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Name: Angelica Himmel
Nickname: Angel, Galeforce
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Class: Sage
Affinity: Fire
Weapon proficiency: Anima
Weapon of Choice: Knives
Inventory: Basic Anima Tome(Wind), Throwing Knives, Skill Book 2
Raw Stats: Hp:3 Str:0 Mag:7 Skl:10 Spd:9 Lck:7 Def:1 Res:2
Simplified Stats: Hp:9 Mt:7(5 TK) Hit:10 AS:9 Evd:16 Def:1 Res:2
Occupation: "Problem Solver" - AKA Mercenary

Appearance: Angelica could be considered dainty in appearance. She stands at a mere 5'3", her face framed with striking golden blonde locks which fall straight and unhindered midway down her back. Her eyes are a deep scarlet, and her skin a light tone, but not pale. She is rather well proportioned for her body size. Angelica generally wears a rather thick, light blue V-neck sweater vest over a short sleeved white dress shirt, which she leaves partially unbuttoned, as well as a darker blue pleated skirt which is probably a bit too short, covering little more than the essentials and a small bit of her thighs... she doesn't seem to mind, however. She wears white thigh-high stockings to cover her legs from the elements, and leather combat boots which reach midway to her knees. In addition, Angelica wears black, fingerless gloves, which go about a quarter of the way up her arm.

Nature/Disposition: Angelica seems at first glance to be a rather oblivious sweetheart, but most everything she does is heavily calculated beneath the surface. She isn't above abusing the fact that people tend to underestimate her based on her innocent appearance and outward mannerisms to gain an upper hand in combat or otherwise, but she generally isn't difficult to get along with if you earn her respect... so long as you don't call her Angel. You thought Gabbie got pissy about names, you don't even wanna know. Some members of the Howling Voice guild have taken to doing so as a rather constant form of teasing, which she deals with due to Boss's watchful eye.

Hometown: Not important.
Connections: Howling Voice Guild

Backstory: Angelica's path in life was deigned to be chosen for her from a very young age. Born to the slave-girl of a rather notorious bandit-leader, Angelica had two options, either be thrown into the slave-circuit the day one of the men decided she had grown enough to bed, or be put through the rigours of a child soldier under her ruthless father. Eventually, the latter won out, and the young Angelica was trained as an assassin, the only job he considered someone of her stature capable of. Angelica quickly took to the rifle, and quickly became an upstart among the bandit family for sniping opposing leaders with surprising accuracy. As she grew older, she eventually transitioned to other weapons aside from the rifle, most notably knives.

Angelica's story of banditry ended with the visit of a man known by those who knew him primarily as "Boss", who had come to exterminate two warring bandit factions, one of which being her own. The man, having been impressed with what he had seen of her rifle work, and plenty knowledgeable enough to reason that a girl her age would not willingly partake in such banditry, spared Angelica, and offered her a place in his Howling Voice guild, to solve the problems of the world, refine her skills, and attain freedom from the life she had known. Angelica had no reason to refuse the man's offer, as she had no other options truly available to her, and something within her convinced the girl that this man was one who could be trusted.

Upon entry in the Howling Voice guild, Angelica's developed reclusive nature began to dissipate, and her latent magical talent discovered, and trained... she still finds her knives more comfortable to use, but by this point can be considered a decently capable mage. Angelica does not use the rifle as much as she used to, in an attempt to distance herself from her past, but still holds impressive skill and knowledge with regards to firearms, and has no trouble using them if necessary.

At present, a mission regarding the Fire Emblem had shaken the structure of the Howling Voice guild to it's core, and when a second team was sent out to pursue it, Angelica found herself deployed to the outside once again...

Points 644

-500(Level 2-2)

-100(Skill Book 2)

-40(Throwing Knives)

Points 4

*Details wrt Howling Voice guild worked out with Script already.

Edited by Ether
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Rook originally had 7 points and gained 45 from fighting. Perversely, Wilhelm originally had 7 points and gained 47 from not fighting. Either way, both upgrade to Platemail from original Chainmail, and toughen up by 3 defence. They now have 12 and 14 pts.

