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[FE10] Draft Playthrough the Fourth


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Considering who's left to be drafted and how slow this last bit is for some reason, I think it's fair to say we can all start now.

I'm trying to finish my PoR one first, though. Shouldn't take too long once chapter 23 is done...

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1-P: 6+3 turns (Edward)

Business as usual.

1-1: 6+3 (Nolan)

More business as usual.

1-2: 7

Got the drop on the last turn, skipped Thani. Other than that more business as usual.

1-3: 7

Went left, and probably the most important placement was Sothe in front of the right armor, which meant that the boss had to attack him from 1-range. Apparently Ilyana can ORKO Aran.

1-4: 6

Max mt iron forge for Aran. Max mt thunder forge for Ilyana. Additional cheap +hit and/or +crit for both. Sothe headed northwest and grabbed Beastfoe while Micaiah trailed and eventually got the 3000g. Ilyana and Aran 2RKO'd everything south and east, including the boss, due to AI dumbness. Skipped the robe, but I doubt it'd be worth it.

1-5: 6

Business as usual.

1-6-1: 6

Forged knives go west, Aran tanks the armors and pegs and Ilyana makes good use of Shade.

1-6-2: 3

Remembered to forge more than 2 knives this time, as Aran shoved Sothe up a square and Sothe arrived in the boss's range by turn 2. A proc could've ended it earlier, but didn't. More leveling for Aran and Ilyana while the forced hid. IIRC they're at around level 16-17.

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