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Late-Game Recruits


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I would say that the only unit that can realistically match Sety's offense is Galzus or possibly a trained Mareeta if you've gotten Meteor Sword for her, just because Meteor + Moonlight sword that stack are broken in the extreme when it comes to combat. But they don't have staves, so...

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I suppose if you have Pugi still, a high level Othin has pretty accurate and powerful 1-2 range. He probably comes the closest? He still can't rewarp himself across the map.

Othin has horrible resistance, and less avoid. He gets 2HKO'd by all the Dark Mages, and statused ten times over. Absolutely nothing compares to FE5 Sety, I could go on for days about how ridiculous he is. You could compare him to FE10 Lehran but with more relative availability and movement. He can do every single thing you want him to.

edit: Mareeta is even worse than Othin because she can't counter at range without a magic sword, and she has all of his issues. Maybe slightly more avoid, if both haven't capped it yet. Galzus is basically Sety but with slightly more accuracy issues, and without the whole magical part (having resistance, being able to use Magic tiles and Holy Water, staves) that makes Sety a god among men.

Edited by Mekkah
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The only time 2 range is relevant is 4-E-1. The rest are over within a blink of an eye.

Completely missing the point are we? I'm saying that as good as the royals are, they fail to compare to Sety.

Edited by Malik Maxwell
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Completely missing the point are we? I'm saying that as good as the royals are, they fail to compare to Sety.

Royals: Best characters for when they exist by a significant margin

Sety: Best character for when he exists by a significant margin

I fail to see how they cannot be compared.

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Well, from what I gather, the royals are closer to Galzus in what they do. Combat powerhouses with good movement (Galzus only has 7 move, but 5 movement stars is impressive + it's indoors) who make the last few chapters a complete joke insofar as combat.

The thing is that Sety does that AND uses broken FE5 staves. He's top of the top in not one but two aspects, since Staff users with high ranks are useful in the extreme in FE5. This gives him a measure of versatility that pure combat units simply can't match.

Basically, imagine if everything had ~20 true hit on Athos, he doubled everything, he had a ~60% crit rate on his first attack and a forced critical on the second, and he had infinite range warp, rescue, rewarp, and status staves with a near 100% success rate on everything but Nergal. That's pretty much Sety.

Edited by Silvercrow
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Well, from what I gather, the royals are closer to Galzus in what they do. Combat powerhouses with good movement (Galzus only has 7 move, but 5 movement stars is impressive + it's indoors) who make the last few chapters a complete joke insofar as combat.

The thing is that Sety does that AND uses broken FE5 staves. He's top of the top in not one but two aspects, since Staff users with high ranks are useful in the extreme in FE5. This gives him a measure of versatility that pure combat units simply can't match.

I love the idea of rewarp staves :3 although it seems like only Sety can use them adequately because of his good combat. Rewarp on him Warp on Safy, Tina and the other healers. They should bring over rewarp(and warp) staves, although they were in FE10 they weren't useable. I haven't gotten Galzus I always get stuck with Thracia ^^' i think the last chapter I played was the one where they escape the prison after Mackua, Lara and Brighton join. Anyways the royals are tanks with no two range whatsoever the have high stats a lot of hp and most of them double, their only weakenesses are res I think but its not really something to be afraid of. They also have their own personal skills like canto for the birds and 3x damage skills for some and such ^_^.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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I love the idea of rewarp staves :3 although it seems like only Sety can use them adequately because of his good combat.

Sara and Linoan can use Rewarp staves for combat purposes as well, you just have to be much more careful about where to teleport them to.

That being said, yes, Sety is ridiculously broken in FE5, and if you compare his level of brokenness to the level of brokenness the FE10 royals have in comparison to your normal units of both games, then Sety easily outclasses the Royals, by far. The royals kill everything in their way with high, but not unmatched movement and never die. They also cannot attack at 1-2-Range, which is a bit annoying when almost all enemies in the endgame use magic or other 1-2-range attacks.

Sety, on the other hand, reaches 34 AS in a game where speed caps at 20 (and the absolute highest amount of AS any other unit can ever get is 25, but only with the wind sword - and good luck getting any sword user anywhere near 20 magic so they can use it effectively), has a 34% chance to activiate Continue on every attack, criticals with every single pursuit attack he does for completely ridiculous amounts of damage (which can be boosted even further if you give him pure water or have another staff user use M-Up on him), never dies, has a 10% chance every turn to automatically dance to himself, has 8 movement even unmounted, which, without ridiculous amounts of luck, only Evayle can ever hope to match, and can basically give himself infinite movement by just using a rewarp staff. He can also warp other units, like Galzus, across the entire map as well, heal them, buff them, inflict infinitely lasting status ailments over infinite range, what have you.

Laguz royals are ridiculous. Sety is so completely ridiculously broken that words cannot describe it.

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Linoan was likened to Nino? LOL. And Othin has trashy resistance, true, as does most melee. That's to be expected. I've seen dark mages as late as chapter 21x with 10 or less magic, so it's not out of the question for him to naturally withstand two doses of Jotsmungand if they connect somehow, without critical, because he's Othin and he's got like 40+ HP before promotion.

Sara and Linoan can use Rewarp staves for combat purposes as well, you just have to be much more careful about where to teleport them to.

That being said, yes, Sety is ridiculously broken in FE5, and if you compare his level of brokenness to the level of brokenness the FE10 royals have in comparison to your normal units of both games, then Sety easily outclasses the Royals, by far. The royals kill everything in their way with high, but not unmatched movement and never die. They also cannot attack at 1-2-Range, which is a bit annoying when almost all enemies in the endgame use magic or other 1-2-range attacks.

Sety, on the other hand, reaches 34 AS in a game where speed caps at 20 (and the absolute highest amount of AS any other unit can ever get is 25, but only with the wind sword - and good luck getting any sword user anywhere near 20 magic so they can use it effectively), has a 34% chance to activiate Continue on every attack, criticals with every single pursuit attack he does for completely ridiculous amounts of damage (which can be boosted even further if you give him pure water or have another staff user use M-Up on him), never dies, has a 10% chance every turn to automatically dance to himself, has 8 movement even unmounted, which, without ridiculous amounts of luck, only Evayle can ever hope to match, and can basically give himself infinite movement by just using a rewarp staff. He can also warp other units, like Galzus, across the entire map as well, heal them, buff them, inflict infinitely lasting status ailments over infinite range, what have you.

Laguz royals are ridiculous. Sety is so completely ridiculously broken that words cannot describe it.

I agree that in a game where tomes weigh down no matter what, Holsety is basically the trump card that elevates Sety as a caster and staffer for endgame above all the other sages, high priests and Salem. It's entirely possible it will cause him to get attacked instead of Salem or Homer who have higher (eventually around the same or possibly never, depending on scroll usage) defense in a hypothetical scenario where they're all in some enemy/ies' range: he'll just decimate and emerge unscathed in all likelihood.

Maximum staff rank on top of that is a huge boon, especially compared to Asvel/Homer who will be lucky or abused to the point of player inefficiency if they get to use anything higher than C.

Minor griping about laguz royals endgame still doesn't count for much when the chapters are wrapped up in such short order that they positively pale next to the rest of the final act and you can leave plenty of other less durable people with ranged weapons equipped at the end of your turn to ORKO or at least counter bishops like Marcia (4-E-1), when they can still plow right into the midst of 4-E-2 where most will comparatively hesitate, etc.

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