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Gaggle of Geese

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The RNG in FE4 is different from the RNG in the FEs that you are used to. FE4 (and FE1-3 and 5) uses a 1-RN system in which what you see is really what the accuracy is. FE6-11 uses a 2-RN system for attack accuracy which is explained here.

EDIT: If you find FE4 very hard, then I'm just waiting to see your reactions to FE5 or FE12 Lunatic.

That's interesting. It's no wonder why FE's 5&6 often cheats.

That's my party. I hardly use Dew at all because he's all but useless in battle.

Well..no A rank in experience for you then.

Give Dew the light or Wind swords to help with his offensive issues.

Chapter 4 is going well. Correction: it WAS going well, until Jamka and Levin died right after Silesia, and I hadn't saved in ages.

God dammit.

Even if Levin's dead, he will still be seen in story events, and that Fury will still produce the children as only the women need to stay alive in order to do so.

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Hmm, I actually had troubles to get Aira the Hero Sword most of the time. I know how you get it, the only problem is, if Aira is already in a relationship at chapter 3, the conversation where you get the hero sword won't appear, and she pairs up with Lex pretty fast...

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Hmm, I actually had troubles to get Aira the Hero Sword most of the time. I know how you get it, the only problem is, if Aira is already in a relationship at chapter 3, the conversation where you get the hero sword won't appear, and she pairs up with Lex pretty fast...

Just keep Ayra away from any men not named Sigurd or Cuan which is pretty easy since most of the guys are on horses.

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Also it helps to be quick about beating chapters, I guess. But I've never had trouble with her being married too early. She's usually not even hitched even after the +100 convo when I play.

The Hero Bow, now that one I have a little more trouble with because she actually has to be married to Midir (or Jamka) for them to get it.

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Well..no A rank in experience for you then.

Give Dew the light or Wind swords to help with his offensive issues.

I'd be hard-pressed to believe that a first time FE4 player would even give a shit about getting an A rank in experience.

And the magic swords don't fix Dew's offense, they're just useful for letting him steal gold from ranged positions. His offense is terrible no matter how you cut it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, I actually had troubles to get Aira the Hero Sword most of the time. I know how you get it, the only problem is, if Aira is already in a relationship at chapter 3, the conversation where you get the hero sword won't appear, and she pairs up with Lex pretty fast...

That's happening to me too most of the times - for me, it was because I spent too much time pairing up other characters particularly those with small time frame like FinxLachesis. By the time I get Lachesis I glued those two together and spent the turns either idling or doing something, and in the end of chapter 2 Aira usually already gotten in relationship ;_;. I guess just like pitbuller26 said, keep Ayra away from any men, until like, late chapter 2 or early chapter 3...

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I'd be hard-pressed to believe that a first time FE4 player would even give a shit about getting an A rank in experience.

And the magic swords don't fix Dew's offense, they're just useful for letting him steal gold from ranged positions. His offense is terrible no matter how you cut it.

You can say whatever you want, Ayanami has been posting that kind of useless replies for several years now and isn't showing any sign of stopping. From spreading misinformation via claiming that "this game is easy because there's no tactics rank" to hyping Lilina, it's become clear to me that she's never going to learn and will ignore any logical reply.

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Listen. For Chapter 4, just ensure that Fury and Levin are alive and getting experience at a steady rate. And if you had the Lenster trio as exp sponges, you're dead.

Nevertheless, your unpromted mounted units and Arden will also become useless after capturing the first castle, so just have them protect the place from the advancing Peg Knights after all the NPC skirmishing. Then after doing the Levin X Fury insta-marriage convo, rescue all the Silesia escapees and capture Silesia, then get Levin the Holsety and have him and Ayra kill Leimia and her squad with assistance from Sigurd, Briggid and anyone else good enough to avoid being doubled, like Alec or Beowulf. Then move on to Zaxon and silence the boss (It would be smart to sell all of Diadora's items to pawn shop and give all her money to Sigurd at the start of chapter 3, and have Levin, Claude or Adean buy the Silence staff later) and have Levin Holsety pwn him.

For chapter 5, ensure everyone is paired, make sure you can get the Tyrfing in time, then just cross your fingers while facing the bosses, dragon riders and meteor showers.

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Hmm, I actually had troubles to get Aira the Hero Sword most of the time. I know how you get it, the only problem is, if Aira is already in a relationship at chapter 3, the conversation where you get the hero sword won't appear, and she pairs up with Lex pretty fast...