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Name: Escher
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Class: Mercenary
Alignment: Lawful
+ Broadsword (Warden Sword - 80)
+ Imperial headband (80)
+ No iron sword (-20)


HP: 10 Str: 10 Mag: 0 Skl: 8 Spd: 6 Lck: 2 Def: 2 Res: 1
Level 2 Heroine
30 HP, 10 Might, 8 Hit, 6 AS, 8 Evasion, 9 Defence, 5 Resistance

Occupation: Lone wolf and general heroic type.

mixed with

I'll try to have a real image up soon.
Nature/Disposition: Escher has seen enough evil in the world to permanently shift her into someone determined to do good. She helps people of the villages like she grew up in to form up militias and fight off the enemy. She'll take up her sword for any fight, and any cause she finds a worthy one, taking only as much money as she needs to eat and maintain her gear.
Hometown: Rural Ursium.
Connections: n/a
Backstory: Suffice to say her village was torched by brigands at the age of sixteen. It's kind of shaped her life from then on.
Has one. Unnamed light grey.
Edited by Furetchen
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Amon levels up. (2-3)

HP: 6 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 10 SPD: 12 LCK: 7 DEF: 1 RES: 1
HP: 7 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 13 LCK: 7 DEF: 1 RES: 1


HP: 18 MT: 2(7-CK) Hit: 10 Evade: 19 AS: 12 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1
HP: 21 MT: 2(8-CK) Hit: 11 Evade: 20 AS: 13 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1
Points remaining: 33
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And then reclass happened:
Mireille!General -> Mireille!Dark Knight
HP:7-3 STR:4-2 MAG:6+2 SKL:4 SPD:6+2 LCK:1+3 DEF:8-7 RES:6+5 -> HP:4 STR:2 MAG:8 SKL:4 SPD:8 LCK:4 DEF:1 RES:11

Mireille purchases Reset book, causing her to spend 17 points, leaving 133 points of debt. Then Mireille becomes a 1/1 Dark Flier with 610 points to spend leveling. She then spends 133 first to pay off the debt, leaving 477 points to buy levels.

-60 -> 1/2 HP:3 STR:2 MAG:3 SKL:3 SPD:4 LCK:3 DEF:0 RES:5

-70 ->1/3 HP:4 STR:2 MAG:4 SKL:3 SPD:5 LCK:3 DEF:0 RES:5

-80 -> 1/4 HP:5 STR:2 MAG:5 SKL:3 SPD:6 LCK:3 DEF:0 RES:5

-90 -> 1/5 HP:6 STR:2 MAG:6 SKL:3 SPD:7 LCK:3 DEF:0 RES:5

-100-> 2/1 HP:6 STR:2 MAG:6 SKL:3 SPD:8 LCK:4 DEF:0 RES:7

Leaving 77 points.

Purchasing Anima tome proficiency 77-60 = 17

Mireille can now cast Thunder!

Edited by Rothene
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Throwing him out there

Name: Jericho Pellen
Nickname: He doesn't subscribe to that kind of stuff, prefers his full name or first name.
Gender: If you haven't guessed, Male
Age: 22
Class: Chaplain
Affinity: Light
Weapon proficiency: Staves/Anima magic
Weapon of Choice: Fire magic, the wilder the better~
Inventory: Healing Staff, Spellslayer Tome.
Plot Inventory: Harmonica
Raw Stats:
Level 2/2
HP: 5
STR: 0
MAG: 10
SKL: 7
SPD: 8
LUK: 2
DEF: 0
RES: 7
Simplified Stats:
HP: 15
MT: 10(15 vs Bard/Monk/Magician/Darkfliers)
Hit: 7 (10 vs Bard/Monk/Magician/Darkfliers)
AS: 8
AVO: 10
DEF: 0
RES: 7
500 points spent on leveling
60 to buy weapon proficiency, Tome sold for 20, Spellslayer tome bought for another 60
44 Points left.
Occupation: Self Appointed Vigilante (Or no job, that works better)
Appearance: Short brick red hair, green eyes, stands at about 5 foot six inches, skinny. He wears a bandanna that holds a feather hanging right over his right ear, a purpley shirt plus jacket and a pair of black pants (Whew that's done OH WAIT). Has a bit of a nasty burn scar starting from his neck and going down which he tries to hide as best he can.
Nature/Disposition: Hates underhanded tactics of any kind, but really gets fired up (HAHAHAH) if magic is used in such a way. Seems to be a nice guy but has very little, if any, tact, usually speaking before thinking. Tends to not realize if he's being offensive, but really it's hard to tell if he just doesn't care.
Hometown: Somewhere in Kigen, never really bothered to remember that SHIT.
Connections: Eh
Backstory: Nothing great really. Minding his business most days and hanging out with his brother, learning the basics of life. "Pain is bad, do well in school, fire is a pretty dangerous yet awesome source of entertainment". It wasn't until much later that things took a turn for the worse. Jericho doesn't want you to know this, but... he and his bro (I dare not use his name as Jericho would certainly hunt me down for using the name of a dirty bastard) had a little, er, disagreement. A violent one resulting in both parties being shamed, one being burned quite heavily. Nowadays he wanders about, just... wandering. Taking an odd, nonviolent job here and there to scrape by, extra helpings of seething on the side when he can.
Edited by ReformBlade
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Name: Theodore Farnesworth

