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[FE8] Draft Tourney V: The Empire Strikes Back


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You know the fun part about this: Kyle 3HKO's everything with a Javelin, bar the mages. The Archers get 2HKO'ed if he proc's Strength while there, ORKO'ed if he also gets speed (also assuming he hits). Mercs require two proc's at least.

It should be noted I gave him the C8 Robe.

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That's a really tough spot. :(

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I took Eirika's route because it's the fastest. There's literally no point in going for Ephraim's route unless you know you're about to lose, and just decide to do it for fun, like I did, last time. Costed me like 10-20 turns.

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There is the alternate option of putting Colm down there instead, but that prevents me from doing anything at 2-range. But Colm has ~20 more Avo than Kyle. Tempting.

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C9: 14 Turns

Fuck. This. Shit.

This took so long to get right. Many times, some faggot would come and kill someone. Remember that picture I posted? I scratched that plan. Just had everyone go the long way around. Colm got the bosskill with his new Killing Edge. Amelia kinda killed herself. Colm was Lv20 before he even got to the boss, but no Ocean Seal on his person. :(

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  18.76 26  13  17  20  14   8   4            Sword A
BOULDER  7.07 22   5  10  12   3   4   5            Staff B
Colm    20.00 30  14* 12  20  15   9   2  Neimi C   Sword B
Neimi   13.13 24  13   7  12  10   4   6  Colm C    Bow B
Kyle    13.10 39* 11   8  10   6  11   5            Sword D Lance B

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He didn't have it, Eirika got the kill on the Pirate who had it. Besides, I'm forced to get it, because it's a rout map.

Also, with C10, I'm considering early-promoting Neimi. Really considering it.


C10: 6 Turns

I was toying around with early promotions on Neimi and Kyle. I accidentally saved. So now I'm stuck with that. Mind you, without them, this would have taken a lot longer. Colm also promoted. Everyone south to deal with the initial swath of enemies, then Neimi to save Innes's group, Kyle and Colm to help Eirika to the gate. Using a tricky rescue chain on the 5th turn, puts Eirika in range to seize after Colm critkills the boss with his Killing Edge. Kyle killed the Longbow Archer as well. Tana was fielded to recruit Innes, so he could recruit the rest of them. Tethys get!

Colm to Assassin, Neimi to Ranger, and Kyle to Pally. I can hear you saying: "Why not Great Knight?" Simple. 8 Move beats 6 Move.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  19.09 26  14  17  20  14   8   4            Sword A
BOULDER  7.18 22   5  10  12   3   4   5            Staff B
Colm     3.10 34  15* 13  22  17  12   4  Neimi C   Sword A
Neimi    1.30 26  15   9  13  10   7   9  Colm C    Bow B Sword D
Kyle     1.84 41* 12   9  11   6  13   6            Sword C Lance B
Tethys   1.10 18   1   2  12  10   5   4  

C11: 11 Turns

Stupid hidden Revenant... costing me a turn.

Neimi used her Longbow to kill off the enemies in the west treasure room from outside. She then went down the left hand side to kill stuff. Eirika followed after dealing with the reinforcements at the start. Everyone else went east, and killed stuff. Kyle grabbed the Secret Book using a Chest Key drop, and Colm decided it would be a good idea to Assassinate the Deathgoyle. With an Iron Blade. Moulder staffspamed. He broke a Torch Staff and got to A Staves. Tethys was there dancing.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  20.00 27  14  18  20  14   8   4            Sword A
BOULDER  9.02 24   6  12  13   3   5   5            Staff A
Colm     4.73 35  16* 13  22  17  12   4  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi    2.93 27  15  10  13  10   8  10  Colm C    Bow B Sword D
Kyle     3.18 43* 13  10  12   6  13   6            Sword C Lance A
Tethys   2.00 19   1   2  13  11   5   5  

C12: 13 Turns

I get two new characters this chapter. Guess what? One of them died. Meh, I don't care. Free Energy Ring is cool, though.