It is impossible for Ayra to get all loving with Lex unless you deliberately park them together for many MANY turns. They get a little less than 200 points if they're completely separated for all of chapters 1 and 2. This is assuming you take 50+ turns to finish those chapters.

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isten. For Chapter 4, just ensure that Fury and Levin are alive and getting experience at a steady rate. And if you had the Lenster trio as exp sponges, you're dead.

lolno. It becomes a little harder but Sigurd can solo this map if you want him to.

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lolno. It becomes a little harder but Sigurd can solo this map if you want him to.

No thanks. I prefer everyone getting exp, not just one person. Besides, I did that once, and Sigurd still kicked tons of ass once he got the Tyrfing.

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The Lenster trio is essential to rap3ing Chapters 2 and 3 in a timely fashion. Said timely finishes are required in the more challenging ranked runs and efficiency runs.

I don't care about rank, just getting the level done, having my guys experienced, and pairing the necessary people within the designated time limit.

Also, Cuan and Ethlin aren't really that good (other than serving the respective purposes as tank and healer), but Fin can be used for both timelines, so at LEAST train him.

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I mean, try recruiting Jamka without him killing one of your army members first.Pretty much reduced to deciding which one(s) you want to sacrifice to him (not Aideen of course)

You shouldn't have any problems luring him close enough for Aideen to recruit without actually getting attacked by him if you position your units correctly. If the reduced movement from the forest makes things too difficult for you, simply wait for him to come out of the forest.

And besides, a well-trained Sigurd will usually survive two hits or even a critical hit from Jamka. He just shouldn't activiate Continue/Charge and score a critical hit at the same time, but that doesn't happen very often.

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You shouldn't have any problems luring him close enough for Aideen to recruit without actually getting attacked by him if you position your units correctly. If the reduced movement from the forest makes things too difficult for you, simply wait for him to come out of the forest.

And besides, a well-trained Sigurd will usually survive two hits or even a critical hit from Jamka. He just shouldn't activiate Continue/Charge and score a critical hit at the same time, but that doesn't happen very often.

I found no difficulty with recruiting Jamuka.

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I could see where someone would think FE4 was hard the first time and doing a blind run like I did. However, now that I know where everything is and who are the best pairings it's hella easy. I'm on my 5th run of the game and it's just getting easier and easier.

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I don't care about rank, just getting the level done, having my guys experienced, and pairing the necessary people within the designated time limit.

Also, Cuan and Ethlin aren't really that good (other than serving the respective purposes as tank and healer), but Fin can be used for both timelines, so at LEAST train him.

Doing a ranked run implies successfully doing all the things you mentioned plus some extras. So, if using Cuan and Ethlin while trying to meet rigid benchmarks does not ruin the team and in fact help the team, how can they harm the team with far more lax benchmarks? The answer is obvious. Their use does not have a detrimental effect to the team. You may not like them, but not liking a character does not prove that they harm the team simply be using them.

Cuan may activate Continue seven times or something. 10 "lost" kills is not a big deal. Two or three lost levelups is not the end of the world in FE4, especially if not using scrub combatants like Noish, etc.

Ethlin will not be stealing kills and neither Aideen nor Lachesis are so hampered that Ethlin should not be used. Aideen has Warp, Libro, etc. Aideen is practically guaranteed to hit level 30 by Chapter 5 with what's available to her. The Bargain Ring is one of those things, which practically requires the use of Cuan and Ethlin in Chapter 2. Lachesis can Return/Relive Staff+Elite Ring whore about 20 turns of Chapter 3(I've done it in less, but the logistics are time consuming) and promote by the next chapter.

Also, "the Elite Ring cycle" can level up good arena performers like Sigurd, Aira, Holyn, etc to level 30 with ease.

The cycle consists of:

1. giving the Elite Ring to a unit with 40000+ gold

2. have the unit go through the Arena

3. Sell the Elite Ring

4. Have someone else buy it

5. Repeat

Edited by Rufus T FireFly
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Have I just made everyone in this forum hate me?

No. It's fine that you might not have as good a command of the game's mechanics as you think you do. As long as you're reasonable with listening to other people and willing to accept that you're wrong, nobody will hate you. What's a problem is when people are arrogant or abusive or refuse to admit they're ever wrong.

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