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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Okay, small announcement ... with big implications, maybe. We've decided to go with the flow on this one, which will result in a double battle, one at Weyland's estate, and the other in the city (You can blame this one on Raquel ... just like all the others). If you want to steer your characters into one battle or the other, staying at the estate puts them in the estate battle, and joining Raquel (not literally joining her necessarily, just ending up in the city rather than the estate) will put them in the city battle. I'll keep Raquel around long enough to make recruiting for the city battle easier for people.

Anyway, I'll let you know of any other developments as time goes on. If you know for sure where your characters are going to end up (don't force it; there's not much difference between the battles scale-wise), I'd go'head and start looking to CTs, though you can also wait until more people are decided. If you need help getting a character into a particular group, let me know, and I'll try and help you come up with something. And yes, the averages for both battles will be shared. This is literally two battles overlapping.

Also, Script, when you've got time, can you make a teams sheet for the estate group and the city group? That should help keep this organized.

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Right. I have a list of combat teams from before that most people didn't object to too much it seemed. As people post here and other places where they'd prefer, I can start to work off of those unless people object.

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Do they really have to happen at the exact same time? I feel that's going to be too confusing to keep track of.

They likely won't start at the exact same time, but they will overlap each other at some point at this rate.

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Sheet's updated to the best of my abilities.

Demon Fight is divided into two Tabs for the City and Estate Fights. All PCs were on both tabs and were placed and teamed according to scorri's previous pastebin suggestion. PCs not on a tab are confirmed participating in the other fight and have been bolded to indicate so.

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There are some serious timing issues going on here guys. Like 3 minutes have passed since Veronika made her announcement in the dining hall- there is no possible way Norbert or Erion should have gotten to where Blake is yet.

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I've been checking for timing issues this whole time and this is the first I'm hearing of it so I'll just stop posting for Norbert until things are caught up. So, just let me know when. Until then, I'll only post with characters who aren't accidentally in the future.

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I'm semi here, gonna be busy tomorrow I think because we're spending the night at someone else's house. I needed to ask some things of Phee about happenings in the city, but couldn't get on last night. I'll probably send you a PM later when I have time, Phee.

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When we can all (Scorri, Snike, Phoenix, Cynthia, myself) be on IRC at the same time, I think we need to discuss this. I don't want to mess up the timeline but there are a lot of things I'm confused about. I'll edit as needed to make this work, but not before getting a clear idea of the happenings this time. (Last time (during the forming of basically all the posts) I asked Phoenix if posting x at y time was ok and followed that instruction, but he must've been distracted when he answered me (he's been pretty busy) so I want to work this out right this time.)

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In the process of writing a post but idk when I'll be done because I have to go somewhere

Edit: Wait, was I really only gone 40 minutes. That felt like 2 hours.

Edit: Edit: Nevermind, now people have another spur of the moment thing for me to do and I probably won't be done till late tonight. I would just appreciate it if no one changed context at the cathedral yet since I was more than half done already and if I have to scrap it I probably won't finish ;___;

Edited by roymbrog
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I've put tentative combat teams up on the stat spreadsheet. This is the current set up. Comments/questions/suggestions appreciated. I tried to stick to IC while still having mostly efficient teams.


Katrina Reign
Theo Zach Jericho

Mirielle Ranyin Cruz

Blake Raquel Erion

Angelica Gar Robin

Veronika Eli Tia

Valter Joanna


Alex Alphonse Jamilla

Mushirah Shadrak Nadya

Aneda Pete Calumeina

Arietta Axel Itsuki

Faatina Hoshi

Gytha Sinbad Synthia

Amon Norbert

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Possible plan~

1. Tia boosts MT, attacks Hellbear team

2. Theo defends Zach
3. Zach attacks Cerberus, shift from... as i guess? if hits, does 21+dice, Theo counter reduces def/res to 6
4. Erion doubles Hellbear A/B (possibly buffs MT with ring?) does 10+dice and 5+dice, unless buff'd in which case 16+dice and 11+dice
5. Reign finishes Cerberus/attacks Cerberus's team
6. Nika attacks one of the Hellbears
7. Kat defends Erion or Reign or Tia
8. Eli heals if needed, else someone else attacks?

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Erion+Ring+BardMT can oneshot the Garudas. Erion should thus be latter on the action list until we see initial affects on enemy CTs to see if we may trigger the Garuda group.

Gar+BardMT+TiaAttack can substitute in on Hellbear if Erion doesn't want to use Ring or attacks Garuda.

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