Bleh, that was not fun. Saleh stayed at the start to kill the reinforcements, and Neimi on the other side for the other set. Everyone else forward, got Ewan, he got killed the next EP, and Colm killed stuff.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  20.00 27  14  18  20  14   8   4            Sword A
BOULDER 10.08 25   6  12  13   4   5   6            Staff A
Colm     7.36 36  18* 14  23  17  13   6  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi    3.86 27  15  10  14  11   8  10  Colm C    Bow A Sword D
Kyle     4.30 44* 14  10  12   6  13   6            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   3.12 20   1   2  13  12   6   6  
Saleh    1.84 30  18  16  14  11   8  13            Anima A Light B Staff C

C13: 2 Turns

No matter how much I tried, I could not see a 1 turn happening. So I had to settle for 2. Everyone paved the way for Colm to Assassinate Aias. Map over.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  20.00 27  14  18  20  14   8   4            Sword A
BOULDER 10.19 25   6  12  13   4   5   6            Staff A
Colm     8.91 37  18* 15  24  17  13   6  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi    3.99 27  15  10  14  11   8  10  Colm C    Bow A Sword D
Kyle     4.59 44* 14  10  12   6  13   6            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   3.26 20   1   2  13  12   6   6  
Saleh    1.98 30  18  16  14  11   8  13            Anima A Light B Staff C

C14: 10 Turns

Not happy with the turncount. Deployed L'Arachel to recruit Rennac. Everyone through to Rennac's room, Moulder getting to open the door with an Unlock Staff. Charging on through, getting the Hammerne Staff, Berserk missing, and Colm bosskilling. Also, Kyle was just barely in range of the secret shop. I gave him Rennac's Member Card during the charge. The list of things I purchased: (Starting with 34140 Gold)

2 Steel Blades

2 Silver Blades

8 Killing Edges

2 Killer Lances

1 Barrier

2 Physics

1 Killer Bow

Nice plurge in items there. I now have 1095 Gold remaining.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  20.00 27  14  18  20  14   8   4            Sword A
BOULDER 10.59 25   6  12  13   4   5   6            Staff A
Colm    10.45 38  18* 16  24  18  15   6  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi    4.34 27  16  10  14  11   8  10  Colm C    Bow A Sword D
Kyle     5.08 45* 14  10  13   8  13   6            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   4.16 21   1   2  13  13   6   7  
Saleh    2.93 31  18  16  15  11   9  13            Anima S Light B Staff C

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Ch 16 is a troll.

Oh really? That's going to be a lot easier than C15. Every time it starts rolling, no one is dying... some faggot decides to hit and kill the target in question. Everyone has died at least once.


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What I have trouble dealing with are the Heroes. My strongest characters like Ross, Gerik & Forde have trouble with them because they can't double. Well, there's Lute who can easily 1RKO them. But the problem is that she gets 2HKO back with 50~% Hit chances. And keeping Eirika alive while trying to low-turn is also hard.

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What I have trouble dealing with are the Heroes. My strongest characters like Ross, Gerik & Forde have trouble with them because they can't double. Well, there's Lute who can easily 1RKO them. But the problem is that she gets 2HKO back with 50~% Hit chances. And keeping Eirika alive while trying to low-turn is also hard.

Yeah, I don't think I'm going to have that problem. Because Colm laughs at Heroes. He will probably double and have stupid proc chances with a Killing Edge. But, I have trouble with Lance Cavs and Wyverns, and C15 has a damn lot of them. Ugh.

Still, your point is valid.

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Oh, right. I could try Killing edge!Gerik or Forde. Problem is I try to get there fast with Forde and rescue-dropping with Lute. But those dam Sages and their long-ranged tomes 2HKO them.

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C15: 7 Turns

This chapter can go to fucking hell. That's how bad it was. This took probably at least 50 attempts, maybe more.

Fielded Rennac to get hidden items.

