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[FE9] PoR Hard Mode Draft Tournament

Radiant Dragon

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Except this is a draft so forging light tomes is pretty easy (and before you say they're too expensive - we have the funds, trust me ;) ), and that's a 7mt weapon on a guy with higher magic than mages.

So yeah, Rhys can be a pretty cool unit in drafts, especially as overlevelled as he is.

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Except this is a draft so forging light tomes is pretty easy (and before you say they're too expensive - we have the funds, trust me ;) ), and that's a 7mt weapon on a guy with higher magic than mages.

So yeah, Rhys can be a pretty cool unit in drafts, especially as overlevelled as he is.

I haven't been in a draft, but I do understand the implications they have pretty well. And still, that's over 20k that could've gone to other stuff.

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I haven't been in a draft, but I do understand the implications they have pretty well. And still, that's over 20k that could've gone to other stuff.

Swords are also quite expensive. I had 3 SMs plus + Ike + Mist on my draft team and I was blowing money on those forges nearly every chapter. One or two expensive Light tomes is nothing in the long run.

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I haven't been in a draft, but I do understand the implications they have pretty well. And still, that's over 20k that could've gone to other stuff.

we have the funds, trust me ;)

It's not like Rhys will be ploughing through these things. Besides, he doesn't even need a max mt forge, 4-5 mt is still probably enough, or some -wt. a level 20/9 Rhys, for example, can ORKO anything he can double with simply a min. wt forge (or 3 wt, technically, but w/e). And with 17 AS, that's a good portion of the map. And he was level 20/5 in chapter 21 so with a bit of bexp/stave abuse (aka warding), that's possible (or use a slightly stronger light forge, if you insist on him being a lower level).

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Frankly, I've just been having him use Shine. I haven't bothered with forging him books.

WRT money, though, yes. I have approximately infinity money. I could probably forge a max everything Silver every chapter from now til E and still have a few ten thousand gold left.

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C26: 6 turns clear = 184 total


Elincia proved to be a champion and crit like four of the starting Warriors. Steel Bow forge let Kieran kill Betram over 3 turns, then Ike Seized. This map was a fucking pain in the ass. :|

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  • 1 month later...

Even had I drafted Nasir I wouldn't have risked fighting the BK after the pure balls of 27.

Since I have a few minutes:

1: Elincia goes left to deal with the Warriors. She HAS to 1RKO the Killer Axe bro and not get hit in return. This depends on his stat rolls - approximately the upper 1/3 of Warriors are un-1RKOable without a 2% crit. Gatrie goes right with a Steel Lance to mop up some backwards shit and prep for later. Ike runs forward to chop the SM (no pressure, sometimes he doubled sometimes he didn't) and Boyd goes forward-right and chops the Cat (again, no pressure but the only 1RKO here was a 15% crit) Tormod runs up to Meteor whichever didn't die. If neither died, Titania then ran up to finish the other but if both were dead at this point (they were) she Saviors Sothe. Ulki floats about in the forward field behind the line. Kieran runs to the left door and Killer Axed the Knight standing there.

1EP: Warriors all suicide on Elincia except the bow-wielding one. If he hits Elincia (varies wildly based on his starting bio; my successful one was Best and he did) my strategy gets fucked but I can recover it with a little juking. Tiger runs down and smacks her for terrible, terrible damage. Warrior on the right attacks Gatrie and the three Knights all suicide. Cat and Knight remaining in the middle do one of many things to Ike and/or Boyd, usually ending with one or both dead. If the Knight guarding the left door didn't die to a Killer Axe crit by Kieran, he gets Physiced and then dies anyway. Cat and left SM both die on Kieran.

2: Titania runs forward and grabs the Door Key from Kieran, then opens the door with it. Kieran blitzes in and kills the Bolter with a Hand Axe, preparing for killing an Archer on the EP. At this point, Elincia would ordinarily 1RKO the Bowarrior and continue northwards but since he hit her I have to improvise. Elincia runs back to just north of the spawn and gets Mended by Rhys. Gatrie continues as far up the right passage as possible with a Javelin out. Boyd goes right and 1HKOs (lol) the Longswordmaster. Tormod follows, keeping just out of range of the Braveswordmaster. Ulki goes right (this is critical, as it turns out). Ike heads over to the left middle door, behind Titania.

2EP: One middle Tiger attacks Titania; one attacks Kieran. The 2-range Archer suicides on Kieran and the 3-range one doesn't. Braveswordmaster attacks Boyd for variable damage and dies. Hand Axe Warrior suicides on Gatrie. Leftiger attacks Elincia again for terrible, terrible damage. Bowarrior pursues Elincia but can't catch her. Thieves are almost to the doors now.

