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[FE9] PoR Hard Mode Draft Tournament

Radiant Dragon

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It's alright. I only got to Chapter 5. =P

The only problem is, I will have to go through the game and unlock Fixed Mode first, which will take around 5 days (My files got deleted once, and I didn't go through the game since then). I'll try it in less, though. I hope you don't mind that...

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23: 6

I'm pretty satisfied with this, as I was expecting to take more considering the ballistaes getting in the way. I had some problems with the reinforcements at the back, but they targeted Stefan before Haar, allowing me to protect Jill without getting a penalty. Mist reaches A Sword rank without any Arms Scrolls.

24: 5

This may have been possible in 4 as Titania was only 3 spaces away at that time, but I didn't feel like finding a way to get Reyson around the ballistae without the Knight Ring so I took this. Also got Savior.

Titania was also given the new Energy Drop and Savior.

At this point I'm mainly using my original run to see how fast I can reasonably do these maps so I can aim to tie or beat them on the new run.

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Chapter 22 - 24. I'll have stats when my sister isn't on the TV.

Chapter 22 (2/127) BEXP: 698

I forged yet another max might/hit Steel Axe named Hauteclere for Astrid. BEXP Marcia to Level 13 and Calill to Level 11. Makalov used Tauroneo's Occult to learn Sol.

Lethe shoves Tomenami so Titania can kill the Bolting Sage. Ike kills a Priest in the west and Makalov kills a Myrmidon. Astrid kills a Warrior in the east so Marcia can kill a Priest and counter-kill the Warrior with a Chest Key. Calill attacks Schaeffer with Meteor.

Makalov kills another Priest and Ike recovers Sleep. Astrid kills a Soldier so Marcia can grab the Tomahawk. Calill attacks Schaeffer again, killing him. 18 (I think) Priests survived.

Chapter 23 (5/132) BEXP: 578

Ranulf joins! I sold Hammerne and Sleep, bought some Silver Swords and Lances and forged a max might/hit Silver Lance named Gradivus for Marcia. BEXP everyone to their next level.

I didn't deploy Calill because she was unnecessary (and kept getting killed by ballistae). Ranulf and Lethe shove Marcia, who rescues Ike and moves west ahead of the rest of my army.

Ranulf shoves Makalov so he can help Astrid and Titania clear the way for Marcia to move further west and use a Vulnerary.

Marcia flies further west and drops Ike right above the north-western-most sand bag. Makalov gets Blizzard and Titania kills the eastern-most Archer. The rest of my party avoids Haar and the reinforcements.

Marcia and Ike each kill a Paladin so Marcia can stand in front of Petrine as the rest of my army fends off the central enemies.

Marcia finishes Petrine and Ike seizes.

Chapter 24 (5/137) BEXP: 411

Sold the Longbow, and bought some Silver Axes and a Silver Bow. I forged a max might/hit Silver Axe named Wolf Beil for Titania. BEXP Ike, Makalov, Lethe and Ranulf to their next level.

Everyone goes north, Marcia, Titania and Astrid killing some enemies.

Marcia kills a Wyvern Rider and moves toward the Arrive square. Everyone else takes care of the enemies near the starting position to protect Lucia and Bastian.

Marcia continues moving toward the Arrive square as the rest of my party moves north, Titania getting Savior.

Marcia gets in Arrive range as everyone else engages in self-betterment.

Everyone cleans up the north-eastern area before Marcia arrives.

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Rerun 7-13:

7: 9/36 (-4/21)

It took some clever maneuvering with Titania to avoid a penalty on this one. Ironically, I also had an easier time with Ike and Mia. I managed to get the Ward staff without a Chest Key by having the Thief open it and killing him.

8: 8/44 (-0/21)

Obvious turn count. Did pretty well in terms of items collected (aka any possible) and experience gained, even ending with Ilyana at 99 experience.

