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(FE7) Drafting Tournament...


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And Gaidens count towards your turncount and are required, so no turn penalty for you!

I know, it's brilliant. Besides, another helping hand to plough through the center would help. (Or, hold off enough to get someone around...)

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It worries me that I still get credited for the idea. The first (and only) draft I ran, I credited the guy who actually started them - Oval.

Admittedly, I think I was the first person to apply it to FE7. But... yeah. Credit Oval, not myself :P.

Edit: I know how to spell 'worries'. Really.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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It worries me that I still get credited for the idea. The first (and only) draft I ran, I credited the guy who actually started them - Oval.

Admittedly, I think I was the first person to apply it to FE7. But... yeah. Credit Oval, not myself :P.

Edit: I know how to spell 'worries'. Really.

I don't like Oval. For lack of a better term, I think he's a faggot but that's just my opinion. So no, I won't credit him.

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Geitz is a bad pick anyway, he costs quite a few extra turns to get.

Still, every helping hand counts, doesn't it?

Time to make you all look at me strange, I pick Rebecca. lolol. (That's not a joke.)

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I have time now, and might not have time later, so I am starting this.

Chapter 11 6/6 Turns

Hector's level up blew chunks.

Hector smashed the wall down in two turns, while Matt opened doors for him. No Red Gem.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   2     87     20  8   4   5   3   8   0   13 C Axe     -

Chapter 12 5/11 Turns

Hector's level ups kicked ass. Sent Eliwood to get the Secret Book, which he sold and bought a couple vulernaries. Dorcas killed two Bandits, Marcus rushed up to wreck havoc, but Hector got the bosskill. This is completeable in 4 turns.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   5      83    23 10   6   7   3  10   0   13 C Axe     -
Eliwood  1      00    Base
Dorcas   3      82    Base
Marcus   1      23    Base

Chapter 13 6/17 Turns

With some nifty rescue dropping from Marcus, Hector is able to cross the river a little easier. Eliwood went down, while Dorcas smashed the tree, then helped Eliwood. Marcus hit up the village, and bought two hand axes. Hector Wolf Beil'd the boss.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   5      83    25 11   7   8   3  11   1   13 C Axe     -
Eliwood  1      99    Base                                     -
Dorcas   4      27    31  7   8   6   3   3   0   14 C Axe     -  
Marcus   1      31    Base                                     -

Edited by General_Horace
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I guess I'll also start.

CH. 11 7/7 Turns

Hector went south and killed some stuff. Matthew opened doors for him and snagged the Red Gem.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   2     87     20  8   5   5   3   9   1   13 C Axe     -

CH. 12 6/13 Turns

Stupid. Marcus rapes everything down south and Hector rapes everything up north. Marcus heads north and they rape everything together. Serra does some healing. Would've been 5-turned, but Marcus whiffs twice against the boss. Stupid.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   5     64     21  9   5   5   4   11   2   13 C Axe     -
Marcus   2     00     31  16  16  11  8   10   9   11 A Sword/A Lance/B Axe
Serra    1     11     17  2   5   8   6   2    5   4  D Staves

CH. 13 7/20 Turns

I'm really missing having combat units other than Marcus and Hector. I'm really hoping to make up some of these turns later once I start to get better characters. Anyway, everyone heads left. Marcus visits the village. Everyone goes south, Hector Wolf Biels the boss, Marcus gets the kill with a hand axe.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   6     44     22  10  6   5   4   12   2   13 C Axe     -
Marcus   2     94     31  16  16  11  8   10   9   11 A Sword/A Lance/B Axe
Serra    1     11     17  2   5   8   6   2    5   4  D Staves

CH. 13x 8/28 Turns

Oswin meatshields (no weapons!) the south part, Lowen does the same to the west. Serra runs around and heals. Marcus and Hector go north and slaughter shit, Marcus kills Puzon then we mop up some more bandits.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   7     88     23  10  7   5   4   12   2   13 B Axe     -
Marcus   3     46     32  16  17  11  8   10   9   11 A Sword/A Lance/B Axe
Serra    1     66     17  2   5   8   6   2    5   4  D Staves

