karis loosens up because there's no need NOT to be rude to Tyrell, he deserves everything bad that comes his way.

Whoa cool, I gets a bow! That's a new. I give it to Karis, because it gives her actually good attack power, and has an Unleash. It cost a pretty penny, but through selling useless stuff like Elixers, Bramble Seeds and my out of date weapons along with the Saga book, I can outfit my group with the best weapons. Only armor I need is 2 Shields, and I have just enough for them thanks to selling my last Short Sword. I show up and automatically I can outfit everyone with the latest gear. 6 coins for a rest? Man, I just got the best out of this place on arrival.

I notice doors to backrooms, so I commence the pillaging! I find an herb, another Elixer, an Antidote, Sun Saga 2 (more free cash for me since I already know the original stories), 11 Coins, and an Oil Drop in my raid. I see a Mars Djinn on a cliff, and notice the nearby Psynery Training Grounds looking to be what helps reach it. I obviously want it, so time to go get it!

Psynergy Training Grounds

Huh. Apparently if I make it through, I'll get a card that allows me access to Konpa Ruins...Whatever the hell those are. I ask about what the hell the place is, and it's a timed maze. I notice cardboard cut outs with sketched up images of hte Kolima Tree and Saturos, which makes me snicker a bit. I take a bit of time to realize that I could climb the tree, so after pushing some pillars I was able to jump over to a cliff, climb down another tree, use growth to get the Forge Djinn. I decide to give it to Karis, as it seems it wouldn't do much for Matthew.

So I go through the training ground, representing hte 4 light houses. I blaze through them pretty simply aside from where I got stuck on Kolima because I forgot how to climb trees even though I just DID. So I get to the end, and I'm facepalming...

Boss: Dim Dragon

I am fighting a cheap carnival cardboard cut out of the final boss of The Lost Age...

Seems it is weak to Fire, so put that to good use as much as you can, despite the fact you've been blasting out fireballs all day. It has Scary Jynx, which is a freaking doom spell! How does this thing have a doom spell? It also has Pebble Breath, which is a shitty attack. Sizzle Breath is not. 38 damage. Ouch. Forge is great for when you run out of PP fore Fireball. It goes down easily enough. Too slow to compete, and Cure is seriously powerful stuff. There's no way it could have possibly killed me. I got a nut for my troubles.

Also, wtf is this? I mastered unleashes?

Anyways, I got the gate card, so I'm moving on.

Goblinks? Tough bastards, but not threatening with their damage. Matthew learns Spire at lvl 6.

So now I enter some pathway of lumberjacks or something, showing I'm close to Carver's. I notice the Jupiter Djinn, which means goodies and treasure and power. The dungeon's pretty straightforward as it basically tells you what to do. OH SHIT APES!! Wait, wtf just happened? I did an Unleash that I didn't actually have, like Spin Cut. How did I do that? I am confused. Oh sweet, some Mint!

Second area I do some log pushing to allow me access to a treasure chest after some tree climbing and whirl plant jumping, getting me Themis's Axe. 12 attack power to 30. That is several kinds of badass. I see a Jupiter Djinn, but can find no way currently to get it, so I forge ahead noticin a path beyonf that might have me wrap back to get it. BUT, something kinda gets in the way...Kid about to fall off a bridge because a vortex showed up and tore the bridge to hell. They have the gall to think it's OUR fault when they see us! Fuck these guys, man...Carver is sensible, until we hatch the brilliant scheme of catapulting him to the other side by flinging him with a new psynergy in a busted up gondola. Carver just won the Darwin Award. Well, the gondolas are broke, and I have no way to cross the pass. I'm told the Konpa Ruins is another path to Bilibin. Thank god I got the gate pass when I did, I would have been pissed if I had to go back. Now to swing around and get that Djinn. I encounter a Rat on my way. I remember these annoying things, with their defending crap. Whirlwind the hell out of it and it's Ape friend. Did I mention 2 apes here is a scary-ass encounter? They don't go down easy, I tell ya.

Fight: Jupiter Djinn

Of course I have to fight this thing on this long-ass passage. If this thing runs, I'm going to snap. Just slam it with Spire andFlint. Shouldn't go past 2 battle phases. Gust Get! It gives Isaac minor boosts to his stats like the other Djinn, but on the other hand I get Gaia and a lot of PP....Wait, that's bad still. I want a Mercury Djinn, because thisclass seems kinda awful. In fact, I might just keep it on Standby instead. The boosts are trivial anyways, I want my better spells. I head back t the encampment of lumberjakcs, finding the store, in AND church have been fused into the same building. The bishop is downstairs, if you're wondering where he is. You can also search for a Sleep Bomb if you feel like wasting an inventory space.

Push the log near the shop and jump over, going down the chimney. Search the Jar for some Lucky Pepper. House up north has an Herb in a barrel.

Tyrell learns Spire at lvl 8.

No! NOOO!! Djinn in the world map again!! T.T Not these things!! Oh well...IT went down easy to double Spire (So intense, what does it mean? Almost seems like a triple spire). I get Fever and give it to Karis, who is now awesome. It's like she got a promotion boost. After a bit more trecking I get to the Konpa Gate. I see another Venus djinn. I pass the gate, go up and climb down a tree to see it hide, which point whirlwind it and get it. I give it to Tyrell to promote him, though I have to think about giving him the Jupiter djinn because though he loses spire and some Atk, he gets Ward which could be helpful. It would also at least give Matthew...Something, even though the boost he gets out of it are meager.

Mastered Themis Axe's Stone Justice.

Now I'm at the Konpa Ruins. I notice a puddle I can do nothing about, so I'm about to get a water adept. Enemies hurt like hell. I'm already taking like 36 damage from Zombies. First real dungeon it seems. I go up the stairs and to the right, taking hte path till it tells me to move the earth crystal. So I do so. Opens a passage to a rather simple set of puzzles. Room has a psynergy crystal, so heal up and take it if you need it. Continue till you're on hte goddess statue and push a button to open a new path. On your way back out, don't forget to push the block into the big gaping pit. The block's at the north end of the room.

Take the new path and whirlwind the crystal. Starts up elevators, and makes obvious whirlwind tiles on the floor. In the next room, get the Elvin Shirt and give it to Tyrell. It's around this point I start to notice how quick PP regenerates by walking. I accidentally used too much Whirlwind and I'm surprised I still have this much. I notice I actually recover quite a bit by walking. After exiting that room, ride the elevators to the next area. Next area has another block to push, so do it. Then, go back down and slide the four pieces into their respective spots to get a tablet translated. Do as you are instructed to gain KNOWLEDGE!! Now go back down and read that mysterious thing in the room you were just in. You are given a simple puzzle, just push the statues counter-clockwise. Ride the flower platform up...and up and up to the 4th floor. Take the left path, because the right path is impassable at the moment. The enemies I am noticing are either spiders or undead. HOLY SHIT, Skeletons are capable of doing up to 41 damage on Matthew, that's 3 hits son! Ooh, Karis learns Plasma. I am now happy face.

Continuing, you'll enter a room out here to find a Grip Crystal, of which then locks you in. Interesting twist, only Earth Adepts can equip this, forcing certain items into people's inventory. Grip is a pretty fun Psynergy, and I'll enjoy using it. Head for the roof and use your grip to obtain the Jupiter Djinn Jolt after a fight. Careful, it has Ray which SUCKS to take at this point in the game. At this point I have 2 Jupiter Dinns, and the boosts I get for Matthew are now too big to ignore despite losing Cure. I opt to have them equipped for now, but I can only heal outside of battle without herbs at the moment.

The path from there is pretty straightforward. Keep going till you find hte fire crystal, and you should know what to do from there. After ding that, use Fireball on the block you had passed and ride the elevator back down to do the same on that giant block at the entrance. You make stairs. Enter the new caves, heal and refill your PP if you need to. I start to get a bad feeling something big's coming up. You can score an easy Elven Rapier in a chest in this cave, so after getting it continue. I'd give the Rapier to Tyrell.

You enter a new room, seeing a massive vortex along with...Kraden! And his apprenctice...Nowell? Hn. Whatever, she's clearly the new water adept. Nowell mentions Belinsk, a city we've heard of before, and I tap it. Apparently it is the capital of Morgal as we know, but it is a country of beastmen. A bastion for both military might and cultural sophistication. So they drink tea with their pinkies extended and then beat your asson a professional level. Needless to say, I am intrigued. We see Reif as he proceeds to be mystified by the vortex and getting closer to it. Seems we have another moron on our hands. Seems Nwell is more strict with people than Kraden is, because Kraden was too distracted, only piping in on scolding Reif after Nowell already did, repeating what she said word for word. Kraden over the years has lost respect for hte value of life. Or, he's just as oblivious as usual. Weirdly enough when it pulsed, Kraden heard machines starting...Weird.

Then suddenly, CYBORG NINJAS OH SHIT!!

Boss Fight: 3 Sneaky Scouts

Ok, these are probably the most well armored guys I've seen in Golden Sun, and they wield crossbows.

WHAT THE FUCK, PSY GRENADE!? They just made 30 PP vanish from one guy and took 15 from another! Fuck! Goddamn, and there's 3 of them! They could wipe out my entire PP supply in one turn if they wanted! Use your PP while you can, they can make it vanish in an instant! Grenades in medieval ages! Wtf is going on!?

Ouch, Stifle Shot! Does quite a number of damage and does a painful blow to your Agility, and Stun Shot also sucks out of hte off chance it paralyzes. They even use Herbs. These guys are serious business. But still, they're no might to withstand your Ray and Gaia spells, or hte Elven Rapier since they seem weak to that just in general. This is sort of like hte fight with the thieves, or Briggs.

Karis learns Wind Slash at level 10. These guys give a ton of EXP, and drop a Psy Grenade.

So battle concludes...Reif is missing. Well damn. Then someone makes a claim about how we as Vail Adepts are quite powerul, the rumors being true. Some shady figure from out of nowhere...They didn't want to reveal themselves too soon, but it seems they are worried we found their machine. One of them doesn't know us, but the other does...In fact, whoever it is knows Kraden seemingly well. WTF they know my name! They seem to have an interest in the Glyph Book it seems, something I just thought was some treasure that lets me read heiroglyphics like the book of Mudora. They come from above on a...Mechanized lift? Ok, those things WERE Cyborg Ninjas, and one with spiked hair is Blados. Oh, and Alex is the terminator now. It says he's a masked man, but it still shows plenty of his face, and the fact he is Alex with a mask. This man is Alex, there is no mystery being hidden here, not that there would be a mystery. Also, Blados is a dick. He clearly has no patience. He's also got a big goddamn katana by the looks of it. It's as long as he is tall. *Sees portrait of masked man in a speech bubble* Yeah, this is Alex. Kraden recognizes his voice. It's Alex.

Seems we have to make a detour for our quest for Mountain Roc feathers. We gotta take a southern exit through these caves to the town of Barappa or something like that. Problem being, the vortex will become too big and we cannot return back to follow Kraden, instead having to go north through the Khiren Mountains. We will meet in Belinsk when all is said and done.

Tyrell: Well, I guess when life throws you bad luck, just gotta roll with the punches.

Karis: Fairly positive thing for you to say. Usually I expect you to be kicking and screaming when life throws you through loops.

Tyrell: Well, one of us has to be the grown-up here.

Ok I laughed at that a bit. Tyrell won a couple points back for that. We'll be heading to the Ei-ei region regardless, of which includes Ayuthay, Kaocho, Sana and Champa of which are considered sophisticated and prosperous areas...Champa? Sophisticated? I really HAVE been away too long!

Continue with the pushing puzzle ahead, and then see your path back get blocked by explosives from these strange soldiers, Blados included, saying he only wished to say goodbye. This dude is weird. He seems to have great respect for warriors it seems...Very weird. Well, best leave. Otherwise he'll take the whole damn place down. It'snot nice to know that he seems to know about Karis...and her father Ivan...

We leave the cave to be greeted by...a bouncing crate. Are we tripping on acid right now? Did we just overdose on crazy pills? Wtf! We open it to find Rief is in it. So we catch up with Rief and-GAHH, Blados is back with that music coming out of nowhere! For fucks sakes man, at least clear your throat so we aren't having a heart attack when you show up, sheesh! He appears...just to troll us now! Make up your mind Blados! He seems to just come to say he's got us trapped, having blocked our path like we didn't know that from 5 seconds ago! Dickhead. Regardless, it seems there's a reason he's doing this, of which there is a point he's not telling us. Once that purpose is served (Whatever it is), he doesn't have to let us live any longer than that. So he leaves by use of rappel cables, Blados himself using his own weird stretchy hand. Don't leave quite yet. Take a right, climb the tree and make yourway around to the left side after using growth. Enter the cave for a Cookie. The Wise One statue fully heals you. NOW leave.

Mastered Vorpal Slash, yaaayyy! Lvl 11 learned Astral Blast with Matthew!

Go south, but do not be so quick to go down the cliff. Go left to a cave, using douse on the tourches and moving along normally to get the summon Magaera! Also, chest is empty. Then go south along hte beach to reach Harapa.

I shall take a break here. Definitely digging this game, despite that random moment just minutes ago...

But in the mean time, to those of you better in the know at the moment, my loadout of djinn is currently this.

Matthew-2 Jupiter

Tyrell-2 Venus

Karis-2 Mars

Reif-1 Mercury

Should I perhaps try to find a better mix for the moment, or wait till I find a Mercury Djinn? Because with Reiff having Ply, I'm no longer in need of a healer since he fills the roll.

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So now I enter some pathway of lumberjacks or something, showing I'm close to Carver's. I notice the Jupiter Djinn, which means goodies and treasure and power. The dungeon's pretty straightforward as it basically tells you what to do. OH SHIT APES!! Wait, wtf just happened? I did an Unleash that I didn't actually have, like Spin Cut. How did I do that? I am confused. Oh sweet, some Mint!

You're going to love this. All weapons (even normal ones) have unleashes. But the rarer the weapon, the more unleashes it has and the better they are. Take the Masamune (lategame weapon but it's a staple in every RPG so I'm not giving anything away). The Masamune has the Double Attack unleash, Rising Dragon unleash and Combat Dance unleash. Any one of these three can be unleashed when you hit Attack.

Basically, Camelot boosted the Attack button. Thank god for that.

Matthew-2 Jupiter

Tyrell-2 Venus

Karis-2 Mars

Reif-1 Mercury

Should I perhaps try to find a better mix for the moment, or wait till I find a Mercury Djinn? Because with Reiff having Ply, I'm no longer in need of a healer since he fills the roll.