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Class: Monk

Affinity: Walling

Weapon proficiency: Dark

Weapon of Choice: Stunlocking

Inventory: Firewall, Skill Book 2, Bulwark

Raw Stats:

7	0	5	10	4	1	6	3
Simplified Stats:

Simple  	21	5	10	4	5	6	3
FireWall	21	2	10	2	2	14	11
Occupation: Competitive Intelligence

Appearance: Theodore is a sturdily built man of slightly under average height. He's not quite heavy enough to be called stocky, and he can more than pull his weight as far as endurance goes, although his raw strength is rather lacking. He's got a bit of a hooked nose and fairly pronounced cheekbones, which alongside scattered freckles and faded pock scars round out his most noticeable facial features. His hair is short cut, and a light brown color, while his eyes are a piercing blue. He wears rather unremarkably drab clothes, simple tunic and breeches usually in either greys or earth tones, with soft leather boots.

Nature/Disposition: Willing to somtimes go to drastic lengths to accomplish his goals, Theodore isn't afraid to straddle, or maybe even cross, most moral or legal lines if they get in his way. Not one for caprice or whimsy, he prefers a much more calculated approach, and spontaneity in others can frustrate him. Doesn't make friends or forge alliances easily, but when he does they're usually the few things he will refuse to compromise. If you're not a friend though, you're most likely just a means to an end.

Hometown: Urdver

Connections: Lois Gizem, Hammer Industries, potential others (in talks)

Backstory: Theodore was an only child, his mother was a mage and his father was a solider. They were fairly middle class, and when mom spotted some decent magical talent in him as a young boy, they eventually agreed to send him off to boarding school, which they could just barely afford. They couldn't send him to the capital, though, so they settled for Europa. The first year away was very hard for him, not only was he homesick, but he came down with a nasty case of the pox, which left some pretty ugly scars on his face, which teenaged Theodore was very self-conscious of. It's no lie to say that part of his interest in organic arcana came from a desire to erase those marks of shame. However, the school encouraged studying a breadth of topics, and it was a good thing it did, as he found his true calling in mind magic, and what the professors didn't (or wouldn't) teach him, he often tried to supplement with self-study, and even a few experiments on sleeping roommates. His 16th year saw another upheaval in his life, as the monthly correspondence he'd kept up with his parents suddenly ceased. It would take another couple of months before he learned that they were killed defending their hometown from a Skotian raid. Now both with a need to support himself, and a burning desire to see the war won, he took on some part time employment with one of Hammer Industries' local subsidiaries. He was juggled around from a few different areas, QA, R&D, etc. but eventually he settled into what he felt was his true calling.

Points: 644 - 400 (to reach T2-L1) - 100 for Skill Book 2 - 100 for Firewall (Dark) + 20 for selling basic tome - 50 for Bulwark: 14 points remain?

[spoiler=useful notes]

Anyway... currently thinking Theodore spent about the following amount of time learning/practicing the following various magical techniques (not really listed in any particular order)

~5 years training to go from no aura detection to Grade 2 detection. Concurrently spent the same amount of time training in aura repression (stalling is for chumps.)

~3 years training in Organic Arcana (this done mostly concurrently with the other arts necessary for material alteration as well: synthesis and tendrils)

~3 year in synthesis

~3 year in tendrils

~4 years training in mind magic (began after having solid basis in tendrils)

~1 year wasted trying to learn the art of the dark warp, just didn't have the knack for it

~1 year on Anima 101 and Intro to Light Magic courses at university, nothing really stuck.

~very little time/effort devoted to traditional dark magical combat arts, focusing mostly on self-defense and enemy suppression.

He actually tries to keep in the habit of repressing his aura as much as possible, but not always. If in doubt, just ask.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Reroll for Alphy (knight of jam) Level 2/2 Swordmaster

HP:4 Str:3 Skl:12 Spd:12 Luk:6 Def:1 Res:1
HP:12 MT:9 w/CB Hit: 15 AS:12 Evade:18 Def:5 (w/platemail) Res:1 Doubles 8
-500 levels
-80 platemail
-60 CK
HP:6 Str:3 Skl:12 Spd:12 Luk:4 Def:1 Res:1
HP:18 MT:9 w/CB AS:12 Evade:16 Def:5 (w/platemail) Res:1
24 points remaining
-500 levels
-80 platemail
-60 CK
Edited by Eail
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Idea for second character. I kept stuff on Weyland Enterprises vague for easier approval:

