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Uh, ok, so the edits are ok but not quite right. Base stats are:

HP: 3 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

You leveled HP 4 times, STR 3 times, SKL 1 time, SPD 7 times, LCK 2 times, DEF 1 time and Res 3 times so your final stats are:

HP: 7 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 12 LCK: 5 DEF: 2 RES: 4

so you were almost right but not quite. That makes your simp stats:

HP: 24 MT: 5 HIT: 7.5 AS: 12 AVO: 17 DEF: 2 RES: 4

Now, the way you did things, you actually now have a steel sword and an iron sword. Buying weapon affinity lets you have a second weapon of one type (sword for you) and gives you the base weapon in that type. So that gives you another iron sword. If you want an armorslayer, you'll need to sell that iron sword (getting you +20 points) and then buy an armorslayer. So after leveling, you have 227 points and an iron sword.

Buy: Weapon Affinity (gain ability to have two swords and an iron sword. you now have two iron swords) -30 points

Sell: Second Iron sword +20 points

Total points: 217 points

Buy: Armorslayer -60 points
Total points: 157 points

Buy: Leather Padding -30 points

Total points: 127 points

Save: 50 points to upgrade Iron to steel and leather to half-plate once you join the group for sake of getting discount prices

Total points: 77

Buy: Life Book -60 points

Buy: Vulnerary -10 points

7 points remaining

So with that build, once you join the group and upgrade, your simp stats will be:

HP: 24 MT: 5(12 with slayer, 6.25 with steel) HIT: 7.5 (11.25 with slayer) AS: 12 AVO: 17 DEF: 2 RES: 4

HOWEVER, I would suggest you pick a slayer that is not an armorslayer simply because 12 mt is not a lot against most classes that will be effective against. Something like a Mageslayer would work better because they tend to have worse def and better res and also tend to be scarier for us than the armorslayer category people.

Edited by scorri
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Now with my remaining 227, I buy weapon affinity, now I have 167 points remaining. I then now have my special weapon, and my iron weapon. I upgrade my iron weapon to steel for 30 points. I how have 137.

Only need to address Weapon Affinity this time. You're in a mono-class, which only have one weapon type they can use, so Weapon Affinity only costs 30 points for you.

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Well, I just added some stuff about which slayer you might want to buy, just wanted to make sure you saw that, that's all!


Erion buys Stims, -20 points, new point total 91, aw yeah drugs for the horse dude

Erion also buys Dual Book! MUCH CRITS WITH RAQUEL! MUCH MURDER! New point total 11

Edited by scorri
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So the two parties, is there a section in the forum where I can read up about them?

Not outside of the actual chapter threads. Each group has its own thread since they're in completely different areas, and soon, different countries. The group started by Raquel Valcyn, is called Team Valcyn, and their mishap adventures are being covered in Chapter 13 Revelations. The second group started by ... a whole bunch of people, is called Team Sanctuary and their shenanigans are covered in Chatper 13 Flight. Once the next chapter(s) begin, there'll be two new threads, each covering the specific group. If you'd prefer a more condensed version of what they're up to, just ask, otherwise there's plenty to read to get a feel for either group lol

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Heh! I don't blame you! That's a lot of reading. Hmm I may be able to provide a couple summaries, unless someone else would like to get to work on those.

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Also once you figure that stuff out, you should probably either edit your original signup or make a new signup with all the edited information in one place, just as a heads up! Glad you're joining!

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Heh! I don't blame you! That's a lot of reading. Hmm I may be able to provide a couple summaries, unless someone else would like to get to work on those.

Sure thing. Otherwise, I'll take care of it sometime tomorrow when I'm a bit more refreshed.

Alright, thanks a lot for all of your guy's help, it means a lot, as this RolePlay seems very fun, and not only that, but I now know that the community is quite awesome too.

Anytime, Coby :)

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Keeping it brief, according to Merc: The story so far.