3: Kieran Killer Axes the Longbowman. Titania runs left to gib the Thief and take the Double Bow before he can open his door and let the flood ensue. Ike moves to block the door Titania vacated. Tormod runs forward to heal Boyd and Boyd runs forward to gib one of the Righthieves. Gatrie moves up and Ulki follows Boyd. Rhys finishes the Leftiger and Elincia moves towards the main force.

3EP: Bowarrior attacks Rhys and gets a good two-thirds of his health removed. One Tiger suicides on Kieran and Ike fails to finish the other. The remaining Righthief opens the right door.

4: Titania heads back and assists Ike in killing the last Tiger. Kieran opens the left chest for the whatever was in it. Rhys heads north and chugs a Vulnerary. Elincia rejoins Ike. Tormod runs right and blicks the remaining Righthief. Boyd runs to the door and Iron Bows the Hawk he can reach using that Iron Bow I forged in C8. IT'S STILL AROUND. Ulki moves up to support range of his beorc brother and Gatrie runs forward to trade Boyd's Iron Bow for his Silver Axe.

4EP: All the Cats and Hawks suicide on Boyd. Bowarrior's saga is finally ended on Rhys.

5: I'm forced to do something fucking tricksy. See, I can't stuff enough people in to open the door and kill the Sleep staffer in one turn. So, I do this:

Ulki runs up and kills the right Meteorer. Boyd generically runs to his limit and Gatrie runs forward to Smite Ulki out of the way. Tormod runs up and Meteors the Silence staffer, failing to 1RKO him. Kieran forge!Hand Axes the middle door and runs one square in, allowing enemies to almost enround him without unblocking the doorway. Elincia runs up to just below Kieran and Rescues Rhys, allowing them to gain support bonuses. Titania runs to the left and drops Sothe off, then Cantos north. Ike runs up but not too far up.

5EP: Had Tormod not heavily damaged the Silence staffer, he would now put Kieran to sleep and then Kieran would die. Instead, the Silence staffer panics at his remaining five hit points and runs left. The Sleep staffer Physics him up to full. 2-range dies on Kieran en masse but the Knights and Tiger that get to 1-range are too much. One Tiger and one Halberdier suicide on Boyd.

6: Titania moves up and finishes a heavily wounded Knight. Kieran, freed, runs in and Killer Axes the Sleep staffer. Ike parks himself in front of Titania and Elincia moves up to support him. Rhys does nothing. Sothe heads for the corner. Ulki opens a chest and Boyd and Gatrie commence moving left-north and left respectively.

6EP: Enemies die on Ike and Kieran.

7: I'm in improv territory here. Kieran drops one of the Leftknights and moves in. Elincia runs straight in and Rescues Titania. Ike finishes the Silence staffer. Titania kills the Bolter and moves left. Rhys moves up to a very specific square outside of range of the remaining enemies. Boyd kills the boss with his Silver Axes literally *perfectly*. Ulki and Sothe open the remaining two chests not on the left side.

7E: Most of the remaining enemies commit suicide. Stupid Armorknights.

8: Rhys runs in and Hammernes Elincia's Rescue. Kieran opens the left middle chest then runs back and left. Titania grabs a two-use Chest Key from him and opens the left chest then runs right. Elincia runs in, grabs the remaining use and opens the right chest. Boyd Arrives.


tl;dr: This chapter was so fucking long and took so many retries that, an hour later, I REMEMBER EVERY MOVE.

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C28: 7 turns clear = 200 total


Shit happened like I don't even know.

F: 15 turns clear = 215 total

Full synopsis incoming.

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215 turns clear. Not bad, I guess. I played the Final chapter MUCH more timidly than I needed to because I'd never done PoR on Hard before so I really didn't know what to expect. Wrath and Resolve were both already spent, so I had to rely on Aether and good old fashioned wailing to bring Ashnuts down. I'll probably do much better in the next run because I won't be surprised by everything in the Final. Incidentally, the Final chapter ran for an hour lol :awesome:

Credits are fucking ludicrously long and mega-unskippable.

IKE - 87W

19.17   58|26|10|27|28|21|22|18  Miracle, Aether  Titania B, Elincia A

5th overall.

Him war lord. I dunno really what to say on his performance - it was adequate. I'll try a WrathResolve Ike next time, for sure, but this time unfortunately he fell in the shadow of Boyd rather heavily and paid for it. That said, AetherIke was hampered by falling into Worst bio RIGHT as I aggroed fucking Ashnard.