So, this is what I did: Saleh west, Kyle and Colm south, and everyone else stayed near the starting point. Saleh soloed the west side without getting killed, Colm killed stuff going south, Kyle critting stuff left and right with the Killer Lance. Ephraim forced right to kill some idiot cavs on his Prf weapon. Rennnac got the Silence staff and Warp Staff. Colm crit Valter, and hit to kill, while Saleh used Excalibur to pick off Caellach. Moulder staffspammed, with Tethys dancing to get him more Exp. Eirika and Neimi dealt with most of the Peg reinforcements.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika  20.00 27  14  18  20  14   8   4            Sword A
BOULDER 13.22 28   9  14  16   4   7   8            Staff A
Colm    13.04 41  19* 19  27  20  16   6  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi    5.18 27  16  11  15  12   8  11  Colm C    Bow A Sword D
Kyle     5.65 45* 14  10  13   8  13   6            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   4.86 21   1   2  13  13   6   7  
Saleh    5.24 33  18  20  17  12   9  15            Anima S Light B Staff C

Post chapter: Selling off excess and unwanted items puts me at 19388 Gold. I grab 2 Barrier staves from the Jehanna Hall shop.

C16: 7 Turns

Not nearly as hard as the previous chapter. Took a few tries, mostly to get Colm to Assassinate Orson (48 displayed and 38 crit with KE), but much less painful. Moulder got to use his cool new Warp Staff to assist the clear. Moulder got Energy Ring, Colm got the Swiftsoles. Neimi picked up Eirika, and Colm and Kyle paved the way. Colm got to kill the entire northern room by himself. Ephraim and Neimi (!) blocked the enemies from the west, Kyle went to engage the southern group, and Saleh got to kill some Warriors.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika   1.00 31  16  19  21  14  11   9            Sword S
BOULDER 16.44 28  14* 15  19   4   9   9            Staff A
Colm    16.08 43  20* 21  29  20  16   8  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi    5.93 27  16  11  15  12   8  11  Colm C    Bow A Sword D
Kyle     6.97 45* 14  10  14   8  14   6            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   5.56 22   1   2  14  14   6   8  
Saleh    6.02 33  18  20  18  12   9  16            Anima S Light B Staff C
Ephraim  1.00 35  17  17  18  13  12   9            Lance B
Myrrh    1.82 15   3   1   5   3   2   7

I expect the remainder of the game to fall very quickly from here.

C17: 2 Turns

First attempt got the right idea immediately. Just took a bit of effort to have Colm kill Lyon. I provide a picture of my second turn:

post-897-067793900 1296301155_thumb.png

Yeah. And that was that. Rescue Staff get! (Colm critted, then decided to Assassinate Lyon. Works for me...)

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika   1.00 31  16  19  21  14  11   9            Sword S
BOULDER 18.14 30  16* 16  20   5  10   9            Staff A
Colm    17.08 43  20* 21  30  20  16   8  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi    5.93 27  16  11  15  12   8  11  Colm C    Bow A Sword D
Kyle     6.97 45* 14  10  14   8  14   6            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   5.76 22   1   2  14  14   6   8  
Saleh    6.18 33  18  20  18  12   9  16            Anima S Light B Staff C
Ephraim  1.00 35  17  17  18  13  12   9            Lance B
Myrrh    1.82 15   3   1   5   3   2   7

C18: 8 Turns

No idea if this could be faster. Probably not. Still happy with it. Moulder warps Kyle to the eastern area (only just, thank you Moulder for having 8 staff range) to get the eggs there. Colm, Eirika, Myrrh and Neimi go north, Eph and Saleh go northeast to kill stuff there.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika   2.14 32  16  21  22  15  11   9            Sword S
BOULDER 20.00 32  18* 16  20   5  10  10            Staff A
Colm    18.83 44  20* 21  30  20  16   9  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi   10.23 28  19  12  16  13   8  12  Colm C    Bow A Sword D
Kyle    10.12 45* 15  11  16   8  15   7            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   6.37 23   1   2  15  15   7   8  
Saleh    7.58 34  18  20  18  12   9  17            Anima S Light B Staff C
Ephraim  2.73 36  17  18  19  14  12  10            Lance B
Myrrh    6.37 22   7   5   9   7  10   8