Sorry to say but you missed the first Mercury Djinni and it's permanently miss-able. I did the same thing too so don't feel bad.

Also, Apprentice/Page actually got a downgrade in this game. Big time. Page is workable but Matthew's Gaia no longer destroys face like how his father did (Goma Cave up to the end of Tret Tree simply bowed down to Gaia).

Edited by Cthulhu
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You're going to love this. All weapons (even normal ones) have unleashes. But the rarer the weapon, the more unleashes it has and the better they are. Take the Masamune (lategame weapon but it's a staple in every RPG so I'm not giving anything away). The Masamune has the Double Attack unleash, Rising Dragon unleash and Combat Dance unleash. Any one of these three can be unleashed when you hit Attack.

Basically, Camelot boosted the Attack button. Thank god for that.

I kinda figured after a bit more playing. Still, that's cool.

Sorry to say but you missed the first Mercury Djinni and it's permanently miss-able. I did the same thing too so don't feel bad.

That's several kinds of stupid. Tell me where it is, because I hate it when that happens. If it's one of those ones on the world map, I'm gonna choke somebody.

Also, Apprentice/Page actually got a downgrade in this game. Big time. Page is workable but Matthew's Gaia no longer destroys face like how his father did (Goma Cave up to the end of Tret Tree simply bowed down to Gaia).

Again I wouldn't know, I'm just winging it. All I know is that without some Mercury, Matthew's not that impressive.

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I kinda figured after a bit more playing. Still, that's cool.

That's several kinds of stupid. Tell me where it is, because I hate it when that happens. If it's one of those ones on the world map, I'm gonna choke somebody.

According to the Djinn guide:

Located right below the broken bridge at Carver's Camp. Climb down the ladder near a man and a tree, then "Growth" on the plant and climb down.

Again I wouldn't know, I'm just winging it. All I know is that without some Mercury, Matthew's not that impressive.

Tbh slapping some fire djinn on Matthew isn't bad for early-mid game as well. If you have Matthew and Tyrell as Ruffians/Savages and then Karis and Rief/Amiti as Elders/Scholars it works out pretty well due to having two people who are heavy offense while having two other people who can Impact both of them on the same turn and not just that, but also have Wish as well.

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That's several kinds of stupid. Tell me where it is, because I hate it when that happens. If it's one of those ones on the world map, I'm gonna choke somebody.

Carver's Corner.

Again, I missed this exact guy too. As long as you end the game with at least 7 for every person, you're fine.

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According to the Djinn guide:

Located right below the broken bridge at Carver's Camp. Climb down the ladder near a man and a tree, then "Growth" on the plant and climb down.

Oh good, so I legitimately missed that. Ok then.

Tbh slapping some fire djinn on Matthew isn't bad for early-mid game as well. If you have Matthew and Tyrell as Ruffians/Savages and then Karis and Rief/Amiti as Elders/Scholars it works out pretty well due to having two people who are heavy offense while having two other people who can Impact both of them on the same turn and not just that, but also have Wish as well.

Well before Reif joins the team, I still find Matthew underwhelming, I'll explain why.

So, I replayed through cause I got salty for missing that Mercury and having a shitty Matthew when I didn't need one, AND the fact the game fucking roadblocked me from going back to get it. I STILL found him underwhelming. Here's the 3 classes he could essentially be.

-Good spells, but denying everyone better classes by hogging the djinn Tyrell puts to better use as outside of that, Matthew is underwhelming statistically.

-An inferior Tyrell.

-A mix of both but much easier to kill, essentialyl making him Karis with earth spells when Karis has stuff like Wind Slash.

Then Reif shows up and basically forces Matthew to be the third option, since Reif with everyone in the setups i have would make Reiff have Plasma, which is seven kinds of awesome, and Impact. So now the difference between Reif and Matthew is that Matthew is better physically while Reif is better magically. I feel Impact is the deciding factor here, so out of the 4 I feel that Matthew is the weakest.

Along my travels I did a bit better treasure hunting, scoring me an extra 123 gold in lumberjack town, a psi crystal from the Konpa Ruins, and a summon from a slight before Konpa. However, now I am back in PArapa, and I'm actually surprised how quick I got here compared to when I didn't know a damn thing. Ah well, not a bad thing in my book.

So, time to explore Harappa. The weapon's shop has some excellent stuff, including a Witch's Wand for Reif and fanciful weapons for Karis. Matthew and Tyrell should be well set with their magic weapons form before. Your raiding can include up to 15 coins, a Nut, an Apple, a Sleep Bomb, some Khiren Water (a new item that restores PP like Ether, this stuff healing up to 20 PP. Seems we won't have to be saving up Psi Crystals to help us in a magical bind while we're in some bigger dungeons), an herb, and the Cinder djinn (go to healer's house in the northeast portion of town, get up to the second floor and go out, douse the fire to the left and take the path). Gave Cinder to Karis, since Hermit class would suck, it balls Matthew and doesn't do much for Tyrell.

Armor Shop basically has full upgrades for everyone not wearing the Elven Shirt. Gear up, and continue. Northwards has ruins, but you can't do anything up there currently. That was a pretty brief visit to a town, but it had such great stuff to pick up. Continuing on, I head north outside of town to find a sign that tells me is that to the north I can see the Passaj (...) Mountain Climb and to the east is Kaocho, a powerful nation foundedby King Wo of whom wages war against Passaj and Ayuthay from his rich palace. So, I head north, ignoring my curiosity about what lies to the east.

Matthew learns Cutting Edge at lvl 11.

Wind Slash is hilarious. It makes Pixie fights pretty much pointless.

So I scale the mountain, seeing that with how the place is set up I can't quite currently get the chest ,scaling it to find a cave of which I will exit to go get the chest, then head back up. Pair of Leather Boots, giving a nice +6 additional defense. Giving them to Karin, because I want my main damage dealer nice and alive, since with how fast PP can regenerate and how powerful the stuff she whips out are, she is just devestating. I head back, and enter the cave.

Passaj Mountain Climb

I push the first thing I see, which is a funny glowing box. It immediately floats up...wtf. Must be the strange wind coming form the pit, because that was just wacky how quick it floated up. I push the other 3 because A. It might be important, and B. It's fun. From the seems of it, they can be affected by psynergy, but I don't have hte right kind since nothing works. Heading north, I find more blocks, and pushing a pillar to block wind tunnels. I have to push another block, and it seems they are not only floaty, but they push like they were on ice, and will fall like normal if there is no surface beneath them and if they cease moving say from hitting a wall. This place is already weird.

I enter the next area and discover to my surprise people in here collecting stuff. Apparently they collect the floating Zol from the strange wind shafts. Floats in hte air when touched by the wind. Funny, because Whirlwind didn't want to work....Oh NOW it wants to work! Seems Whirlwind does indeed make them float and makes them platforms. I keep in mind the Venus djinn I spotted a moment ago, since I can't get to it now. Gotta push a Zol out of the way, and it leads me to make a platform ot a Blow Mace. I give it to Reif, of which then I give hte Witch's Wand to Karis.

I continue on a rather straightforward path and I find the Venus djinn, and as I expected it wanted to fight. I'm actually laughing at how much Earth psynergy I don't have and how much ways to deal wind damage I have. I down it in one round. Thus I get the Bark djinn. I give it to Tyrell, but I contemplate giving it to Reif. He becomes a Seer, and gets great boosts out of it along with all the healing I would need, but he would lose on Impact, Prism and Plasma. In the least, I can toss it over to him for when I need to bust out Cure Well.

I'm now back outside, and I see there's a detour down the side of htecliff face. I decide to take it, and I'm met with an interesting puzzle involving two giant blocks of Zol, a water puddle, and strange disks. I'm positive this puzzle is impossible without Frost, of which I don't have, so I make a mental note of this place and decide to return later. I scale back up the mountain to the next area.

I notice a Mars djinn in a place I can't reach as I reach the town of passage, at the Cloud Passage I'm taken to immediately by Rief in order to find Kraden. I need a soarwing it seems, how convenient. Rief tells me the mountain we see is Craggy PEak, home to the Neox, of which are an advanced civilization that have created many remarkable devices of which I know nothing about currently. Formerly called the Jenei, they faded in power when Alchemy became lost, of which the Neox and Exathi followed them as they were the ones who mainly forged the alchemic machines. One such thing is the Alchemy Forge, of which is something powered by the elemental power and the encyclopedia vaguely states it is thought to create wonderous things. However, this does not change the fact we have no way to get the soarwing since we can't go back, and no way to even gget the damned feathers since we can't ggo forward, so we are at an impass. We decide to find out what's with the alchemy forge, and why Kraden was going all Doc Brown over it.

Time to raid! I go to teh church first, since I figured I'd work form the ground up. I end up finding a side room with a Zol pushing "puzzle", which leads me to a chest with Quality Zol. This place just weirds me out more and more. My raid scores me a Nut, 10 Coins, an herb, an antidote, Power Bread, 55 more coins, Bramble Seeds, and a Smoke Bomb.

I notice the weapon and armor shop as blocks with lines, like hte Akimbo Statue puzzles, of which the forge in the center building has with Zol, and that there is a treasure vault in the northeast part of town. Can't do a thing with the weapon and armor shop at the moment since the alchemy forge dun broke. Forge is an easy fix though, just aline the blocks with the lines to lead up to the blocs of zol in the corners of the room. The village elder gets pissed, starts thinking we're soldiers form some kingdom here to strong-arm the town. He is cranky, senile and old I see. Seems we need something called the Sol Mask, of which is apparently below Caocho palace, guarded by the Ouroboros (OH SHIT I GOTZ TA FIGHT HAZAMA!). I'll need that to work the forge (if that's the case, how did these guys manage to work it, and then get pissed at me for turning it back on?). Problem being, this King Wo fellow of Kaocho is military minded, built his kingdom over an ancient ruins of civilization, and seems to take out whatever Ei-Jei he can find. Shit, is there actually genocide in this game?

Anyways, after that talk, head north for the meeting hall, and check the bookshelf for the Golden Sun Saga Part 3. Go to the meeting to have them repeat information you were just told, but talk to them and they give some thoughtful hints. Baghi says something about some fellow named Amiti, and how we could do with his help. He instructs you to follow him so that he may give you something as to aid you into Auruthay, since it's A. Locked down, and B.Surrounded by Kaocho troops. He gives you the tree flute. Rest up, then go for the southeast art of town to find stairs, thus to take a lift back to the bottom of the cliff. Now you have an easy way back up and down the cliff. Time to head east for Kaocho.

In the forest parallel to an intimidating castle (probably Caocho) is a Jupiter Djinn fight of the wild. Do what you'd typically do to score the Ether djinn. I give it to Matthew because Illusionist gives me some serious boosts. +39 HP, +31 PP, +10 Str, +41 Agi (!!!), +1 Luck. I lose Cutting Edge, Thorn and Cure Poison, but I gain Gaia (so losing Thorn's no big loss), Astral Blast (which is Cutting Edge if it were awesome and a better offensive element. Well, Wind is great NOW anyways), and Weaken+Delude (Not that Cure Poison's being any more helpful right now). Matthew just became insane in like a flash moment. I pretty much just gained the freedom to spam whatever I want with him.

I shall take a break at Kaocho.

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In the forest parallel to an intimidating castle (probably Caocho) is a Jupiter Djinn fight of the wild. Do what you'd typically do to score the Ether djinn. I give it to Matthew because Illusionist gives me some serious boosts. +39 HP, +31 PP, +10 Str, +41 Agi (!!!), +1 Luck. I lose Cutting Edge, Thorn and Cure Poison, but I gain Gaia (so losing Thorn's no big loss), Astral Blast (which is Cutting Edge if it were awesome and a better offensive element. Well, Wind is great NOW anyways), and Weaken+Delude (Not that Cure Poison's being any more helpful right now). Matthew just became insane in like a flash moment. I pretty much just gained the freedom to spam whatever I want with him.

From GS2:

Thorn: 6 PP, 35 Dam, learned at level 4 for Defender (I think that's the new name for 1 Mercury on Earth)

Gaia: 7 PP, 40 Dam, learned at level 6/7 for Apprentice

Briar: 11 PP, 70 Dam, learned at level 14 for Defender

Mother Gaia: 17 PP, 100 Dam, learned at level 24 for Apprentice

So yeah. Losing Thorn right now isn't a loss but remember not to hold onto Gaia longer than you need to.

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Thanks for the tip Cthulu.


Time to raid, since I wasn't interrupted by anything special upon entering the place. I notice there's two djinn here! 1 Venus, 1 Mars. I can't get Mars currently because some punk is blocking the one way too him, and he's too lazy to move his ass. I find a library that has 29 coins in it, and I learn the former ruler King Wo wished to find the secret of unending life, and had a curiosity of the ruler of Tolbi, but soon came to realize the man took that secret to his grave (So Babi's dead). Nice reference there. So, I see a lillypad that would lead me to a chest, so I do so to pick up the One Piece Dress-I mean, the Sanan Dress. Can be used to reduce enemy attack, but might break. Regardless, it's a good defensive boost of +9 for Karis currently. My raid continues to find an elixer, a Smoke Bomb, 5 coins, and that's it. Rather disappointing raid.

I go to the weapon's store to sell the useless baggage I had, and it's weapon selection is poor. There is a Blessed Ankh in the rarities section, but if you got the Blow Mace, it's only 1 might stronger, only for Reif, and is ludicrously expensive so don't bother. Only weapon upgrade I can find is the Broadsword being +10 over Themis axe, which is just enough IMO to finally outdo the faithful axe. I bid goodbye to Themis for a ton of cash, and upgrade my armor. This town's pretty disappointing overall, despite how nice it looks.

I head north, trying to find a passage to the Venus Djinn, but to no avail since it seems it's on a path I can't get to currently. I enter thee castle, and it seems King Wo was expecting Adepts...Weird. Well, time to raid the palace! I turn up 1 herb. Jeez this place is locked down. So I head for the throne room to see King Wo being impatient about his Adepts getting here, and some strange looking woman named Chalis gives the king some reassurance. His other advisers Kan-Shuku and Meisa show their distrust of Chalis, Chalis responding to saying that the reason she is part of this advisory is because she is the one with the intelligence, which is quite the backhand. Though we were hiding, she manages to spot us, and a familiar cyborg ninja drops from the ceiling to push us out in the open for the king to see. Then, we get a sort of curveball. Apparently the reason we were sent here is to help King Wo by command of Chalis. Well, so much for things going well. Even worse, they want me to get the Sol Mask for them, which is exactly what I didn't want to happen. Then on top of that, they first want me to help with the seige of Auruthay. The letter of recommendation to the general says we swore to use our psynergy to help capture the place (which we didn't), the King says he'd preferred that the word "annihilate" would have ceptured his sentiments better. Yeh, things went downhill right quick. I give king Wo the finger, and Chalis decides that it's either that or death. In fact, they don't seem keen on letting us have a choice. We want to get the mask? Fine. They decide to send me to the Ouroboros...By pulling a trap door and letting me fall into the maze.

