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Feaw's Mappies and Sprities and thingies~


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Haia gais.

Welcome to my map 'n sprite topic, where I show off my, well my maps and sprites.

First off, most of my stuff is either old and... sucky, or new and awesome, but used for my FE game (you can't find anything about it yet, still not public), and I don't want to spoil too many things, but I'll still show off stuff here and there.

Second, I'm an excellent mapmaker ('ve been told so by maaany people), and I think that's especially because there aren't many FE mapmakers around anyway. So yah.

Third, I'm an... okay spriter. Well, everything that's not a mug. I suck horribly at those, and I don't like to do them anyway. I can make decent edits to things as battle sprites, I can make decent icons and stuffs.

And fourth, you're here only for the maps, right? Right, well, let's get started then =).

Oh, another thing, most of my stuff will probably get changed, as I'm kinda revising my game, and change hell loads of stuff, but I'm still showing off.

Now then, first the worst part, my sprites (best stuff is best saved for last amirite?).

--Battle Sprites--


Tier 1 Armor wielding a sword (Guardian).


Tier 1 Armor wielding an axe (Phalanx).


Tier 2 Armor wielding a knife.


Tier 1 Bow (Defender), and Tier 2 Bow (for the Doubleur and Captain class). Thanks to The Green Sentinel for helping me a bit =).

Just gave BwdYeti's Tier 1 and Tier 2 Armors different weapons for my game (yes, I have his permission...).


Mystic battle sprite. Nothing special.


Enigma battle sprite. Thanks to Bonestorm for making most of it. I edited it, and Myke fixed up some stuff, especially the female version.


Female merc sprite, first version by me, then fixed (mostly the hair) by Vampy, and then edited by me again.

Palettes from top-left to bottom-right: Marvin (male merc in my game), Cara (female merc in my game), Marisa, Raven.




Wolf riding units; first version by Rag, then editified by meh.


Raider class, aka Axe Knight.

I used Yeti's Cavalier's base (basically for the pose), and worked from there.


Mages and Sages. All with an extra palette for a different view.

--Map Sprites--


All the Tier 1 Armors for my game. In order;

Weaponless, Guardian (Sword), Hoplite (Lance), Phalanx (Axe), Defender (Bow).


All Tier 2 Armors.






Dark Knight. Thanks to Myke for making the beginning idea, so I could improve it greatly.


Giant. Again thanks to Myke for making the first attempt, so I could further improve it.


Lol Ghost sprites. Ghosts are evil ghosts. They can use Dark Magic and Staves. They can move through walls, are unaffected by terrain because they teleport upon moving. They avoid weapon attacks, and are fed by dark magic. You can only harm them with Anima and Light magic, while only Light can kill them. Don't worry, they only attack at 2/3 Pow, even then their Pow sucks, so they're really weak. YES, I used the Tactics Ogre sprite and fixed it up, so what? Ghosts are hard to make, especially for map sprites, so I don't care, these do the job nicely.


Mermaids. Edit of the Gorgon sprite, with the help of Myke (he helps a lot =D).


Ballistae. Normal - Killer - Long - Silver. Just recolors. Use 'em if you like.

--Other sprites--


Weapon Icons for my game. Encircled ones are new.

From top to bottom;

Bronze Sword, Dusk Edge (low rank ranged magical sword (like Wind Edge in FE10), Wolven Zwaard (Wolf killing weapon), Gold Sword, Gold Blade, Glacial Blade (ultimate magical sword), Suinog (SS sword), Padakin (PRF), Birwagk (PRF).

Bronze Lance, Iron Pike (aka Greatlance), Steel Pike, Javelot de Loup, Flare Spear, Silver Pike, Gold Lance, Gold Pike, Zap Spear (ultimate magical lance), Lucrunex (SS lance), Serpent (PRF), Corona (PRF), Grianha (PRF), Trident (PRF).

Bronze Axe, Iron Poleaxe, Steel Poleaxe, Hacha de Lobo, Short Axe, Static Axe, Silver Poleaxe, Gold Axe, Gold Poleaxe, Arearth Axe (ultimate magical axe), Andofka (SS axe).


The tomes for my game.

3rd ones are long range, 5th are special effect/gimmick.

Wind, Elwind, Squall, Cyclone, Aeroquake, Hurricane, Ehecatl (SS wind).

Water, Elwater, Rain, Flood, Maelstrom, Ocean, Proteus (SS water), Tefnut (PRF).

Fire, Elfire, Ashara, Inferno, Conflagra, Hellfire, Vulcan (SS fire), Lorahal (PRF).

Thunder, Elthunder, Bolting, Explosion, Thunado, Thoron, Thorindra (SS thunder).