C19: 1 Turn

I'm uploading a video showing exactly what I did. And I did this on the first attempt. Moulder promoted at base.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika   2.14 32  16  21  22  15  11   9            Sword S
BOULDER  1.62 35  20* 17  20   5  13  12            Staff A Light D
Colm    19.46 45  20* 21  30  20  16  10  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi   10.23 28  19  12  16  13   8  12  Colm C    Bow A Sword D
Kyle    10.12 45* 15  11  16   8  15   7            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   6.47 23   1   2  15  15   7   8  
Saleh    7.65 34  18  20  18  12   9  17            Anima S Light B Staff C
Ephraim  2.73 36  17  18  19  14  12  10            Lance B
Myrrh    6.37 22   7   5   9   7  10   8

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C20: 3 Turns

ITT: Myrrh gains lots of CEXP.

Warp makes this chapter so easy~

Myrrh critkills Morva, and 2HKO's Riev (also takes no damage from him), and everyone else Sacred Twin spams. Aside from Moulder, who warps stuff.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika   3.43 32  16  22  23  16  11   9            Sword S
BOULDER  2.77 36  20* 18  20   5  13  12            Staff S Light D
Colm    19.56 45  20* 21  30  20  16  10  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi   10.23 28  19  12  16  13   8  12  Colm C    Bow A Sword D
Kyle    10.49 45* 15  11  16   8  15   7            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   6.67 23   1   2  15  15   7   8  
Saleh    8.02 35  18  20  18  13  10  17            Anima S Light B Staff C
Ephraim  3.72 37  17  18  19  15  13  10            Lance A
Myrrh   16.36 35  17  13  16   9  20  10

Final Chapter (1): 2 Turns

Final Chapter (2): 1 Turn

Video to come. Because I can. Expect an explanation of all the things I do in the video.

Name    Level HP  Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Support   Weapon Ranks
Eirika   4.87 33  16  23  24  17  11   9            Sword S
BOULDER  5.07 38  23* 20  21   5  13  13            Staff S Light D
Colm    19.71 45  20* 21  30  20  16  10  Neimi C   Sword S
Neimi   10.36 28  19  12  16  13   8  12  Colm C    Bow S Sword D
Kyle    10.49 45* 15  11  16   8  15   7            Sword C Lance S
Tethys   6.97 23   1   2  15  15   7   8  
Saleh    8.22 35  18  20  18  13  10  17            Anima S Light B Staff C
Ephraim  4.24 38  18  19  20  15  13  11            Lance A
Myrrh   18.45 37  19  14  17  10  20  10

Total turncount: 158 Turns. Go on, it's your turn~

Post run analysis to come later.

Edit: Hey look, a video!

Okay, you may wonder why I send Myrrh to kill the Wight on turn 1. Without the strength point from the level up, she can't ORKO Lyon with a crit. Other than that, pretty simple.

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Chapter 16

Lute Rescue-Dropped Eirika to the throne while taking out the Heroes and every other annoying enemy in the way. The others followed behind, assisting Lute a bit, since she was borderline 2HKO'd by Heroes with 50~% Hit chances. Lute, Forde and Marisa tag-teamed on Orson.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     1.00 31 14  22   21  18 13  12
Ephraim    1.14 32 17  16   17  11 13  10
Ross       5.37 43 23  18   20  20 15  12
Artur      7.26 38 20  20   20   9  8  21    C Lute
Lute      11.96 31 22  17   23  22 12  18    C Artur
Forde      5.87 37 17  17   19  10 14   3
Gerik      5.28 41 18  18   20  10 14   7
Marisa     3.68 33 16  21   20  11  9   6

7 turns.