Team PC's:

How the rp started. Raquel Valcyn was a merchant's assistant, the merchant being her dad. They were in a place called Sergio Port: a port town in Ursium. An unknown group attacked, causing a ship to implode, and kidnapping Raquel's father. Some people who were nearby (PC's) helped to fend off these foes. Raquel wound up hiring quite a few of these people. Some of them began traveling with her due to a woman who had helped out named Veronika, who had already hired them (Veronika joined Raquel that day, too.) Some people joined up with Raquel without asking for pay, too.

Anyhow, Raquel and her merry band began hunting down this group to find her father. They picked up people along the way to join their cause, and lost a few, too (mostly, these people just left as opposed to dying.) They sought help from a famous, Ursian inventor named Professor Seth Weyland. In exchange, he sent them on a couple errands. One was to assist some mercenaries in Kigen, who were smuggling something in for him, and another was to investigate something in the capital. Turns out, Seth was smuggling in a Fallen girl for an ally of his: a Fallen prince named Steinn, who is trying to become the next ruler of his people. (For details on the Fallen and their customs, see Useful Notes' Fallen page.) In the capital, they worked with the military to get rid of an operation that was creating artificial humans (and, as we found out, an artificial dragon.) (I don't know if there's a page on artificials yet; don't think so.) Anyhow, the place was cleared (people died) and we discovered the wondrous swap meet. That can be explained later since it's not a story element. Anyway, after this, Raquel and friends returned to Weyland Estate. Steinn's plan to bait his brother (the top contender for the Fallen throne) worked, and some of his supporters (including one of their younger sisters) tried to rescue the Fallen girl. These rescuers got captured. (I believe this was more or less right after the kidnapped Fallen was taken to Weyland, along with only 1 mercenary remaining from the original group that kidnapped her.)

Raquel and Co. then received a tip from Professor Weyland (and a new wagon) and wound up heading to a place called Fort Dailey. This fort wound up getting warped into Purgatory. Raquel and Co. were left there for a little while, and in that little while, they found a sleeping Vasilus (information on Vasili available via Phoenix; I can't remember where he moved that to.) Raquel accidentally work up this Vasilus with her piece of the Fire Emblem (the thing the "Organization" as we've been calling them, has been after, along with a bunch of other people such as Ursium's Wrathites, but I don't think they're after it yet at this point in time.) The Vasilus is Lilith, who we found out is trying to protect the order of the four gods from Wrath (one of the four gods) who is trying to take over everything, like he tried before. Also, the world's going to be more or less reset by the end of the in-game year. She breaks the emblem piece in half, keeping one for herself and giving the other to Raquel. After striking a deal with Raquel, thereby allowing her to keep her piece, she warps everyone all the way to Rex-Avaz: the desert place.

Raquel, Lilith, and people actually wind up being allowed into Sanctuary (a hidden desert city guarded by another Vasilus named Aisha.) Amon (a character who was introduced at the beginning of the RP and was sent by Aisha to find and bring back an emblem piece/the whole emblem?) reported back to his queen/goddess and (due to some culture- and character-clash, not at all Amon's fault, actually) everyone got kicked out. After traveling back to the shore (different part of the shore, though), Raquel and Co. got onto a boat and started traveling around a few of the islands on their way back to Ursium. Amon stayed behind in Sanctuary. Lilith also left to go get allies (other Vasilus.) She comes back with the egg of the Phoenix (a fire Vasilus) and gives it to Raquel and her people to look after until it hatches.

Adventure happens, and eventually, everyone gets back to Ursium. Raquel and Co., about as soon as they land, find some Organization (also Org., ooc.) members they know, find out there's a deal being offered them. They go, and discover some new, higher-up foes from the Org and the dragon head (he's a guy who lives in Raquel's emblem piece) winds up breaking the meeting in half. Also, they find out there's a copy of Raquel called Cassandra, who is an artificial human (AH) working with the Org. Raquel and her friends barely make it out of there. They meet Thanatos, who offers to help them out, especially since Raquel's family on the whole is now being targetted by the Org. On their way back to Weyland's, they meet up with Amon again, as well as some others from Sanctuary.