9: 7/51 (-1/22)

I was literally 1 HP of damage from this being 6 turns. There was a Myrmidon in Titania's way of the boss, and Ike's two hits of 12 to his 25 HP hadn't been enough. It wasn't a complete waste, though, because the extra turn allowed me to get some experience and the Talisman. I could have restarted, but I'd already done that at least ten times.

Levels at the end of 9:

Ike: 15.3

Titania: 7.78

Mia: 15.46

Ilyana: 11.76

Mist: 1.44

10: 5/56 (-4/26)

This was tough to do while killing the boss for his Seal and getting the Chest Keys. Titania had a lot of work to do, and there was a good deal of dodge luck involved. Also managed to open Brom's door on turn 5, so at the very least he didn't cost me turns.

11: 5/61 (-2/28)

Stupid Thief got in the way of my Killer Lance on the last turn. Got the other villages, though, and recruited Zihark. Titania charged for the spot alone, but unfortunately was not able to kill the boss. Mia and Ilyana started south west and cleaned up some of Titania's leftovers, the others went east to handle stuff over there. Lethe actually recruited Zihark so Mordecai could do other things.

12: 8/69 (-1/29)

This is not possible to do any faster without Marcia, and with Jill it might be possible in 7. I got Mia as much experience as I could here because I wanted her to promote for the next map. Stupid Seeker activated both Corrosion (on my Laguzslayer) and Miracle against Mia. Asshole.

13: 10/79 (-0/29)

I don't think this one's possible to do faster without a flier either, but it might have been if I'd opened all the chests fast enough. At least I got the Energy Drop this time (and yes, the first one to go for the Energy Drop has a droppable Coin), only missing the Elfire and Longsword, and otherwise getting a good amound of experience for everyone.

Levels going into 14:

Ike: 18.33

Titania: 10.24

Mia: 20/2.67

Ilyana: 18.00

Mist: 14.00

Mordecai: 4.00

Brom: 12.00

Resource distribution has remained the same. Since I got the first Energy Drop this time, I tossed it on Titania so I can use the next one on someone else.

Edited by Yui
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Gentlemen. The time has come for me to actually devote time to this run. The RD run sapped more of my general attention than I assumed it would. My apologies.

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Chapter 25 and 26. I've been forgetting to list my unit's supports, so I'll include them with their stats. Why aren't Ike and Titania at an A yet?

Chapter 25 (5/142) BEXP: 308

I forged a max might/hit Silver Lance named Malte for Geoffrey, and gave him my second Speedwings. BEXP Ike, Astrid, Makalov and Ranulf to their next level. Titania lost Counter and picked up Savior.

Marcia goes straight north; Calill, Lethe, Astrid and Makalov go west; Ike, Ranulf, Geoffrey and Titania go east.

Calill finishes Gromell with Bolting as Marcia makes her way north. My Paladins rush to help her as fast as their horses will allow (not very fast…). Thankfully, Lethe, Ranulf and Ike can still use their full move.

Marcia gets rid of the Purge Bishop as the rest of my party continues north, taking out enemies on the paths.

Lethe and Ike get close to the top as Marcia continues to fend off the northern enemies by herself. By the end of the Enemy Phase, most of them are dead.

Astrid kills a Swordmaster and Ranulf kills a Sniper. Marcia equips the Spear and counter-kills the rest of the enemies on the Enemy Phase. So much for everyone rushing to help her...

Chapter 26 (4/146) BEXP: 529

I bought two Silver Lances, and forged another max might/hit Silver Lance named Longinus for Marcia. BEXP Ike, Titania, Lethe, Ranulf and Geoffrey to their next level.

Lethe smites Titania before she rescues Ike and moves for the Seize square. Ranulf shoves Marcia as well. My Paladins start killing Warriors as Calill hangs back and Elincia stays out of the way.

Marcia and Titania continue toward the Seize point as the rest of my party fights off the Warriors and Paladins.

Titania drops Ike as Lethe hides from the Meteor sage and heals. The rest of my party finishes the Paladins that threaten her.