I fall 3 levels of a dungeon to hit the bottom which has a huge fan in hte center of it. Seems I got no choice now.

The Ouroboros B3F

I exit the room and take the one path I can to...Find the exit? Weird. Well, sorry about that, false alarm. I exit the cave, and find I have a one way exit with a part I have to slide down with no way to get back up. To the left after that is a room I keep in my mind as it seemed important for Frost, and thus I go right. I see I am on the path to hte Venus djinn, so I go get it. Well, actually I realize I could have taken the path whenever I wanted, since all it meant was going around the borderwalls of town. I get the Steel djinn, having no one in particular to set it too other than Karis. I decide to leave it off, as while it gives him access to healign spells, for now I would like to keep Plasma and Impact. I cannot get the Mars djinn, so I just continue out of town to go south to Auruthay.


I arrive to see it's mostly destroyed. I look upon the ashes to scavange what I can, finding an herb, an antidote, and the realization that I can climb up the tall slender trees this place has. The guards let me in once I show hte letter of recommendation, and they tell me I'll need a strong breeze to raft me over. I notice a treasure chest at the bottom of the lake, but have no way to get it. I raft other to another portion to find a tree, and I climb it. I was surprised I found an Apple, so I remember to climb trees more often. I navigate the next raft to the left portion of the place to find a Cookie. I give the Apple to Matthew and the Cookie to Karis. I see a Jupiter djinn, but have no way to getting to it at the moment. I enter the palace.

I find the two generals Ku-Embra and Ku-Tsang, who seem to be having a good time wrecking the place. Apparently there is some evil spirit keeping them from going deeper, and decide to send me in as death fodder. I go to the right, and up a vine and-RANDOM ENCOUNTER! Ok, this place is a dungeon. Tyrell reaches lvl 13 and learns Planet Diver, and I learn this place has a huge amount of twists and turns. I find the tree that was mentioned by Bahgi and use the Tree Flute to have me enter...By way of dizziness as I fall into the tree after it opens up. Inside I find Amiti, and am shocked that this guy is supposed to be male (at least, that's what Bahgi said). Tyrell wonders who he's supposed to be, and everyone treats us like we're morons for it. Thanks Tyrell, you've been as helpful as usual. They clear up confusion that I'm not here willingly to help Kaocho, and Amiti suggest I meet with King Paithos. Tyrell continues to be a retard. For now I can't raid, and have to opt with my following of Amiti. I notice some pots on the way and manage to nab 44 coins. The king is being fanned by maidens, and looking...Slothish. He sits right back up to attention when he hears adepts have made it to the throne room. The king is Amiti's uncle it seems. He dismisses his court tohold an important meeting with us.

Tyrell continues being an idiot who has no clue how to deal with court orders, but the king finds his bluntlness refreshing. I'm going to hate Paithos. The discussion turns ot Amiti's mother, of whom it is believed had miraculous psynergetic powers which brought their Alchemy Well to working order again, thus why there is so much water here. However, there is more to the story, as it nvolves Amiti's father, of whom Amiti didn't seem to know he had, convinced his mother had conceived through her grand power. The king looks away, and already I have abad feeling I already know who it is. Oh, ok, it's not him. It was some adept of great power. This was the person who put the alchemy well back on. He apparently just came and went...Paithos doesn't even know his name. This is actually...Well, awkward, but funny that thesupposed Golden Child of a nation was conceived through a 1 night stand with some mysterious magical stranger. He never even saw his face. "Love at first sight" it was. This man had apparently the Luna Mask to start the well again. As it would have it though, it seems the adept only got the well half-working, as it's capable of more, only waiting for Adepts of prophecy to finish the job. I have a feeling I know who these folks are. When the Forge and the Well are working in full order, only then will the land become harmonous with alchemic power. So we need the Luna mask for the Well (I misread, they still need their mask), and the Sol mask for the Forge. I am annoyed. I am told that the Ouroboros cannot be entered since hte true entrance cannot even be found, and I would need the Insight Glass to do it. It happens to be the Ayuthay treasure. Seems we must go to the Temple of Barai to go find it though, so yeah, great hiding of your national treasure. It's also...Underwater. VERY good hiding! It's at that submerged building I saw in the pond I crossed.

Amiti joins us, but not as a full on team member. Time to raid the palace! I get an elixer, and...Damn this place is beautiful. I stop my raid a bit to take it in, noticing that most of the place is submerged, and that there are stores here. The place is a bit expensive, unfortunately. Buy what you can, save the rest for later, there's no chance you will have enough money to completely outfit your group with their new stuff, especially their weapons. i continue my raid to find a Nut, a Sleep Bomb, and 35 Coins. I go to the central part of the castle to find a shrine that is hte Alchemy Well. Amiti wonders if we can fix it, and considering hte Forge and all, we should be able to do this easily. Amiti considers us friends, though having a hard time actually saying the words. He then has a moment of dizziness, hearing a voice that says "The Sand Prince welcomes us...". Lay off the shrooms, Amiti. A powerful figure of fire who has awaited trapped in hte Sand Prince Stone to find somene worthy of his powerful gem. "Release me form my bonds, I shall drink the pond dry". Well, sounds better than shutting the whole damned well down. I see a tablet of glyphs, that translates to When the face gazes upon an empty vessel, the great flow shall be reversed. I enter the next chamber and find another tablet with a big stone, of which I presume is the Sand Prince. The tablet says When the music of the trees blows through, the fierce prnce shall awaken. I heal up, save, then blow the flute.

Boss: Sand Prince

Shit this guy is powerful! He's got a pretty mean physical attack, and some evil spells like Eruption which is 10 HP off just OHKOing Reif (though I missed having him at full health, he dies anyways. He casted mpact on everyone anyways so I'm still good). Since I have no real way to heal, I just treat it like an endurance match, kill him before he kills me. Astral Blast and Planet Driver win me the day. Pity that Reif had died, but oh well. Not that hard, as he goes down pretty quick despite his powerful psynergy.

Lvl 14 Matthew learns Sleep, Lvl 14 Tyrell learns Flame Orb. Tyrell equips my new Sand Prince Gem, so now I have a new psynergy to work with. I cast it upon the bowl of water in front of the well to shut it off. I get healed up and decide to spend the fortune Sand Prince dropped for me to outfit what I can with the better armor still available to me in the shops, but now the place is dry I decide to do what extra raiding I can first. Score some Power Bread, 299 coins (YOWZA!), some Crystal Powder, a Vial, and a Dragon Shield. This thing is some serious stuff, +12 over my Bronze Shield (So for those of you wanting to take notes, only buy one bronze shield in Kaocho), and resists Fire. I take the one path I'm free to take, finding myself at a shallower lakebed. To the immediate left is a pair of Leather Boots, of which I give to Rief due to his fragility. I do some navigating on the rafts of which to get me to the right side of the palace, nabbing me a Water of Life and hte Jupiter djinn I found earlier, Breath this one is. I switch breath to Reif and give Steel to Tyrell, who gets crazy boosts out of it along with Impair. I find a pillar to push of which I do, and with more navigation I get a Glittering Tiara, which saves me from having to buy an expensive-ass 1300 gold Silver Circlet from the shop later. Only Karis can wear it, nd t deludes foes if used, so I won't ever have to use this thing for any reason other than it's magnificent defense. She now hilariously enough has the most defense of my whole team. So now it is time to enter Barai Temple.

Barai Temple

I decend down to do some exploring, and it's reminding me a bit of Mercury Lighthouse. There's even Lizardmen down here, and they are tough sonsabitches to kill quick. They also have Aqua Breath, which while not strong still hits multiple foes. I take the left path, as it's the only one I can take, finding a chest that's empty along my way until I find another pot of water to dry up. I go down the later, adjusting a pillar so if I ever rise the water level I can easily get back up to the pot, then go through the path to the cehst that seems to say the Luna Mask is here. I look inside and find...a letter. I read it to see that I've done well to come this far, but I have further to go to find hte Lunar Mask. I feel like we just had a Shigesato Itoi moment. I reposition a block and go to refill the waters so I work my way back around to grab the Storm Brand, which is 20 power over the broadsword (those keeping track, you do not need to buy another Broadsword). It has the unleash of Hurricane, and it's here I notice a Weapon Skill meter that says that Matthew has close to a notched section of the bar filled. I guess I give it to him then. So I go to drain the waters back down, and then down to the next level. I enter a room with several waterfalls, remembering this trick in the Mercury Lighthouse. I go to find a waterfall that holds a secret of delight, finding a Kimono of which I give to Faris (Agility Boost with Impact being the reason, plus I like the additional armor for the fragile kid. Resists fire as a note. Also, more money wasted on armor stuff I quickly got that outclassed other things). I find another secret passage in the waterfalls to find hte way forward by drying up more water. I push the blocks as to allow me access forward.

The next room I notice a Mercury djinn, and realize there is a puzzle in my future to get it. The next room has scales of which you can fill with water. Fill the right scale to continue forward. Fix the pipes in the room, fill the bowl with water. Continue out, dry the scale you filled, then fill the other to create a whirlpool in the center of the pool. Climb back up and go for a waterslide ride. Here we see THE WIZARD OF OZ, giving us a warning that those with the Insight Glass must pay heed to a Jenei warning telling us to not return Alchemy to the world. Those who hold hte glass must fight against Alchemy's return. The Insight Psynergy allows the user to see the true solution to something, what should be done next. Amiti gains the Insight Glass and attempts to use it. Something about whirlwind. It works sort of lke a divining rod that way. We leave for hte room with the djinn when Amiti uses Insight again. It looks at the djinn and shows a Fireball. So I smoke it with one, and it jumps into the water. I dry the pot, I go down to collect it through VIOLENCE. I collect Surge. I give it to Reif, since I like the psynergy setup Matthew has now, as the boosts Matthew gets aren't exactly disasterous, just opting to make Reif a bit stronger instead. What does Luck do, by the way? Because in comparison, Reif's Luck is off the charts with 12 while everyone else is barely on the upper end of single digits.

I use retreat to leave the dungeon and go to the king. The king is actually here to greet us, worried that we wouldn't find it, but heis WRONG. Amiti feels a bit flustered, never having known such excitements of adventure before. We sort of need Amiti though, since the Insight Glass has chosen him and him alone. Thus, the king allows him to leave with his blessing, and Amiti joins us officially. But, Karis brings up the fact he will have to do something about his clothes, since he pretty much is half-naked.

Amiti: Well, I suppose I would stand out.

Tyrell: Hey, no one stands out more than I do, we just don't want you freezing up in the mountains.

Had to lol at that bit, Tyrell's dumbass standing out more than someone half-naked and wearing a golden crown upon his head. He goes to put on clothes fit for traveling (as in, put on clothes he wasn't wearing), and we put the Well back on. I go to the weapon's store and don't have the money after buying a few more bits of armor (whcih I predict will be pointless purchases in the future, watch). Though I do not have the money to buy these weapons, I'm skeptical on doing so. Vorpal Slash is great despite how much more powerful the Battle Rapier is on it's own, and all that jazz. I might just save my money in case something else comes up in hte next places. I'm a bit annoyed by the shops recently selling me stuff that regardlessly ends up being immediately useless, so I just continue on my adventure and head back for Kaocho. As I go up to exit, I meet Amiti who is now the most feminine dressed memberof my team. He is equipped with the best Aruthay has to offer. Statistically, he's as defensively balanced between Matthew and Garret, is the third strongest hitter on my team, but is awfully slow, with average luck. As far as Aqua Knight goes, he's basically a slightly worse version of my three fighters. I instantly recognize he has Piers's psynergy set, notably with Diamond Dust. I decide to switch him in for reif, switching their djinn around. Reif can heal from the back while Amiti does real stuff. Nothing's really changed aside from the fact Amiti is just better at fighting and has the same psynergy set. Glad to finally have a dedicated healer on my team while being able to maintain a solid fighting team. Reif wasn't really blowing me away anyways.

But, on my way out I run into Ku-Embra and Ku-Tsang...

Boss Fight: Ku-Tsang and Ku-Embra

Their normal attacks hurt, they got Gunpowder bombs, and fireworks which...Set a djinn n standby! Craaaap, as long as it's not like Djinn Storm I'm fine. Thanks for the free summon, simpleton! Then Tsang uses Dragon Spark and just beats my ass, nearly killing Karis and slaying Tyrell. I use a Water of Life, then another normal turn as Embra uses Cyclone Slash which is not only weaker, it makes Embra delusional, so fail on his part. Then, Embra raises their attack by 25 and I'm shitting myself at that. Luckily I kill them that turn. Basically Astral Blast on Tsang all day while using Arid Blast and Wind Slash while Amiti did whatever the hell he wanted. His Berserk Rush was nearly keeping up with Astral Blast. I gain a Rice Ration and a Plump Dumpling.

So we capture the 2 generals for Aruthay, and head on to Kaocho like planned. They don't even have a clue their generals are gone as I just walk out the front door. I return to Kaocho, seeing the retaraunt is open, raiding it for some Lucky Pepper. Seeing as I could give it to anyone I figured to give it to Matthew. I talk to the man who wouldn't move before and use Insight. He wants a sort of dumpling, so I buy one (50 gold, I don't mind), he moves and I get the Lava djinn. Give it to Karis to promote her to Ascetic, giving her Ward and Volcano, along with some great boosts. I'm just gonna go say it, Karis is the best member this early on. Wind is a godlike element early on, she gets Wind Slash early which is a devastatingly powerful multi-hit move to just wipe out hordes of enemies, and still remains powerful on bosses. Even more, it's not so expensive on PP that she can run out of it any time soon. Then as soon as I start feeling hte need for some elemental variety, she not only gets Volcano, she gets a support move in Ward which is great to have when I start fighting more magical bosses. She's even pretty good on defense (despite her somewhat average HP), and her attack stat is decent! What the hell, man!?

