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Return of The Emblem Chapter One: The Artifact


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Raim winced. "Please...stop." The young cavalier didn't expect that he would be thrown into something like this when he was asked to look after his lord's daughter. The man was eccentric, but now he was just making him feel awkward, to say he least. "M'lady...is this really the best course of action?" He didn't want to bring Daloth along in the first place. Seliah stared at Daloth thoughtfully. "Raim. Shut up." This man would make a good court jester. Or maybe a pet at least. "Very amusing Daloth," Seliah told the mage. "If we were to go for a disguise that's improbable and easily seen through, as you mentioned earlier, this would be the one." Oude looked over at the young girl. I truly hope she was being sarcastic. This child is worrisome. The cavalier sighed.

"You and your silly mustache can leave if you want." Seliah said to her guard. "I say we try this. It will be very funny." Just to see if he would actually consider it...he's certainly an unpredictable character. She smirked. "M-M'lady..." Raim began, noticeably nervous. "You see, Daloth is joking. He's not actually going to try this..." Seliah conjured a small fireball, and she hovered it around above her palm idly. Do those fools really think I want him to wear that? It seems I've proven your idiocy yet again. "I told you to shut up. Daloth will be dressing like this. Isn't that right?"

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"He's an Ursian, I would not put anything past them," Veronika said, frowning. "And this list was just left for us? Seems like a potential trap to me, though we have little else to go on. Still, if you think this Rodrigo Vasquez may be of use and is not dangerous, then perhaps we should seek him out," she said to Raquel, hands on her hips.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"My fair knight." said Daloth, dropping the faux-tone and taking a respectful bow. "A disguise that can be easily seen through is exactly what is needed. As I looked over the clothes, something popped into my mind. If I took to wearing a turban and robes like a man of the desert, I would most assuredly be taken aside for questioning. They would want to know why such a strange man who is clearly not of their own country is seeking to be in a city like this. At the least I would have guards focusing on me and suspicious that I may be a spy. By dressing and acting like a court buffoon, or a crazed monk, I attract all the attention. For all the wrong reasons. I am offensive to the eye, even to the very will of any normal man. The sort of person everyone wishes they could just ignore, wishes that they didn't just exist. Disguised as a foreigner, I could get into a city. Disguised as a buffoon, I can walk right up to a king."

He stopped and sighed. "I suppose I could just wear normal robes however, possibly with just a fake mustache while claiming to be the father of the lady. Wouldn't attract much attention, be another fly in the swarm, and so forth. Though, if questioned and examined, I would be easily spotted. More easily than with this disguise, which I can shed easily to return to normal attire while they seek a raving loony."

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"Well, I wouldn't say he's not dangerous. But his reputation would be completely ruined among other things if he came after us. I think we've got a bit of an advantage so long as we don't do anything suspicious or hostile. I mean there are other people we could check out on this list but he's the only one I know of that's got something to lose by picking a fight. If he doesn't know anything though we'll have wasted our time. That kind of worries me." she replied to Veronika. We just need information on that group. If he's not in too deep with them it shouldn't lead to violence.

Amon wasn't too far away but could barely hear what was going on. Just the same as he probably didn't have a word in. To be fair he had no reason to say anything on the matter and no real idea what was going on. He resigned to simply keep listening and hope for enough information to come to his ears. From there he could figure out a way to be useful.

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"Well, as long as you understand..." Synthia mumbled, then was assaulted by Gytha's bright demeanor. She was normally perturbed by people so loud and cheerful, but Gytha obviously meant no harm, so the healer calmed down a little and relaxed, though she still spoke with an eyebrow raised. "You're welcome, though really, I'm just doing what I'm being paid for... Nice to meet you in any case, Gytha. I'm Synthia."