CH. 14 8/36 Turns

Marcus steamrolls through a bunch of guys, then goes south to take care of the pirates. Hector takes care of those initial soldiers in the east then makes his way west. Serra recruits Erk and tags along with him so he can attack and gain EXP without worrying about dying.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   8     60     24  11  8   6   4   13   2   13 B Axe     -
Marcus   5     07     34  16  18  12  9   10   11  11 A Sword/A Lance/B Axe
Serra    2     00     17  2   5   9   7   2    5   4  D Staves
Erk      3     18     18  7   7   8   4   2    6   5  D Anima

CH. 15 8/44 Turns

Marcus goes north, takes out the baddies and Sealen. Erk and Hector go south and mop up everyone else, Serra heals. Oswin meatshields the throne. Erk gets a crappy level.

Ugh. I accidentally reloaded the chapter, and had to redo it. Same strategy, although I did get some better levels, so I guess it was worth it.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   9     27     25  12  9   7   4   14   2   13 B Axe     -
Marcus   5     95     34  16  18  12  9   10   11  11 A Sword/A Lance/B Axe
Serra    2     34     17  2   5   9   7   2    5   4  D Staves
Erk      5     00     20  9   8   9   5   4    7   5  D Anima

Edited by frat_tastic
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For the lack of Nils and Wil, being my next two picks...

Err... I pick Louise. I know, another bow user. Better than any of the other picks.

(Also, wouldn't I get Karla by default? As no one else can use her, and there would be no one better to pick at that point for me.)


Tactician named Manix (my other screen name), born in... July? Huh.

C11: 9 turns

Really not happy with that. But, Hector got 2 good level ups and 1 alright one, and I can't be bothered to restart. Got the Red Gem.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS
Hector   4.01 22 10  6  7  5 10  0

C12: 6 Turns

Again, I'm not complaining. Much. I swear Hector missed like, 20 times in this chapter.

Sent Hector east immediately, killing stuff with a Hand Axe. Aside from the multiple times he missed. Sent Marcus to get the Secret Book, and had my other 3 units clean up down south. They then headed north to kill off whatever was left from Hector. Rebecca of all people, got the boss kill, and got +STR/SKL/SPE/RES. Not bad.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS
Hector   5.60 23 11  7  8  5 10  0
Marcus   1.00 31 15 15 11  8 10  8
Lowen    3.91 24  8  5  8  3  7  1 
Bartre   2.93 29  9  5  3  4  4  0
Rebecca  2.29 17  5  6  7  4  3  2

C13: 7 Turns

More not complaining about level ups.

Sent Marcus south, after rescuing Serra to stop him doubling non-loldiers. Self improvement group went with him. By that, I mean Rebecca. The other 3 went west to conquer Merlinus's village and plow through to the gate. Hector is still godly. Rebecca's becoming competent. Killed Guy. I shouldn't need that Killing Edge anyway. Got the Mine as well.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS
Hector   6.88 24 11  8  8  6 10  0
Marcus   1.35 31 15 15 11  8 10  8
Lowen    5.09 26  8  7  9  4  8  1 
Bartre   3.91 30  9  5  4  4  4  1
Rebecca  5.01 19  7  9 10  5  3  4

C13x: 8 Turns

Yawn. Boring defense chapter. Marcus rescues Merlinus to half speed again, and save me having to defend properly. Lowen south, unarmed Oswin tanking the west, everyone else north. Got the 5000G village.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS
Hector   6.88 24 11  8  8  6 10  0
Marcus   1.35 31 15 15 11  8 10  8
Lowen    5.09 26  8  7  9  4  8  1 
Bartre   3.91 30  9  5  4  4  4  1
Rebecca  5.01 19  7  9 10  5  3  4

C14: 8 Turns

ITT: Bartre is ridiculous

Fairly simple. Fielded Serra for Erk Goddess Icon. Simple charge, Bartre got the boss kill, Marcus grabbed some vulneraries and basic weaponry. Bartre got +3 SPD this chapter. Wtf. Got Priscilla Mend staff as well.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS
Hector   8.86 25 12  9  8  7 11  1
Marcus   1.87 31 15 15 11  8 10  8
Lowen    8.67 29  8  8 10  5  8  3 
Bartre   7.70 33 10  6  7  5  5  3
Rebecca  7.88 20  8 11 11  5  3  4

Edited by Mist
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