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Alphabet challenge!


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I got bored so I thought up a new challenge for fire emblem.

I'm gonna play fire emblem 6-8 ( starting with 8, ending with 6, seeing as how 8 is the easiest and 6 is the hardest)

Now the challenge is to use all character with different letters, in other words I can't use Sain and Serra when I playthrough FE7, but I also can't use Seth in FE8 and then Sain in FE7.

I might post this on youtube depending on if I'm in the mood or not... Youtube gives me some trouble every now and then and I don't like taking the time to upload stuff.

FE8 Vanessa, Seth, Joshua, Garcia, Colm.

FE7 Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Bartre, Kent, Matthew, Oswin, Ninian/Nils ( they count as one) Florina

FE6: Roy, Zeiss, Alan, Treck, Wade, Percival, , Dieck, Igrene.

Q, U, X, Y

For each letter left over ( since I had to do something with the left over letters) I can use one character for one chapter, ie. I can use a Q to use Ephraim for one chapter, but I'd have to use U to use him for another one. These are basically so that if there's a chapter where I have hardly any characters, I will have something to fall back on.

I'm going ot do it kinda of like a draft playthrough, It's probably going to be played casually but I'm hoping for a decent turn count, also if I do end up using a character I haven't choosen after I have used up letters Q, U, X and Y then I get a +2 turn penalty every time I use the character.

Also using a character means:

shopping, visiting villages, entering a battle ( this includes meatshielding) and unlocking chests.

I can however do the following with ALL characters: trade items, open doors, Talk/recruit, Rescue unused characters with used or unused characters.

Edited by Ezra
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Oh whoops! thank you for pointing that out, I threw Z in there becuase it's an uncommon letter but I forgot about Zeiss.

I was thinking Normal mode for all of them, fe8 might be a little too easy, especially with Seth but oh well. Also kinda don't have a choice for some of them, a while ago everything on my computer got wiped so I have to start new files on everything, of course it would be pretty easy to find a save file but still...

I will be playing through Lyn's mode and Eliwood's mode on fe7.

If I find Normal mode on all the games too easy, I will probably redo the challenge another time on hard mode.

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You've got Yunno/Juno as well for Y's, but then again... it's Juno...

I'd recommend ditching Colm for Cormag, Lyn for Lance, Roy for Rennac, Geese for Garcia and Forde for Florina. And probably Zeiss for Zealot as well. I'd also prefer FE6 Bartre over FE7 Bartre.

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I'm not too worried about FE8 so I don't really need to ditch Colm for Cormag. Since I'm doing Lyn mode I want to use Lyn since she's the only unit for the first chapter.

Roy is good at defeating dragons later and is good for fighting the final boss.

I was thinking about replacing Geese with Gonzales, but I decided to stay with Geese and I don't think I'll need Garcia. Although Gilliam might come in handy...

Forde for Florina... Flroina is very useful and I don't have too many people for Lyn's mode so I might consider switching.

I'll think about it later, if I get rid of Forde I'm going to end up using one of the letters to solo chapter 5x with Orson.

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I'm not too worried about FE8 so I don't really need to ditch Colm for Cormag. Since I'm doing Lyn mode I want to use Lyn since she's the only unit for the first chapter.

Roy is good at defeating dragons later and is good for fighting the final boss.

I was thinking about replacing Geese with Gonzales, but I decided to stay with Geese and I don't think I'll need Garcia. Although Gilliam might come in handy...

Forde for Florina... Flroina is very useful and I don't have too many people for Lyn's mode so I might consider switching.

I'll think about it later, if I get rid of Forde I'm going to end up using one of the letters to solo chapter 5x with Orson.

Gilliam sucks, don't use him. Garcia, Geese and Gonzales are all way better characters, not to mention Gerik, Guy, and Geitz.

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Gilliams not that bad, but he does have pretty bad move.

given the fact that Garcia can use axes, I guess will use him so I can use Garm.

Also, I just realized I don't have any magic units.

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Prologue: ( 2 turns, 2 total) really simple, Seth killed all the enemies.

Chapter1: ( 5 turns, 7 total ) Same thing, kept everyone out of the way 'cept Seth who killed everything then seized the throne.

Chapter2: ( 6 turns, 13 total) Got some new people, Vanessa and Garcia, first thing I did was recruit Garcia and then I had Seth kill everyone, Garcia took care of some people that somehow got by Seth and Vanessa visited some villages.

Chapter3: ( 6 turns, 19 total) Seth and Garcia took the lead, Vanessa followed behind, Neimi recruited Colm and Colm went on a treasure hunt. everyone else went straight for the boss and the chapter was seized on turn 6.

Chapter4: ( 5 turns, 24 total) Seth went straight for the boss, Colm, Garcia and Vanessa fought of enemies and made sure nobody could get to Eirika or Artur.

I will be updating everyones stats and levels every five chapters.


lv --/4 exp90









lv 4 exp23









lv 6 exp60









lv 3 exp58








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