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Return of The Emblem Chapter One: The Artifact


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"Great, I'm glad to have you with us, and like Wolfgang said, I'm sure it'll be worth the trouble. Oh and what's your name just so I know what to call you in the future?" she replied feeling a bit better.

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And again, the pink-haired woman was distracted. Well, such was the way of merchants and Gytha knew she really shouldn't dottle any longer. Finding lodging was going to be more difficult as night came. Again, it occured to Gytha that she didn't know her employer's name. "Oy! Boss! Might be a good idea to tell me yer name!" Gytha laughed a little as she called to Raquel. In the back of her mind, she was trying to figure out where she might be able to find a place to stay for the night...coming up with nothing. She'd heard of this port before but only scantly since it was so far from Fairgale, where she usually stayed.

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Synthia felt much more comfortable once the bodies had been carted off, though the situation still troubled her. It's not everyday a large group of strangely dressed people get slaughtered in the street, at least not around here. There had to be a story behind it. If she wanted to ask, the closest people were the mercenaries scattered about and the unarmed girl with the wagon. Deciding that the latter was probably the better option, she walked over to her and the mercenaries she was speaking with.

"Excuse me miss, but cold you tell me what happened here? I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, I just thought it'd be better to ask someone that was here, since getting it secondhand is much less than reliable..."

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A bit startled, Raquel quickly yelled back to Gytha. "Raquel." With that she decided to try and recruit someone else to go along with those she currently had. This time she was approached by a girl who asked her about recent events. She was a bit busy but took the time to answer. "A bunch of robed guys blew up one of the patrol ships and then attacked me. The people here showed up and helped fight them off. I'm trying to hire most of them to help me track down that group, get my father back, and then shut them down permanently but I'm still short on people." Eying the girl's healing staff, she asked "Are you a healer by any chance?"

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“W-what the hell? They blew up a ship?!”

She stuck on the first part and stood there with her mouth agape for a moment. Then she realized she had been asked a question in return, and from the sound of things, was trying to be recruited. This was troubling. Yes, she did want work, but not with mercenaries. Though, maybe she was jumping to conclusions, perhaps someone had just been injured and needed healing.

Making a mental note to better hide her staff later, she answered, “Uh, sorry. Yes, I’m a healer, but just so you’re aware, I do charge for it.”

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"Dark magic you say? Well, the kidnappers also appeared to use dark magic when kidnapping the merchant's father, so that makes some sense. Of course, if they used dark magic to travel that means they could be anywhere really..." Veronika's voice trailed off. "I doubt we are going to be able to locate these people on our own, we may need help from an outside source. I hear that Ursium has many powerful magic users, perhaps one of them would be able to find the kidnappers." Veronika said to Jeanne.

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"Right, I understand." Raquel began. "There's just one thing though. I'm really really short on funds right now so I can't pay nearly as much as what's ... fair. But I can supply you in the meantime, with discounts you won't find anywhere else of course." she finished once again nervous.

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Synthia raised an eyebrow dubiously. "How much are we talking about here? Discounts could certainly help, but I'm not agreeing to anything until I know how much, and what exactly I am agreeing to. I... think you may have forgotten to mention that part."

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Wolfgang had left once the healer approached Raquel, figuring he should use this time to actually ask that woman who she was. He proceeded over to the docks and began to search for her. After a short time he spotted her. When he approached her he heard something about magic users, but dismissed it as idle conversation.

"Excuse me, but you are going to be travelling with the merchant's daughter, Raquel, for the time being, yes? If so, would you mind if I spoke with you about something?" Wolfgang asked, crossing his arms as he stood a few feet behind them. He wondered how long these two had been employed by her, but he figured that would be something to talk to them about at a later time.

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Jeanne cringed inwardly. Many well-known magic users and researchers in Ursium were of nobility; not the people that Jeanne would want to encounter. But a job is a job, so she would have to deal with it. Dark magic probably isn't widely practiced in the larger cities, I think. Maybe we won't go there. She almost felt relieved when another man spoke to Veronika, so that she wouldn't need to respond.