Titania and Marcia kill Bertram (he missed with his Runesword, thankfully) and Ike seizes.

Name     Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ike      20/13  53^ 24  09  24  26  16  21  13 | B Titania, B Lethe
Titania  --/17  47  20  07  23  24  19  17  13 | B Ike
Marcia   20/18  44  23  07  26  28  16  21^ 18 |
Lethe       13  48  20^ 04  16  19  20  13  09 | A Ranulf, B Ike
Astrid   20/17  42  23  10  26  27  17  18  13 | A Makalov
Makalov  20/14  48  24  04  20  27  14  21  09 | A Astrid
Calill   --/13  35  10  25^ 21  22^ 18  10  20 | B Geoffrey
Ranulf      12  50  21  04  19  18  14  18  06 | A Lethe
Geoffrey --/13  44  19  09  18  22^ 12  22  09 | B Calill

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Soul's failure planted the seed of doubt in my mind as to whether I'd done Fixed or Random, so I restarted 'cos all I had done was P. :awesome:

P: 4 turns clear


1: 4 turns clear

wat. Boyd does good work.

2: 4 turns clear

wat. Rhys healed! Actually, in the proto-run, he was essential. In the final run, Ike dodged fucking everything for no reason.

3: 5 turns clear

If Tits had gotten the crit she landed on the boss on Turn 5 when I had her attack on Turn 4 I could've kept up the streak.

4: 2 turns clear


5: 2 turns clear

Titania! Gatrie is pretty gr9 and let me get the Hammer.

oh fux killing the boss doesn't clear it. Retry!

5: ACTUALLY 6 turns clear

Titania, due to a mishap on my part, didn't get the boss kill. Oh wells.

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Alright, RD. I've decided to go through FE9's Random Mode under your conditions: No BEXP-abusing. I will indeed, promise not to do that. Sorry if I can't prove it any other way other than my own word. =P But I will assure you I won't do it.

Anyway, I'll second what Integ said, and will now devote myself to getting through this draft, as I myself have already finished the FE10 Draft as well.

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Lol, do I need to explain?

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       2.57  20  5   1   7   8   6   6   0

4 turns.

Chapter 1

Lol, do I ne- Oh, I really should. Anyway! Oscar assisted Ike with his preys, while Titania went for the boss and some enemies sorrounding him.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       3.65  21  6   1   7   8   6   7   0
Titania   1.28  33 12   4  13  14  12  11   7
Oscar     4.23  27  6   1   6   8   5   8   1

3 turns.

Chapter 2

Oscar fought the enemies at the closest corner, and Ike fought the enemies that were to the East. Once Titania arrived, all three of them head to kill the enemies up at the North-East.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       4.74  22  6   2   7   9   6   7   0
Titania   1.69  33 12   4  13  14  12  11   7
Oscar     5.61  28  7   1   7   8   5   8   1

4 turns.

Chapter 3

Titania and Ike prevented enemies from attacking Shinon and Gatrie, and then Titania killed most enemies at the ship, including the boss (she used the Hand axe).

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       5.07  23  7   2   8  10   7   8   1
Titania   2.24  33 12   4  13  14  12  12   7

3 turns.

Chapter 4

My undrafted characters hid at the top corner, while Soren chipped from bushes and then Ike followed, for defensive purposes. Titania beasted through the field and took down the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       5.65  23  7   2   8  10   7   8   1
Titania   2.86  33 12   4  13  14  13  12   7
Soren     1.94  18  0   6   8   8   5   2   7

2 turns.

Chapter 5

All my undrafted hid themselves at the East corner. Titania guarded the main front, while Oscar guarded the other front. On ocassion, enemies would get close to Ike, and Oscar would have to get back to assist him. And that's when Soren took his oportunity to gain CEXP. The boss also got very close to the starting point. So Titania attacked him and left him at Soren's kill-range.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       6.75  24  7   3   9  11   8   8   1
Titania   3.45  34 12   4  14  14  13  13   7
Soren     3.17  19  0   8   8   9   5   3   8

6 turns.

