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Light Lord's ZONE of Art

Light Lord

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Hello there guys, finally setting this up and hoping it draws a bit of attention (unlike other places I've posted this).

Well, as the topic implies, I'll post my works in here, be it sprites, drawings (which are a bit bad for the moment), story I'm writting, stuff like that.

Well, let's go first to the project that has taken too much time to work in, my story.

It serves as a new story for Fire Emblem, focusing in a new continent and the appearance of other FE characters from previous games, for the moment being Tellius and Elibe. Here comes Fire Emblem Darkness Dusk here's the link.

Also, I'm still learning how to sprite, I left one of the most recent works and one I think ended up a bit good.


And another version, from how she really looks in the anime (I expect someone already guessed who she is):


As for an actual sprite I'm working in, here's an advance on it:

post-736-036356200 1294088150_thumb.png

Hope everyone likes what is/will be posted here.

PS: About the story, it is completely checked from the beginning to Chapter 9, from Chapter 14 onwards everything is fine already.

Edited by Light Lord
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Well.. ain't that lovely!

I dig the concept!

A post, finally I broke the other forum record :awesome: !

Thanks Frost, but I kind of...didn't get it. You meant the idea of having all my works in a single topic or something in specifiC?

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I like the entire topic itself, added with the linked fanfiction.... is what I meant....

Oh and you should post more stuff! Thread becomes more fun with more stuffs....

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Thanks Frost, I'll do my best to update this ASAP.

Oh look, update time!

Newest sprite for the moment being:


Well, a few people may know who he is. Next target: finish my Jill's sprite and my new personal sprite.

As for the written works updates, Darkness Dusk has been updated and will have an updated in two remaining chapters (the last two ''x chapters, they are really short). Tomorrow I'll have ready the next chapter of the story, feel free to critic/comment on anything you find interesting or odd (except pairings please).

As a side note, I'll post the other two written works I work too:

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Paladins of Light

This can be classified as a fanfic, since it takes place in the 5Ds generation of Yugioh and trying to combine the other series (with personal OCs). This fanfic is programmed to include the Dark Signers arc, but I'll see if it can also include the last one. Lately I found hard to continue this one, but I'll try to update it like Darkness Dusk too.

Fire Emblem Tales of Heroes

Thiss one is a collection of stories that take place during/after/before the events of the original story, Darkness Dusk. By the moment being, it has two chapters. Chapter 1 is a story of the knights hailing from Vordam, while Chapter 2 reveals the hidden reasons for which Sedric started the war that takes place in DD.

Hope you enjoy them and wait for the next update!

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  • 3 weeks later...

post-736-076236900 1296665178_thumb.jpg

A bit of update time, one of my first drawings after some time and well, it doesn't need a long explanation. However, this is just the black and white version, I will be adding the colored one soon (I hope).

Regarding the written works, the Yugioh fanfic has updated as well as the Fire Emblem story.

Tales of Heroes is now getting a bit behind since I have some troubles deciding which alternate story add to it. I'm accepting ideas if anyone has been reading the story, of anything you want to know about a bit more, since that's how this one is working. It serves as an explanation of a few things that won't be in the main story.

Also, a sneak peek of the next project, since Darkness Dusk is about halfway to the end. It involves vampires coming to Magvell, as the Prince of Darkness rebirth is planned yet again.

As for the sprites...I'll be keeping this ones in hold, for I'm having some troubles and I'm looking for some support.

Thanks to everyone for your patience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I forgot to post something about the sprite...

The evil look fits him so nice! Ohohoho... More updates?... I'm getting more curious!

Edited by Frostbite
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