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[FE8] Draft Tourney V: The Empire Strikes Back


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Since the preparations screen shop only sells basic weapons, I don't see why you couldn't use it, since otherwise, it would just take a little longer going from place to place buying them.

EDIT: Chapters 3 and 4.

Ch. 3: The Bandits of Borgo 8/24

Garcia and Franz team up to bust through walls and Eirika moves forward. Tried several times, and 8 was the best I could manage. Besides, I was inclined to keep this run due to Garcia gaining speed!

Ch. 4: Ancient Horrors 8/32

Franz and Eirika charged south while Garcia stayed in the north. Bosskill went to Eirika.


Eirika: Lv. 8.83; Hp 20, Str 5, Skl 11, Spd 12, Lck 7, Def 4, Res 5

Franz: Lv. 9.33; Hp 28, Str 9, Skl 9, Spd 11, Lck 5 , Def 8, Res 3

Garcia: Lv. 7.09; Hp 31, Str 10, Skl 8, Spd 8, Lck 4, Def 6, Res 1

Edited by Dustylou2
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If you didn't see my edit for the Prologue, I've decided to not record.

C1: 5 Turns

Not terribly exciting. Eirika just needed to not get hit by either Brequet or the passive soldier (until that last turn). Seth just ran away. Holding the Silver Lance, he wasn't a prime target for the Fighter on turn 1. Franz and Gilliam did nothing, they were never in any danger.

C2: 8 Turns

At one point, I managed a 7 turn, but I stopped recording because I didn't think it would get through. Ugh. Piled my non-draftees up in the corner. Eirika went and killed stuff. Moulder provided healing. And baiting. Ross and Garcia just did their thing.

Name    Level HP Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Weapon Ranks
Eirika   7.36 18  6  10  15   8   4   2  Sword C
BOULDER  3.14 20  4   6   9   1   2   5  Staff C

C3: 9 Turns

Better than the 11 turns I managed before. Eirika critting Bazba helped. Charged everyone toward Colm’s starting location, recruited Colm on turn 2 and had him charge ahead of everyone. He opened the southeast door on turn 4, Eirika ORKO’ed the Hand Axe Fighter in my way with the Steel Sword (!). Neimi initiated Neimi/Colm C (which allowed for Neimi to just barely finish off 2 enemies later). Colm went forward, bashing the Archer, and drawing the ire of the 2 Fighters and the Thief, as well. Everyone else came in to save him. Eirika went toward the boss, and the Merc got in the way. I put Colm in Neimi’s support range to KO the Merc, and Eirika attacks Bazba with the Rapier, critting and ORKO’ing him. On turn 9, Neimi needed Colm’s support bonus to cleanly kill the remaining Hand Axe Fighter. Eirika seizes.

C4: 10 Turns

Forgot to take turncount. (edit: Have now.) But, some great levelups make this a keeper. And first try, as well. Everyone goes toward the bridge. After the enemies have been cleaned out, Eirika returns to the start to kill off the reinforcements by herself. The others cleaned up the remainder. Colm got the bosskill.

Name    Level HP Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  10.89 19  9  12  17   9   5   2            Sword B
BOULDER  4.25 20  5   7  10   2   3   5            Staff C
Colm     8.75 22  7   5  14  11   5   1  Neimi C   Sword D
Neimi    4.22 20  7   6   9   6   3   3  Colm C    Bow D

After the chapter, I pick up 3 Iron Swords. 2 for Colm, and 1 for Eirika.

C5: 8 Turns

After many attempts at charging through the center, I decided to go up the side instead. Through careful positioning, I weaved my way up there, Eirika taking a hit off Joshua (and doubling him back to 6 HP) while crossing to Saar. Natasha recruited Joshua on the final turn, when Eirika ORKO'ed Saar.

Name    Level HP Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  12.75 20 10  13  19   9   5   3            Sword B
BOULDER  4.70 20  5   7  10   2   3   5            Staff C
Colm    10.63 23  7   6  16  11   6   1  Neimi C   Sword D
Neimi    6.28 20  9   6  10   8   4   4  Colm C    Bow D

C5x: 9 Turns

This took so long to get right. Orson carried Eph places, and Kyle killed stuff. Eph got some lucky dodges on the final EP, so I got to seize. Took Orson's Silver Sword.