As far as other team members go, Tyrell has been solid throughout, though he hasn't had multi-target abilities until just now with Arid Heat, which while stupidly powerful are also stupidly expensive for Tyrell's tiny PP pool. Despite his meh psynergy pool, he's probably got the best stats all around. As for Matthew, he was underwhelming at the start until he got that second Jupiter, which point he was doing swimingly. Gaia while not my strongest multi-target helps give him variety, and Astral Blast makes sure he's my strongest single-target hitter. Reif?...Well let's just say that when I got Amiti, there's no question I had about switching Reif out. The difference between them is that Amiti sacrifices a large amount of luck for competent combat stats and a better weapon selection, since they basically have the same psynergies (aside from Amiti having Diamond Dust if he goes pure water). Amiti is just Reif but better. Not like Reif can't be helpful though. In hte backlines, he can still switch in for a member badly hurt to at least act as my healer now, and can heal me competently out of battle without having to worry about his PP stock.

I will break here.

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As far as other team members go, Tyrell has been solid throughout, though he hasn't had multi-target abilities until just now with Arid Heat, which while stupidly powerful are also stupidly expensive for Tyrell's tiny PP pool. Despite his meh psynergy pool, he's probably got the best stats all around.

Arid Scorch means that you should tailor the party to help out Tyrell on the PP side of things. I don't usually like doing that but Arid Scorch will do DOUBLE anything you have right now (I believe that it has a Dam of 150) so I believe that it is worth it. That means that Tyrell gets first pick of Jupiter Djinni.

Mars and Earth will go to Crown and Harmony while Matthew and Karis have Mercury. Mind you, neither of them actually mind Mercury, what with Karis getting Wish as a Savant and Matthew having Cutting Edge at this point.

EDIT: If Matthew is level 14 at this point, he wants Mercury. Look at my above point about Briar vs. Mother Gaia for proof.

Edited by Cthulhu
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Arid Scorch means that you should tailor the party to help out Tyrell on the PP side of things. I don't usually like doing that but Arid Scorch will do DOUBLE anything you have right now (I believe that it has a Dam of 150) so I believe that it is worth it. That means that Tyrell gets first pick of Jupiter Djinni.

Man, I was liking how simple it was up until now...Now I basically gotta rearrange everything.

Mars and Earth will go to Crown and Harmony while Matthew and Karis have Mercury. Mind you, neither of them actually mind Mercury, what with Karis getting Wish as a Savant and Matthew having Cutting Edge at this point.

Ok, so I did a bit of rearranging. Tell me if I got the right idea down.

Matthew-4 Mercury (Cavalier

Karis-2 Mercury, 1 Mars (Elder)

Tyrell-4 Jupiter (Enchanter)

Amiti-2 Mars, 2 Venus (Diviner)

Reif-2 Venus, 1 Mars (Diviner)

Like I said, I have no idea what is best or how to set this crap up. All I know is all my Jupiter's now on Tyrell, and I'm doing essentially as you instructed with Matthew.

Actually...I'm kinda liking this setup. Matthew's statistically awesome and has a fantastic psynergy pool, Karis essentially hasn't changed much at all aside from trading Wind Slash for Plasma and being a lot...Easier to kill, and despite Tyrell being so much worse off than he was statistically is still decent and has the best Psynergy pool I could ask for. My only issue is that now Amiti is redundant to Matthew, Reif is pretty much useless, and I was liking how statistically excellent Tyrell was though I suppose his new psynergy pool just trumps it on a hilarious level.

EDIT: If Matthew is level 14 at this point, he wants Mercury. Look at my above point about Briar vs. Mother Gaia for proof.

He's always wanting Mercury, nothing's exactly changed there. Just prior to now, he's been wanting Jupiter to go with it.

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Ok, so I did a bit of rearranging. Tell me if I got the right idea down.

Matthew-4 Mercury (Cavalier

Karis-2 Mercury, 1 Mars (Elder)

Tyrell-4 Jupiter (Enchanter)

Amiti-2 Mars, 2 Venus (Diviner)

Reif-2 Venus, 1 Mars (Diviner)

Like I said, I have no idea what is best or how to set this crap up. All I know is all my Jupiter's now on Tyrell, and I'm doing essentially as you instructed with Matthew.

Actually...I'm kinda liking this setup. Matthew's statistically awesome and has a fantastic psynergy pool, Karis essentially hasn't changed much at all aside from trading Wind Slash for Plasma and being a lot...Easier to kill, and despite Tyrell being so much worse off than he was statistically is still decent and has the best Psynergy pool I could ask for. My only issue is that now Amiti is redundant to Matthew, Reif is pretty much useless, and I was liking how statistically excellent Tyrell was though I suppose his new psynergy pool just trumps it on a hilarious level.

*does mental calculations*

6 Mercury, 4 Mars, 4 Jupiter, 4 Venus, nachon? 18 spread between 5 members equates out to 2 people have 3 Djinni.

Here's what my set-up would look like:

Matthew - 4 Mercury

Tyrell - 4 Jupiter

Harmony - 4 Venus

Karis - 1 Mars, 2 Mercury

Crown - 3 Mars

Tyrell, Matthew and Harmony are in the party at all times. Tyrell is god of the netherworld with Arid Scorch (I will back this horse as long as I can), Matthew is an offensive powerhouse with Wish to back him up IF necessary (the IF is because of his low PP bonus in Swordsman), Harmony IS your healer and can also deliver on the offensive side with Mad Growth and Froth Sphere. He's also got Revive, since this game is lacking in Water of Life and Revive casters even with piss easy enemies for the most part.

Karis and Crown are on the outs here. Crown won't start working properly until he gets the Volcano and Wish series... which involve 1 more Mars. Karis looks shafted but she's actually not missing anything between 3 Mercury and 2 Mercury/1 Mars aside from specific Djinn bonuses (I hope you've been fucking around with those). But Hermit is actually not a good class until Hail Prism kicks in at level 22. Crown's got it a little easier since his Hail Prism arrives at 20 and he has Drench to help. Here's a quick little rundown of Drench vs. Plasma.

Drench - 10 PP, 60 Dam, /|\

Plasma - 8 PP, 45 Dam, /|\

Unless you can magically spike Karis' wind power, sit her.

PS: I'll inform you of the next Point of No Return so that you can go around looking for certain stuff.

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I've rearranged a bit, and of COURSE I've been fiddling about with djinn, I'mm just antsy about what is best and since there are so many choices with djinn arrangement I am always bound to miss something. It happens. That being said, with my new arrangement, Karis is indeed looking a bit sloppy at the moment. I decide to switch in Reif again for stronger magic and sururpisingly getting hte upwind in stats now that I have Matthew/Tyrell/Amiti perfect.

So, now I continue and return to the one location after leaving hte Ouroboros the first time. I evaporate the water in the pot, use the tree flute to open the way in to...

The Ouroboros

I go down the stairway to a central area with a snake ring at the center that I had fallen through before. Only one way forward, since one is another exit and hte other is an elevator without the platform. Going down another set of stairs, I arrive before a jumping maze nearby I can't reach, continuing to find a place that has snake statues blocking pathways with a block of Zol to whirlwind. I do so, leading up to the snake statues to move them. These are basically the paths to the maze I mentioned before, one of them being hte correct path to a chest, the Ixion Male. Resists wind and water, and having +9 on Adept Clothes. Only Tyrell and Matthew can equip it, and I'm not sure if I would actually prefer this over the agility my Elven Shirt gives, or the PP Tyrell gets for Arid Scorch with Adept Clothes. I sit on it for the moment being. I leave the maze, slide down and continue onward.

There is a snake statue lashing it's tongue out. Going downt o read a tablet, it says Snakes that flick their wicked tongues expose their weakness: a reckless taste for flame. So I go up and light the bastard on fire, move onward. Salamanders suck by the way. Capable of up to 70 damage, and are a pain in the ass to take down quick since they're quite durable. So, I continue on a straightforward path to nab an easy che-FUCK I should have guessed! Damned mimics. I get a Psy Crystal for my troubles. At least these aren't like trick chests in Shining in the Darkness where they just kick your ass for being none the wiser. Moving to the next room, I burn a couple tongues and whirlwind some more Zol to get the Vulcan Axe (Oooohhh, I remember this baby, did you miss me form GS1?). I give it to Tyrell, since the power boost he gets from it can no longer be ignored in favor for Vorpal Slash (+31 Atk). I'm considering giving the Rapier to Amiti, as he seems to have a mastery for Rapiers already. I decide whatever and just continue.

Getting the Jupiter djinn in this room is easy. Just move around tomove the snake tatue near it to bring it to the ground floor, push the zol into it then just go get it after a fight. You get the Vortex djinn for your troubles. Since I can't fit it anywhere more appropriate, I just let Reif keep it. I move down to the next floor, taking another straightforward path. I'm now in what seems to be a wind tunnel with lots of zol. Reading a tablet it says The snake will awaken when the wind blows. Only then may the Jenei climb to Sol. Fair enough. I whirlwind the big fan to activate a bigger one on the ground below me. I recall this being the one that I landed on when king dickhead dropped me down here. I head back to the elevator to ride it so I can get up and grab the Sol Mask. I save first because there's always a damned boss fight...

...Errr...No bossfight? Well gee, this was a dissapointing dungeon. Gets hyped to hell and back like it's some sort of twisted maze none can escape from, and not ONLY is it straightforward, but there's no bossfight. I leave Kaocho like nothing happened. Whatever, I head back to Passaj.

I ride the Zolololevator back to the top, ready to just slap the mask on the Forge. It lights up and WHOAAAAAAAAA The mountain's shaking and everythign is glowing red and moving around with fortress walls suddenly shooting up and raghraghraaaaa!!....Ok, Passaj is now awesome. Then back in Aruthay, sprinklers on the castle steeples come up and start spraying enough water to cascade down the walls, and bring life back to the thirsty desert ground. It then takes me back to the Harapa ruins, where I couldn't do anything, now filling with water. Old Man McCrabby and Baghi come back to see I fixed the thing for them. They're pissed I have Amiti on my team as if I'm forcing him along just to annoy and trouble the oh so fancy royal. Karis says he wanted to help and did, adn old man mcemptyskull promptly shuts his piehole. He lets slip we're the warriors of Vale, which Amiti did not know (Did we forget to mention it to him? Weird, since everyone but the guy with INSIGHT could practically guess who we were on arrival). After a long talk about nothing, I leave to raid the vault. But, I notice that the walls leave stairs so I take them, finding my way along to get the Mars dinn I saw long ago, it named Brand. I switch the Jupiter Reif had for it, making him now an Ascetic, granting me Volcano, but more importantly it nets me Wish.

In the vault I find a Vial, a Hard Nut, and a Prophet's Hat which I give to Reif. I briefly recall this from GS2, but I forget why it's so important...Whatever, it's+16 Def for Reif, so it's all good. I give the Hard Nut to Amiti.

I remember the weapon and armor shops, so I go back seeing the forges are working nice and proper. The armorer decides to work me up some armor as thanks, which is deeply appreciated. He gives me a Zol Ring. I give it to Amiti, because he appreciates the Agility boost, and what a boost it gives. Yeesh. I buy a bow for Amiti since he seems to also be great with bows, and I get a Psynergy Rod for Reif. From the Armorer I buy some Safety Boots for Matthew (it's not absolutely imperitive he goes first anyways), and I upgrade what armor I can. Some things give minor boosts and aren't worth the money, but I don't go away empty-handed with armor.

Now I head for that one place I had to go before. We try to ride the cloud, but nothing comes of it. Bahgi seems confused and for some reason Tyrell proceeds to act like the biggest dickhead ever, saying that Baghi OWES us for some alien reason that Tyrell's moronic head seems to have dreamed up and tricked into thinking was reality. Karis, my favorite character on this adventure, rightly slaps Tyrell upside the head. So, I'm told that we need to cool the cloud down to make it solid enough to ride, meaning I'm about to get Frost, AND I have a good idea on where I'm going. So, there is a legend that mirrors the Sand Prince Stone called the Ice Queen (...) Stone. Amiti proceeds to space out, saying hte Sand Prince speaks, saying the woman had stolen a gem from him and wishes that they do not proceed after her who had gone into some sort of maze. We guess Harapa because it's obvious, so we decide to go back. So yeah, this is hte second time we had to leave Passaj on the basis of things just dun fucked up.

Harapa looks even nicer now that it has water. After a bit of ooing an awing at how nice the place looks now, I head for the ruins.

Harapa Ruins

I head down and ride an elevator downer to...Oooh, finally unique dungeon music. <3 How pretty. Yes, the music here is awesome. Oh lovely ice with a beautiful look ot it all. I haven't even gotten into it, this may be my favorite dungeon ever. Going the right path to set up growth is all you will get out of it right now, as you do not have Frost, so just go left. You will see a great frozen floor, but the only entrance onto it leads you in a circle, so just continue the normal path. As a note, that ice floorleads to a great chunk of ice, so that is most likely where I wanna end up. Next room is a straightforward hallway into a room with an option for normal and ice ground. Normal ground nets you Lucky Pepper and a Bone Armlet, which is a nice upgrade for anyone wearing a bracelet. The IcePath leads you to a path downstairs and some other path. Go downstairs for some crystal powder, and a VIKING HELMET!! Giving it to Tyrell, and as a note it boosts Water Resist. I notice that there's nothing but Mintaurs down here that give a ton of exp for this point of time. If you're the type that likes to grind stuff out, you'll love the downstairs here. You'll also notice a Mercury djinn, but you'll have to fall from above to get it. Head back upstairs and take the other path.

You'll find a statue to push, so do so. Two paths here on the ice floor, one leading to the ice queen, the other leading to the Mercury Djinn from before, the Serac djinn. Get back and take the othe rpath....Ok, there's 3 paths, one leading you to the other end of the ruins. Whoopsie. I stand before the big chunk of ice and save. I am greeted by a ghostly voicewho is not thrilled to see me, and behind the chunk of ice appears to be some dude with a fro made into stone. She states she will not become your slave like the Sand Prince has, mentoning that she had her chance at freedom thanks to some random monknamed Nyunpa (This seems familiar...). Shatter us into a million pieces she says...

Boss: Ice Queen

This chick is a pain. Illusion Veil is Delusion on your whole team, Frostbite is several kinds of nasty (150 damage!?!), and she can cast Ply Well upon herself. Basically I just had Tyrell spam Arid Scorch while the other 3 attacked since they couldn't really do anything better (Matthew's Cutting Edge was not helping since water against water...). Tyrell was outdamaging everyone at once with that spell against her. Everything looks painful, but it's only deceptive. This fight is easy because Arid Scorch is retarded.

Matthew at lvl 19 gained Revive! YIPPEE!!

