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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Ok, so Parabattle!!!

Here's how it's going to play out this round:

Aubri boosts MT/DEF, hits fighter (LOLOL LETHAL DAMAGE)

Angelica hits the knight and kills it

Jam boost MT, hits cav (10 min damage)
Al hits the merc (18 min damage)

Wilhelm introduces his axe to the cav (13 min damage)
Erion shanks the merc (12 min damage)

Edited by scorri
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Got a post up. Let me know if something's off. I'll edit it later for more content depending on how far behind I am when I get back. Going to work; be back in about 13 hours.

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Also, Aubri did only half damage to the fighter because of half plate armor. He took either 11 or 13dmg, I'm not sure if the damage rounds down or up.

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Also, Plate series blocks rods too, now? That's kind of... well robes really don't have much of a place anymore, well, they were worse than plate series overall anyway but now they are just bad.

Also can haz my Tonnes of Damage trophy now?

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Was thinking of splitting it between armor negating just skl-def damage and robes negating skl-res damage but haven't really gotten around to it yet, mainly because the ratio of skl-def weapons and skl-res weapons is kind of unbalanced.

Edit: I mean currently we have rods and shock grenades. That's it for skl-res types iirc.

Edited by Phoenix
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Better than Robes only blocking Rods while Plate blocks all skill weapons, including rods.

EDIT: Right, forgot 'Nades. Also, more classes use Phys weapons than Mag, so it's already skewed in that the general blocks are more likely to be physical based than magic.

EDIT2: We can take Firewalls at signup despite T4 because they are in the standard unlocks, right? Also, they take up weapon2, right(or weapon1 if you sell things, but you know what I mean)

Edited by Ether
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Well like I said, splitting them between skl-def and skl-res won't really balance it out thanks to the overall ratio, but it's something I don't really mind doing, either. Won't save anyone from the plate wearers in this fight though :XD:

@ Edit 2

It'd be a better deal for old timers if only the PCs who were already in the party could get unlocked T4 equipment right now but sure.

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Yeah, obviously. It's not something that needs a hotfix, I was just kinda confused when it came up talking about strat things with roy.

Awesome. Now to get lethal'd in every single battle if I decide to go through with this.

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As I've stated in the past, I'm willing to take up Zach if you're willing to let me do so. I have some ideas on things I can do with him (NOT INVOLVING ROBIN BEFORE YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!)

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Sup, I'm Eail

Here's how Para PP2 is going down.

Al is revived by Greta at the end of NPC phase and gets healed by Aubri to a total of 9 HP.

Al kills the Shaman

Jam charges the Sniper and forces him to switch weapons

ERION CREED the Cav, he will be attacked on EP but is the best choice


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Ok so real life apparently hates me and I keep not getting things done that I say I'll do. I'll have to reply to stuff later, I've been having to help get stuff ready for my brother's birthday party and then apparently some friends want to come over and watch a movie, and it's a good chance I'll get nothing done until tonight.

EDIT: Well the movie thing fell through so I actually am here most of the evening

Edited by roymbrog
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if my math is right, yes.

6 +1 -1 = 6/2(Half Plate armor) = 3 damage.

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