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roy, that was the single most epic promotion in this rp so far. (Sorry, Amon, but she had music.)

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Gar earned 78 points, putting him at 137. Why that's enough to level-up!

Gar level ups to 2-2.

2-1 Stats.

Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 11 LCK: 6 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 9, MT: 3(8 CK), Hit: 11, AS: 11, AVO: 17, DEF: 1, RES: 1

Fancy new 2-2 Stats

Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 12 SPD: 12 LCK: 7 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 9, MT: 3(9 CK), Hit: 12, AS: 12, AVO: 19, DEF: 1, RES: 1

Gar has 37 points remaining.

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Name: Lisandra von Krauche

Nickname: Lia

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown(Appears 14)

Class: Hero

Affinity: Ice

Weapon proficiency: Axe

Weapon of Choice: Brave Axe

Inventory: Brave Axe, Flintlock Pistol

Raw Stats: Hp:8 Str:9 Mag:0 Skl:9 Spd:5 Lck:2 Def:2 Res:1

Simplified Stats: Hp:24 Mt:9(18 Pistol) Hit:9 AS:5 Avo:7 Def:2 Res:1

Occupation: None

Appearance: Stands at about 4'10" with pale skin, and waist length white hair, with a lilac tint. Eyes are a pinkish Lavender. Currently wearing an old, worn down summer dress.

Hometown: Tremere

Connections: None

Backstory: Lia was an Artificial Human created at the request of Cervantes von Krauche for use in his new religion. The man wanted only for a slave and a path to wealth and power, and the girl would serve his needs. Out of pity, she was given a name by one of the craftsman that created her, though with time her memories of it are vague. Details of time in captivity can be found ingame.

Points: 551


-90(Brave axe)

+20(Iron axe)


1 point remaining

Edited by Ether
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New stats as follows!

Raw Stats:

HP:4 + 2

STR:3 + 4


SKL:3 + 3

SPD:7 + 2



RES:3 + 1

Simplified Stats:

HP: 12 + 6

ATK: 3 + 4

HIT: 3 + 3

AVO: 12

DEF: 1 + 0(3) (with defender equipped)

RES: 3 + 1

Edited by RainbowKitty
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I have wonderful news of wonderfulness! I finally have the 5 posts per week posting average ^__^

And I made a thing

The thing is the wonderful part

Name: Katrina Curik

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Class: Wyvern Knight

Affinity: Light

Weapon proficiency: Axes

Weapon of Choice: Rune Axe


Rune Axe

Imperial Tack


Raw Stats: HP:8 STR:7 MAG:0 SKL:7 SPD:5 LCK:1 DEF:8 RES: 0

Simplified: HP:24 MT:7 Hit:7 AS:5 Evade:6 Def:8 Res:4



5' 4”, sea green hair, brown eyes.


Occupation: Mercenary

Nature/Disposition: She's normally softspoken and considerate. Doesn't handle pressure well and worries more than she should. While she takes her job seriously, she isn't always happy with what she does.

Hometown: Lukin, Neviskotia

Connections: John (acquaintance)

Backstory: Her father was a mercenary, and his father, and his father before him. It was just something she grew up with, despite the personality conflict. She was given a wyvern and taught to fight by her father. He was injured a few weeks ago, and since then she's been taking slightly higher pay jobs protecting ships.


Mount Name: Volga

Mount Gender: Female

Mount Species: Makarov War Wyvern

Mount Age: 10

Mount Appearance: Black, fat, giant

Mount Personality: The most spazzy wyvern imaginable. She also loves food a little too much.

Mount Relations: Katrina, Gil

Mount Backstory: Originally bred for the military, due to some.. behavioral issues, she was instead offered as a private mount on the cheap. She's rather large and affectionate, if oblivious.

Average: 551

-400 levels

+20 iron lance

-80 Rune Axe

-80 Imperial tack

11 points remaining


Level up totals

+4 skill, +3 hp, +2 spd , +3 def, = 12 stat points (4 levels)

+ promo (2 str, 1 def, 1 hp)

EDIT: again. Hey, mount armor is now awesome. She's got some now. Point total and stats have been changed to reflect that.