C6: 4 Turns

lolThief vision range. Especially with a Torch. Everyone charged forward, and it was dodgetank to survive. Colm got C Swords on turn 2, which allowed him to grab the Killing Edge. Colm bashed the boss on turn 4 PP and didn't crit. He had 1 HP left. Eirika was also in KO range that EP. Boss decided that attacking Colm first would be a good idea. Colm dodged, and then he critted him. Moulder got to spam a Torch staff I picked up. He also had a Restore staff just in case. This took less attempts than C5x.

Name    Level HP Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  12.75 21 10  13  20  10   5   4            Sword B
BOULDER  5.26 20  5   8  10   2   3   5            Staff C
Colm    12.78 24  8   7  16  12   6   2  Neimi C   Sword C
Neimi    7.74 20 10   6  11   9   4   4  Colm C    Bow C

Edited by Mist
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Chapters 5-7. Looking back, I see several places I could have done better in (cough5cough), but meh.

Ch. 5: The Empire's Reach 11/43

Eirika fetched the Dragonshield, while Garcia and Franz went up to the boss. Mercs make annoying walls to break through when one of your two available fighters is an axe user. Joshua crits Franz, but he survives regardless. I struggled north, until Garcia 2HKO'd Saar.

Ch. 5x: Unbroken Heart 10/53

Orson got held up a few times, due to having no other units beside the rescued Ephraim. The final EP was stressful when Ephraim got hit by all 3 magic users near the throne, but he lived on with 2 hp. No treasure obtained.

Ch. 6: Victims of War 7/60

This chapter, I swear. Garcia goes in through the middle, while Franz looped around the north side. Eir and Natasha went south to hide, because Eirika's durability is embarassing. The boss went down to two hits from Garcia.

Ch. 7: Waterside Renvall 9/69

No flier or Ross, so I have to take the long way. Franz couldn't afford to constantly carry Eirika due to the enemies, so she had to walk some of the way. Garcia is being a total boss, with great physical durability, and he somehow didn't miss any sword users during the whole chapter (Franz, on the other hand, missed two 84s on an archer...).


Name Level Hp Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Eirika 11.76 22 6 13 15 9 4 7

Franz 16.46 34 12 12 16 7 9 7

Garcia 16.82 38 15 10 8 10 10 4

Natasha 2.45 19 2 4 8 7 2 7

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No flier or Ross, so I have to take the long way.

Err... Eirika can cross the river. Mind you, I don't recommend that, given her not great durability. I'm trying to get her over, along with Colm to speed up the chapter. Still trying.

post-897-063155500 1295493357_thumb.png

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Chapter 4 was done in 7 turns. Uploading now. Gilliam still has base speed.


I'm not looking forward to recruiting Joshua without meatshielding.

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C7: 7 Turns

That took time. Forced Colm and Eirika across the river, Neimi got to kill stuff down south. Moulder healed her. Colm stole the Energy Ring, and Eirika ORKO'ed the boss.

Name    Level HP Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  14.73 22 11  14  20  10   6   4            Sword B
BOULDER  5.70 20  5   8  10   2   3   5            Staff B
Colm    14.39 26  9   9  17  13   7   2  Neimi C   Sword C
Neimi    9.58 21 11   6  11   9   4   4  Colm C    Bow C

You know it's sad when a Thief is the most durable person on your team.

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...somehow, I never noticed that she can cross the river. Still, with her hideous durability, there's no way in hell she could survive the crossing. Her rapier has like 5 uses left too, so she's stuck ~4 shotting stuff with iron or not doubling the important stuff with steel. Even the Dragonshield wouldn't help that much.

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C8: 9 Turns

Holy crap I got lucky. Basic strat: Charge through treasure room with main group while Eph and Kyle protect Forde. Alas Killing Edge, you will be missed. (It broke.) Eirika needed to crit Tirado once with the Rapier, and not get hit by Tirado or the remaining Mage. Somehow, it happened, and I gratefully take the 9 turn. Got the Angelic Robe. Colm used the Energy Ring before the chapter.

