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That's a hard one. I guess I'll go with the male Suika at Acen.

Favorite FE moment?

I have multiple favorites so it's hard to choose one.

FE5:Chapter 14 defending against a whole army is pretty epic.

FE9:Any scene where the theme "Move Out" and "Caineghis the Lion King" plays.

FE10:The chapters where the CRK and Daein Army npcs assist you and the scenes where "Zelgius the Brave" plays.

Gameplay Wise: Is in FE10 where Rhys activates miracle multiple time in the same turn or Bastian capping out all of his stats.

What do you plan to major in?

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Your least favorite FE character.

Florina, although it always wasn't like that. And part of it is because most fans are so insistent on pairing her with someone who her own personality completely clashes with. That particular someone is also most likely possibly 5 years older than her or more (I don't buy what other people say, so I'm gonna need official material proving otherwise.), and canonically has the hots for someone else. And it's well past the point of becoming sickening to me. Rath has also become a great dislike of mine for some of the same reasons.

How come I don't see you all that often anymore?

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If I ever decide to go to college again, probably art or technology.

Have you ever played someone online that rage quits?

I haven't played against anyone online that raged quitted on me.

Have you ever played someone online that rage quits?

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Oh, right, a question. Hmm... What's your favorite song in any game (like BGM, battle music, etc)?

Mmmm, that would be Eternal bond in FE, while Darkness of Fear and Dracula's Castle in general.

Favorite Brawler in SSBB?

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Yep, happened before.

Favorite video online?

Any video involving the cat Maru

Characteristics/personalities that makes a character one of your favorites?

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What are your favorite game genres.

Hard to define. Usually I like RPGs and strategy games, but I also like some others from drastically different genres.

The same question you asked.

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Hard to define. Usually I like RPGs and strategy games, but I also like some others from drastically different genres.

The same question you asked.

In General and FE


.Veterans (Tauroneo, Percival, Sirius, Marcus, Glade, Dussel, Renning and most of the Generals and Paladins)

.Charisma (Bastian)

.Authority/Influence (Cyas, Alvis, Pent, Geoffrey, Klein)

.Hilarious (Kieran, Saul, Sain, Wallace, Volke)


.Fighting style

.Silent type (Ulki)

.Pacifist (Rafiel, Rhys, Lucius)

.Realist (Innes)



.Cute (Laura, Ilyana, Astrid, Tana)

.Long hair or any of the colors: black, blue, blonde, green (Lilina, Louise, Syrene, Fury, Sheeda, Arya/Ira, Isadora, Ursula)

.Authority (Tanith, Sigrun, Titania)

.Fighting style

I believe that's it.

What made Jill and Sigrun your favorites?

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Characteristics/personalities that makes a character one of your favorites?

Fighting style



cuteness (In females)

attractiveness (In females)

manliness (In males)

Long or short hair (Mainly in females)

Ponytail (Mainly in females)

Blue, red, green, blond, black, or brown hair



Wears or is blue

Is a ninja, vampire, or samurai

Shyness (In females)

Is evil

And that's about it.

Edit: Forgot to ask a question

Favorite snack?

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What made Jill and Sigrun your favorites?

Mostly the fact that whenever I train either of them, they end up with crazy amazing stats without the need of stat boosters. For example, Jill in my first PoR playthrough got Str, Def, Skl, and Spd at maximum, while HP almost reached the cap. Sigrun was even better than Marcia when I trained her in RD, there were slight differences in stats, yet Sigrun had the upperhand. Mostly that. Well, and both are cute too (Jill more).

Favorite music genre?

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Briggid, of course.

Do you like Tanith because she fits most of the categories for both males and females? XD

Sorta, it's more like she's a contrast to the the typical pegasus knights that makes her awesome. (Like what I mean by that is most of the pegasus knights are usually kind and caring while she's the opposite of that)

Favorite beverage?

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Where did you get your name?

If you mean my username, there's this song by Iron maiden called Lord of Light, I liked it quite a lot and then the idea for my username came. It was that right? Or did you meant my real name?

Favorite music genre?

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If you mean my username, there's this song by Iron maiden called Lord of Light, I liked it quite a lot and then the idea for my username came. It was that right? Or did you meant my real name?

Username is what I meant.

Favorite beverage?


Favorite breakfast?

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