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Kanami's Lack of Progress


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Been spriting for over 2 years(?) now. And I've finally reached a somewhat decent level. Top2 rows are the older ones, everything else is placed pretty much at random.


*Red dots indicate works which WERE Spliced by myself, though the concept belonged to someone else. They generally come from redoing peoples mugs for them. Would list who they are if I could remember.

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Everything seems to be pretty much just decent splicing, yada yada.

Two things, though. First thing, the first one isn't even a splice XD It's a Marisa recolor.

Second thing: PLEASE use FE colors instead of trying to make your own. I can see that on the newer ones you are, but if you ever decide to go back to the old ones, make sure to do that XD

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With the exception of the 5th row, everything's just splices I've done over the years, so yeah. Mediocre splices, but nothing great (hence the title XD)

1: Ones actually my first attempt at fiddling with FE mugs, and I did play with the clothes and hair tips a bit. But for the most part, you're right, it's just a recolor.

2: Not quite sure what you mean by using FE colors, with the exception of the first and 5th one (first row) where I used pure black for the outline (and part of the clothes). The rest should have used FE colors :/ (Eye dropper)

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I see a .hack wavemaster. :awesome: Idk enough about the actual series to tell if its one of the main characters or not.

Some of them are pretty nice.

That Wavemaster is... Elk? I think it's Elk. It's too blue to be the .Hack Sign main character.

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Looong way to improve, Kanami. You should probably work on improving each individual mug, then moving on.

Still better than me though...

I like most of Kanami's stuff...very awesome. The third row from the bottom, 2nd in. I really like the design on that one.

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.... So many comments, yay :/

@Astra: A Loooong way I'll most likely never travel No idea why I started splicing in the first place, think it might of been a requisite for an RP..... Anyway, I'm not an artsy person, I failed both primary school art. And barely passed the compulsory junior high classes. And I loathe putting pen to paper for any reason other then writing. (Has issues doing brainstorms and graphs and tables too) XD

Objective wasn't and never will be to make amazing sprites, I'd probably try if FE was a booming franchise, but we all know it isn't (anymore at leasr). So I probably won't ever go back to fix the older ones, not because I'm incapable or lazy (It'll look better if I fix them, not be much, but better so I am capable) but so I can see the minimal progress I've made over the year.


Thanks, it was supposed to be Elk from the PS2 .Hack games, but I actually haven't ever played a .Hack game before XD and only did it as a request for some guy I met over a year ago. The image he gave me as reference was fanart which painted him bright blue. Other fanart usually make it a darker blue. *shrugs*

Example: rik4.jpe


Thanks, though you'd be alot better then I am if you'd been spriting for as long as I have XD Though two years from now, I doubt (at least) half of us will even still be connected to FE, never mind Serenes. I know I won't XD

Anyway, the best advice I can give is don't hole up like I did :P Actively seek critique from others and listen to them XD You've got at least two great spriters teaching you, so you'll grow quickly if you stick to it :P


Shading? What's shading? I wish you wouldn't use complicated artsy lingo on me Amelia, speak in a language I understand, please? :P jk

Shading is something I probably won't ever get better at. I somewhat pulled myself out of my pillowing ways. That's a bigger task than I'm suppose to be capable of.


Found Elk v1 XD


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Thanks, though you'd be alot better then I am if you'd been spriting for as long as I have XD Though two years from now, I doubt (at least) half of us will even still be connected to FE, never mind Serenes. I know I won't XD

Anyway, the best advice I can give is don't hole up like I did :P Actively seek critique from others and listen to them XD You've got at least two great spriters teaching you, so you'll grow quickly if you stick to it :P


Thanks for the advise and encouragement Kanami...

That sprite is awesome, though I don't know who elk is.

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... What Spike said. Cirno.

Also, I c Damian and Aiya in there. Or at least the mugs Ether used for them. Also Reika but with a different body. Some of it looks a bit... unsharpened, but other stuff is really good. So. yeah.

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Wait, you sprited Damian and Aiya originally? Why do I find this funny? :/

Well I like most of them. It's way better than I could manage. I'll stick with spriting FE10 characters thank you very much.

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I started spriting mugs for LoAF'ers that didn't have an image before you did :/ And Damian just happened to be the first signup on the registration page. Got bored of LoAF soon afterwards, and your FE10 splices looked more attractive as a portrait, so I gave up :/

Reika was originally:


Then I changed her to Amelia(FE8)'s armor, and then back to the Serra(?) clothes for the RP.

Speaking of FE10, my first and most likely last GC/Wii FE splice.


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