Name    Level HP Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  17.52 25 12  16  20  13   7   4            Sword A
BOULDER  6.39 21  5   9  11   2   3   5            Staff B
Colm    16.98 27 11* 10  19  13   8   2  Neimi C   Sword C
Neimi   11.77 23 11   7  12   9   4   6  Colm C    Bow C
Kyle    11.00 30 11   8  10   6  10   4            Sword D Lance B

Gogo Eirika Route!

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assuming you still kept the Armourslayer for Eirika.

You mean there's an Armorslayer in C5 that I missed? Crap. Well, the Killing Edge was good enough for me.

In other news, C9 is being annoying. Considering using Tana to get Kyle across the sea. The -4 turns could be worth it. (Reminder, it's Eirika Route.)

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Ch 8 isn't bad. =P You have Vanessa to ferry Eirika. And Eirika and Gilliam can make decent Knight killers, assuming you still kept the Armourslayer for Eirika.

I missed the armourslayer as well,I didn't even know what was in the villages. And I only have enough Rapiers for Tirado.

And Gilliam is just fucking amazing at killing knights at base speed with 4 movement. I might early promote him.

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Yeah, and Gilliam's base speed is 3.

Anyway, I swear I clicked F2 on hypercam, but I guess I didn't, so no video for this chapter.

Promoted Gilliam to Great Knight. Vanessa and Joshua took out the loldiers, while Gilliam (still not doubling) hit the knight. Eirika finished the knight on the next turn, and Vanessa took the key, and opened it on the next turn. Gilliam doubled all the Knights in this room, and took out 4 of them on the enemy phase. Eirika and Vanessa walked past, while Gilliam took out the Shaman. Vanessa dodged the longbow archer, and Eirika finished. Gilliam raided the room with a hand axe, and finished one of the two mages that survived on the next turn, while Vanessa took out the other. Eirika put herself in front of Tirado, and 3 Rapier shots finished him.

9 Turns.

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Chapter 9

Yay, Pirate utility. It actually helped me not take forever at this map, by sending Ross to deal with the Pirates at the sea, and then the enemies at the South. The rest of the group went through the main road and killed enemies as fast as they could. Amelia was recruited for her Speedwings.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    18.76 26 12  18   20  16 10   6
Ross      12.03 32 18  10   12  18 11   6
Artur     12.14 27 10  11   10   5  3  11    C Lute
Lute      15.48 24 12  12   16  16  8   9    C Artur

11 turns.

Chapter 10

The main strategy of the map here was to get Eirika to the throne quickly, and I achieved that at nice speed by having Rescue-Dropped her there to speed of the process. The enemies at the start were pretty annoying to deal with as well. Tana just stayed out of enemy range to recruit Innes so he could recruit Gerik, so Gerik could recruit Marisa. Gerik got a few kills. Marisa got three kills including a Falcoknight at the last turn (Yay, Shamshir). :awesome: Lute and Ross tag-teamed on Pablo, and Eirika seized.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    19.86 27 12  19   20  17 10   7
Ross      14.34 33 20  11   13  18 12   8
Artur     13.24 28 11  12   11   5  3  12    C Lute
Lute      16.26 24 13  12   17  17  8   9    C Artur
Forde     13.29 29 11  12   14   8 10   2
Gerik     10.81 32 14  13   13   8 10   4
Marisa     6.23 24  7  13   14   9  5   3

6 turns.

Chapter 11

Lol, this chapter.

So, finally, I get the Guiding Ring. And guess what? I use it on Lute to have her go polverize enemies as a Mage Knight. She gets a few Thunder & Elfire tomes, along with a Mend staff.