Seliah was tired. Tired of the passing countryside, tired of these optimistic guards that clearly did not enjoy her company, tired of everything. From the inside of her small horse-drawn carriage, she sighed. Everything is useless. She decided. Everything can burn. She stuck her head out of the window. "Stop." she yelled to the men riding the two horses that pulled the carriage. They swiftly obeyed. "Is something the matter m'lady?" asked the mustached, brunette, older man of the two, without turning around.

Seliah pushed the carriage door open, and jumped out with surprising grace. She turned to the knight who just spoke. "Tell me Oude," she said impatiently. "Say you have a scrap of paper, perhaps containing a painful, shameful secret. A useless thing that you want gone. What do you do with it?" she asked. Oude, dismounting his horse along with the other man, faced Seliah now. "I don't know m'lady..." he said, not wanting to provoke her. He saw the devious grin creeping up on the young girl's face, and signaled for the younger man to take action. Seliah whipped open the Elfire tome she held, and grinned maniacally. "If something is useless, it should burn! It doesn't belong in this world!" She giggled as she saw the words on the page light up as if they were about to blaze. But before she could cast a fire spell, the younger cavalier yanked the book from her clutches. "Please m'lady, calm down!" scolded the younger man, known as Raim. He ran a hand through his lengthy blue hair, and sighed. "We ask you, please do not forget your objective. You have more important things to do than setting scenery ablaze."

No response came from Seliah as she stared down Raim. She knew that this pointless objective was just so that she would be sent away. She knew Oude and Raim did not care for her more than mud on their stuck-up boots. But she needed to get her task done. She had to. "Wait!" Seliah shouted spontaneously, causing the two to jump. "Someone's getting nearer!" When the two men looked in the indicated direction, Seliah snatched her tome back. "Hahaha!" she laughed triumphantly as she ran away from the men. Then she noticed, someone really was coming towards them. He was off in the distance, but Seliah could see that he was a tall man with unkempt messy red hair, and robes that she thought were blue. She took a step towards the approaching person. "And who are you?" she yelled to him. She was interested; she hadn't seen anyone besides those knights in days.

OOC: Seliah sees Daloth, in case it wasn't clear.

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Veronika noticed the man from before, he had arrived after the battle. "Yes I am going to be traveling with the merchant for some time, though for how long specifically I do not know. Are you traveling with her as well?" she asked him noting that he looked armed, perhaps he was a mercenary of some sort. "If so, we should certainly speak freely with one another."

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"Hmm." Raquel took a deep breathe as she prepared to answer. She needed a healer, but didn't want one storming off on payday either. She would be firm and clear with the girl. "Okay I can pay you twenty gold every two weeks until the business is back up to speed at which point I can up the price from between fifty and a hundred gold. If you take the job you also get a fifty percent discount on anything I sell." I'll be dipping into the emergency funds at this rate but as long as I turn a profit it shouldn't matter. I'm sure my father will understand since I'm investing in the eradication of that group and not just in rescuing him. I hope so anyway.

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Wolfgang took a view over the woman, and one of his eyes opened wide, while his other was prevented thanks to the scar over it. He couldn't help but smile.

"Lady Rusayev. It's certainly been a while. Last time I saw you I believe you were becoming a beautiful young lady. As I predicted, you've fallen nothing short of it." Wolfgang gave a bow as if he were a servant paying respects to her. He gave a hearty laugh and let his arms unwind before placing them on his hips.

"It's me, Wolfgang. But enough flattery, what are you doing in Ursium?" Wolfgang said, his eyes narrowing again as his shock waned away. He assumed the two with her already knew who she was, so he figured he could drop his guard around her hiding who she was for that brief moment.