Then, they eventually wind up at Weyland's again and report back to Weyland. They talk to the Wrathites at the princess' engagement ball and get them to stop hounding them. Then, a bunch of demons attack the capital, and Steinn's brother, Valdimarr, tries to rescue the people Steinn has captured and kill Steinn. Steinn lives, the prisoners still escape, and Valdimarr lives and escapes.

Weyland, Steinn, and Raquel and Co. (by extension) learn about 3 siege gates (massive warping portals) that the Fallen have been trying to erect for a while now in the 3 human-run countries. There are a lot of Fallen, and if they managed to get through the gates, it would be very very bad for those they conquered. So, Weyland decided he'd handle the one in Ursium along with Steinn. Raquel was sent to take care of the one in Neviskotia (via telling the Neviskotians about it), especially since they found out that's where the Org's main HQ is (possibly, but it's being more and more confirmed.) They also decided to form up a team and send them to Kigen to warn them about the gate there. Raquel and friends also go and rescue her dad, who they find out is nearby. They succeed. Amon and some others wind up deciding they'll handle the Kigen thing.

Team Valcyn:

Raquel had gotten her emblem piece back by summoning it at Weyland's, but she also sustained some heavy injury during the dad-rescue. Jethro (her dad) is with her now. They headed off to the capital to get some parts for their new wagon and to investigate a kidnapping that they thing is related to the Org, and found out about some bombings that've been happening. Raquel and Co wind up helping the effort there, to find some missing tanks, the missing woman (Lois), and the bomber, and eventually get pulled into a massive conflict between a local radical group that teamed up with the Org, and the military. Lots of fire, smoke, and death. They're recovering from the fighting at Fort Nature now (they won), and Raquel has some amnesia, thinking she's 15. The Org members they're trying to track down and take down are on the run and they're preparing to go after them. They're not quite on their way to Neviskotia yet; they have some residual things in Ursium to take care of first.

Team Sanctuary:

Those going to Kigen to waen the Kigenese about the other Fallen threat. (These guys have been fending off the Fallen for ages -- so not that normal one.) It's a mixed group with about 3 leaders. Hoshi is an alchemist who works for Weyland and is in charge of the other people from Weyland who were sent on this mission. Amon is another leader, leading those sent from Sanctuary to go fetch an emblem for the queen. They plan on taking Valdimarr's (yes, he has one.) The third leader is a merchant woman named Greta who has some mercenaries following her. She's trying to restart her business after she and her family were attacked by a Neviskotian commander (I think; not sure on the rank, actually) (who happened to be a dark dragon) named Schwartz.

Now, recently, a friend of some of the group's, who happened to also have an emblem piece (that we didn't know about) was kidnapped by the Wrathites, seeking her piece. The team rescued her, and are now heading to Kigen also because they're trying to escape the Wrathites. Along the way to Kigen, the group stopped in Ursaea: a place where Greta hoped to get a wagon for her business since the last one got destroyed. The group was also planning on resupplying there. Anyway, in order for Greta to get a wagon good enough at a good price, she volunteered the mercenaries (from all 3 groups) to go and help the local garrison in getting rid of some bandits that have been causing problems. Like, "wiping out all their pegasus knights" sort of problems.

So, some of the group went to take care of that, others stayed with Joanna (the friend with the emblem piece who was rescued) and their current wagon, which Weyland loaned them. Those with the wagon started heading a little further from Ursaea, and now some of those with the wagon have gone looking for those who went to root out the bandits, as now Joanna can see through the eyes of others, and saw that the bandit-bashers were in trouble. Also, the Ursaeans and the party members have met a patriotic, Neviskotian dragon who hates bandits and is offering to help them get rid of these guys, who were trying to build a mini air force by capturing pegasi and their riders.

THE END (so far.)

Someone please correct me if I get any of this wrong. This is all from memory and I tried to summarize it without getting rid of any key elements new players will want to know. (I can't remember if the Fallen mission was before or after the capital mission, but I think I got them mixed up.) Also, the more I summarize, the more tired I am. XD There's a lot to be careful not to glaze over!