BOYD - 205W

20.00   60|30| 2|28|27|17|17|11  Resolve, Provoke  Titania A, Ulki B


10/10, would draft again, A+. Boyd handled streams of everything forever and didn't afraid of anything. Quick promotion to Warrior meant I was able to Forge him a stupendous Iron Bow that he kept for the entire game and that logged about a third of all boss kills in the game. That bow, too, didn't afraid of anything. It even knocked off some generic Draconight in the Final Chapter ffs.


17.82   47|20| 7|23|22|18|18|13  Savior, Counter  Boyd A, Ike B

3rd overall.

Titania, lol. She actually didn't treat me overwell this game, being mostly overshadowed by Kieran and failing to 1RKO shit rather quickly. When that was paired against Boyd who - admittedly - moved slower and 1RKOed EVERYTHING it struck me as not so helpful. Regardless, she fulfilled her duties and certainly deserved the 3rd place slot.

RHYS - 22W

16.59   39| 3|29|22|20|25| 9|30  Serenity, Guard, Gamble  Kieran A, Ulki B

Actually, I was amazed at Rhys's performance. He kept me alive through several crucial moments and really was relegated mostly to spamming Physic and Sleep and the Ashera Staff in F - which he did well enough. His damage was actually fairly good even without any forges - I only gave him one in C27 because I couldn't think of what else to forge.


18.45   58|29| 2|24|17|11|30|11  Smite

4th overall.

Why did Gatrie, Mr. 5 MOV, get 4th overall kills? Because there are plenty of rearguard actions he could perform. Just off the top of my head from C27 and F, he went right in the former and left in the latter to fight everything on that side. Who gives a fuck if he 3RKOs when it's not a rout and everything tink!s him? He's distracting them so the main force can focus its attention forward. That said, 8/10 would certainly draft again.


20.00   50|26| 6|26|27|15|22|11  Sol  Rhys A

2nd overall.

Frankly, the only reason he was 2nd overall was availability. Boyd had just enough chapters on him to pull the victory in points. Kieran was a beast the whole game long. I gave him Bows on promotion because somebody on ip.chat dared me to and was actually fairly pleased with that. Forged Bows have high MT and very high HIT and since Kieran's STR was already rather high he didn't necessarily need the extra four points of damage from a 1-range axe to 1RKO most given bosses. In fact, most bosses I killed were with Boyd's Ironforge or Kieran's special Steelforge.

Since I know you're reading this, Frostbite, because it's about Kieran: my Final chapter forge was a max everything Hand Axe named Frost's Bite. i l u man


2.01   21| 5| 1| 7|12| 6| 4| 0  Blossom, Shade  Tormod A

Sothe opened chests.

It's 0? because I didn't see him anywhere in the lineup so I assume I missed him amongst the walls of 0W.


13.50   37| 8|29|20|22|16|11|23  Celerity, Wrath  Sothe A

Tormod was ace. Celerity kept him up and - considering he was my only Mage - BEXP got him going fast. That tiny 54W figure belies his true usefulness, because those were generally 54 critical kills. Knowing now what I know from this draft, I've an idea how to utilize him better for the next draft but even awkwardly used as he was this time he was still a worthy contender.

ULKI - 13W

13.89   49|19| 4|17|16|12|16|10  Boyd B, Rhys B

Ulki was a support bot who carried some excess weapons into the Final that I thought I'd need. When he fought, he survived and he was only the cause of about two rageful resets so I guess he did alright? Oh well, final round draft.


14.10   42|16|22|22|23|23|16|19  Stun  Ike A

Elincia, oh Elincia. Having a flying staffbot show up without any overt need for favoritism with A Staves out of the box? Her combat, as always, was never above subpar but she was still a highly useful unit plus a support bot for Ike.


All he bases at.

He killed some random Lancer on the EP and then actually got the Berzerk Ashnuts kill.

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20.00   50|26| 6|26|27|15|22|11  Sol  Rhys A

2nd overall.

Frankly, the only reason he was 2nd overall was availability. Boyd had just enough chapters on him to pull the victory in points. Kieran was a beast the whole game long. I gave him Bows on promotion because somebody on ip.chat dared me to and was actually fairly pleased with that. Forged Bows have high MT and very high HIT and since Kieran's STR was already rather high he didn't necessarily need the extra four points of damage from a 1-range axe to 1RKO most given bosses. In fact, most bosses I killed were with Boyd's Ironforge or Kieran's special Steelforge.

Since I know you're reading this, Frostbite, because it's about Kieran: my Final chapter forge was a max everything Hand Axe named Frost's Bite. i l u man

gee_wiz_emoticon.gif X 5,000,000

And lol, He even had a hand axe named after my crazy existence! I'm at least happy with him reaching 2nd! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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