The monk onfreezes and OH MY GOD I REMEMBER YOU!! I think...I recall you being dead last time I met you. Ahhh, deep meditiation. Yeah, sure, good excuse. He had almost attained enlightenment, but due to the disasters caused by hte Golden Sun, he had decided to let go of enlightenment to save lives. That's super Dalaih Lhama stuff there. I have to wonder what the hell he's doing all the way out here though, and ask if it was he who stole the gem. Apparently he as one who reads many minds had been easily overtaken by the Ice Queen's will, being her puppet so to speak for her own freedom. The Ice Queen is given to Reif. Oh, it's no longer called Frost, but rather it's called Cold Snap. I freeze the platform to refreeze the water, go to push the button toopen my way back out, but being sure to take the path to the one treasure chest I couldn't get to until now. I give my new treasure, the Mystery Blade, to Amiti as Matthew has the Storm Blade mastered already and Amiti's off to a better start with it naturally, that and he attacks first anyways.

I leave, and try to leave town on top of it, though oddly enough the town became festive/not festive, which is weird. That, and there's a gate blocking my way. We're told to go rest, since this comes up every night. I had actually forgotten to rest. Thank you game! Wait, I actually remember a puddle in town somewhere...Ahh, there ti is? Navigating up to the walls, going around...Use Growth...Ok, got some Crystal Powder from a jar, and a Venus djinn in the form of Brick! Lol, Brick. I give it to Amiti, because at this lull, no one gets significant boosts anyways.

I return to Passaj and use the elevator. I remember a certain part of the mountain that required Cold Snap, so I'mma go do that. Simple puzzle scores me the Flora summon. I head back up to Passaj to get things started. I am alerted that once we leave, there might be no turning back. I live with it as I feel secure that I got everything I can out of this place. I go to walk the sea of clouds...

Clouds of Passaj

This is weird...The path is pretty straightforward though, so just go with it, and remember to use Whirlwind for the green clouds to make them move. At least the music here is epic.

Then I start climbing the world's most epic set of stairs....

Craggy Peak

Seems no one lives here...

I scale hte entrance to read the tablet. It reads We are gone, but you may harness our power to fin the way forward. I notice a Wise One statue and keep it in mind as I move a statue out of the way and enter. I notice a fan, blow wind into it, and causes the outside disk to push up a Grip pole. I look into the mirror I hadn't looked into before, seeing a Centaur instead of me. Weird. Gripping hte pole, I rotate the disk to fit the image it had, so I suppose now it's an elevator. Going down...

I ride down, and I notice the signs of the zodiac, noticing that Leo and Aquarius are lit up. I head for Aquarius first. I hit a random encounter, and notice the battle music switched back to how it was when I was with Isaac and Garret. I grip turn a turning uhh...Thing, but it's stuck. I try another angle, works like a charm. I notice a chest ina Leo statue mouth before I got caught in a random encounter with 3 faries. With Tornado and Wind Slash, these things can wrack up damage pretty easy, so do kill them before they do too much. Cast Fireball upon the Leo statue, go back to get the chest for Spiked Armor (Boosts Attack and Crit), giving hte Elven Shirt to Tyrell for a slight defense boost coupled with a huge speed boost so now he's first to act. I do believe hte Elven Shirt has to be the most long-lasting equips I've had so far. I return to the normal path to find a tablet that tells me to lift the jug high and receive the bounty of rain. I douse the jug, and I open hte way to the Gemini room. I go to the Leo room and it's literally a path straight to the Leo statue. Only flame can sate the lion's hunger. Ok, so Fireball time. This opens the path to Virgo and Libra rooms.

The Gemini has sort of a twisted path, but nothing off the beaten path like Aquarius had. Each twin seeks the other for comfort. Now this is a pretty fun puzzle. The Gemini statues mirror eachother, so one you push one, it mirror pushes the other. Get them to the two designated spots up top to fully unseal the Libra and Virgo chambers. The Virgo chamber has a path with another grip turning thing, pull form the left side and the path is obvious.

Amiti learns Revive at lvl 19. Two guys with Revive, for real?

The maiden must face all who enter. Use Grip, then growth. Aries and Pisces seem to be next after Libra. Libra's path looks like there's a puzzle involved, but it's just decoration. The four angels must find balance. The idea is that you must get all 4 of the statues onto the scales to balance. They weigh the same, but you are heavier, so whichever scale you are on you will always weight down. Put them on one by one, and it'll work out. Pisces and Aries open up. 'll save Pisces for now, go with Aries. The ram cowers from the flame. Basically when you shoot a ram, the two beside it (or the 1 depending on location) will lower. The idea is to get them all down. You start with the one at the center, and really it's an easy puzzle. A hungry fish will climg hte very rain to reach food. Well, just do as it says, easy enough. I'm rather annoyed that my sign's room was that simple. Thus, Scorpio and Cancer open.

Cacner's path has a treasure, the Greivous Mace....Wait a tick...I remember this thing being Cursed form GS1....*Saves, decides to equip it to Matthew to be further powered by the Spiked Armor* Ok phew, not cursed. The Crab can no longer swim. Just Arid Heat the jar, get it out of the water. Easy Peasy. Scorpio's though is...Not as easy. The Scorpion battles his eternal foe. You had an idea of what to go for in the path to Scorpio's chamber with how the statues were lined up. It looks easy until you notice the Scorpio statue slides over the hole, so you need to block it so it is exactly over the pit when it hits something. You want to get a zol block in the lower left corner so that when you push the other one, you can push it right against the soldier statue. Simple enough I suppose. Taurus and Capricorn are next.

Tarusu's path has a djinn trapped in a lion's jaw, so use Fireball to free it and then go snag it before entering Taurus's chamber. Doldrum get! I give it to Tyrell. A bull without horns must burn with shame. Will no one cool it? Douse, then Cold Snap the horns in. Sagittarius appears to be the last room after Capricorn, probably why we saw it in the mirror. Capricorn has it's own treasure, of which is a tease because it's actually a mimic. At least I get a Psy Crystal out of it as usual.

Reif learns Hail Prism at lvl 20.

Err wait, I got a Lure Cap out of it. It's a piece of shit. Not that strong, and just increases encounter rate. The goat leaves no traces behind. Now this is a tricky one. You must fit 3 statue pedastals into the correct spot, and wherever they have moved, the other statues cannot pass through. The problem is, from the looks of it flatly, you would think that the statues would have to cross paths eventually. So, Ideally, you'll want to leave a path open for one when you get the other two in their slots. If you find yourself stuck here, remember: Insight solves all problems.

So, now I got the Sagittarius room unlocked. The Archer's deadliest foe is himself. Use Cold Snap to make a mirror of ice out of the water, then grip to pull it so that the archer turns to face itself in the mirror, shattering it and weirdly enough, piercing an arrow through the mirror up above. I leave, now that I have the zodiac activated, and go to examine the arrow in the mirror, praying to the Wise One beforehand. I notice...nothing strange, so I use Insight, and it tells me to...Grip? Ok, I do that, and the mirror starts to swing like a Pendalum. Ohhhh, it's a clock! It makes pieces of ground raise up to make me a path out to a world map area. I can go west or north, choosing to go west. A long treck to a cave awaits me, an icy cave. I pick up the Vial, Grip my way over to Cold Snap the water leading to a summon tablet containing Moloch. I head back east to go north this time. I arrive at a town..and some dude named Ryu Kou is not happy to see me. Another fight's about to happen before some old guy named Hou Zan stops us. They appear to be weary of Morgal spies. Zan says we can enter, Ryu says we cannot. I wanna slap these two in the face. Tyrell: You two are the worst guards ever. That's right, piss them off more. Moron. But we do notice they aren't dressed for this weather, so they most likely have no right to stop us. Ryu continues being a prick before Zan punches him in the nuts (no, seriously). Ouchies, down on his knees.

I am now in Tey Ra village, and I will break here.

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Continuing on.

Te Rya

I start by visiting the weapon shop since there is little to raid in town. I'm met with a cute scene of a couple running the store, and I upgrade what I can. Simple stuff, but it's all good. Get Reif the Crystal Rod. I notice something weird in my odd visit to the item shop, seeing in the artifacts a Trusty Staff, of which is onl 8 gold. Out of sheer curiosity, I buy it.

Also, got the Fury djinn after running into someone suspicious running around. I continue raiding, finding a Nurse's cap (crappy equip at this point, but healing when used sounds helpful), and I was met with an odd scene asking me that fi I find an elegant bag to give it to a couple. As I exit out, that same suspicious person is mucking about again. Can't I just raid in peace? I enter another house and yet ANOTHER scene. Something about this Hou Ju girl again, and the fact some mercenaries tried to rescue her from Belinsk Castle, which proved a bit too well defended. Again, with the damned bag...Then those two who "greeted" us come to apprehend us again. This time, we don't have Zan on our side. We're apparently being too snoopish. Really now? There's someone far more suspicious than me running about. I gave you money for supplies you idiots! Well, we tell Ryu to shut his trap again, but this time he's actually helpful. Seems our path to Belinsk is a bit more troublesome than we thought, since it seems between here and Belnsk is a steep cliff. Zan, being cool and helpful, tells us of Teppa Ruins, of which we can traverse because obviously we are adepts. They really just want us out of here right quick. I finish my raid by finding an Apple. This town was annoying, and I'm glad to be out of here.

I ask the guy at the end gate if he saw a girl, and he has no clue (are you serious? She walked right by you!), so I do so. I see a girl by gravestones, and I do an Insight because I feel it in me bones. I get a solution over her head, which is a sad face.....weird. If that's actually a psynergy I don't have it. I asked around town, no one even mentioned some girl. This town is made of stupid, I'm leaving post haste like I should have a paragraph ago.

I head north.

Teppa Ruins

I see a nearby cabin and go in, one guy mentioning needing something trusty, sine his last fishing rod broke......Wow. Had I missed that stick from the item shop, I could have missed a djinn. That's kinda horseshit. Who visits the item shop? Seriously? Whatever, I get Dewdrop and give it to...Well, I'm sorta forced to give it to Karis. Promotions ahead! I continue on, noticing a cave to the side and finding a chest that hase snow fall on it. Oh no, snow, however will I bypass it? *Fireball* Don't even have to get my hands dirty. Water of Life? Very nice.

So now I enter the front door and enter the ruins proper, going form the good music to boring dungeon music. I see the suspicious person, and judging form the sounds of footsteps I can assume it's Mario from his 64 game. I take a right to investigate some lootening. The pots are empty, but I got tailed...They leave as I do, and I see them run still, so I follow it left, seeing it continue to run. I'm met with a close path and a far path, noting a treasure chest in the back. I take the close path, and it leads me after a simple puzzle to the Blade of Dusk, which I give to Tyrell. I grip to return to the normal path, and go for the far path now. I see the sneaky person climb down a rope. So I follow. I notice whoever it was used rope to scale the pit that I otherwise could have done with Grip. I encounter a statue...With a big red clown nose. Awkward. I hear a voice. It's from the person I've been tailing...Who had somehow managed to get behind me (Oh is THAT why no one saw her...). Clever girl...Well luckily instead of getting pounced on by a raptor, she seemed to enjoy that little chase. We talk amongst ourselves about how surprised we are of her capabilities, she mentioning she's from Morgal and that as such has refined intuitions. We're surprised she heard us whispering. Thus, Sveta is introduced, a beastman..er..woman..You get the idea. Her face is catlike it appears.

Tyrell: Whoa, she's a kitty-dog!

I swear to god, I will backhand this lout one day. I recognize her ability to use telepathy from the days of Ivan, and she assures us she means no harm, not that I'm any more comforted by that fact. Sveta's father had stronger powers and people came to hate him for it, and he back to them in return. She feels Karis not inheriting it is more a blessing than anything. She has an instinct though, in which she believes her destiny may change, and that we are involved. But she has other reasons to follow us, Tyrell jumping to conclusions about her being a spy, Reif without missing a beat returns with "Yes Tyrell, this is where she ust volunteers that she is a spy". Thank you, Reif. Her other reason was our...Smell? Apparently she found a bag under the rock wall, the owner she thought was unhappy based on the scent...This is crazy. However, she felt to return the bag to us, and there were people who were looking for a bag...She would return it herself, but beastmen are attacked on sight by these guys. Apparently they were chased out by King Volechek. Uhhh yeah, I can see why they'd be a bit pissed off about that. So, we offer to take it back for her. In return she offers to guide us through Morgal, of which then Tyrell sort of backs off...Weird...Did he just blush?...

...Ok, so after we learn that Tyrell's a furry, I take a vine up to the roof, then another to go dow, use growth for another, then I make like a tree and get the hell out of there. I return to dumbass-town, see some woman freaking out about the bag, saying it's too important. I'm now getting curious as to why this is such a big deal. I whip out the bag anyways and hand it over. I'm going to guess Ryu will start foaming at the mouth over it. Err...He actually asks why we did this. They say the debt will be repayed...Ok relax guys, it's a bag. Ryu speaks up saying the bag was Hou Ju's, but he packed it, everyone saying he is suddenly speaking out of line. He says we deserve to know the truth. She was arrested and imprisoned at Belinsk, despite not doing anything. The bag contained some of her things, and he planned on getting it back to her. Well, that was anti-climactic. The woman pulls out a note, gives it to the old man, and suddenly...the conversation ends. I hate this place more and more. I go to check what's up, but then Ryu and Zan walk by with 3 guards...I start to feel worried.

I go back to the ruins and get back to the statue. Sveta thanks us for keeping our promise. She then uses her psynergy to...slap the nose. What the...fuck? Ok, that is an awesome psynergy, but a ridiculous way to introduce the power of being able to pimpslap someone with their mind. It's called Slap Psynergy. This is just silly, Slap Psynergy? Really...Now she joins our team, wanting to hurry to Morgal having her own business, needing to catch up with someone.

I take a look at Sceta's stats and HOLY SHIT she's the toughest person on my team by a mile. 366 HP and 148!? 128 without boosts and 6 Luck. I'm willing to have her on my team just due to her statistical awesomeness. Even her PP is health with 133. I think to myself "She has to have an awful psynergy pool", and she doesn't. Wind Slash, Tornado, Ray, healing, and some unique spells like Beastform, Boon series...Not only is se good, she leaves me curious. Even her attack isn't bad, hovering around Tyrell levels with the Blade of Dusk. She does this with...BRASS KNUCKLES!? Sorry Amiti, but...

She even carries a Dried Lizard in her inventory, which is weird, especially since it acts exactly like an Elixer...I check what Boon is..WHAT THE FUCK, a HEALING SPELL? Yeah, definitely keeping you on my team.

Tyrell learns High Impact at 21.

