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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Luna's mention of assassin hires gave me an idea along those lines, actually. I'll send related parties a pm in a little bit. It should work well for Cruz recruitment.

As for Alex, yeah, him being there to paint some memories isn't a bad idea, either (as long as he's good at it lol). If there aren't any better ideas, I say we go with that.

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-TS completed. The party has now entered the near future. Technology has improved, and overall, things are getting more confusing. It is currently a little after 7pm rp-time and the weather is nice this evening in Europa. Enjoy your stay and try not to die.
-Rune Knight challenge added.
-Four Orders Information updated.

Just a few new paragraphs overall.
-Magic Canon V3 information updated.

A small rating system was added to help cut down on some of the individual spell exposition.

[spoiler=Rune Knight Challenge]
Numbers: 2 on Normal/8 on Hard
Summons: Go to the Order of Truth's main hall and summon Io for the challenge.
Standard Difficulty Team Limit: 4
Battlepost limit: 8 on Normal/10 on Hard
Known Rewards: Iron Rune Unlock.
Intel: In the large chamber housing the Truthian archives stand tall, vigilant, ebon clad knights. They bar the path to the archives with lethal force. Beyond these knights exists a wealth of knowledge just waiting to be uncovered, and possibly even a new emblem piece. There's no telling how Shadrak survived his initial encounter with them, but to defeat these knights, an emphasis on magic and strong physical defense is required.

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Ok! People that are interested in doing this challenge, either message me via PM or post here. I'm going to keep a running tally of the characters that would participate.











Cruz (depends on when we do it)


Kat (maybe)

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Blake, if any. Grant's leaving so I'd feel bad using him, and I will upgrade the former's sword and armor at some point in the near future, so he'd be viable as a defensive unit.

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Alright, we're looking for min one more, max four more. Could probably use some more damage and a healer.

Edit: Ok, I tossed in Erion since he can hit RES now too. Theoretically we could do this challenge at this point, but I'd really like it if we could get one more healer. A rez-healer would be great, but if not, any healer would be appreciated.

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I have made four possible sets of teams. Some include Kat, some don't in the case that Roy doesn't catch up. They are as follows:

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
Nadya Shadrak Calumeina Eli
Itsuki Mushirah Katrina Blake
Hoshi Angelica Zach Erion
Erion Shadrak Nadya Eli
Itsuki Mushirah Blake Calumeina
Hoshi Angelica Zach Arietta
Nadya Shadrak Calumeina Eli
Itsuki Mushirah Arietta Blake
Hoshi Angelica Zach Erion
Nadya Shadrak Calumeina Eli
Itsuki Mushirah Katrina Blake
Hoshi Angelica Zach Erion

I made these four teams with what I believe to be the best possible balance. If your character is not included and you volunteered them, it is not a slight to you. Challenges are difficult. They are ugly and they are not balanced like a normal fight. Therefore, we need to go into this with the best possible teams. Feel free to comment on this however you think fit.

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Slightly edited sets:

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
Nadya Shadrak Calumeina Eli
Itsuki Mushirah Katrina Blake Set 1
Hoshi Angelica Zach Erion
Erion Shadrak Nadya Eli
Lumi Mushirah Arietta Blake Set 2
Hoshi Angelica Zach Cruz
Nadya Shadrak Calumeina Eli
Itsuki Mushirah Arietta Blake Set 3
Hoshi Angelica Zach Erion
Nadya Shadrak Calumeina Eli
Itsuki Mushirah Katrina Blake Set 4
Hoshi Angelica Zach Erion

Sets 1 and 4 are if we have everyone that has said they would participate able to participate. Set 3 is if Kat can't participate and Set 2 is if Kat and Itsuki can't participate. If Kat can and Itsuki can't, it would be Set 3 only with Kat replacing Itsuki.

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Snowy: All of our mages have better damage than Tia, all of our tanks are more solid than her, and she's not a healer. That's why she's not included. Also the fact that you didn't even offer her, you just asked if I was going to include her a day ago.

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I didn't know that we had to volunteer in here until a day ago. And Tia offers plenty in the form of stat-buffs and the like. She's not useless.

Edit: You also never thought once of asking in mibbit. Tia offers stat-buffs and AoE damage as well as her fortune tome.

Edited by Snowy_One
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I didn't say she was useless, I just said that the teams we have work better for the challenge that was presented to us. And I asked for volunteers the day the challenge was posted.

Response to edit:

Actually, I did ask in IRC multiple times. Either you weren't paying attention or you weren't there. Either way not my fault since I asked pretty plainly in chat thread which you can clearly read. And I repeat that the teams we have will work better for the challenge.

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You did not ask me. Did you think I may not have been on when you asked? Did you think to go 'Hey, Snowy, there is something going on Tia might be interested in. Do you want her to come?' even once? I certainly don't recall it happening.

And yes, I am very mad about this. I feel like you outright shafted me out of this for personal reasons while ignoring what Tia offers to a group. She showed she was useful in her first fight ever, so don't try and tell me she isn't.

Edit: I was not present as I would have responded, especially if the question had been directed to me. As for the challenge, I don't believe that for a second. It's useless to try and persuade you otherwise though, so I am done with this.

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There is a difference between a challenge fight and a regular fight, as well. We have a limited roster and the enemies are tougher than normal. Hell, I outright pulled Tina out myself simply because she wasn't suited to the fight, and even Arietta who is(since for a physical unit against a general, you aren't going to do much better than a warrior) suited for the fight, might not even be included, and I was one of the first people to volunteer.

It's not that she isn't useful, so much as that, in this case, we need to pick and choose what kind of useful we can fit in to our slots.

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a) Why would I specifically ask you? I didn't specifically ask anyone. I made an open offer. The only set of talents I specifically asked for was healers because we only had one healer at one point in time.

b) I repeat that it was in the chat thread for everyone to see. Since you clearly have no issue reading the chat thread, I see no reason why you should deserve any special treatment.

c) I'm not the only one who's approved these teams and I'm not the only one who thinks that Tia shouldn't be in this challenge. Don't you dare ever accuse me again of being petty. I would *never* hurt the chances of success in something that affects every single person in this RP and it offends me that you would even think to suggest otherwise.

Edit: I was not present as I would have responded, especially if the question had been directed to me. As for the challenge, I don't believe that for a second. It's useless to try and persuade you otherwise though, so I am done with this.

Right, you seem to be ignoring my point. My point was, why should you get special treatment? I didn't specifically ask anyone. I asked in this chat thread and mentioned it a couple of times in IRC. You *clearly* can read this thread, though apparently you have some trouble with reading comprehension since you keep making me repeat my same point over and over.

Now, as for the challenge, I'm going to assume that you're talking about Tia not being the best for the challenge since otherwise you're outright saying that I'd be petty and rude enough to purposely hurt our chances at winning just because you and I have issues (and if you are saying that you can just piss off). So, if you think that Tia belongs, tell me. Who should she replace?

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