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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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FE4 Draft ZI in 241 Turns. LightSword! Celice is amazing, if it gets over 50 kills.

Now to plug away at the last 3 chapters of H5, then I'm done drafts for a while.

Unless an intriguing one comes up, that is.

Edited by General_Horace
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I literally just discovered this topic. Here's a bunch of drafts I finished, but didn't get updated to the OP.

FEDS2 Draft II: I finished in 162 turns, and SDS got done in 152.

FE4 Draft Z: Finished in a terrible 361 turns. Never getting Sylvia again.

Fire Emblem 5 Draft #2: Done in a decent 183 turns.

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@Horace: How the fiddlesticks did I forget to edit that into the OP? Done.

@Oval: FE12 DRAFT CLEARS THANK YOU. First ones in the log.

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Here's an auction draft you missed:


LHM+EHM Auction Draft #28340


Note: Auction took place over IRC

Paperblade: Dorcas, Sain, Heath, Harken, Nino, Vaida

eclipse: Guy, Fiora, Ninils, Rath, Pent, Louise, Jaffar

Kopfjager: Rebecca, Bartre, Priscilla, Kent, Lucius, Dart

Lux (Astra did the bidding): Oswin, Wil, Raven, Canas, Legault, Isadora, Karel, Renault

chococoke (Kay did the bidding): Lowen, Matthew, Serra, Erk, Florina, Hawkeye, Geitz/Wallace

Papermole finished in 299 turns. I took 327 turns.

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Beat Integ's Not Procrastinating (FE4 Draft VI bitches) in 398 turns! I'm so proud of myself! :D

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Now I only have ZI, a few FEDS drafts, and the second First Gen Draft to finish. Oh, FE8 HM too.

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You dont have my turncount in some of the drafts. In the draft where i got nolan, i finished with 254 or 258 i dont remember. And in the draft where i had jill i finished with 238 turns.

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Sorry lol. I looked at the names now. They are:

ANOTHER RD draft #27335


PegKnightLover: Nolan, Marcia, Soren, Tibarn, Rolf, Skrimir, Tormod, Lyre, Stefan

Xanderdog: Titania, Nephenee, Nailah, Calill, Meg, Sanaki, Ranulf, Leonardo, Fiona

Jhen Mohran: Edward, Boyd, ulki, Nealuchi, Kieran, Rhys, Caineghis, Gareth, Bastian

Shibeebaba: Jill, Oscar, Brom, Tanith, Geoffrey, Sigrun, Tauroneo, Nasir, Renning

Queen_Kittylincia: Elincia, Laura, Ilyana, Lethe, Mist, Astrid, Ena, Vika, Volke

zorbees: Volug, Mia, Gatrie, Janaff, Naesala, Lucia, Muarim, Kyza, Oliver

Lilmik11: Zihark, Aran, Shinon, Heather, Mordecai, Makalov, Danved, Giffca, Pelleas -- 375 turns clear

Im not sure about the turncount, Ill check the thread and tell you. But it was either 254 or 258 since those ring a bell to me.

The other is Another another another RD draft hosted by lilmik. I have Jill Mia Elincia and got 238.

Its actually 258 in the one with nolan.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Shin Patch FE4 has finished drafting

1. Darros: Aideen (Lana, Lester), Briggid (Patty, Faval), Jamka, Alec, Aless, Shanan, Johalva, Radney, Tristan, Holyn

2. Second Pronoun: Ayra (Lakche, Skasaher), Lachesis (Delmud, Nanna), Noish, Beowulf, Johan, Linda, Hawk, Amid, Claude, Dimna

3. Integrity: Fury (Fee, Sety), Sylvia (Leen, Corple), Lex, Dew, Janne, Azel, Daisy, Midir, Ardan, Hannibal

4. Kitoari: Tiltyu (Arthur, Tinny), Ethlin (Leaf, Altenna), Levin, Cuan, Fin, Laylea, Mana, Femina, Rodolban, Sharlow

i let darros get aless and shanan in one pick what is wrong with me :(

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1: I dream of the day when people stop using Aless and start using Ares like it's supposed to be.

2: Thanks for the promptness, Kito!

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Even now that I have as close to proof as you can GET that Midir is correct?

You disappoint me most of all, Darros.

@Hong: Thankies.

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