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"Good to meet ye, Synthia! And It isn't often enough that hired help gets thanks and that heal ye gave me was pretty important to me. So, I'll not retract me thanks and I'll thank ye when I feel I should. Yer appreciated ye know," Gytha replied, toning her robust voice tones to her normal speach. She added, looking to Axel again, "And that goes for ye as well, red-armor! I'll thank ye if I see fit. That alright? 'Cause if it really bothers ye that much, I won't thank ye." She was still smiling by the end of it and her eyes still seemed to hold a challenge, though they were also relaxed, somehow. Of course, all this meant was that she was ready in case they were attacked again but relaxed enough to not be jumpy about it and enough to enjoy where she was at the time.

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Not hearing much more from his fellow wyvern rider, Domovoi stood there fidgeting a little before walking away, Miskavolv following after him. Deciding it would probably be best to check up on his allies, he headed towards the mariner, the priest, and the soldier. Talking to them would also allow him to know more about them, which would be undoubtedly useful in their travels.

"Hello there. Are all of you here ok?"

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I give up. Raim decided. No use reasoning with loonies. The annoyed cavalier decided not to speak for now, despite Seliah's glare as she noticed his attitude. "Your reasoning is sound Daloth," Seliah said to the man. "But I would say that posing as a relative of mine would suffice to fool these guards. It's rare that they question one of wealth exceeding theirs. We must be aware of security increases in the town, however. With the incident you described, I'm sure that the guards would need to be preparing." Now that she thought about it, Daloth's explanation of half-dressed assailants and gun toting apes was beginning to sound less plausible. "Regardless, if you truly want to impersonate a Lady, I won't stop you, but beware any consequences. Let's get moving, shall we?" She said, returning to her carriage seat.

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"Let us see this Rodrigo Vasquez fellow then, though we should proceed with caution. Everyone appears to have dealt with their injuries. I assume you can lead the way to our location, you probably have a better grasp of Ursian geography than I do," Veronika said to Raquel after looking over the group. Perhaps he knows about the location of Raquel's father...or Pavel. 'Twould be foolish to hope for too much though, all I can do is go on the path before me. she thought to herself.

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"So he's first on the list? Okay then. I'd better check the map to make sure I've got our route planned." she replied as she began rummaging through the driver bags. "It doesn't say he's in the next town over but I'd like to stop there anyway so I can try to get some fresh supplies and some other things we could make use of."

A Mister Vasquez. I've never heard of him, though I haven't been in Ursium for very long. I hope there isn't anymore fighting for awhile, but I'll be ready regardless. Amon thought to himself as he stood up from his resting place. They appeared to be ready to leave so there was little point in sitting on the ground anymore.

"Hey, everyone!" Raquel called out to the group at large. "We're getting ready to head out. If you've got anything you need to deal with really quick, I think now's the time." Oh man, that sounded so ... half hearted. I'm not very good at being bossy. I didn't even make it sound like I was going to leave people behind. Though that seems a bit cruel. Whatever, I'll get better with time. Right now I need to focus on merchandise.

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"Aye; Synthia here's just finished healing red-armor," Gytha replied to Domovoi when he asked how everyone was doing. That was when Rquel made the call that they'd be leaving soon. "Oh, I'd better take care of some things," she commented to herself before taking off into the woods and returning to the cart a bit later only to return to the forest to get rid of what was left of the squirrel that Maw had eaten. With all preperations finished, Gytha waited atop the cart for everyone else to be ready for departure.

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Daloth stopped to think for a moment. Though he did indeed like the concept of his idea, repelling all the attention actively instead of merely avoiding it, he knew that it was a risky concept. Disguising himself as a father, or at least babysitter, to the young miss would be far less suspicious to say the least. "Alright. Fine. I'll dress up more normally and not try to repel the attention. Knowing my luck though, if I disguise myself as your father or something, we will run into someone in the port who knows him personally."

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"... It's Axel. I'd prefer not to be known as much by my armor," the lancer said, after Gytha referred to him again by the color of his mail. "Thank you for the heal, Miss Synthia." With a quick nod, he returned back to his seat on top of the wagon, scanning the surroundings just in case of attack.

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