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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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We all knew this was coming, or something like it.

I'm putting Luka up for adoption, I seriously cannot write this character, I don't have the desire to do so or the drive to force something out of the back of my head. The only reason the adoption is a thing rather than just depositing him back at Weyland is because we need healers and he's a damned good one.

If anyone actually cares to take me up on this offer just send a PM or something, otherwise he'll be gone sometime in the near future.

This isn't me quitting or anything, Zach/Alphonse aren't going up too, it's just because I made a mistake making this character the way I did and it's come back to bite me

Edited by Eail
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If no one else offers, I'll take Luka Eail. I respect you enough to keep your characters in the RP for a time sacrifice on my end. I'd rather someone who knows him better than me take him if possible though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright snickerdoodles, we should all know we have the big important ball coming up and we desperately need to decide who's going where and with whom. Well good news, your friendly neighborhood spreadsheet is happy to accommodate everything in an up-to-date manner. Just head on over to the TEAMS tab and see if the pertinent information to your characters is posted! And while you're there, those little group split columns looking longingly at your delicious choice between Team Raquel and Team Amon. So hop on over and make it easy as a snickerdoodle for the person rounding up who's going where IC to hurry things along.

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-OP updated.

-Knights now have the upgrade 'Stalwart' in place of the original 'upgrade 2'.

Stalwart: While active, become immune to all ailments and raw stat reducing weapons. Lasts for one turn. Can only be used every other turn. Existing ailments are not removed but are ignored for that turn. This is a free action.

That's it for now. I'll let people know what's going on with the TS schedule once I figure the blasted thing out, myself.

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Alright, I'm currently in the middle of a few retroes and some segments for the TS. I'm trying to get them done in a timely manner but we likely won't be TSing tonight. Possibly tomorrow, but don't count on it. Anyway, here are some details about the TS:

-The TS starts about four and a half hours before the ball is 'scheduled' to begin, and ends about forty-five minutes before that scheduled start time(8:00pm that night).

-Characters attending the ball will need to set aside about an hour at some point to get ready for it and can ask the maids for assistance. They'll be measured and have clothes fitted when and where necessary and will also be freshened up a bit, mostly on recommendation, and only if they're willing.

-The group will be taking a series of carriages to the ball, which is some miles from Weyland's estate. When the TS ends, they should be finished getting ready, or just about finished.

-Certain PCs and relevant NPCs are not available for retroes during at least part of the TS. These so far include(with rough estimates): Amon(first half), Shadrak(first half), Reign(first half), Gabbie(5pm-6pm), Veronika(first half), Nadya(first half), Connor(5pm-6pm), Bert(I have no idea lol), Haythem(first half), Blake(TS start-7pm), Weyland(TS start-6pm and 7pm-TS end), and Anna(TS start-5pm).

Now for some information about the ball itself ... it could wait but I'd like to point out a few things to prevent any possible kneejerk reactions or unhelpful shenanigans.

-The ball is taking place at an as yet unnamed noble family's estate on the 'outskirts' of Europa. The somewhat isolated get-together in and of itself necessitates some extra security, but so does the location, as this place is outside of Europa proper.

-Security itself consists of several independent layers, with the royal guardsmen handling all internal security for the event, Langley's battalion handling all entry points in conjunction with the estate's own guards, and one last division of soldiers spread thinly throughout the estate grounds. There are a slight mix of estate guards and royal guards sharing roof duties.

-Body guards are allowed at the event, but no one is allowed to be armed with weapons of any kind while 'inside' the manse. Anyone found carrying a tome or weapons will immediately be taken into custody. Since the royal guard are the only ones allowed to have any magic inside the building once the event gets under way, all people attending will have their auras completely drained by security just prior to entry. They'll use a variety of tiny magic seals on human participants while requiring dark avian guests to wear seamless versions of these devices and ensure no one but security can pull off any spells inside.

Note: Without a lingering aura, mages and nonhumans are unable to cast. Mages can still cast with tomes or similar items. For those unaware, a magic user's 'aura' is excess magical energy slowly gathered from the atmosphere (subconsciously) and held within their control field. It's useful for casting in an emergency when there's no other source to draw on but doesn't allow for particularly strong spells. They also take anywhere from hours to days to regenerate depending on certain variables when depleted in the manner described above.

There may be more details before the TS or before they actually arrive at the event, but no need to wait around for that. If there are any other questions feel free to ask and I'll either put you on hold for a bit or address the question then and there.

Last things are Alex and Cruz. The latter should be easy enough to get on board, but I don't currently have any actual scenarios in mind for doing so ... that goes for both of them lol. With that, I'd like to ask for anyone with ideas to lay them on us so we can work out a recruitment scenarios in the near future.

Edited by Phoenix
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I don't know where the story is going now, and I don't have the spare time to read up on all of the story, unfortunately. However, if you're still having trouble on how to introduce Cruz into the story, ask yourself: has the party gathered enough attention for a hit to be placed on them by their enemies?

If so, the problem is solved. Deploy the assassins, and have Cruz be a part of them in true Fire Emblem fashion. I don't mind playing the villain. Either pay off Cruz mid-fight, or keep him alive until enough assassins are killed or incapacitated that continued fighting would just result in a senseless death. Cruz gets recruited in true Fire Emblem fashion, and that's one of the two newcomers in the party already. For bonus points, have this occur in the middle of the ball. I mean, it's a ball in a fantasy setting - those things are just MADE to be crashed with spectacular violence.

As for Alex, he's an artist, correct? And this is a big fancy ball, correct? Would it not stand to reason that he could be there making portraits? The sudden fighting may move him to action.

Just my thoughts. I'm a bit excited about actually RPing and there's no one else mentioning anything here, so I figured I ought to say something.

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Alex making portraits at the ball seems like a good idea to me if it works for Snowy.

Perhaps Cruz could be offering his services to various people at the ball? Ursian nobles often hire assassins so that wouldn't be too out of place. He would be weaponless and need some talent for..discretion however.

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Basically, no fights will break out at the ball. Recruitment can be peaceful, heh. I like Cynthia's idea here, but it doesn't really matter what I think about it. Would it be in-character for Cruz to be looking for hires at a fancy ball? Also, how would he get in? (No sneaky; that'll just get him in trouble.) Maybe he's already a "friend" of one of the nobles there and just got in with them?

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I have no problem with the portrait thing, but I do thing we need to do... well... something to get things moving. I have no problem with the ball, but until Cynthia made that suggestion, I felt like I would be pretty much left out entirely and I'm sure I'm not the only one who will end up side-lined.

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People have the choice to go to the ball or not. You made the decision to not go to the ball, and thus you aren't going. Also, I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to post with your other characters while the ball is going on. Chill out and let the RP take its course.

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