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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Well, I was just confused because people were referring to the rations as old and stale which the bear meat wouldn't be. Especially if they made a stew or something. I unno.

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An animal that size can provide about 200 meals. Unless it was fed to the wyverns there should be a little left.

At least some of it was fed to the wyverns and I was under the assumption that it was a smaller bear (or else Nadya would have taken more than a few hours to get the meat off).

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Even a smaller bear is close to full deer size. Even with feeding some to the wyverns, there should still be some left, especially since didn't one of the wyverns go hunting?

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If it's unrealistic for anyone to have gotten food already then maybe characters inRP should stop complaining about no one having gotten food. That's the whole reason I wanted to speed it up, because I was taking that as a "you guys are too slow this shouldn't take that long" thing.

Well just for the record, you can safely assume the complaints of my characters have nothing to do with how I feel on a particular matter. They can starve for the night for all I care if that's what the situation calls for. I'm just getting a little tired of how the hunting's been portrayed and scaled so far as well as how the environment magically changes to suit it(admittedly the latter's my fault and I'll be sure to start beating people over the head with more context), that's all.

@ Bear meat

Feed the Raquel.

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What is the environment like? I thought we were on the plains like before.

And am I responsible for some of that? What did I do? Honest question, I need to know what I shouldn't do again.

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Personally I thought it was grasslands with a stray tree here and there. Possibly rocks.

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Okay couple things. Greta's group's TSing as soon as Rhoul's taken care of(or not). They'll meet Amon's group right after the TS ... possibly literally RIGHT AFTERWARD. We'll see.

Raquel's group is TSing after Greta's group, but that one will be a little bit later on ... like whenever the intended plot-end of this conversation at the campfire is reached. Though I guess we could also wait for the hunting party to return. Amon+Greta setup will take some time so I'm open to suggestions on warping time, but Greta's group is TSing probably sometime today at the latest.

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Basically it's when all (or most at least) of the stuff that can be done ATM is done, so we jump ahead to a point where activity can resume. Some light time-skip examples would include 'jumping past a night, passing by a long journey where nothing eventful will happen, passing an hour while people groom mounts' and other such things.

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For Toogee and our other new fellows; some visual refs for Amon and Co.

Top row is Amon and Haythem. Bottom row is Malik and Fizza



You know it's kind of odd. Usually Malik is the pissed looking one, not Amon. Oh well. Fizza looks pretty usual at least~

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Oh huh. I never noticed this about Amon and Haythem's hair, but... Silver and goooold~ Silver and gooold~

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So... here's the thing. I've decided that Marella is no longer a character that I can continue to write for a number of personal reasons that I would rather not discuss here. However, since she is a rather important character to at least two individuals, I would at least like to ask if there was someone willing to take her before I make a final decision. If you are willing, I would like to talk to you about what you would do with her since i honestly might prefer to just write her out depending on the situation. So... yeah. That's what's up.

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