I take a right after going down the stairs, adusting the pillar to get the treasure chest containing a Warrior's Helm. Boosts Earth Power and Crits, so this is perfect for Matthew due to having Briar spells and crit stacking with his armor. Did I mention Sveta punching out cave trolls is awesome? Anyways, I find another statue to...Slap...and I continue until an earthquake hits, makes a pillar crumble, and blocks my path. But nothing to fear, for Sveta is awesome! She uses her hyper senses to find a new exit. I walk up to a grassy hilltop, finding a treasure with a Mythril Circlet. Only one who can equip it is Reif, and he would love having regenerative PP. I get to a point where there are 4 pits, and only 1 is correct, and with tracking I find the right one, continuing hte path and cold snapping some puddles to forge my way forward. I find a djinn hiding, and easily trap it to get Vine. It's here I notice a class change to Scrapper and an ability called Speed Punch...I keep this in mind, and give the Venus djinn to Amiti for now, as I don't want to be experimenting in the middle of a dungeon.

We arrive outside finally. Reif makes a notice of hearing a loft of sounds like that of Sveta's Slap psynergy. "Perhaps it is the sound of the Slap Glo-" I'm sorry, what? She stops, saying it's not important right now. To the northeast are the Kolima Heights (KOLIMAAAAAAAAA) and Belinsk to the Northwest. Can't wait to meet Kraden again, the awesome bastard. Then we hit something that makes me nervous.

"Bilibin and Morgal are...not on friendly terms".

But then again, with how many tmes something off-putting has been, rarely has something actually ever come out of it. Karis asks if they're at war, and Sveta says she's been away for some time. We let slip we've been looking for a Mountain Roc, and Sveta says its a symbol of Morgal. Well shit, that makes things a lot more difficult, won't it? Sveta says she cannot help us get the feather. She seems a bit more open with Karis, though mentions that she likes Amiti, and Matthew, and Reif...I grin at the lack of mentioning another certain name. She says when we meet a group of minstrels in Belinsk to ask for a uhh...Shit, when I tapped the name it didn't confirm so I missed it.

So after that talkdown, I visit the nearby cabin. I see an old guy, nothing to raid and a beastman who tells me to admit I was shocked to see him. That was a useless visit so I continue.

So I continue and I find a nearby town...


Has a cheery jazzy sound to it.

FURRIES! FURRIES EVERYWHERE! RUN FO YO LAAIIVE! Seriously, I very much do not remember furries in the other GS games. Looking up my encyclopedia...apparently this is an effect the golden sun had on some animals, making them evolve into beastmen, thus...

The place is apparently enourmous, and I like how the musicians actually look like some sort of band, it looks like a cheesy chucky cheese show thanks to the graphics. Arangoa Prelude was the name of the person I had to request.

This place is several kinds of cheesy and awesome, but I'm breaking here.

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Gotta love them furries.

Remember to be careful with Stella once you get her back. She's a physical fighter, not a magical one. Brawler and Beastling are her niche classes but she fights for coveted Djinni in this game (Wind and Earth).

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I'm positive she can put it to better use than Amiti can.

Continuing on!


Raiding time! Nab me 11 coins, Sun Saga 4, a Sacred Feather, an Assassin's Blade (I give to Amiiti, trading the Mystery Blade over to Matthew), an Herb, Power Bread, a Muni Robe, 2 Mercury djinn (Spout and Torrent), a Vial (Oh shit, an opera house! Can't wait to fight Ultros), a Smoke Bomb, 66 Coins, Khiren Water, a Nut, and a Mercury dinn I cannot get to currently. Why am I getting so much Mercury!? All it can do is boost some people's stats, or change Matthew or Amiti into shittier classes! Raghrabragh! The weapon and armor shop are rather dissapointing, considering this is apparently a military nation of beastmen. Maybe they don't need the equipment to kick ass. Regardless, I get a Knight's Shield for Tyrell...That's literally it.

So now I go to the minstrels, requesting that they play some FREEBIRD!! Joking, I uhh..forgot what I had to do. As I lieave, a cutsene occurs, since we can't seem to find Kraden. We're overheard by two of hte band members, the pianist and the violinist about the Anaora prelude. They mention that they want to perfect the sound of it byhearing hte sound of the Mountain Roc's cry, thus one of their band members set out to do. They cannot play it without their 6th member. We decide to head west for Bilibin.

Lvl 22, Matthew learns Wish Well. Also, the Mortal Danger unleash looks awesome.

As I head west, I brainlessly move north and encounter a Venus Djinn, Gears. Seriously, how do they expect you to find half these wild djinn outside of accident. I let Matthew keep it, since it doesn't help anyone else as much as it does for him.

Tyrell learns Eruption and Resist at 22.

I go a bit west of that point, and I find a cave, my actual destination f Border Town just south of the river. I check out these mines, seeing a puddle to Cold Snap, and riding the tracks. First ride nets me a Potion, the 2nd nets me a summon in the form of Ulysses. Lucky the bomb I had t blow to uncover it didn't harm any of the pedastal, torches or tablet at all!

Now I head for...Er hold up, Reif learns Eruption at lvl 22.

Border Town

This place looks like shit, it's completely run down. Eh, oh well, time to raid. Got a Sacred Feather, and I am interrupted by pirates. They know me and Tyrell it seems, and Tyrell shouts out pirates. Smart move,because I don't want to deal with pirates. I remember the last time I dealt with pirates. They whistled a lot and wouldn't stop smacking me around and had a shitton of oil drops. Apparently they were sent here by Briggs to find Kraden as told by Piers he would be in Bilibin. We get a letter for Kraden, so we read it. Apparently Briggs's son was imprisoned in Morgal, and they plan to execute him the next full moon by boiling him. Jeez, and to think that town seemed so happy-go-lucky! Well, seems Briggs wants our help. I'd be happy to not oblige, but I'm going to have to, aren't I? We refuse to helpa criminal, and the pirates...Don't really give a damn. They leave, saying hte border's closed and the path to Bilibin is blocked by ice anyways, so the just leave. Briggs though is apparently planning to sail right ot Belinsk to fuck the place up with some cannon fire, which we all see as suicidally insane to one man against the army of Belinsk (this army I have yet to see). The pirates only hope is the crazy bastard just limps his way to Port Rago afterwards. Guess I know where I'm going after my raid. We talk about helping or not, just about everyone but Reif saying we should, Amiti actually calling the guy a sea thug. Amiti though is being a bit more stuck-up about it than we are, saying they don't deserve our help (the rest of just just don't want to). Karis says the world's not htat black and white, and asks me for reassurance on her point. I say no, because these guys are bloody pirates. It's not like these guys are "noble pirates", or a misunderstanding of who was a pirate in the situation, a pirate got captured for being a pirate, the end. Reif mentions that we're going to have to rescue that girl for Ryu Kou anywayss (Why? Who said we'd help that anger management case?), so therefore since we'd be in the neighborhood...We wouldn't still have to help this pirate! Dammit Reif, who died and made you president? I'm still here, and as long as I'm leader, we are not doing this! Briggs and his kid can go fuck themselves for all I care.


Anyways, continuing my raid. I find 8 coins, and the Jupiter djinn Sirocco. I give Sirocco to Matthew, giving Tyrell a Venus Djinn and allowing Tyrell to Enchanter. The Weapon and Armor shop as Kngiht Greaves for Tyrell which give him quite a bit of durability through resists and a +10 boost in defense. Outside of that, nothing. I am a more bitter person going out than I was going in. As I leave I find the pink uhhh dog womam sitting on the roof of a house. She umps down and asks if I'm a fellow music lover. Saying I came to this town to write music in the depressive atmosphere of the town that has war at it's doorstep, where a melody of desperation emerges. Ok crazy lady, mayhaps you've had too much caffeine. She knows we want the Prelude, so she returns back, telling us to find the other two members. Funny how this is a land of dog people, since it seems I'm being sent on a FETCH quest! Ha! Haha! Haaaaa! I'm not funny.

So I head for Belinsk as to move towards Port Rago. Amiti learns Wish Well at lvl 22. On my way to Rago I find a suspicious island with a bridge, and it leads nowhere...Instinctly I head for it, and wouldn't you know I find a Venus djinn, Furrow! Maybe if djinn were hidden in obvious strange locations on the world map like this one was, I wouldn't be so irritated by them. It's at this point I notice I don't qute have the djinn to do x3 element builds that are strong enough to keep up with what I have now, so I just let Matthew keep it since I can't really do anyhting else with it at the moment.

Port Rago

Raiding time! I find 6 coins, an Herb, a Weasal's Claw, 66 Coins, 55 Coins, Planetary Armor (Boosts Elemental Power, giving it to Tyrell and giving hte Kimono to Karis. The Elven Shirt has finally outlived it's usefulness), and after a random dungeon I encounter Briggs entirely on accident! Man, he has aged. He looks like Keifer Sutherland. He says Jenna'd be proud of me for navigating to this hidden pirate's bay (Apparently she is Matthew's mother). He wants us to talk to an elder for him, reason being he won't want to meet with Briggs. Apparently though this elder could help us nab a Mountain Roc feather. He tells us to meet Tret...Yeah, an elder, Briggs? You mean a tree, you want us to talk to a tree. Well, it is Tret, so maybe he could be of help...Granted that he's not entirely pissed off when we meet him. Amiti asks the real reason he wants us to speak with Tret, demanding an answer from the criminal as he puts it. Much as I don't want to help these pirates. Amiti is sure acting arrogant in their face when he's surrounded by these weapon wielding briggands. His reason is because Tret apparently knows quite a bit about Belinsk, and he wants that info to rescue his son, since attacking by sea ended in disaster.

Tyrell: I feel like we fell into a trap.

Briggs: I preferred the term "volunteered".

You see what I'm talking about, guys!? Amiti's a bit out of his mind, but he's at least got a general idea of what these guys do! Briggs is not a noble pirate, for the last time guys! Now we're kinda forced to help him. Great team, you guys have been awesome this moment. Urgh...Moving on. Err, as a reward he gives us Hermes Water...I recall this stuff curing anything way back form Mercury Lighthouse, a gift form Piers....Well, it was a gift to Briggs, but since Briggs doesn't know just how valuable this stuff is, he decided to "thank" us with it. Dickhead. But wait a tick! I'm not done raiding yet! Got a Nut, a Hard Nut, I find the other musician, I buy an Angelic Ankh for Reif and a Silver Bracelet for Amiti, some Water of Life, a Kaocho Dumpling, an Oil Drop, and a Mercury djinn named Coral. Man, what a haul this place was! I give the Coral to Amiti because DRUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIDD!! I lose Briar and Wish, but I still have healing, I gain Froth, and it's not like I don't have a Wisher or 2 (Reif, Matthew). Karis can become a Savant with it, and while she gets good stat boosts, she's still lackluster statistically speaking at the moment, and I don't get anywhere near as good a psynergy pool out of it. I rest up and head out for Kolima.

Err, I find Saha town, which seems a bit...Empty. Raiding time! Find a Nut, 7 coins, I buy War Gloves off the merchant and give them to Tyrell, 30 Coins, an Antidote, a Cookie, an Elixer. I then enter a well, and find a upiter djinn I can't reach. I head forward, finding another well behind a wall I remember being designed like hte makeshift one between Bilibin and Kolima. I enter the well, see the way to the djinn is blocked by a rock I don't have the psynergy to break. I move forward, and I pop up form another well with some gloomy music. I have a feeling this must be...

Kolima Village

So, still sucks to live here I see. Raiding I find 21 coins, 33 coins, Bramble Seeds (Why are these still treasure?), a Sacred Feather, a Weasal's Claw, an Herb, Sun Saga 5, and an Oil Drop. Now onto the problem this place seems to have. Kolima is once again cursed, and their main thing hte Dream Tree, has become sick, purple and looking like the demon from The Exorcist posessed it so now everyone nearby has nightmares every time they sleep. Oh, found a bit of a maze in the branches. Navigation leads me to a pair of Safety Boots, which no one can equip other than Matthew (Already has a pair), and Tyrell (has better), and a Venus djinn Garland! I give Garland to Tyrell. Also nab me 777 coins. I meet a girl there who says that maybe we could help the dream tree after she has a bit of a fantasy about warriors coming in to save the day, making me feel a tad uncomfortable as this doesn't seem like hte right time to be doing that.

Reif: How exactly did we end up in this situation?

Tyrell: Matthew can be talked into anything, that's how.

Shut up Tyrell, people's well-deserved sleep are at stake! So we sleep...and we see a portal in the floor. It sucks us in, and we end up in a creepy place...

The Phantasmal Bog

Uh oh.

I head north and SHIT Hell Gator! It...follows where I move with that creepy purple fog and glaring eyes...I jump a place, and see it uses psynergy to break a part of the ground I was standing on. Uhh, crap. Random Encounters, and I meet the first enemy who can actually outspeed most of my team, the Succubus, which much to my not delight has Hail Prism to annoy me with.. Reif learns Wish Well at lvl 24. I manage to escape the evil hellodile and enter a new part of this hellish bog. The path is straightforward, and at the end is this leaf with a puddle on it. I use Cold Snap and WHOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA-it makes a huge pillar and freezes the water...This place is awesome. However, I think I'm stuck...I go back to the ice tower, and I melt it with Fireball, and then I drain the puddle with Arid Heat, draining the water. I go down to the now dry area to pick up some Mint, making a note that I will need something to put in this empty hole. I go down, shove some logs, and then I go to pick up the other chest after pushing some logs around, which contains a Fairy Vest, of which goes to Karis. I go back to dry the lake again, this time to push the logs to go southwards. I find a puzzle that involves Cold Snapping a log over the puddle to form a bridge to a violent Mars djinn known as Glare, that gets it's ass kicked by Plume Edge (more than double damage that was normally done by my team, that's crazy!). I give it to Karis, because even though it gives Reif great stats, I am not prepared to leave his psynergy pool at the moment, because Blast sucks, and Wish>Ply. I move on, push a pillar down to the floor below, which will help me when I freeze the floor.

Next room is a maze of Ice I must skate around, and one path finds me upon the Giant Axe, of which I give to Tyrell and handing the Blade of Dusk to Matthew. I continue on a straightforward path, and at some point I get nervous about that hell alligator as I start to meet him again on my path. I save just in case. This time though, it's white, which is weird because it was blackish last time.

Boss: Sludge, with Shield and Haunt Skulls

Crap, not haunt...

So this thing has Tail Slap, which hurts for quite a bit on the team (60-70 damage), and I killed the Shield Skull before it could do anything, and hte Haunt Skull used Whitchlight, which did about 67 damage, and I suspect it can Haunt you, but that failed. This thing can also heal itself for up to 300 damage. When you first fight it, do not be shy about spells that hit multiple enemies just to get rid of those two skulls. After they're gone, just hit it hard with whatever you got. This battle is not hard.

