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... Hai!

So I just recently showed up on SF, and I've already noticed the spriters are considerably better then the ones on FeeF. So I decided I might as well make a topic, take in as much criticism as possible, and maybe a decent spriter will be salvaged yet!

I'll start with some mugs and slowly move more into the sprites:


My favorite character to Rp with.


Another Rp character of mine.


The father of the previous character.


A simple splice.


A request.


I started a hack... And you know how that goes, haha. One day I hope to fill all of these up!



A new kind of Hector! =D


Saints that for some reason have turbans... And a really weird general.


Bull's are so under appreciated.


Those thingies.



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Haha, thanks.

GBA style sprites are all I've known, so it's what I work with, hah.

Just beat RD for the first time ever about 3 days ago, And those mugs scare me terribly.

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Well your splices are clean, but, maybe they could be a little more complex? They all seem to be just head/body splices. Like, one character's head on another's body. Maybe add a little more?

As for the battle sprites, I can't do that, so, can't really say much XD

Looks like you could get good, if you keep going at it.

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Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

I was going to start joining in the competitions maybe to better myself further, but... You guys are crazy good.

Don't get intimidated by all that. If anything, join to get better at splicing and have fun, yeah?

One thing I want to add about your sprites:

Make sure to use colors from ONE FE only. Like, if you use FE7 skin colors on one character, make sure all of them use that skin color. Make sure that if you use FE7 skin tones that you take all of your colors from FE7 as well. Y'get what I mean?

Edited by seph1212
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What Astra said really. They're nice splices, but sprites(mugs) are more interesting when you mix and match more parts. One day, you might be able to do a Vamp and go flip/rotate/resize crazy, but for now changing eyes, nose and pieces of armor would be nice.

I personally prefer to really mess around with the hair.

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Not too bad (and probably better than most of my stuff). Overall, I can't see too many errors, although I haven't really looked all that closely, although this one:


has it's left (OPV) shoulder a little too broad for his neck position, so I suggest either bringing it further in or moving his head to the right, which *should* help a little.

Edited by Camtech086
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Not too bad (and probably better than most of my stuff). Overall, I can't see too many errors, although I haven't really looked all that closely, although this one:


has it's left (OPV) shoulder too broad for his neck position, so I suggest either bringing it further in or moving his head to the right, which *should* help a little.

It's not too broad, it's too low. It has to be brought up. Though, it wouldn't hurt to bring it in one, maybe to pixels.

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No way! You made actually use of the general and have a better stance.

I just like scythes. Which reminds me: I have a bunch of weapons I can upload. *Goes to transparent*

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No way! You made actually use of the general and have a better stance.

I just like scythes. Which reminds me: I have a bunch of weapons I can upload. *Goes to transparent*

But yours is rather neat as far as the technicalities (shading, etc.) go, whereas mine is rather sloppy because I'm not patient enough to iron the problems out.

And weapons? Do you mean like icons or something, or weapons like the type a sprite would use?

Edited by Camtech086
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Hah, I originally made it to be a mount for my Rp.

But yes, and so under rated!

EDIT: @Camtech:

Well, use this to get better, and make a better sprite next competition. Could be sprite choice as well.

EDITEDIT: Uhh, not icons, but they're a bit too big to go in a sprites hand; you'll see =D

EDITEDITEDIT: These are from my bleach FE style Rp, haha. It was called Souls of the Fallen; or SotF.


Starting from the top and read left to right: A halberd for a chad style character gaining his own unique type of power. The glove was for a mod soul character. The next are a zanpakutou, it's shikai, and bankai (Not actual size, the axe was supposed to be huge, hah), another zanpakutou/ it's shikai. In the next row is another set of a zanpakutou and it's shikai, the next has all three stages, horribly shaded I might add, then a shikai, and under that: my started attempt at a bow styled shikai. The next row holds my characters zanpakutou, shikai, and bankai respectfully o= And of course the buster sword and Ichigo's shikai in the last row by their lonesome.

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Yeah I'm Blanks from FeeF. I think we met? I definitely remember your amazing sprites, and that sig. But you're probably thinking of the other guy. I was mostly in the Rp section.

After FeeF got hacked I was just lost interest. Didn't like the new format. Even when I left and came back most of them were the same jerks I remembered them as. Seems this forum has actual criticism, and not just trolling pr0n fanatics. Not to say everyone's like that at FeeF, just the few that stick out in my mind and post EVERYWHERE.

On topic: Thanks =D

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Yes you did! I still have it, haha.

Oh really? Maybe I'll pop in to see how it is. But I'm kinda growing on the forest.


Since I already sprited for both competitions, maybe I should offer to take a request?; I need something to work on.

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