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First love, crush, kiss


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I'm...incapable of having any sort of feelings beyond platonic friendship for more than one person at a time.

Hahahaha that makes it feel even worse than I thought xD

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh but those people on tv and those singers and guitarists and drummers...............

But still when it comes to what feels like love... I still think only one's come to that so far. Maybe.

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That how I am now, but with girls, of course. But...I am 16 O:

In my opinion it would seem the more mature path to go to find who fits what you want very well, not go find everyone in the world and get hundreds of breakups. =/ I don't like the thought of infatuation much but I can't heeeeeelp iiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!

There's this one dude but he's soooo tall and I'm not even 5 feet tall but he once walked past me looking like an absolute model in the simplest clothing ever (but I don't mind simple clothing at all) (and I have suspicions of similar career interests so I keep daydreaming us growing up working together cause the thing I want usually requires constant travel).

EDIT: So in a sense I view you as more mature than I am, and who knows maybe you are.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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First crush, Melissa, 3rd grade. I thought about her pretty often for 3 years then I let her go because I realized I didn't like her. She was nice for a while but then she started hanging out with gossipy people and she changed. (I later found out she was crushing on my best friend, lol)

Others haven't happened and I don't really mind since I'm only 14 and I'm asian. yus.

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