Amiti learns Potent Cure at lvl 26.

We rouse from our nightmare, having dispelled of the damned beast that haunted this tree. We wake up and HOLY SHIT, it's carcass is among us! How the...But it was a....o0;;; It leaves behind the Crush Tusk, of which only Fire Adepts can use (Tyrell's already got an awesome spell, quit spoiling the moron, game!). After that, I see the tree's face looks like hell...I do it a favor and give it Hermes Water. The Venus djinn Pewter comes out of it's mouth to thank us. I like Pewter, he's got a smartass sense of humor. He tells me to meet up with Kolima and Laurel, and not joining me. The newly opened inn has a Sleep Bomb, a Ninja Garb (Given to Amiti for the defense), and a new path in hte branches above, leading to a Virtuous Armlet, of which I give to Reif. I decide that after all that hard work, I should at least do them the decency of resting in their lovely inn.

So, I go back down in the well to crush that rock I saw earlier, leading me to the Jupiter djinn Wisp of which remains on Reif. I meet Vande, who knew we were looking for him for the Arangoa Prelude. I ask him to return back, but he says it will have to wait. He came to see the Mountain Roc, and he will see it. Guess that's the next quest. I go take the path beyond him.

I head through the short path to Kolima Forest. I take a breather here.

Good to be back...

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So I'm back in Kolima Forest.

I notice a box to the right along with a treehouse, searching to find a Hard Nut. Pewter seems to be my guide along hte path of Kolima. The path is straightforward until I get into what looks like one doozy of a maze that has treasure. It turns out looks are deceiving because the Potion is merely just off the path. I break a rock and take a path that I thought was off the normal only to find myself lifted up, and Pewter greeting me while Laurel tells him not to be rude. Boy, I don't remember her face being so high off the ground. Amiti bows to his knees before her, as seemingly Auyuthay had legends of such trees. We ask what he's doing, and he's saying we should bow our heads before an enlightened entity. She tells him to raise it as she does not want such praise, not to be impressed with the lifespan of the Waelda. Amiti tells her he's going to anyways. It seems upon arrival all we've done is piss her off, so let's calm down Amiti. It seems the reason she could not fight off the Sludge was due to an injury the Golden Sun had incured upon her. We mention Isaac and that we need a feather to fix the soarwing, and then SOMEONE pipes up asking what we're talking about. We turn around and HOLY SHIT it's Tret! I thought he was a mountain, not Tret's tree! Well...Hi Tret. No hard feelings? Tret seems irritated that he and Laurel are not what they once were, speaking as though weaker. It's mentioned we're the children of hte warrior'sof Vale, Tret recalling all but Garret. Hilariously enough, he asks for Matthew's name, who remains silent and Tret asks him to speak up. Karis: He's kind of quiet. Keheheh. He loks into the others, stating htat Karis seems more sparky than Ivan was, and thanking Reif's mother...And seeing that Amiti had the same mother? Ok, I knew his father was supposed to be some great magician, but I did not see that coming. So wait...If Mia's his mother, then she was indeed the one who could work miracles like turning on hte Alchemy Well. Trent: Didn't mean to give away family secrets. Secrets imply we knew about it and were trying to hide it, Tret. Well, after that bit of...awkwardness, we move onto the Mountain Roc, they saying that it's in a deep slumber. Only a certain psynergy can wake it no less, as plucking a feather in it's sleep seems impossible (why?). A psynergy only possible among beastmen known as...Slap! Yaaaaay, we're gonna get Sveta back! And she's gonna slapa bird, this game is awesome. I'm bitchslapping birds with my brainpower.

However, we don't know where Sveta is, and we can't do this without her, and she had raised objections to doing this in the first place. Something tells me this won't be easy. However, it could be possible if we have something called the Slap Glove, a Fang Tribe treasure located in Belinsk. So now we decide that the best person to know this would be someone who knows hte weaknesses of the castle, such as Briggs (I suppose his son had to wind up getting arrested for SOME reason)...So now I have an actual reason to rescue this putz. We guess that since Belinsk was built on top of ruins that that is probably the way in, though it might be filled with traps and monsters. Tret feels it a bit presumptuous that it's filled with traps and monsters, though we're right THIS time. However, we will need something to power the door. We'll need an object infused with magma power. Apparently when hte Mountain Roc awakens, a shard of it's power is released, so...Two birds with one stone quite literally. Laurel warns us however, that a dark danger slumbers within the ruins, and that is the reason the power was cut intentionally. The favor is to not restore the Alchemy Dynamo. We don't even know how we'd do it, so it's no issue. So after we finish that meeting, Pewter joins the team. Pewter is quite pivotal, as it can make Matthew or Amiti into Guardians, or Tyrell into a NINJA!! Well, Matthew technically is already a Guardian. I give it to Tyrell, as it has the biggest impact with him.

But before I leave, I take a left to find a soldier in trouble, and an Apple I can't reach since I don't have the right psynergy. The soldier thanks me with the Yew Bow, which is quite a powerful upgrade for Amiti, giving hte Assassin's Blade to Karis since she's the only other person who can use it. So now I head north to Kolima Junction between Belinsk and Talon Peak. Then...Ryu and Zan come in, telling us to hurry up with our goals, that they specifically know. Ok, what the fuck is up with these guys? Err...Ryu has the Slap Glove. How does he have that? Err...Apparently Sveta gave it to them. It then becomes apparent, they want your help to sneak into Belinsk Castle. Karis has an odd feeling this is what Sveta would have wanted, so she decides we should play along (that, and we can sell these guys out if we get caught). After realizing that she had to be of importance to get that glove, Zan makes the connection that she is of the Czamaral clan, the Morgal royal family (so the princess who can punch people out. Coolio.). Sister to king Volecheck. I get the glove, and I hand it to Karis. Now after all that exposition, time to continue with the game. I continue on my path, an find a bunch o' logs. I push one and smash a rock, seeing a slight path to jump off the main path, which nets me the Mercury djinn Teardrop. I give it to Reif.

I take a right to get to the Talon Peak.

Talon Peak

Bit of Cold Snapping and tree climbing, I head left to get a Cookie before continuing onward to move a pillar blocking my way from climbing higher. I move said pillar a bit more to give me a path to Aura Gloves, which I give to Matthew, his Dragon shield finally giving up the ghost. I scale up to the next area, moving pillars to open up access to the Sylph Rapier, which I give to Matthew. Just after he mastered hte Dusk Blade no less...I also notice giant bird footprints, of which are larger than Matthew is tall. Also, Wild Gryphons can hurt you bad. 70 damage min, 110 max, or at least in that ballpark. I scale higher, seeing this Roc can scale cliff faces in the same manner, of which when I climb up by one of it's footprints it crumbles the part of mountain away, and I fall to some other area. Damned detours. I forge on forward though, and I see a Jupiter djinn up on a ledge. Did I mention hte music here is epic and made of awesome? I climb a bit more, and I see something to slap...and clearly I wake up the mountain roc. Time to save, cause I know it's coming...

So I climb up and slap it again, and...It doesn't attack me? I literally just slapped this thing unconcious. But before I can leave, I'm stopped...Oh shit, Blados! He's with here along with Chalis, who claims they're here to help us. Zan and Ryu assure us Sveta would not assort herself with such thugs, Chalis remarking on how would he know anything about Sveta, considering she's royalty. Of course...He mentions this must be Volecheck's trap, and I am reassured that he is correct as Blados and Chalis smile. Chalis says she cannot confirm or deny. It seems they've been setting us up every step of the way though, considering it was they who captured Brigg's son in order to further draw us into this mess. Blados and Chalis are here though for a specific reason, the Magma Orb, which my encyclopedia says is what will power the Alchemy Dynamo. They won't let on any more than that. It's here that the Mountain Roc wakes up...Though it seems that if we DON'T start that machine, Hou Ju and Briggs's son will regret it...Which I can't fathom as to why, considering a jailbreak would help their problem just fine. Seems the only way to get the Magma Orb is to kill hte Roc. Sveta's not gonna be happy about that...

Epic Boss: Mountain Roc

First time having this music, this thing is huge, it hurts, and heals 60 HP a turn. Tempest is evil to take on, 170 damage to a group. Lucky me I got stuff like Death Plunge (which it's weak to), the Yew Bow (Weak to even the physical attack), Frostbite and Plume Edge (which just simply hurt). It also has a Shriek that Shatters Nerves, which does about 70-30 damage, but can take a huge bite out of your attack, and it did that with Garret who was my main damage man with Death Plunge, so that certainly hurt to eat. It also has Upward Blast, which is like it's epic attack where it lifts a party member high into the sky, then drops them back, doing up to 170 damage. It also has this attack where it lands on you, doing damage to a group from 150-170 damage. As hard as it hit, I only used one Wish Well because even that wasn't enough to make me worry. I do hope bosses are gonna get a bit harder than this. Funny enough, Amiti if he got off a Triple Burst with the Yew Bow was doing the most damage, but Tyrell was hte most consistent with Death Plunge. Ninja class. Fund it.

We fell the beast, and it turns to stone, coughing up a magma shard...I enter the Mountain Roc...To collect more of the shards. We collect shards until we reach the orb itself. Ryu knowing we'd keepa promise to Laurel, he takes it for himself (I'm assuming to save Hou u), and we can't exactly take it from him because he could smash the thing, and considering the high power it likely contains, it might be as bright an idea as detonating a nuclear bomb in our face. Clearly Ryu's crazy, not that there was a mystery about it, and demands we hand over some of the shards along with the Slap Glove. I wanna knock this guy out, but again with the nuclear bomb in ths hands issue. Reif vows to make him regret it, which is a line I would expect more form Tyrell than Reif. I leave out the other end of the Roc (Yeah, I just entered it's mouth and came out it's ass, I'm gonna be taking an hour long shower to feel clean again if you guys don't mind), find a bit of the cliff has been broken up, so I crush it to make a path to the Jupiter djinn Puff. I opt to let Matthew hold onto it.

I scale back down the cliff quickly, remembering to go find the musician in Kolima since the Roc had cried, so certainly he had heard it since now it's dead. I recall dream leaves, so while I'm here I stop to get a Dream Leaf, because I remember somewhere about dream leaves in some other town. Sell whatever junk is clogging up my inventory, since now I have a lot. At this point, I have no excuse if I'm not rich. I'm swimming in more gold than I know what to do with. I make a bit of a detour to Border Town, as I recall that being the town mentioning hte leaves. I rouse in a dream, since there is a portal in the center of the beds. I step inside, and it's like a different town. The grass is green, the town seemsa bit more alive, it's a cultural crossroad between Bilibin and Belinsk rather than the doorstep for possible war, the bridge is open...No wonder people use Dream Leaves here, the dream here is fantastic compared to reality. Being here is almost more depressing, because to leave I have to wake up...I like the idea of this place, a "Am I a man dreaming I'm a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming I'm a man?" sort of edge to it. I take the bridge, see the vine from yesterday and make it grow to a cave to get the summon Haures. I try to leave for Bilibin...But I can't go about it that way, as I am forced to wake up trying. I sigh a bit and leave this dump.

I return to Belinsk and take a break.

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I'm positive she can put it to better use than Amiti can.

Stuff like Samurai and White Mage both exist and are better options than Brawler!Stella. And they require Earth.

Also. Point of No Return coming up.

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Stuff like Samurai and White Mage both exist and are better options than Brawler!Stella. And they require Earth.

Lalalalalalalala, I'm not listeniiiiing.

Anyways, just stopped the Roc and I'm back in Belinsk. How's my djinn count looking? Also, what are the odds you post a split second after my next entry?

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Anyways, just stopped the Roc and I'm back in Belinsk. How's my djinn count looking? Also, what are the odds you post a split second after my next entry?

No clue what the odds are.

How many of what do you have at this point?

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I appear to have 10 Venus, 12 Mercury, 7 Mars, 9 Jupiter. I'm assuming my Jupiter and Mars counts are low on account of Sveta and whoever the next Fire Adept's djinn when they come in.

Yep. You're actually perfect at this point.

As for summons, you should have Zagan, Megaera (not missable), Flora (not missable), Moloch, Ulysses and Haures. If I haven't put "not missable", you should find them.

Also, after the next PoNR (you'll know what it is when you see), there are 2 more missable Djinni before the 3rd and final PoNR. Just so you know so that you don't bitch about it.

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Also, after the next PoNR (you'll know what it is when you see), there are 2 more missable Djinni before the 3rd and final PoNR. Just so you know so that you don't bitch about it.

Thanks much.

So, shall we continue?

God, I love hte music at Belinsk. It's weird that it's preluding the boiling of people. So, I go up to the band and request they do the song. I'm impressed with the saxaphone, then...err...everyone's instruments start floating. Can qe get the yellow submarine while we're at it? I see the statue move, so I move for it. Well, I hear Sveta first, and it's made possible by the power of the prelude...Funky.

Belinsk Ruins

The music has been so awesome lately.

I head the path and take the stairs to get the Storm Gear, of which I give to Reif. I wouldn't put this stuff over hte Spiked Armor or the Planet Armor, and I can't replace the Muni Robe over the Ninja Garb, so hte Robe is pretty much meh right now. I head back in, finding a tblet that says Offer a fragment of the volcano's power to reach the interior. I assume to put in the Magma Fragment, heading forward. I jump forward into a jump maze, using another fragment to open more paths. I open the chest to get a Vial, and now have a choice between north and east. East leads to a dead end, so I go north. I enter a sort of central area, the west and east passages impassable as it requires I move pillars that I cannot do where I am at the moment. I use the 3rd fragment to open a door, and behind it is Sveta, yaaaaaaay!! We would ask more about what's going on, but apparently someone's following us, so we gotta keep on the down low. Apparently the Tuaparang commanders are down here with us, and my encyclopedia says they're an enigmatic nation with great scientific and military power, flying a giant airship and given the name Zenith Tribe. Just below I see Blados and Chalis, talking a bit and moving on. Clearly, this is who she's worried about. She apologizes for making us jump through hoops, but it was for Hou Ju, and thus was an easy trap for Blados to set up. Sveta was unaware...and now I think the final part of this trap is to get the magma orb, get the dynamo working, and simply kill us after doing hte hard work for htem. Crafty bastards. Little do they know we are a band of merry hard-asses. We hope that she can guide us through the ruins, but lo and behold, she doesn't actually know the place that well, she only knows the small part she comes to from time to time.

I rearrange djinn, basically trading with Amiti and Sveta. Amiti becomes something still godly known as the Sage, and is basically now a better version of Reif, so I switch them out. I hand over the good armor Reif had to Sveta, and let him re-equip the Muni Robe.

