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So I'm prospectively doing FE4 again...


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And I wanted to ask YOU, FFtF (not the silly snes board) how to accomplish my Prime Directive this run.

What's my Prime Directive, you ask? I want to make Fee all she can be.

So that said, regardless of gimping the fuck out of other kids, what father should I take and what gen1 items should Fury secure to make my favoritest pegasus knight ever also the bestest ever?

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Noish would give her a pretty decent skillset and make her a little more durable. Sety's a little stuck for magic but he's not important ^^. The Hero Lance is a must along with as many rings as you can afford.

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Frankly, I'm just gonna give the royal finger to Sety this run. I abused him too hard last round. I'll probably try my best to avoid using Lakche too.


But yeah. Elite Ring+Hero Lance+Village Time. Though I've never really had trouble training Fee while having Lakche run around and roflstomping everything with a crit-fused Hero Sword or Balmung...

That reminds me, if you really want Uber!Fee, since she doesn't work in groups most of the time anyway, give her leg ring for 11 move. And some extra rings. Power/Shield/Barrier to be exact.

It would be better if she had high res just so endgame sleepstaffers become lulz.

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Lumi, dear. I coasted my ENTIRE first run on Lakche. I'm not even joking. Final; giant mob of enemies? Fee cantoheals Lakche while she takes care of it. Huge mob of bowmen? Actually, Faval took care of that. Bosses? Lakche. ON NOES SURPRISE ASSAULT ON THE CASTLE! Well, it's a good thing I left Skasaher there.

I'm trying to shake it up. It's nothing against Lakche - it's more like me not using Barst.

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I know what you mean. It's more of that obligatory nooooo since well, she's' my favorite female in the series.

I should stop using Seth so much in FE8. He roflstomps everything and makes everyone obsolete.

But let's see, Uber!Fee would have Hero Lance, Elite, Power, Shield, Barrier, Leg, and Heal. And go Levin Route because C10 convo for +5STR since Fee's STR won't be too great, well, ever. Also, let her save children in villages. She hits level 30 usually during C10 for me due to that. And Heal would do. I don't remember if the inventory cap is 7 or 8 but if she has room, a magic sword would do nicely too.

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Early on, thief sword until you get the thief ring. If she's saving villages anyway you might as well let her get 5000 off it. Someone else can get the actual village most of the time. And of course a magic sword. She doesn't really need Wind Sword with Levin as her father, though. She probably isn't getting attacked at 2 range and if you are attacking at 2 range it's likely to avoid counters. She'll double nearly everything even with -12 AS from fire sword thanks to the insane spd growth she gets with Levin as a dad. I tend to trade her the Earth Sword after chapter 8, since Nanna no longer needs it to carry Leaf and Fin through chapter 7 and the first part of chapter 8 (though you could just warp others to Lenster so I guess she doesn't actually need it there).

I like Earth on her since if she's off on her own it's hard to heal her. Earth Sword means she doesn't need to run back to get healed. Of course, giving her a bunch of rings and weapons with a limit of 7 is kinda hard. Hero Lance + Earth Sword + Thief Sword/Ring + Power Ring + Barrier Ring are only 5 items, though. Leg Ring + one other weapon. No real need for Elite Ring once chapter 9 rolls around, I'd say. The other weapon could perhaps be another magic sword (one that has more than 10 uses). Or a Silver Sword after promotion. I'm assuming you don't care too much about the other characters, so only having 3 more magic swords to spread around the rest of your team shouldn't be a concern. She shouldn't need shield ring all that much when she dodges most of what comes her way and you can pull out the Earth Sword on player phase to heal and then switch to some other weapon for enemy phase.

It's too bad you can't have more items. Skill Ring would make it easier for her to KO that thief with the wingclipper in chapter 8. I think her hit rate is not so great there even with Hero Lance since he's on a tree.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I'm going to go on a whim and say Lex. Innate Ambush + Pursuit + Continue after class change. Elite on top of that and WTF 70 Def and 105 HP Growth and passable everywhere else. Critical will be useless due to High kill count Hero Lance.

As for Items:

Leg Ring

Hero Lance

Wind Sword

Prayer Ring

Thief Ring

That leaves two rings for whatever you want. Probably Barrier Ring and maybe another Weapon.

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