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20 gold biweekly was… a bit less than what she expected. but she could make do with that for the time being. If the business got up and running soon and she was making a decent amount it would be worth it, and she did have the 500 gold from Edwin just in case. Half price on goods wasn’t bad either, though she wasn't sure if she’d actually need something from a weapons merchant. But there was still one problem…

“So, because you haven’t told me what exactly you’re hiring me for, am I to assume it’s this journey to find your father? That sounds rather dangerous. I’ll accept your offer, but I expect compensation if I’m maimed or something because of this,” she said, crossing her arms and glaring expectantly at the merchant.

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Veronika smiled slightly. Now that she looked him over he did seem more familiar.

"Thank you, your words flatter me. You are...one of the Grandzenschtraum mercenaries, yes? My father asked you to deal with some illegal dragon dealing, did good work if I recall correctly." Veronika said to the man.

"But yes, we should focus on the now. I am on a personal mission to find my fiancee, who I believe was searching for the Fire Emblem. I had not found any clues in Neviskotia, so I traveled to Ursium where I encountered Raquel. I think the disappearance of her father and my fiancee may be related." she said to Wolfgang.

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"Of course. Though hopefully we can avoid any major injuries like that. A bit of organization might help. Even after I rescue my father, I think that group that attacked us needs to be taken down, so I want to keep on as many people as I can even during that time. I can't really take them on myself and we'll need healers. I'll try to keep you out of harm's way." she said, her stern speech fading back into shyness.

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"Why, the very leader! That mission was easy, with Descan helping me by then it was easy to follow leads around the area." Wolfgang replied to her comment of their former business. He listened carefully to her story, and crossed his arms while he thought for a moment.

"I am sorry to hear that, Lady Resayev. They certainly seem linked based off what's happened here. Wallace, the man who's wyvern you might have heard when the conflict broke out and rescued Raquel, has informed me of the events that occurred here from the hour before the battle to just moments ago when the guards dismissed us. All of these events caused me to seek a contract with Raquel. As for what happened on the ship, Wallace informed me that it happened while a strange figure infiltrated the ship, inserted something, and tried to escape before being confronted with resistance. Then it exploded. Right after, the robed figures appeared in Sergio. And of course, now we're here." Wolfgang explained.

"I hope you don't mind your associates hearing this." Wolfgang stated as he looked at the two with her. He noticed her sword at this point too. "Hm, a swordswoman. I'm surprised a noble such as yourself has taken a liking to fighting."

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"Well, what do ye think, Maw?" Gytha asked as she and her fishbone-carrying cat walked through the streets towards the pier again, "Do ye think we'll find some nice place by the pier at this hour? The best we can do is find a dockside inn, most likely. Ah well. I want to stay near the water for as long as I can. Darn sympathies." The woman chuckled to herself at her last sentence.

Taking note of the dark sky, the woman looked off to the black ocean, muttering her thoughts, "I wonder how he's doin' nowadays?" Maw sat and looked up at her human. She became quite nostalgic at times. Durring those times, it was best to wait and let it pass.

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As the day wore on and the road stretched out before him, Daloth had taken to traveling with a happy disposition. The thrill of being on the road again was intoxicating; so much so that he almost did not take note of an approaching cart upon the road. Standing to one side with only the bare minimum of conscious thought he had meant to completely pass them by at first.

"And who are you?"

The question came so quickly and surprisingly, Daloth's head snapped up in shock. A young woman... very young indeed... was upon the cart. Long purple hair worn in bangs and a outfit of a type he had not seen before with her midriff exposed completed the odd look, and did not phase him at all. Without a second of hesitation, Daloth bowed before the strange woman before he looked up to her, trying to have as mysterious a look on his face as possible.

"My name is Daloth, young lass, and I am a powerful wizard! A powerful wizard of the strong and indomitable ice magic! From afar I have come, seeking to see the secrets of this world in their splendor! My most recent adventure has come from the port of Jerdon where I was pursued by a man who refused to wear pants and his shadowy assassins. I slipped away, but the guards did not desire my presence in the area anymore. As such, they forced me to leave. As a man of the road the annoyance I felt at such a cold-hearted feat had edded away, now to be graced by your presence! May I ask your name, child, and those of your two stalwart protectors?"

