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So wait, the only ones still available (servants) are

Saber (Wow, I thought this would of been the first to go)

Assassin (Thought this'd be popular too :/)

Archer (Not sure, unregistered= 1 more, or no more?)

That certainly cut down the possibilities XD

And there's still only two masters right? (Kimiko/Makoto)

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The unregistered Archer means there's another slot open, yes. Well, I'm closing them for the biggest reason being we need more Masters right now, as the biggest part.

But yes, the opened spots are currently:



Archer unless ronny's shooting for it now instead.

And I do share your opinion, I am surprised these are the last three open.

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It looks fine now, although if you want to have Gram act as a Noble Phantasm, well, you don't have a description of what it does right now. If you just plan for him to have the sword and not use it really, then you don't need it listed in the NP section, but you'll still have the sword.

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Psst he wants you to make it a NP.

Frankly, if the sword doesn't have any power (special power) it's not much different from a pet cat a character has.

If the cat can do things, (talk, scout, dance) then it becomes a Familiar, and in the case of Fate, it'd become a phantasm.

But if Gram's just a sword. (Aka, If Ragnar would hrug his shoulders and grab another sword) then I don't see a problem with keeping it the way it is.

It's the difference between, "others" naming it, and "an individual wielder" naming it.

Put simply it's "The Gram" or just "Gram."

And from what I've read so far, it just sounds like "Gram."

No one knows about it, no one cares about it(Besides Ragnar), the only thing special about it is the sentimental value the owner has towards it.

*Hopes for some male Masters*

Two females atm, and mine will most likely be female too XD

Edited by Kanami
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Originally I had intended to go for a Servant, but the usual distractions of the mind(and my ability to not fit my chosen hero as a particular class with ease)led me instead to come up with this shady fellow.

Name: David "Tab" Spencer

Description: Awe-inspiring. But since that obviously won't due. Standing at about 6'4" wearing a high-quality black suit. He has blond hair that reaches the back of his neck and blue eyes. But his eyes are almost always hidden behind his very fine hat. No one's quite sure how he sees with that hat always in the way, but he manages.

Occupation and Age: 23 years of age and working as a Specialist in the Clock Tower. Which essentially means he's sent out on suicidal tasks because he's annoyed far too many people with actual power.

Personality: Chatty, a bit arrogant and rather averse to straight up conflict. He much prefers to just watch and wait for the perfect time to act. Then watch that pass by talking at how he really should have jumped on the opportunity.

Reason You Fight: The incredibly cliched reason of more power. Of course, it is cliched because just oh-so many people want it. So really, it's not a bad idea.

Background: Born to a rather average magus family and as the only child he was the natural successor. Initial tests showed him as possessing various elemental affinities but after a deeper look his chance at being classified as an Average One(capable of using five elements) were dashed due to a complete lack of Ether comparability. This led to him being following in his parents footsteps as average magi. While average in the fields he studied in, he did have a noted cunning, but other than sliding out of a few scrapes with other students. Eventually though. one of those scrapes was with a student of far higher standing than him, and that led to David being sent away on a "special" mission on behalf of the Association. Through some miracle though, he succeeded. Which really just worsened things.

To date he''s survived seven "suicidal" missions and a dozen special assignments through the bewilderment of the higher-ups. He's gotten arrogant about it, which just ruins his standing further and has gotten him assigned to investigating the workings of the Einzbern, Makiri, and Tohsaka in the eastern land. Those who send him actually agree he'll be an ideal agent for the mission. If he dies, whatever the three families are hiding is severe enough to require their attention. If he survives, again, than it was just some minor thing that could be ignored.

Edited by Script
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You certainly caught my interest with this character, Script. I'm glad to see most of the people bringing Masters to the table are rather creative.

Script/Dave: Accepted.

Since this was not in my latest posts, I'll put it here, currently the open spots are:

Four Masters



And of course the reserve spots which will be brought out once most if not all of these slots are filled.

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Since there are a few more masters, servant time~

Name: Izanagi

Class: Archer

Description: Standing at an average 6 feet, his isn't a very daunting man, his expressions calm and warm. He has jet black hair which is tied back into a ponytail, and a more east-asian appearance.

Personality: He lives for whoever commands him (Explained why in his legend) and lives only to make them happy. This is, of course, if the person who commands him is a just person. He will not (willingly) serve someone who is not such.

Otherwise, he is calm, collected, and often quiet. He talks when spoken to, and has a sort of inviting personality, so he talks often enough.

Noble Phantasm:

Souji Seto: A finely crafted bow of unparalleled aim and design, but not strength. Its strength depends on that of the user's will and determination, which is why it has served Izanagi so well.

Brief summary on their legend: The highest ranked general in his army, led by one of the Empresses of Japan in a late dynasty, he fought only for his mistress, a woman of great power who ruled over her lands with justice and equality. He found nothing other than the satisfaction she gained from the destruction of those who would do wrong to the people of Japan, or those too corrupt to rule. The Empress, having grown a fondness for Izanagi, fell in love with him, ordering that he serve her every order until either of them die. He, accepting such, spent his life committing every action in her name. After a decade, her might empire had fallen, and Izanagi was left a general without an army. Through the rest of his life he served others, only committing himself to them if their intentions were righteous and true, refusing to take the orders of those who would do wrong to his home country.

Reason you fight: To fulfill the wish of whoever commands him, if he finds them worthy of commanding him. If not, his wish is to find any way of stopping them.

So... Am I good?

Points to anyone who knows where I blatantly ripped the names off from

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That actually works really well with the character concept I've been playing with, but that's not important.

My main issue with Izanagi is his name XD I never thought I'd come across someone who'd try and twist one of the core gods of the Yaoyorozu into a Chinese General XD

Ah well, better get to work on my own character now.

Will have something up in the next 24 hours.

(Only Servant class left now is Assassin)

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My main issue with Izanagi is his name XD I never thought I'd come across someone who'd try and twist one of the core gods of the Yaoyorozu into a Chinese General XD

Wait, what?

I just stole the names from Persona 4 @~@

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I figured as much, though I was hoping you weren't that stupid :P

I'm not sure if there are exceptions, but as far as I know, The Persona series uses the concept of existing gods, monster, demons etc to form their demon list.

Izanagi no Okami could be considered the most important deity of the Yao Yorozu as he and Izanami created the islands of Japan, and are the root of all Japanese gods. (Shinto)

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