Chapter 6

Oscar and Soren stayed at the bushes, killing enemies. Titania ferried Ike and dropped him once it was safe, because there was a giant horde of enemies, and alot of them bore 2-range, something Titania lacked by then. Titania critikilled the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       7.09  24  7   4   9  12   9   9   1
Titania   4.37  35 13   4  15  14  14  13   7
Soren     4.63  20  0   9   9  10   6   3   9

8 turns.

Yay, for blank post. o3o

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I had the perfect plan to have an overleveled Ilyana ORKO Oliver with Bolting and get me a one turn clear for 17-4, but the trees on that northern end of the map act as some sort of barrier that Bolting can't shoot through, for some reason, so I'm two spaces short and can't recover them without getting Ilyana to the other side, at which point I'd just be able to have Titania murder him anyway, and it'd be more like turn 3 or 4.


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Yeah, generally if you don't have line of sight the game gives a -2 penalty to staff and siege range. It's kind of unpredictable though exactly how it'll work. Also, it's not precisely line of sight and more like "10 spaces without hitting an obstacle, regardless of line of sight; failing that, -2 penalty for going through an obstacle" or something. Works on enemies, too, though it's hard to judge exactly how a particular map effects the enemy guys since their range when you click on them acts like they can move even if they can't.

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I don't think it's a flat -2 penalty. It's always an even number (duh), but you can get -4, -6, etc. if you're way out of the line of sight. Like, in 4-4, it's impossible to hit either enemy in the west chest room if you're not on the same or lower level than them because of the walls.

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I bet I'll finish my run twice (aka both my current runs) before either of you finish once.

Bonus points for me if I also finish before Kaoz.

Why is that? Seeing as RD is almost done and you, Integ and Soul play two or three chapters per day, combined with the speed I update my HM playlog with, I'll probably finish last (it doesn't help that I'm playing four files at the same time...).

EDIT: Rather unexpected, but here is an update:

Chapter 9: 6 Turns

Titania rescues Ike for 3 turns, then proceeds to kill Kotaff. Lethe and Mordecai were surprisingly helpful, Rolf stayed in a corner.

Chapter 10: 4 Turns

+5Mt Iron Sword for Ike. Used the basic rescue-drop strategy.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skill	Sp	Lck	Def	Res	Supports
Ike	15.48	37	12	4	14	15	11	10	5	C Titania
Titania	6.29	38	14	5	16	16	13	13	9	C Ike
Shinon	2.33	32	10	6	15	14	10	9	6
Rolf	1.00	18	5	0	8	6	4	6	2

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I don't think it's a flat -2 penalty. It's always an even number (duh), but you can get -4, -6, etc. if you're way out of the line of sight. Like, in 4-4, it's impossible to hit either enemy in the west chest room if you're not on the same or lower level than them because of the walls.

Most places don't have enough stuff in the way to get more than 1. I did say it is unpredictable how it'll work on enemies for a reason, though. Yes, sometimes there are multiple -2 penalties that are stacked so a non-moving enemy with a seige tome isn't always predictable in their range. (of course, in RD where you can't even get the tiles whether they move or not isn't relevant anymore)

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After spending most of today getting Endgame to cooperate, I have finished. Unit synopsis coming soon. 161 turns total.

Chapter 27 - Endgame

Chapter 27-1 (5/151)

I sold Elincia's Mend and forged a max might/+20 hit Silver Sword named Durandal for Makalov. BEXP Ike to Level 15 and Geoffrey to Level 14.

Makalov and Astrid go west with my last Chest Key to get Resolve. Everyone else moves north through the middle.

Geoffrey opens the center-left door so Marcia can kill the Bolting Sage as the rest of my units flood in behind her. Makalov and Astrid continue north-west.