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"Anything that can be discussed with me can be discussed in front of my associates. They will be coming along on the journey after all. I am glad to hear that you will be coming with us, this is probably going to be a dangerous adventure so it will be good to have veteran warriors along." Veronika said to Wolfgang.

"All people should defend themselves, one cannot rely on mercenaries or soldiers to protect them at all times. Being a noble offers little protection outside the boundaries of Neviskotia." Veronika said to Wolfgang in response to him noticing her sword.

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Seina had fled the street of bloody mercenaries and stupid guards in a panic. It wasn't that the blood had scared her, but her senses picked up that sticking around with the group would be dangerous. The barbaric slaughter the mercenaries had committed in the middle of the street wasn't helping her opinion of them either.

She didn't know how long she'd been running, but she'd finally started calming down, glancing at the empty alleyway behind her she sighed with relief before ducking behind a few flimsy boxes full of rubbish. No wonder her people decided to stay away from these people. She'd heard of humans fighting humans, with the most common cases being bandits and such back in Kigen, but it never happened in broad daylight in the middle of a street. Not that she knew of anyway. "Crazy people" she muttered at the world around her as she felt fatigue kicking in. She hadn't rested too well on her way here, and things hadn't exactly been fun and rainbows since then. Yawning loudly, she leaned her head on one of the boxes and closed her eyes. It wasn't exactly what she was used to, but at this point, she really couldn't care where she was sleeping as long as she could get a few hours of sleep.


Seina woke up to the sound of a door slamming shut nearby, she wasn't sure how long she'd slept but she was feeling slightly better. Or at she didn't feel like continuing her nap. Standing up and dusting herself off, she looked around noticing that it was starting to get dark. It took her awhile to register her surroundings before she cursed softly and started walking in no particular direction. She'd completely forgotten that she'd been looking for a place to stay before that bloody scene, and sleeping in an alley had cut down her search time significantly.

It didn't take long for her to arrive be the seaside again, or was this a river? She wasn't entirely sure. She'd gone into a few inns but had been told that she was too late by a long shot. After all, convenient places like this would likely have been filled up by sea people a long time ago. Those funny sea people and their funny way of speaking.

She looked out at the large body of water infront of her and took a few steps back, the sea was so pretty and blue when the sun was up, but it looked so dark and brooding at night time. Almost as if it'd jump out and swallow her up. Shaking her head to clear her mind, she started walking down the street again in hopes of finding somewhere to stay at her next stop. One step after another, she tried to to ignore the waves that harmlessly smacked into the port around her. The world around her had gone quiet, and the occasional passer-by was becoming more and more infrequent.

Feeling uneasy she was about to open her mouth in an attempt to calm herself when she heard footsteps from behind her. Relieved she turned around to greet the person, the silence was killing her after all. But to her dismay found that the street behind her was empty. Sighing loudly she turned back and took a few more steps when she noticed that the footsteps had once again resumed behind her. But once again there was no sign of any anyone behind her when she swiftly spun around and glared at her invisible stalker.

Deciding she'd just ignore the footsteps, it was probably just the wind moving rubbish around. Focusing her attention behind her, she resumed walking slowly, relieved that the footsteps had ceased. A few seconds of silence passed before the footsteps resumed, only this time it was more like 'runsteps" then the sound of someone following her. Too afraid to turn around, she let out a soft shriek before running away as fast as she could. Cursing the country she'd wandered into briefly before focusing her entire being into escape.