Lute & Forde go through the main path, and then have to deal with Deathgoyles and skeletons. The rest of the group, led by Gerik & Marisa, head through the small chokepoint to the South-West of the map. Gerik weakens most enemies for Marisa to kill. The Zombies back at the top corner are dealt with by Eirika & Artur. Dozla kills the last of the enemies. And hey, L'Arachel was actually being useful by curing Lute & Forde. :newyears:

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    20.-- 27 12  20   20  18 10   7
Ross      16.32 35 20  12   14  19 13   8
Artur     14.04 29 12  13   12   6  3  13    C Lute
Lute       2.53 28 15  13   17  17 10  11    C Artur
Forde     15.25 30 12  13   15  10 10   2
Gerik     11.29 33 14  13   13   8 10   4
Marisa     9.15 26 10  15   16  10  7   4

9 turns.

Chapter 12

This is pretty much summed up as "Lute dominates the map", but that would be taking credit from Ross, Gerik, Marisa & Artur, who stayed behind dealing with Deathgoyles & giant spiders.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    20.-- 27 12  20   20  18 10   7
Ross      17.00 36 20  15   15  19 13   9
Artur     15.19 29 13  13   12   6  3  13    C Lute
Lute       5.12 30 18  15   20  19 10  13    C Artur
Forde     17.14 32 13  13   16  10 10   2
Gerik     11.80 33 14  13   13   8 10   4
Marisa     9.75 26 10  15   16  10  7   4

11 turns.

Chapter 13

Ross & Forde promote. Hilarity ensues...

Ross, Forde & Lute break destroy the enemies that were impeding my way to killing the boss. So Lute weakens it, and Forde doubles and kills him with a Horseslayer. Gerik, Marisa and Artur (but mostly Marisa) got a few kills.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    20.-- 27 12  20   20  18 10   7
Ross       1.34 40 21  16   16  19 15  11
Artur     15.80 29 13  13   12   6  3  13    C Lute
Lute       6.20 30 18  16   20  20 10  14    C Artur
Forde      2.14 35 14  14   18  10 13   3
Gerik     12.23 33 15  14   14   9 10   4
Marisa    10.63 26 11  16   17  10  7   4

2 turns.

Chapter 14

I go get some Door keys from the Convoy, along with some Chest keys. Gerik, Marisa & Artur take out the closes room, and Artur deals with most of the Archers. Ross solo's the room to the West and gets all the chests. Forde & Lute carry Eirika all the way up to the throne room. Carlyle was critikilled by Lute's Thunder.

Items retrieved:

- Guiding Ring

- Energy Drop

- 10.000 Gold

- Hammerne

- Member card (After killing CanReck)

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    20.-- 27 12  20   20  18 10   7
Ross       2.26 41 21  16   17  19 15  11
Artur     17.35 30 13  15   14   6  3  14    C Lute
Lute       8.05 31 20  17   21  20 11  16    C Artur
Forde      3.73 36 15  15   18  10 13   3
Gerik     13.26 34 16  15   14   9 11   4
Marisa    12.24 27 13  18   18  11  7   4

8 turns.

Chapter 15

I promoted Gerik & Marisa, because it's about time...

I actually thought I was going to be screwed over here due to making Lute a Mage Knight (LolHorse) and having Forde. But, actually, they performed oustandlingly. Lute solo'd the path leading to Calleach, and cleanly 1RKO'd him with TrollsetyThe Mighty EXCALIBUR. Marisa, Eirika & Artur deal with the Wyerns & Peggies up at the North. Gerik, Forde & Ross deal with most of the enemies to the South. Ross critikilled The Valter. Ephraim killed what he could.

Items retrieved:

- Silence staff

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    20.-- 27 12  20   20  18 10   7
Ross       4.37 42 22  18   19  19 15  12
Artur      1.69 34 17  17   16   6  7  18    C Lute
Lute       9.93 31 20  17   21  21 11  17    C Artur
Forde      4.06 37 16  16   19  10 13   3
Gerik      4.22 40 17  18   19  10 14   7
Marisa     1.39 31 15  19   18  11  9   5

7 turns.

Edited by Soul
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This is what I'm currently dealing with:

post-897-010887400 1295651755_thumb.png

I've said stuff it: I'm taking the 4 turn penalty for using Tana. I wanted another Rapier. And Kyle just needs to survive where he is...

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