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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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If only this was FE9 or 10 where we could remove skills...

I don't like the idea of making her free to do whatever she wants if the only problem is that she's giving out a +10 evade boost. She can contribute quite a bit since she can use Staves. I can't imagine that it's that hard to keep her away from Javelins.

Every single one of those knights is equipped with a Javelin.

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Every single one of those knights is equipped with a Javelin.

Yeah, so? That doesn't mean we should make her free. You don't even have to get him to retreat, you can curbstomp him with Sigurd - far more satisfying, in my opinion.

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How 'bout a compromise?

Lachesis is semi-free. She cannot do any action but wait during that period, but if a unit happens to benefit from Charisma, or if she is attacked, no penalty is incurred.

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I honestly don't think Sigurd needs the +10 evasion anyhow, and no other units barring somebody bulky like Lex or Cuan are going to be near enough to benefit from it anyhow.

... I wouldn't know though, I've always just killed Eltshan.

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In most drafts Sigurd's probably a high enough level where he can safely go toe-to-toe with Eltshan, and if it's really that much of an issue have him sit on a forest and RNG abuse so Eltshan doesn't activate Mistoleen's Critical skill.

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Looking over past drafts, I noticed that Psych wasn't bolded as the creator of FE4 Draft 5. I don't believe you missed any others.

EDIT: Although, the Eliwood Mode ruleset could use some work:

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25.

3. All Gaiden Chapters except 22x and 26x are required to be visited. 24x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter.

2: 17x should read 16x, and the Chapter 25 provision doesn't need to be listed.

3: 24x should read 22x, and 28x should read 26x.

Also, in the exceptions section, it should read Chapter 15 when referring to Lyn's Legion being free, instead of Chapter 16.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Thanks, Darros! I'd forgotten to report it :P.

Elty's hit rate is so high, it's unlikely to make much of a difference. I don't see much harm with letting her be used as Charisma-bot. She's got low move and needs to be shielded properly to avoid a penalty, probably costing more turns than she'd save! I generally bait/kill him. Even Alec got him once.

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Yeah, we should probably address that. I gave it to whoever it was who came up with it for loopholing in that draft alone, but now that those shenanigans are done let's provide for it.

I'd say it's wonky at best and should probably be blanket prohibited just like lover/sibling criticals.

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But then it would never happen!

It can still happen. As long as the sisters/brothers (FE12 has Bord/Cord/Barst too) surround an enemy and the leader attacks at 1 range it'll triangle attack.

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I honestly don't care, because I can't see it saving any turns, and having an undrafted sister get attacked will most likely be counterproductive anyhow. Not to mention that all three sisters cost turns to recruit, ironically.

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I agree that the best option is to just ban undrafted units from participating in Triangle attacks. It's not a big deal though, because it really makes you jump through hoops to make use of it, and as Horace said it's probably not saving anyone any turns.

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