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(FE7) SOYO (Screw Over Your Opponent) Draft 2


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Well, I did have to recruit Lucius. I don't think it's possible to do the map in less than 8 turns in 0% growths without significant RNG manipulation to keep Hector alive.

[shhhhhh, let me bask in my one moment of glory dondon! Also, post more videos plz]

Edited by Jaffar7
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  • 2 weeks later...

I might flesh out this update later, but here are some more results to get things going.

Chapter 18: 4 turns (Matthew was too slow to steal the Guiding Ring!)

Chapter 19: 4 turns

Chapter 20: 8 turns (Recruited Legault and got the Blue Gem, Luna, Member Card, GR, Barrier Staff, and Killer Bow. Really happy with how this went.)

Chapter 21: 4 turns

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 15 - 8

Thank you Soul for pointing out I could weaponless meatshield!

Oswin tanked the door next to the throne, while Hector protected the throne area, and Marcus ran as fast as he could to kill the boss (if I didn't, my troops would have been overwhelmed). Matthew provided a couple turns of distraction. I forgot to give him his Lockpick, so he jacked the other Thief's 'pick, then got me the Silver Axe. Priscilla used herself as a one-turn shield, and Serra was busy patching people up.

Name       Level   HP   STR   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES  SUPPORT
Hector      9.64   26   12    10     8     5    11     1
Matthew     6.22   21    4     5    12     4     4     1
Marcus      4.87   33   17    16    12     9    10     8
Serra       2.34   18    3     5     9     6     2     6
Priscilla   3.25   Base

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Chapter 14 - 11 turns

this took much trial and tribulation, but I finally finished in a run far from perfect, where Erk died, and Marcus got two +1 level ups (both skill) like a champion. Bartre and Hector took the enemies near the start while marcus did everything else.

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Chapter 16

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    8.16  26 14   8   9   4  11   2
Marcus    5.20  34 16  16  13  10  10  10
Dorcas    9.07  34 11   9   8   5   3   0
Lowen     6.27  27  9   5   9   5   9   2
Guy       7.60  28  9  16  16   7   7   2

6 turns.

Chapter 17

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    9.20  27 14   8   9   5  12   2
Marcus    6.11  35 16  17  14  10  10  10
Dorcas    9.74  34 11   9   8   5   3   0
Lowen     8.05  29 10   6  10   7  10   3
Guy       9.48  29 10  17  18   8   7   2

10 turns.

Chapter 18

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    9.42  27 14   8   9   5  12   2
Marcus    6.79  35 16  17  14  10  10  10
Dorcas   10.24  35 12   9   9   5   3   0
Lowen     8.66  29 10   6  10   7  10   3
Guy      10.17  30 11  17  19   9   7   3
Raven     7.10  30 12  14  16   2   6   2

3 turns.

Chapter 19

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   10.01  28 14   9   9   6  13   2
Marcus    8.07  37 18  17  14  10  11  10
Dorcas   10.60  35 12   9   9   5   3   0
Lowen     9.83  30 11   6  10   7  10   3
Guy      10.30  30 11  17  19   9   7   3
Raven     9.42  31 14  15  17   4   6   2

5 turns.

Chapter 20

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   11.41  29 15   9   9   6  14   2
Marcus    8.63  37 18  17  14  10  11  10
Dorcas   12.26  36 13  10   9   7   4   0
Lowen    10.82  31 11   6  11   7  10   4
Guy      10.81  30 11  17  19   9   7   3
Raven    10.92  31 15  16  18   5   7   2

7 turns.

Chapter 21

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   11.64  29 15   9   9   6  14   2
Marcus    9.80  38 19  17  14  10  11  11
Dorcas   12.26  36 13  10   9   7   4   0
Lowen    11.05  32 11   6  12   8  10   4
Guy      11.08  31 11  18  20  10   7   4
Dart      9.35  34 13   9   9   3   6   1

3 turns.

Chapter 22

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   11.64  29 15   9   9   6  14   2
Marcus   10.59  39 20  18  15  10  11  12
Lowen    11.48  32 11   6  12   8  10   4
Guy      11.25  31 11  18  20  10   7   4
Raven    12.25  33 16  18  19   5   9   2

4 turns.

Chapter 23

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   12.14  30 16  10   9   6  14   3
Marcus   10.82  39 20  18  15  10  11  12
Dorcas   13.30  37 13  11   9   8   5   0
Guy      12.08  32 12  18  20  10   8   4
Raven     2.64  38 17  20  22   5  11   4
Dart     11.64  35 15  10  11   4   6   1

9 turns.

Chapter 24

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   12.14  30 16  10   9   6  14   3
Marcus   12.11  41 21  19  16  11  13  12
Lowen    11.80  32 11   6  12   8  10   4
Dorcas   13.39  37 13  11   9   8   5   0
Guy      12.28  32 12  18  20  10   8   4
Raven     3.84  39 18  20  23   5  11   4
Dart     12.03  35 16  11  12   4   6   1

3 turns.

Chapter 25

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   13.02  31 16  10  10   6  15   4
Marcus   14.06  43 23  21  17  11  13  13
Lowen    14.61  35 12   8  14   8  12   4
Dorcas   13.62  37 13  11   9   8   5   0
Guy       1.12  37 14  18  20  10  10   5
Raven     5.13  41 19  21  23   5  11   5
Dart     14.15  37 17  12  13   4   6   1

9 turns.

Chapter 26

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   14.38  32 17  11  10   6  16   5
Marcus   14.40  43 23  21  17  11  13  13
Lowen    16.86  37 14   8  15  10  13   4
Dorcas   15.92  39 14  14  12   9   5   0
Guy       1.54  37 14  18  20  10  10   5
Raven     5.83  41 19  21  23   5  11   5
Dart     16.34  38 19  12  15   5   8   1
Ninian    3.35  16  0   0  14  12   5   6 

11 turns.

Chapter 27

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector   17.23  34 19  11  11   7  17   6
Marcus   16.20  44 23  22  18  11  14  13
Lowen     2.42  42 18  10  16  12  18   5
Dorcas   17.74  39 16  13  11  10   7   1
Guy       3.62  39 14  18  21  12  10   6
Raven     6.44  42 19  21  24   5  11   5
Dart     20.--  41 20  13  18   6   8   1
Ninian                 lol
Karel     8.42  31 16  23  20  15  13  12

13 turns.

Yeah, sorry. I don't feel like explaining at the moment. But I've gotten up to this point over a month ago.

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 16 - 21 turns

Screw everything about that chapter. I took the run that left all my drafters alive. Hector couldn't kill things fast enough, and Marcus was busy keeping everyone else alive. Things were so bad I was using PRISCILLA as bait.

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