Titania opens the center-top door and prepares to take the brunt of the northern assault while my other units finish off the enemies in the center room. Astrid and Makalov make it into the western treasure room. Geoffrey falls asleep on the Enemy Phase.

Calill, Marcia and Ike clear out enemies in the way so Titania can stand in front of Hafedd. Ranulf gets the Silver Spear (and falls asleep as well) as Makalov and Astrid get rid of a General and Sage in the way of Resolve. Ike kills what seems like 20 enemies and Titania kills Hafedd on the Enemy Phase.

Astrid gets Resolve and everyone else gets some experience before Marcia arrives.

Chapter 27-2 (1/152) BEXP: 492

I considered killing the bastard, but I decided that Nasir wasn't worth the extra turns. Ena it is.

Chapter 28 (5/157) BEXP: 411

I bought a Silver Blade and forged a max might/hit Javelin named Gungnir for Marcia. BEXP Geoffrey to Level 16 and Ike and Ranulf to their next levels. Ike and Titania finally built their A support. Ike trades Aether for Resolve and Astrid loses Paragon for Sol.

My Laguz shove Marcia so she can rescue Ike (after he uses Pure Water) and move into the trees. Everyone else moves west to engage the main force.

Calill uses Blizzard to get rid of a Raven in Marcia's way, then Marcia goes west and drops Ike.

Ike starts attacking the stationary Dragon in front of Heddwyn as Marcia heals and stays out of range of the other Dragons.

Ike finishes the Dragon thanks to Resolve, and Marcia takes its spot and heals again. The rest of my army tries to bait the Sleep Bishop into sleeping them instead of Ike or Marcia.

Marcia kills Heddwyn, everyone else grabs some experience and Ike seizes.

Endgame (4/161)

I bought a bunch of Elixirs, and forged a max might/hit Silver Bow named Ichival for Astrid. BEXP Ike and Makalov to their next levels, then used the rest of it on Astrid.

After getting shoved by the Laguz, Astrid and Marcia rescue-drop Ike to the north. He equips the Brave Sword so the Tigers will attack him to bring his HP down enough that Ashnard's attack will activate Resolve.

Calill and Marcia kill a Dragon, Astrid weakens a General and Geoffrey kills the Sage, allowing Ike to make it into the area north of the courtyard. Titania and Makalov block off the west and east entrances, and Ena blocks the southern one. Ashnard attacks Ike and Bryce dies on the Enemy Phase thanks to Resolve.

Ike kills Ashnard and then moves back south so he can be in support range without exposing Lethe or Titania to Ashnard. Everyone else gets the hell away and I choose Naesala as my Royal (Holy goddess above! You've got the wrong bird!).

Ike finishes Ashnard while Naesala's glad he's too far away to do anything.

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My opinions on my team, in the order they joined:

Ike - 122 wins (3rd Place)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/20  58^ 26  10  27  28  19  24  16  | A Titania, B Lethe

This is the first time my Ike hasn't been number 1. Being a 7 move unit on a team full of 9 move units does that, I suppose. Excellent fighter, but often needed help to get to the chapter objectives. Sword lock didn't help, either. Crucial in the beginning, since Titania couldn't do everything by herself, but became more of a liability later on until he got Ragnell. He got Aether when he promoted, but dropped later in favor of Resolve to take out Ashnard.

Titania - 222 wins (1st Place, by far)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/19  49  21  08  24  26  20  18  14  | A Ike

I had no idea she had gotten THAT many kills... Even after I got more units, she still pulled her weight and was helpful to the end. She had some problems doubling and/or ORKOing in the last two chapters, but it didn't really matter. She got Adept to help on stuff she 3HKOed, and got rid of Counter for Savior in Ch26 (I should've given it to Marcia, since I forgot Ch28 was Seize, I thought it was Defeat Boss).