Name: Eli Irving

Nickname: none

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Class: 2/1 Dark Knight

Affinity: Weyland Enterprises

Weapon proficiency: Staff, Lance

Weapon of Choice: Staff

Inventory: Physic staff, precise lance, plate mail

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 3 MAG: 5 SKL: 5 SPD: 7 LCK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 6

Simplified Stats: hp: 18 mt: 5 (8 with Versatile) hit: 6 (9 with precise) as: 7 ev: 11 def: 0 (4 with mail) res: 6

Occupation: Messenger boy

Appearance: Eli has a youthful appearance; his freckles often result in him being mistaken for someone much younger. His big green eyes are often the first thing people notice about him. His brown hair is rather unkept, though most of it remains hidden under his peaked cap. At 5’5” and 112 lbs, Eli is at an optimal size for a peg rider.

Eli’s outfit resembles a uniform: a blue jacket and blue shorts, with a blue hat to round out the outfit. The jacket in particular keeps him warm when flying. Underneath, he wears a white button up shirt with blue necktie, followed by a layer of mail armor over a white undershirt. His shorts reach to his knees, almost reaching the top of his riding boots. On the front of his cap is the gold insignia of his employer.

Nature/Disposition: Cautious, hates making mistakes, can be overly hard on himself. Often puts others ahead of himself.

Hometown: Ursium, outside Europa

Connections: Various people at Weyland Enterprises, PM if you want your character to be one.

Backstory: As far back as he could remember, Eli’s childhood was spent in an orphanage. Both of his parents died of a terrible disease that wiped out a village. There simply were not enough healing staves to go around. That became the catalyst for his life’s goal: to minimize staves and make them easier to use for those with no magical skills. He shared this dream to anyone who would listen. One of those that did just so happened to be very wealthy. He took a chance on the boy and paid for his education at Europa’s University of Magic. There, Eli enrolled in the Dark Knight Accelerated Deployment Program. There was a surge of demand for battle-competent pegasus riders , so it seemed like a no brainer to enter the program. In addition to learning about staves, Eli received his very own black pegasus named Betty and learned to use the lance under a retired Ursium general. At 16, Eli became a full-fledged dark knight, graduating from the university with high honors.

Soon after graduation, Eli began working with Weyland Enterprises. If there was one place he could research and create his staves, it would have been there. Unfortunately, he had to start from the bottom as a messenger boy. Perhaps it was a bit demeaning, but if an orphan could get this far, this would be a piece of cake. Most of his missions were local, but his latest involved finding a girl named Raquel, whose group had been involved in several skirmishes and were in need of supplies and possibly a healer. Eli decided to use the opportunity as field research for his ideas, so off he went.

Starting Points: 644

to 2-1: -400

weapon proficiency: -60

iron lance: +20

precise lance: -40

healing staff: +20

physic staff: -80

plate mail: -80

points: 24

Mount Name: Betty
Mount Gender: Female
Mount Species: Pegasus
Mount Age: 2
Mound Appearance: A winged horse of average size, only black in color
Mount Personality: to be RPed
Mount Relations: none
Mount Backstory: Once raised to be a military issue mount, Betty was sold to Eli's financial backer, who then gave her to Eli.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, always accepting newcomers :)

If there's anything you want to know, don't be afraid to ask. There's usually someone online who knows stuff.

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Erion gains a horse!

Mount Name: Formerly Lightning Dust, now Pipsqueak
Mount Nickname: Lightning, now Pip
Mount Gender: Female! (no matter what Erion thinks)
Mount Species: Horse
Mount Age: 4
Mound Appearance: Light goldish mane and tail with a darker golden brown coat
Mount Personality: Somewhat temperamental, easy going once she accepts you as her rider, useful in fights
Mount Backstory: Used to be the horse of a bandit. Loved him so much. Then the bandit got shot. Now she needs to put up with this dude that thinks she's a guy.

But that's not all!!!

Erion reclasses to Ranger!

New stats:

HP: 4 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 1

HP: 7 STR: 7+1 MAG: 0 SKL: 8+2 SPD: 7+1 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 1

HP: 21 MT: 8(13.2) HIT: 12.5 AS: 8 AVO: 9 DEF: 1(0) RES: 1(0)

Iron Sword: +20
Poison Sword: -80

Bow Proficiency: -60

Iron Bow: +20
Blitz Bow: -80
Warrior Ring: -60


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Uhh, Ranger has 3 base + 1 promo, and can level it 4 times in T1, so they can indeed hit 8 Str at 2/1.

Also, you have 12 applicable stat points through T1. 3 went into HP, 4 into Str, 3 into Skl, and 2 into Spd. That's 12 total, so the stats look right to me.

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Edit2: Roy you might've been thinking of Archers.

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