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Chapter 9

Why did we come to this island Sir?

Lord Marth has been told about King Mannu's First annual Fight till you drop festival.

Arent we supposed to be saving Altea before late King Cornelius's legendary vodka lore is found?

Well you see winner of festival gets to meet King Mannu. Its been told that Dragon blood contain huge amounts of alcohol and such is the createst booze known to man. Also I've heard he's pretty nicely fed. His blood must be so tastyy... One can't miss such a chance to packstab his host!

Okey. Just one more question. Why did Marth promote you to second in command Roshe?

I told him how I got from Shiida.

Weren't he supposed to try that Athena chick?

After I she beat him in drinking contest? Not likely Merric, not likely.

Where is she anyway?

In the corner with Cord...


After they desided to shoot holes into the beer barrels so all the beer would drop right into his mouth while she carries him around so he wouldn't have to stop drinking even when his leg won't carry him no more? Where else they would be?

Why did she do that?

He gave her a horse steak.

Whole steak for such a trick? Is he mad

He also got a ****job.

Go Cord...

Made +5 iron bow forge called This again? to Caesar.

This is the one chapter in the game where having team full of myrmidons is good thing so no special comments. Got George but not the sword

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 11.22  26 12   0   6  12  15   9   1   B
Shiida Myrm 11.71  28  6   0  18  20  15   6   0   C
Cain   Myrm 15.83  30  9   0  20  17  10   7   0   B
Gordin Cur  18.38  28  1   1  10   8  11   7  11   B
Cord   Hunt 12.55  23 11   0  11  14  10   6   0   C
Julian Thief 9.68  22  8   0   9  16  13   5   0   C
Merric Cav  12.08  31  6   1   9  12  10  13   0   E B
Roshe  Myrm  9.96  26  7   0  16  15   4   4   0   D
Athena Arc  13.16  28 12   0   8   7   6  10   0   D
Caesar Hunt  4.32  23  7   0   4   9   6   5   0   E

Chapter 10

So who got from Shiida last night?

Everybody sir.

Even you?

Three times sir.

Why I didn't?

You drop before first can was empty sir.

My head is killing me...

You suck at drinking sir.

Lets go get some balancing ones from that castle. Julian!

Wassup M

It's sir Mighty to you.

So. M Whats todays deal?

Can you get that castle there robbed In three hours?

If run in to some crazy as b there what do I do?

Its all up to you...

Gimme four hours and Im done. What shall you order with spoils this time mah fave client?

Usual please...

Made +4 Steel forge called Boris and gave it to Roshe. Gave Goddes icon to him aswell.

Rush trough castle. Went to buy shitload of vulnerarys.

So time for Gordin for promotion has come. Being without healer until Merric promotes worries me. I could be cheap and left him unpromoted but Im not so...

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 11.86  26 12   0   6  12  15   9   1   B
Shiida Myrm 12.75  29  6   0  19  20  16   6   0   C
Cain   Myrm 16.98  31  9   0  20  18  10   7   0   A
Gordin Cur  20.--  28  1   2  10   9  12   7  12   B
Cord   Hunt 13.47  23 11   0  11  14  11   6   0   C
Julian Thie 10.34  22  9   0   9  16  14   5   0   C
Merric Cav  15.81  34  7   1  11  14  11  14   1   E B
Roshe  Myrm 10.38  27  7   0  17  15   6   4   0   D
Athena Arc  14.35  29 13   0   9   7   7  10   0   D
Caesar Hunt  6.61  23  8   0   4  10   6   5   0   D

Merric got Res :awesome:

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Being sick has some good sides. Huge increase in playtime would be one.

Chapter 11

What time it is?

Mid-day sir.


Right here sir.

Where is every body?

Playing that new game Cord made sir.

And that would be?

Everyone drink until Athena drops. If you didn't drop before her you can spend all night in Shiida's orgy tent.

Why am i still here! Wait... Let me ques. I failed so bad that when I wake up in hangover at morning others are still drinking?

Close but no.

Then what?

They use that special beer from Talys that Cord brough with him.

Your point?

You passed out from the mere scent of it... And game ended pretty quick after that as Shiida put some sleeping pills on Athena's beer. They started around midnight...

Why are you here?

I came with Sir Roshe sir.

And he?

Promotion or not, he is Cain's boytoy. Also, He has this only once per hole idealism.

And Cain?

In the tent sir.

If it's really that easy to get from Shiida why did I promote Roshe?