Chapter 17

Marisa takes cares of the Heroes. Gerik, Ross & Artur take care of the enemies to the West. Syrene and Forde kill the Druids. And then Ephraim weakens Lyon for Syrene to kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     1.00 31 14  22   21  18 13  12
Ephraim    1.14 32 17  16   17  11 13  10
Ross       5.37 43 23  18   20  20 15  12
Artur      7.26 38 20  20   20   9  8  21    C Lute
Lute      11.96 31 22  17   23  22 12  18    C Artur
Forde      5.87 37 17  17   19  10 14   3
Gerik      5.28 41 18  18   20  10 14   7
Marisa     3.68 33 16  21   20  11  9   6

5 turns.

Chapter 18

Syrene ferries Artur to the South-East corner to take care of the Routing there. Eirika and Ephraim take the North-East side. The rest of the group take the North-West. Everyone helped with the Rout evenly. This is a great place to train Myrrh, and even underleveled people like Syrene.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     1.82 31 14  22   21  18 13  12
Ephraim    3.68 34 17  17   19  13 13  10
Ross       6.87 44 24  18   20  20 15  12
Artur      8.80 39 21  20   20   9  8  22    C Lute
Lute      13.59 33 23  17   23  22 12  18    C Artur
Forde      7.84 38 18  19   20  11 14   3
Gerik      5.92 41 18  18   20  10 14   7
Marisa     4.90 34 16  21   21  12  9   6

7 turns.

Chapter 19

Ross + GARm (And Hand axes). 'Nuff said. Oh yeah, self-improvement for Syrene as well.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     2.44 32 15  23   22  19 13  12
Ephraim    4.69 35 17  17   19  14 14  10
Ross       8.62 46 24  18   21  20 16  12
Artur      9.74 40 21  20   20   9  9  22    C Lute
Lute      13.72 33 23  17   23  22 12  18    C Artur
Forde      8.22 39 18  20   20  11 14   3
Gerik      6.22 42 18  19   20  11 14   7
Marisa     5.09 35 17  22   22  13 10   7
Myrrh      6.52 22  7   5    7   5 11  10

3 turns.

Chapter 20

Syrene ferries Eirika to the throne while Myrrh follows. Myrrh kills Morva, and Eirika kills Riev.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     5.20 34 18  26   22  20 15  14
Ephraim    5.18 36 17  18   20  15 14  10
Ross       8.79 46 24  18   21  20 16  12
Artur     11.82 41 23  20   20   9  9  24    C Lute
Lute      13.85 33 23  17   23  22 12  18    C Artur
Forde      8.52 39 18  20   20  11 14   3
Gerik      6.61 42 18  19   20  11 14   7
Marisa     5.32 35 17  22   22  13 10   7
Myrrh     12.47 30 13  10   12   8 20  12

4 turns.

Final Chapter

Part 1 consisted on Syrene getting Ross to the other side while she and Myrrh cleared his path so that he can 1RKO Lyon with a critical and a second attack. The other guys, like Eirika, Ephraim, Artur, etc killed enemies for some CEXP.

Part 2 was just about everyone ganging up on demon goat over there. Myrrh got the last hit since she couldn't survive a round from him.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     7.04 36 19  27   23  22 15  15
Ephraim    6.53 36 18  19   21  15 14  10
Ross      11.28 48 26  19   22  22 17  12
Artur     11.95 41 23  20   20   9  9  24    C Lute
Lute      13.97 33 23  17   23  22 12  18    C Artur
Forde      8.52 39 18  20   20  11 14   3
Myrrh     12.47 30 13  10   12   8 20  12
Syrene     8.54 33 20  18   22  16 15  16

6 turns.

That makes a total of: 148 turns.

A magnificent improvement since my last draft, where I made it in 212 turns. 8D

Keep up the spirit guys, only Dusty and Horie are left. Come back Dusty, we need further updates to the opening post!

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