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Alright, time to re-do my intro /sign up sheet.

Not sure if RP is still going, but here goes!

Name: Rolo Etreen
Gender: Male
Age: 14 (I want to be young XD)
Affinity: Fire
Weapon proficiency: Swords
Weapon of Choice: Has a special weapon; The weapon is a make shift lock pick, with a part of the lock pick has a small serrated knife that cuts small animals swiftly, quite weak on everything else.
Inventory:Special weapon:Flich(Description is above)
Raw Stats:HP: 3 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1
Simpliefied Stats:HP:9 MT:2(3 with CK) Hit:5 Evade:8 AS:5 Defense:1 Resistance:1
Occupation: Son of a owner of bakery/Village thief
Appearance:post-14174-0-08672200-1440933569.png About 5'5
Nature/Disposition: Goofy when around people he knows he can entertain, but somewhat pretentious, as he cant express himself too well.
Connections: Not many people, as he never gone outside the outside world before.
Backstory:Son of a baker, lives a normal life with the other village citizens, he would often get very bored, and would steal only for the excitement, and not for greedy reasons, and wealth. Carries around his signature weapon, to ward intimidate/scare those who would catch him, in his thievin adventures. Would also use his weapon to kill small rodents that invade his familys bakery, and would hunt squirrels for trade. Gets involved when he hears rumours about the fire emblem from gossiping villagers, although he justs shoots it off as gossip, his boredom and curiousity gets the best of him, and he goes on an adventure to see what this emblem truly is.

*Point stuff Down below

(Copy pasted from Scorri)

(My Tier 2 level 3 stats)HP: 7 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 12 LCK: 5 DEF: 2 RES: 4

HP: 24 MT: 5 HIT: 7.5 AS: 12 AVO: 17 DEF: 2 RES: 4

Now, the way you did things, you actually now have a steel sword and an iron sword. Buying weapon affinity lets you have a second weapon of one type (sword for you) and gives you the base weapon in that type. So that gives you another iron sword. If you want an MageSlayer, you'll need to sell that iron sword (getting you +20 points) and then buy an armorslayer. So after leveling, you have 227 points and an iron sword.

Buy: Weapon Affinity (gain ability to have two swords and an iron sword. you now have two iron swords) -30 points

Sell: Second Iron sword +20 points

Total points: 217 points

Buy: MageSlayer -60 points
Total points: 157 points

Buy: Leather Padding -30 points

Total points: 127 points

Save: 50 points to upgrade Iron to steel and leather to half-plate once you join the group for sake of getting discount prices

Total points: 77

Buy: Life Book -60 points

Buy: Vulnerary -10 points

7 points remaining

HP: 24 MT: 5(12 with slayer, 6.25 with steel) HIT: 7.5 (11.25 with slayer) AS: 12 AVO: 17 DEF: 2 RES: 4

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That's pretty good based purely off memory. There are a few typos but for actual corrections: It was Fort Danton that got warped to Purgatory. Schwartz is a guardian corp member so ... uberofficer. That's all I can recall off the top of my head. I don't remember which came first, either, the Siv grab or that massacre in Ursentius lol

I missed this earlier but the simplified HP should be at 21 because raw HP is only at 7, but other than that I'm not seeing any other issues with Rolo, so I'll go ahead and approve this. Now you just have to figure out which group you'd prefer to join up with.

Edited by Phoenix
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Darp. Dailey was totally different. Thanks, bird. XD And welcome to the team, Coby. :3

Edited by Mercakete
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It's ok; the GMs will work with you guys in getting you integrated. I summarized up to where we are right now, so you don't have to read the actual chapters if you don't want to. I know it's a lot of reading. :) I would take a look at Useful Notes if you haven't yet, and check out some world canon to help you get a better feel for the world. Either way, we'll help ease you guys in.

Hmm... Bird, do you want me to help with that? That is, helping one or both of these guys with joining up with his group(s).

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