She'd only run for a few minutes when a dark figure up ahead caught her eye. She tried to call out for help but found she didn't have enough breathe left in her to attempt a shout. She waved her hand to try and get the figures attention but apparently he or she was too busy staring out at the dark sea to notice. Finally within reaching distance, Seina, grabbed onto the man's (or was it a woman? She didn't have time to check) clothes and swung herself behind the figure, using the startled figure as a meatshield between her and her stalker. Gasping for air, she mananged to gasp out the words "help" before losing collapsing onto the ground, Unconscious.

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That was when the oddest thing occurred. A young girl grabbed onto her trousers and hid from something, then passed out. The girl was acting like she was being chased. "What in the name of Leviathan--?" Gytha started in surprise. Maw herself was taken off-guard and so wound up running off again with her fish bones. Heaving a sigh at the cat's retreat, Gytha hefted the girl onto her back and called out, "I don't care if ye stay in the shadows, Maw, but be sure to keep up!" With that, she began walking again, hoping to find a place with vacancy. She'd ask the girl about herself later. For now, she just had to find a place to stay and taking in strays had never bothered Gytha before. It was dangerous for young women and girls to be at the docks alone, by themselves, after all.

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"I do see your point. In that case, perhaps you would like to train with me sometime? I would be honored to be your sparring partner. I must repay that bonus your father gave us after all, I didn't expect such a sum to be granted to us! We could've retired if we didn't like our work as we do." Wolfgang said with an air of excitement around him. He calmed down a moment later and turned his back to Veronika.

"Lady Rusayev, since I have explained the situation to you, perhaps it would be best to find a place to rest for the night. Dusk is approaching, and you probably wouldn't want to be outside without the knowledge of where those marauders have gone. Also, I have one more point of information I wish to share with you later. Meet with me after you have dismissed your associates to rest outside the inn in town. I'll see you then." Wolfgang said. Without giving a time for response, he began his trek to leave the docks and round up Hans, Karene, and Jack.

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Sparring with him probably could improve my swordplay "He has a point, it is getting rather late." Veronika said to Jeanne and Nanahm. "I think we should find an inn to rest for the night and then meet again in the morning. Hopefully someone will have picked up a lead on these mysterious attackers and we can set out for our next destination by morning. It was good to meet both of you, I am sure you will be valuable assets on this journey." veronika said to them before walking off.

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Jeanne followed her employer again, pulling her pegasus behind her. She wasn't particular surprised that the mercenary referred to her as "Lady," as it seemed likely to her that she was either of nobility or just well off. So, now I'm referred to as an associate. Not bad Jeanne, not bad. Then she remembered her monetary problem. Affording an inn was possible, but it wouldn't help said situation. ...I'll figure this out.


"Lady Seliah..." Oude said quietly, approaching his charge. "This man does not seem sane...it's dark out, and--" Seliah held out her palm to him, and cut him off with an icy glare. "Shut up. This guy is interesting." She turned back to Daloth. Now standing within a few feet of the man, she noticed how tall he was. "I am Lady Seliah Heizen," she said, locking eyes with him, despite having to look up considerably. "The one with the stupid mustache is Oude, and the failed pretty-boy is Raim. And neither is more stalwart than a housefly." The cavaliers were still not used to Seliah's coldness, and seemed surprised at her words.

She folded her arms as she stared at him. "Your story is fascinating, I want to hear more. And you're a wizard as well? We need to talk, and it will be fun. Get in the carriage, I'll take you wherever you need to go. If you want, it's cozy enough to sleep in as well." Having heard enough of Seliah's spontaneous demands, Raim took a step forward. "Miss, no offense of course, but your suggestions are preposterous. Now, let's just be on our way, and--" Seliah cut him off not with a glare, but with a ball of fire that formed in her hand. Seliah's skill as a mage far surpassed anything that her guards had dealt with; largely because they weren't fighters. She pointed the fireball at Raim while keeping her head towards Daloth. "Ignore them, please. Now what do you say?"

Irrelevant nitpicking Snowy, but just wanted to point out, Selia's midriff isn't bare, there's a standard length blouse under her shawl. I described her appearance poorly, my bad.

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