Ice, Elice, Hail, Blizzard, Icestorm, Fimbulvetr, Khione (SS ice).

Earth, Elearth, Boulder, Quake, Spiroulder, Bolganone, Gebseth (SS earth).

Light, Shine, Purge, Divine, Caecus, Aura, Ouranos (SS light), Jreznlu (PRF).

Flux, Nosferatu, Eclipse, Luna, Demhullu, Fenrir, Ragnarokr (SS dark), Toxitoad (PRF), Necrifice (PRF), Herriado (PRF), Nhaeryar (PRF).


Now finally my maps. I'll only post a few of them. If you want to see my old (and sucky) maps, visit my other galleries on other forums (links in my sig).




Chapter 1-01


Chapter 1-02


Chapter 1-03

Well, that's just about all the good stuff I have. I have loads of unposted newer maps, but they still need work and such, so I'll post those in the future.

My game's currently still in the planning stage, but I'll assure it's gonna get finished sometime (may take a few years). I'll make it in RPGMaker, like FE7x: Immortal Sword.

Uhh yeah, enjoy my stuff~

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Holy 4th map mountains :o

Yay, another mapper! And one I know too, cool!

Tomes=AMAZING, and you did the whole gold thign and great weapon thing too, I did that too :P

Wolf rider still looks pwnsome everytime i see it, you and rag did an amazing job with that now sheet it!

Interesting concept with the armors and the mages, i like it :D

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Shamelessly copypasted from your other galleries I see. :P Nonetheless, never posted there, so I'll say here instead that this is some pretty fantastic stuff. Your weapon icons in particular are what I like the most, since at least for me they're pretty darn difficult. Those maps are pretty impressive too, as are the battle sprites... okay, everything is great, no point in trying to fluff up stuff that's already great XD

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lol comparing me to yeti. Note that most of my work isnt entirely my work, people helped me, or I took/reffed some stuff from others (with permission).

Though the thief, for example, is pretty much custom, with the thief as base, obviously.

Still thanks for the praising =D.

Speaking of the thief, Ive got a little update here with some help from vamp;


Fixed up right cloak and left shoe a little.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My entry for the map contest here on SF:


Requirements: 15 x 10 tile map, using FE8's 01 02 03 tileset and containing a mountain trail or castle.

First off I chose the castle, and then I saw the empty space in the north-west, so I decided to put a little bit of mountain there.

Made it in like 30 minutes =D.


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Well I always do maps rather quickly, I'm used to it, and I'm able to pull of good enough stuff within low amounts of times.

And I hate small maps, so my larger maps are better.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Cobalt Weapons for my game (still have to do bow, knife and dagger).

They're basically weaker Killer weapons (10 crit, may change this to 15).

They're rank C (same as steel, killer is B (almost everything's a rank higher, there is also SS)).

They are slightly stronger and heavier than Iron (+1 Mgt & Wt, -5 hit).

Uh yeah, that's all~

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Heeeeee I always have that problem. My sword hilts are always too short =((.

But honestly, I think this one's okay. So unless more people "complain" about it, I won't change it.

And of course they're nice ideas, I'm full of nice ideas wheehaha =3.

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Well I already posted the other weapons somewhere up here, but I'll summarize;

Knives (1-2 range), Daggers (more powerful but 1 range), bronze, low rank ranged sword (jav/hand axe equilavent /sp), heavy lance/axe, short axe, flare spear, static axe. < FE 10 copying there.

Now for my own ideas; cobalt, gold, wolf killing, and some PRFs and SS.

As for magic, just the 6 types and then just regular (D), improved ©, long range (B), even better (A), special effect (A), waaaay better (S), beeesst (SS), and some PRFs.

Also have monster weapons, like dragon breath attacks, and 3 others I won't spoil >=U.

Accesories, like the FE 9 ones (bands and all that), some items, etc, etc.

EDIT: lol copyright whahaha

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Well, there's a downside to them. They only have 20 uses whereas killer has 30. Cobalt isn't really durable, as far as I know.

But I guess they're still as good since they're more common in shops and more early on...

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My entry for round 2 of the mapping contest.


Size: about 24x24

- throne with carpet(s)

- at least 3 chests with at least 1 treasure room with a door or cracked wall (there's no max amount of chests or rooms)

- part of outside can be seen (at least 15 tiles)

- needs to have stairs INSIDE the castle (different levels), so entry stairs from the outside don't count (the one-tiled "reinforcement" stairs don't count either, but they're advised)

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I decided to give all other weapon types devil ones too. Here's the sword and lance.

I tried to make some sort of devil face on them.

The sword has devil horns as hilt, with eyes in between, then fangs under it.

The lance basically just has brows on the top branch, and eyes on the bottom branch (on the pike).

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