EDIT: EDIT: Changed stats

EDIT: EDIT: EDIT: Changed items

EDIT: EDIT: EDIT: Changed stats again

Edited by roymbrog
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Name: Luka Rendvulk



Class: Paladin

Affinity: Wind

Weapon Proficiency: Sword

Weapon of Choice: Upgraded Mageslayer Sword


Upgraded Mageslayer Sword

Steel mount armor


Raw: HP 7 STR 8 SKL 7 SPD 6 LCK 1 DEF 4 RES 3

Simplified: Hp:21 Mt:8(16 vs. Mage) Hit:7(14 vs. mage) AS:6 Avo:7 Def:8 Res:3


Appearance: 5'6 with long pink hair, too long for a boy at that. It doesn't help that his features are somewhat feminine as well. Luka is very awkward socially due to the bullying he received as a child because of his hair, he has a lot of pent up rage inside him from this.

Nature/Disposition: The son of a minor nobleman Luka was given combat training all through his life, something he was incredibly skilled at due to the anger he kept inside.

Hometown: Europa, Ursium

Connections: Weyland Enterprises

Backstory: All of his life Luka was trained to fight by his father, something he excelled at due to his anger kept inside. A few months ago Luka's father pledged him into the service of Seth Weyland, hoping for his son to grow a backbone. It may not have worked, but Luka sure as hell learned how to fight as well as anyone twice his age.


Mount Name: Rika

Mount Age: 10

Mount Appearance: Brown with a white diamond on her head

Mount Personality: Protective of Luka

Mount Backstory: Rika was a horse breed for combat, partnered with Luka when they were both young Rika has grown to care for her rider deeply

Average 551

-400 Levels

-140 for upgraded mageslayer and steel mount armor

11 points

Edited by Eail
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Ranyin promotes!

177-100 =77 points left

2/1 HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKI: 6 SPD: 11 LUK: 8 DEF: 1 RES: 1


Mireille levels up!

161-100=61 points left!

2/2 HP: 7 STR: 4 MAG: 5 SKI: 4 SPD: 5 LUK: 1 DEF: 8 RES: 5

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Zach level's up Yay~

+1 Mag +1 SKL +1 SPD

New Raw Stats: HP 5 Mag 11 SKL 9 SPD 9 LCK 2 DEF 1 RES 2

Simplified Stats: HP15 MT 11/18(if Blitz) Hit 9 AS9 EVA 11 DEF 1 RES 2

Edited by Eail
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So Blake's got a nice 136 points.

He sells his Precise Sword for 20 Points.

He buys a Defending Sword for 50 Points.

He buys a Skill Book (Stance+) for 100 points.

New Base Simple stats: HP is 15, Might is 9, Hit is 9, Evade is 10, AS is 8, Defense is 2(6 with DS), Resistance is 1.

6 points remaining.

Axel, meanwhile, buys a Skill Book (Resolve).

Simple Stats remain the same.

21 points remain.

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baaaaaaaaah ;/

this is stupid

Name: Adrian

Age: 19

Class: Rogue

Affinity: Thunder

Weapon Proficiency: Swords

Weapon Affinity: Swords

Inventory: Slim Sword

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 11 LCK: 6 DEF: 3 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP: 15 Might: 4 Hit: 7 AS: 11 AVO: 17 DEF: 3 RES: 2

Occupation: Thief

Appearance: Black hair that is short on top, but kept in two braids. When not tied up, it reaches to about Adrian's waist. Has thin cheeks and commonly has dirt on face. Adrian has blue eyes, and wear a tattered blue cape. Wears brown boots and a brown tunic. Wears tight brown pants, (kinda like Aladdin pants?) with a belt.

Nature/Disposition: Guarded

Backstory: A thief thrown out on the streets at a young age, Adrian took to stealing to survive. A brief stint with a kind elderly couple lead to changing ways, and stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Adrian dislikes bandits and people who are greedy, and works towards getting as much money for others. Adrian rarely spends money, which is why most of the clothes are tattered and dirty. Stowed away to get passage to the next town.

551 points

4 levels (-300 points)

Buy Slim Sword (-40 points)

Promotion (-100 points)

Sell Iron Sword (+20 points)

Purchase another level (-100 points)

Purchase Weapon Affinity (-30 points)

Remaining: 1 point

Edited by Psych
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While I still have the chance, Lisandra reclassed to HERO!

New stats:

Rw: Hp:8 Str:9 Mag:0 Skl:9 Spd:5 Lck:2 Def:2 Res:1

Simp: Hp:24 Mt:9(18 Pistol) Hit:9 AS:5 Avo:7 Def:2 Res:1

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Chelsea classes up!!!