I take the path I had opened to introduce Sveta, only to discover the path back is gone. Sveta mentions hte smell of hot oil and hte sound of machinery. I hope that's not what I think it is. I return back to see my path has been restricted to be solely southward. I move down to find myself at some mystical gate. We talk about how this seems like we're getting strong-armed into doing this, and then Ryu rears his ugly head. He says he wasn't following you as much as this was his only path back. Ok, clearly those two are forcing us down a path here. Karis then brings up a good point. Why make us do it? They could have just taken the orb and done it themselves. Something fishy indeed. Sveta brings up how this day is more important than just a festival, as it's a day people pray for the revival of an ancient civilization. I can figure what's going to happen, but I still don't see why that's a big deal for Blados and Chalis. Continuing on, reading a tablet says Arrange Sun, Moon and Matter into a pleasing whole to reveal the path forward. Easy enough. The glowing portion of the gate dissipates and the gate opens. Moving forward, another tablet says In all things there is balance. Strike one to affect the other. I use Crush to pound a pillar down to rise another up, doing so first for the chest (Sacred Feather), and then for the way forward. During my path I find a djinn sitting on a crush pillar. I crush a pillar to make it move to a set of stairs. I try to catch it, but it jumps back, so I go back, see it jump back to the stairs, and then crush the pillar again so it can't run. I proceed to violence the hell out of it, and I get the Venus djinn Chasm. I let Matthew keep it. The stairs lead nowhere, so I just continue. I find another set of stairs to move one of the pillars mentioned earlier, and I open the chest to get some Lucky Pepper. I return back to find a path I didn't see (jumpable bridge) to get to the other side of the room, finding my way to the other pillar to move for the chest, of which contains some Water of Life. I crush a pillar again, and return to the center to make use of it. I move forward to find a tablet, and a lot of dead cyborg ninjas, along with another gate. It seems they were fighting the statues? Regardless, only a kingly statue lives, and one of the statues was hit hard enough it's stuck in the wall a few feet off the ground. Someone's packing serious firepower here.

The tablet says Use the conjured hand to smash the dark king with the light soldier and open the way. The corpses of the Tuaparang soldiers vanish, the 2 broken soldiers and the one left in the wall come back to the board before me, arising this soldier of light. It seems I must Move him to take out these soldiers without me being "seen" by them. You wanna take out the closest soldier, and then the soldier to the left, then hte King, then the last soldier. This will open the way forward, along with a chest containing a Psy Crystal. I save here, as I stare down a long staircase facing towards a lone dorway. I then find myself in a room with a giant golden gear. I enter another room, remembering these gears from the Akimbo statue. I put my last magma shard in the next place I can, activating the gears.I ride the painfully slow golden gear to the other side of the room, Continuing on a mostly straightforward path through a umping maze involving gears, I move a pillar to gain access to a chest containing a Mist Potion. I continue upstairs to find a block of Zol that I push, and seeing it doesn't do anything helpful where it goes or that I can do anything in the room I opened up, I push it back to see it then leads me to a chest, containing Quality Zol. I check the next room out to see a tablet that says Jupiter is the lord of the winds. Thank you, tablet. I go backto see that my eyes had tricked me, there indeed being a path to push the Zol to open the way forward, as that last room was fruitless. I push the block along, then use Whirlwind to lift it, lifting me up to the place I was just in but in an actual position to do something in said room. I whirlwind the sphere, causing it to glow in purple energy, seeing it activate some spinning things in hte golden gear room, thus I head back. The activated platform wheels me over back to the other side of the room, though this time it was a place I could not reach before of which includes a treasure chest containing 600 Coins. I enter a room similar to the lord of the winds room, saying Mars is the master of the flames. I go upstairs and enter a room with crush pillars and a chest, along with my path forward. The chest contains a catoonish looking mace with a pumpkin head called the Hagbone Mace, of which I give to Reif(Still weaker than Sveta), then I move ahead, lighting the orb with fire and riding back to the other side of the room.

Next floor is a repeat, just with Venus, and a simple simple gear puzzle, and Mercury is simple as well. Much as I loved hte music here, this dungeon's kinda lackluster. I ride over to the right side, I'm greeted to a room with the 4 planets I just lit up in miniature movable pillar for,along with a chest containing a potion. Surprised I haven't run into a mimic yet. I align the stars and see the gold gear rom shit a bit, revealing....space...The final frontier...And what looks like a dulled out sun.I slap it to bring it into rotation once more....This bit's kinda surreal. After another view of....space...The gears lower then grind to a halt, revealing to me a new area. When the sun hides behind the moon, a greater power covers the world in shadow. I check to see what's downstairs. Holy flame's light reveals the proper alignment of the four great powers. Venus upper left, Mars lower left, Mercury upper right, Jupiter lower right. The other downstairs room has an infinite psy crystal. I approach the center room again, and a Ward tells me that a Tower will be unsealed, and that I must use the 4 elements correctly to open the way forward. I do so, as the rooms before have shown me. They unite in power at the center orb, making another sun and the moon statue creating an eclipse.

I stand before the Dynamo. The dynamo is the heart of Luna Tower. A ward tells us to use the magma orb, and we are weary to do so due to a possible trap. Regardless, Not Alex shows, along with Blados and Chalis, Chalis seeming to have won a bet she made on us. Not Alex demands we put the orb happens, and that we don't want to know what happens if we don't cooperate. Tyrell's ready for a brawl, as I would hope the rest of my team is.

Epic Boss Fight: Blados and Chalis

Great boss music

Blados is annoying with his Voltage Shuriken stunning someone, and Chalis has a nasty move called Scornful Caress which does 177 damage and possibly something on top of it, kicking off with a giggle. I used Sveta's Beastmode ability. Can you say 336 damage for my physical attack? Please tell me how this does not kick ass. My strategy: Aim at one of them until they die. I used Psynergy Slam while Sveta was in beastmode. WTF 551 damage!? I basically nuked Blados to death with it, it wasn't even close. That is 2.5x more damage than anyone on my team is capable of. Cthulu, you fail. Also, Blados is clearly the weaker one here. His Punish is weaksauce. 4 turns man. That's all it took! What a letdown!

MVP of that fight was clearly Sveta, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. She was doing more than double the damage output for an individual. To put that simply, the combined attack of Amiti, Matthew and Tyrell with stuff like Death Plunge and Plume Edge would only equal 1 Psynergy Slam from Beastform Sveta. I've come to a conclusion: Sveta is godly. So, she is going to stay on my team. The end.

Matthew at lvl 30 learns Break, as does Amiti. Gained some Spark Shurikens and Illusionary Perfume to go with it. But after the fight and laying waste to those two, Not Alex while we were distracted forced Ryu's hand, turning on the Dynamo. Not Alex also smites Tyrell, telling us to back off. Alex uses his teleportation powers (I completely forgot he had those), and warps off with the two goons of his, asking to be referred to as Arcanus. Well too bad, I'm sticking with Not Alex. It would seem these machines are similar to the lighthouses, except they were never MEANT to be tampered with. The tower rises...I climb it, following Alex. I climb up to a beautiful light of Luna, reading a tablet that speaks to me. His name is Eclipse, and when the world is at it's darkest, he shall appear. He becomes our summon. I run back down and get the hell out of there. Everything calms down. I notice it's night, and that I have access to a treasure chest I've known for a while but cannot get to, getting some Power Bread. I go back to that house I know had a djinn in it, and talk to one of the old folks to see if anything's changed, seeing they're in bed. One of themg ets up and err...Walks right by me...I hear a whaaa and a crash, he returns and says he shouldn't try to drink tea when half asleep anymore. Uhhhhhh, ok. I go back, see there's a new puddle to Cold Snap, and I do to lead me to the Mercury djinn Pincer. I give it to Svanti, because I got nothing better to give her. Well, since the castle's now open, guess it's time to do some last minute raiding. I find 20 coins, and that's it.

We find Hou Ju in a prison cell. A friendly sounding wolfman comes in, saying he'd be glad to open it, and it turns out it's the king...Weirdly enough. I could have recalled something about him being involved on hte wrong end of all this...But he seems glad that you activated the tower, and just lets Hou Ju out. It's a bit weird...But alas, we are met at last with..KRADEN! Good to have you back, dude. Apparently he and hte warriors of Vale had visited his father once...*Confused* Aroo? Oh, it was for when they got a mountain rock feather...Wait a tick, I thought it was sort of wrong for the people of Belinsk to just go do that to their national bird. It would seem that rather the king was fooled into wanting the tower activated, as Kraden points out that activating it was a bad idea, since it's otherwise known as The Hungry Place. It seems the reason he wanted it activated is because he wants Sana and Bilibin under his rule before they return the favor after Belinsk had just won it's own independence (wow, in the span of 30 years this happened?). Regardless, it seems that Volecheck lost what patience he had, and wants us out of here. Kraden seems to really want to get the hell out of here, and we ask him to explain seven times over. He explains that the Luna Tower is something that could likely bring calamity upon the world. This is due to that the Golden Sun was calamitous enough, and in fear the lighting may bring death to those without the power of Adepts. We tell him we had a forced hand in it'sactivation, and he blames us little, knowing the masked man is behind it. We refer to him as Arcanus, and Kraden finds that quite droll, as do we all. Apparently it has something to do with associating with the...Those guys Blados and Chalis are. In Hou's cell is an Apple, as a note. So we head to find Briggs's son who is apparently named Eoleo. I slap his cage, and it falls to the ground below, so I go down to pick him right back up.

Eoleo's kinda thankless for his situation right now, Amiti piping up about how he knew rescuing him would be a waste of time. Eoleo asks if Amiti's from Auruthay, and Amiti confirms while asking him why he's curious. Eoleo: Nothin', I just never saw an Ayuthay wear real clothes before. Amiti takes offense before Kraden stops the most one-sided hockey fight from happening. Kradens thrilled and all, but we gotta get the hell out of here now. We see why he's in such a rush when we see an exlipse happen...Oh shit, a strange fog came out, and electricity's coming off the tower. Yeah, like hell I'm sticking around for this, I'm getting the hell out of here! Sveta's spirit sense abilities are working without her trying, sensing her brother. Apparently there's something going on at the opera house. Volecheck goes in without fear, ordering his men with him. He's trapped in as ominous music plays. Something is clearly going wrong. I go to it, finding random encounters with creepier battle music. These monsters can also do quite a bit of damage. Good, I was getting sick of weaklings.

I manage to get to the opera house, and all the soldiers are dead along with that unnerving music. I run backstage, and I see the chandelier turn into a dragon! A woman stand sout, not allowing the monsters to hurt the dragon as she is slapped away. This is where I come in.

Optional Boss: Dark Devourer, 2 Dark Scuttlers

Not hard at all. Just use nuke spells to take care of the scuttlers, and have Sveta go Beastform. 2 turns max.

Sveta learns Wild Growth at 28.

The woman dies, and I inherit the dragon Crystallux. The king is nowhere to be found. I bury the dead, and we head for the pier. We gaze upon the lighthouse once more and see it start to glow. With all the darkness spread about the town, these crazed beasts of horrors unseen have free reign on this town. This could be the last time we see Belinsk. Rife with monsters and the dead scattered about. Even worse Kraden believes that this will not just effect Belinsk. Wherever the shadow is cast, this may be the same. We have only one hope, and that is to leave on Briggs' piece of shit rig. We're rushed further by the fact we find Briggs dying. Monsters ambush Eoleo as he jumps on board to save his father, and I jump in to save him. The 3 Gloom Skorpna are taken care of with ease.

Amiti learns Drain at lvl 31. Tyrell learns Annihilation at level 31.

Briggs may have died, but his actions have saved our life. For once, we owe our lives to a pirate. I sort of regret talking shit about the guy some few posts ago now. It starts to snow, but it's summer. We give Briggs a burial at sea, his own son having to do the honors, sending him off with a shove off and an honoring fire of the cannons. Eoleo swears vengeance, and joins up with him. It's also strange that though Briggs's ship was a wreck, for some reason it's remarkable. It doesn't even need wind or paddling. It's time to push off. Man, I loved Belinsk too...Then we hear a bloody roar, and Sveta reacts with saying Volecheck. From the tower? He sends his thoughts to her. Volecheck admitting he was tricked by scum, asking for forgiveness. So he stands before hte eclipse at the top of the tower, throwing down a blue orb. He had stolen it from Blados, so it could prove a useful weapon. Volecheck cannot live with himself to flee the land he doomed, and telling Sveta to leave. Sveta wanting desperately to get back, but soon comes to acceptance...I can only imagine what happens from there, as we sail through hellish seas wrought with storm and wave. We're all passed out on deck, Kraden being right awake along with Karis below. Sveta acts like nothing happened...Which is weird. I'd rather not push it, because that might not be a good sign. Kraden takes some time to explain how he knows nothing about hte strange Blue Orb, and in hte least trying to turn things to a lighter page by praising his student Reif for doing the things he could not dream of doing himself, like the wonders of the alchemy machines. Kraden suggests we find some land that borders the edges of the effect of the eclipse as to see it from the outside. Whatever kings or local leaders, whatever, see if they might know anything. Sounds good to me. We might even have to use Svetna's spirit sense.

I take a note of the eclipse's shadow in the world map. Then, I head for the nearest beach and land at Harun village. I will take a break here.

And if I may just say....Wow.

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Blados is annoying with his Voltage Shuriken stunning someone, and Chalis has a nasty move called Scornful Caress which does 177 damage and possibly something on top of it, kicking off with a giggle. I used Sveta's Beastmode ability. Can you say 336 damage for my physical attack? Please tell me how this does not kick ass. My strategy: Aim at one of them until they die. I used Psynergy Slam while Sveta was in beastmode. WTF 551 damage!? I basically nuked Blados to death with it, it wasn't even close. That is 2.5x more damage than anyone on my team is capable of. Cthulu, you fail. Also, Blados is clearly the weaker one here. His Punish is weaksauce. 4 turns man. That's all it took! What a letdown!

You little bitch... 3 things.

1. It's Cthulhu. Not Cthulu.

2. Punish can also randomly deal out a OHKO and does it quite often. Spade hit me on the first turn with it and knocked out Tyrell. As of right now, I can't wait for your reaction to Retribution.

3. I still hate Stella and I won't use her unless I have to. Besides, it was a first blind run. I hadn't tried Beastmode, Spade hit her with a Shock Shuriken and I traded her out for someone more useful. Like Crown.

Oh and I think you missed a Mercury Djinni. Don't worry, he's permanently missable. ;-)

Edited by Cthulhu
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