Cause she was normal virgin princes whit all pure and sweet mind before she met him sir.

Good point. Argh! There has to be someone I can beat in drinking! Some lameish archer or... Whats your class?

Curate sir.

Not anymore boy, Not anymore...

Gordin promoted.

Merric took care of mercs, others rush... Gordin is pretty damn epic. Marth killed manakete. Haven't seen him this good since my first playtrought...

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 12.46  27 13   0   6  12  16   9   1   B
Shiida Myrm 12.92  29  6   0  19  20  16   6   0   C
Cain   Myrm 17.71  32  9   0  20  19  10   8   0   A
Gordin Sni   1.97  36  8   2  17  14  12  11   9   A
Cord   Hunt 13.54  23 11   0  11  14  11   6   0   C
Julian Thie 11.12  23 10   0  10  17  14   6   0   C
Merric Cav  17.17  35  8   1  12  15  13  14   1   E A
Roshe  Myrm 10.64  27  7   0  17  15   6   4   0   C
Athena Arc  14.73  29 13   0   9   7   7  10   0   D
Caesar Hunt  6.80  23  8   0   4  10   6   5   0   D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 12

Can you hear that Thomas?

What now Dolph?

Someones fighting in the hallways.

Could it be that we are to saved?

I sure hope so. We have been prisoned for so long by these drunksters its not even funny.

I knew theres still someone to care about this ancient castle of soberness in this world!

Thats how it looks like...

Gave Shiida that Energy Drop.

Killing people and gathering stuff...

Broke merrics Javelin forge. How long does it take before reality catches up with my awesome sniper?

Both Marth and Cord got nothing on level ups...

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 14.16  28 13   0   7  12  17   9   1   B
Shiida Myrm 13.35  30  8   0  20  20  17   6   0   C
Cain   Myrm 17.99  32  9   0  20  19  10   8   0   A
Gordin Sni   2.59  37  8   2  17  15  12  12   9   A
Cord   Hunt 14.01  23 11   0  11  14  11   6   0   C
Julian Thie 11.46  23 10   0  10  17  14   6   0   C
Merric Cav  19.43  37  8   1  14  15  15  16   1   E A
Roshe  Myrm 11.24  28  7   0  17  15   6   4   0   C
Athena Arc  15.16  30 13   0   9   8   8  10   0   D
Caesar Hunt  7.90  24  8   0   5  10   7   6   0   D
Dolph base
Tomas base

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think I should do more story to this one...


Gave Dolph some Mag and +4 thunder. Caesar got some speed. Boots to Cord.

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 14.31  28 13   0   7  12  17   9   1   B
Shiida Myrm 13.50  30  8   0  20  20  17   6   0   C
Cain   Myrm 19.81  34  9   0  20  20  12   8   0   A
Gordin Sni   3.21  38  8   2  18  15  12  13   9   A
Cord   Hunt 14.24  23 11   0  11  14  11   6   0   C
Julian Thie 11.85  23 10   0  10  17  14   6   0   C
Merric Cav  20.--  38  8   1  15  15  15  16   1   E A
Roshe  Myrm 11.73  28  7   0  17  15   6   4   0   C
Athena Arc  15.16  30 13   0   9   8   8  10   0   D
Caesar Hunt  8.81  25  9   0   5  12   7   7   0   D
Dolph base +2 Mag
Tomas base

Chapter 13

So Finally I have new healer as Merric promoted. 12 def and 42 Hp on Lv. 1 Sage kinda makes my day. +6 iron lance forge for tomas. Chapters like this you like having team full of good dodge units and hate their low Movement OMG Thief's second hit crit is epic compared to others in this game. Cain promoted.

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 14.75  28 13   0   7  12  17   9   1   B
Shiida Myrm 13.80  30  8   0  20  20  17   6   0   C
Cain   SM 1.00  41 11   1  22  22  13  11   3   A
Gordin Sni   3.64  38  8   2  18  15  12  13   9   A
Cord   Hunt 14.63  23 11   0  11  14  11   6   0   B
Julian Thie 12.22  24 11   0  10  18  15   7   0   C
Merric Sag   1.52  42  6   5  15  13  15  12   6   D E
Roshe  Myrm 11.73  28  7   0  17  15   6   4   0   C
Athena Arc  15.16  30 13   0   9   8   8  10   0   D
Caesar Hunt  8.89  25  9   0   5  12   7   7   0   D
Dolph base +2 Mag
Tomas  Cav   9.50  24   8   0   5   7   4   8   0  E E

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