Level 5 to 6

Stats gained:

+1 MAG

+3 RES

New Stats: 9 MAG and 8 RES

100 points lost.

Now remaining: 20

Edited by GoD
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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Eli B. Haarburste

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Class: Chaplain

Affinity: Ice

Weapon proficiency: Staves, if you will.

Weapon of Choice: His family's never quite understood it, but Eli's always been rather fond of Quarter Staves.


-Mend Staff

-Imbued Staff (Upgraded)

Raw Stats:

HP: 3

STR: 4

MAG: 9

SKL: 3

SPD: 4

LCK: 2

DEF: 4

RES: 7

Simplified Stats:

HP: 9

Mt: 11

Hit: 3

Evd: 6

AS: 4

Def: 4

Res: 7

Occupation: Currently unemployed. He used to work in delivering letters, but quit his job for sundry reasons.

Appearance: Eli is around five feet tall. He has no facial hair, and his generally unkempt mop of hair is almost black, but if you squint, it's actually brown. He is a lean-set man, definitely not build for sprinting or any such thing (hence the class which uses horses.) He is rather fond of dark, baggy clothes- although he can wear anything that isn't yellow, he hates yellow clothing. His face is... imagine a man. There you go. Eli's face is basically completely unremarkable.

Nature/Disposition: Eli is, overall, a nice enough man. He isn't the most eloquent, and his word choices often have a bizarre twinge to them that nobody can ever really figure out the origin of.

Backstory: Eli didn't do so well in school, and was a somewhat unhelpful child (he tried, bless his soul, but every time he used a broom he started swinging it around like a quarterstaff! He is, as such, homeless, as his parents have disowned him for "just being really weird!" As such, he travels around, beating up ne'er-do-wells with his quarterstaff. Otherwise his life was rather unremarkable, nothing that interesting.

He is a fanatic of many traveling bards- were one to ask him for the musical history of a given bard, chances are he'd know it. (He's not a bard because the kid just really likes Quarter Staves and Bards don't really tend to attack.) He cannot stand when lower-quality goods are used for a subject in which he has experience, and will go to many lengths in order to correct this transgression. (For instance: those who use tinfoil to wrap are degenerate lowlives who have the brain of a Bavarian goat-tickler.)

Mount Name: Jetta

Mount Nickname: Jetta will suffice, thank you.

Mount Gender: Female

Mount Species: A "terrapin"- that is to say, a horse that Eli claims is a turtle. No one's really sure why.

Mount Age: 34, yet she can move like she's, like, 10. Crazy.

Mount Appearance: Rather short. Grey coat. Has four hooves, much like a regular horse. Generally, has aged very well.

Mount Personality: Generally rather silent and stalwart. Tends to stare with a deadpan expression at Eli whenever he say something particularly ridiculous (very helpful to him, actually.) Rather nonplussed by Eli's bard obsession. Please, do not interrupt her while she eats (by the by, she is a very effective de-wormer, as she enjoys their taste quite a bit for... some reason.) It is a bad plan.

Mount Backstory: Truly, one of life's great mysteries. Nobody can remember the first time Eli rode into town on Jetta, but it was so long ago that even he does not remember the circumstances of their meeting. Her longevity baffles researchers to this day.

Points spent:

400 points- Levels and promotion.

40 points- Mend Staff, what with selling the old Healing Staff to take care of it.

80 points- Obtaining and upgrading the Imbued Staff.

31 points left.

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A couple of things I'd like to point out ^__^

-You don't have to buy a healing staff or weapon affinity. First base weapon/staff is free as is the ability to use it. Quarter staves count as skill weapons, so they don't even take a normal weapon slot. Meaning you have more points left than you thought. Also, you don't have to have weapon affinity to hold more than one stave anyway. (hint, hint: you can buy another :D) Selling the healing staff nets you 20 points to a better version, if you decide to do that.

-The stats are a bit off. You can only add one point to a stat per level, so the maximum amount of strength he can have is 4, if he's level 2/1 like I think is is.

-There is a version of the Quarter staff that uses magic to attack defense. It's called the Imbued staff, and might work well here since low strength would be an issue. You don't have to use it, but I figured it'd be worth mentioning, since troubs naturally have higher magic. (Also no one would care if you used it to hit people with either)

Also, I'm totally not a GM.

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