Marcia - 137 wins (2nd Place)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/20  45  23  08  26  28  17  22^ 18  |

My first pick only flier, Marcia performed outstandingly. I gave her Vantage and Guard along with both Dracoshields to help her survive when she had to break away from my army and fly toward the chapter objective. So I never had problems with her dying (except in Ch28, because I couldn't equip the Laguzguard and Full Guard at the same time). MVP of the playthrough, even though Titania got (a lot) more kills. She cost some turns to recruit, but saved far more in the long run.

Lethe - 60 wins

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  14  49  20^ 04  17  20  21  14  09  | A Ranulf, B Ike

I thought Lethe was going to make top 5, but she got edged out by Astrid. Her combat and durability were excellent for most of the game, especially thanks to the Energy Drop I gave her. However, she really started to fall behind later on, thanks to being restricted to an 8mt weapon. She was still helpful near the end though, because she could shove/Smite Titania, Astrid and Marcia, as well as being able to combine for kills with anyone (except Ena).

Astrid - 67 wins (5th Place)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/19  43  24  10  26  27  18  19  14  | A Makalov

Paragon is one of my favorite skills; I was able to get her from level 4 unpromoted to level 2 promoted in the Ch14 base. She got Sol after Ch27 though, since she was pretty high leveled by then anyway. Being able to be shoved by Lethe made her slightly more useful than Makalov and Geoffrey later on, and she had better stats than them for most of the game as well, thanks to her higher level. Not to mention having the best 2 range on the team thanks to Bows.

Makalov - 74 wins (4th Place)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/16  49  25  05  20  27  14  22  10  | A Astrid

This is the first time I've ever used Makalov, and I was surprised at how good he was. His high HP, Str, Spd and Def made him one of my best combatants after Ike, except he had more move, canto and good 1-2 range. Thanks to only having a few units to train (and the Ch15 BEXP), he was able to get out of his 'bad bases' rut very quickly. He usually cleared the way for Marcia or Titania to move ahead, since he couldn't be shoved by Lethe, however.

Calill - 21 wins

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/15  36  10  26^ 22  23^ 18  11  20  | A Geoffrey

Not as good as I thought she would be, mostly because of her lackluster durability and 6 move. I didn't even deploy her in Ch23, thanks to ballistae on one side and Wyvern Riders closing in on the other. It didn't matter too much though, since I drafted her solely to use the long-range tomes. The Spirit Dust was obvious, and the Speedwings helped in Ch25 along with Nihil, since Marcia couldn't double Gromell thanks to his Resolve. It might've been better used on Ranulf regardless, though; she wasn't very useful outside of the siege tomes.

Ranulf - 15 wins

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  14  52  22  04  20  19  15  19  07  | A Lethe

He had better stats than Lethe, and could transform on turn 2 if he's attacked on turn 1. He could also shove Geoffrey and Makalov while transformed, and could shove Marcia even untransformed. His combat was never excellent, but it got the job done and he could take a hit. WindxHeaven support bonuses suck, by the way.

Geoffrey - 8 wins

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/17  47  21  10  20  24^ 13  23  11  | A Calill

I gave him my second Speedwings instead of Ranulf because of Forges, the Brave Lance, 2-range and he could fight on turn 1. He was a better combatant than Ranulf, but Ranulf had greater utility thanks to shove, and I had 3 other Paladins with great stats. His support with Calill allowed her to combine with Marcia on that Dragon in Endgame, so I have to thank him for that.

Ena - 1 win

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  10  52  20  09  17  15  14  23  21  | 

She was useful only as a shover, and to tank the southern portion of the courtyard in Endgame. Her combat was pretty pitiful since I didn't bother giving her any BEXP. She did more than Naesala, though (not like that's an accomplishment).

Naesala - 0 wins

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  17  57  25  15  26  31  19  21  16  |

The only reason I choose him over Tibarn was because his entrance in Endgame is more entertaining. Ike killed Ashnard the turn he arrived, so he didn't have time to do anything except gripe about having to fight Berserk Ashnard.

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