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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 72


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Then...re-read everything I've been saying. And yeah, Wyverns too, as dondon said.

I would, if not for my opinion on him being set in stone... Honestly, Dart...

- Is in one of my most hated classes

- Is locked to my least favorite weapon type

- Isn't good looking (I am biased towards attractive or cute characters, after all)

- Makes me rage

Put all that together, and why the hell should I bother?

WKs and WLs, too. That's one annoying enemy type. You don't really have a choice most of the time, either. FE7 mages don't have horses and can't take hits well.

Anyway, axes got better starting in FE7, but I wouldn't call them the best weapon class until FE9 where accuracy forges started coming into the picture. Lances are better in FE7 and FE8 because of higher hit, lower WT, and better distribution. It's the base weapon type for cavaliers and fliers. FE9 and FE10 gave axes to mounted knights and DKs, which turned the tables.

EDIT: Wow, I got interrupted by like 5 posts.

On axes: Well, we seem to agree on something for once. Though I think Silvercrow had a point about axes having a case for decency in FE5.

On wyverns: I can see where you're coming from, and they're fairly common once they start showing up. However, I don't employ an aggressive playstyle that often - I'm more than happy to let them blunder into range of my army, then wipe them out.

Edited by Malik Maxwell
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