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Yeah I've been a "member" here for some time, but I never were there.

So just now I decided to become a regular member again.

I'm older, cooler and generally more awesome now, so give me some respect  so I hope I'll be a blessing for this forum so I hope I'll keep myself around here, talking about whatever, showing my maps (yeps I'm an awesome FE mapmaker, just you wait), and some of my.. average sprites.

Uhh so, I'm Feaw, and many people will prolly already know meh ('specially if you go to FEP and/or FEND).

What's more? I'm 18... well almost 19, I'm a guy, and I love FE...

What more do I love? Pretty much everything in life. I'm the type of guy who can enjoy many things. /ramble ramble.

So story short, I'm back, and better than ever =33333.


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Well I already joined here a few years ago, but I wasn't really active, and I was a bit of a nub.

But the reason I decided to come back is, well, I Vamp and Boney were talking about SFF a couple of times in the FE7x AIM Blast group, and so I thought of coming back, and with that advertising my maps more, and in the future my own FE game.

So that's basically the whole story heh.

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Yeah with RPGMaker, like FE7x. It won't be possible in an hack (enormous amount of classes, characters and chapters, 3 tiers, skills, etc etc)

And no, I can't do mugs, I'm not really a good spriter. And I'll think about it, you seem like a decent mug spriter who can make customs. But the better spriters are still on the top of my list (Vamp, ArcFalchion (who already made 1 1/2 mugs for the game), and so on.

Edited by Feaw
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