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The funniest Grl Stealr in your opinion?

OH GOSH... Sety is sure... why? Take a look at that mountain of shenanigans!

Most hilarious character?

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Favorite School Subject/Class?

Actually there are two. They would be Multimedia Productions and Objects Oriented Programming in C++. They are quite interesting and cool, you could say they are the most important for what I hope and would like to work once I end my studies.

Funniest moment you've seen in anime/videogame/cartoon/series?

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L'Arachel's ranting about Ephraim's naked shoulder... LULZ ENSUED... Followed by anything with Kieran in it... Then we have Resident Evil's facepalm material cheesy lines o' stupidity and Final Fantasy VII with Cloud's crossdressing to save Tifa.


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If you could meet any FE character IRL, except for Thany or Kieran, who would it be?

Anything you want to get at the moment?

A Vorpal Sword

A 3DS, since ther'll be cool games for it, eventually.

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The one time I played through gen 1, I paired her with Midir, although I was simply going by the recommended pairings on the site, and it was long before Darros started speaking about his hatred for Midir. Plus I think he paired Tinny with Celice, so we're even.

When you play through RD, do you pair Mist with anyone that doesn't have breasts?

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There are quite a lot. There's the scene of MIB where K is shaking Frank to get him to talk, while everyone looks at him and think of him as weird; there's the catfights between Kyza and Lyre, and Aimee with her crush in Ike in Fire Emblem Tellius; and mostly others of anime like in Naruto the episode where they want to see Kakashi's face and start imagining it.

Since pairings don't matter too much in Second Gen, do you pair any characters (kind of asking more about Tinny)?

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Why do you dislike that book?

The ending was pathetic and unrealistic. The author writes a generally realistic book, and then ruins it with a really stupid resolution. A realistic problem should be solved (somewhat) realistically, should it not?

Saddest moment in a video game? Go go go.

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Have you played Zelda II?

Since pairings don't matter too much in Second Gen, do you pair any characters (kind of asking more about Tinny)?

They matter more then you know...

Lana x Celice

Lakche x Shanan

Julia x Skasaher

Phee x Oifey (They actually have a conversation! 0_'

Patty x Lester

Nanna x Leaf

Leen x Aless (In my next PT I'm pairing her with Sety)

Tinny x Zak (Unpaired in the game. I either have to play stupid fast or make heads roll)

Altenna x I don't think you can pair her. :/

With subs, I'm doing:

Mana x Unpaired (You owe me Fala)

Radney x don't know yet.

Yuria x Probably not gonna pair her at all.

Femina x Amid

Daisy x don't know yet.

Janne x don't know yet.

Laylea x Dimna (I saw a pic of it once, and it made me laugh)

Linda x Hawk

Altenna x I still don't think you can pair her.

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Saddest moment in a video game? Go go go.

From 64, Fox father's death. There's also Greil's death, Aeris' death, but the saddest I think would be Dracula's case ever since Castlevania Symphnoy of the Night where his hatred towards humans is explained.

@crashmanalpa: well, I never saw it like that, may give it a try when I have time to replay FE4.

Have you beaten any of the Zelda games fan challenges? (thos of only three hearts, no max magi, no sword upgrade, etc.)

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I haven't actually done any, but I heard that there's a surprise at the end of a Zelda 2 hack near the end if you didn't level your magic any.

And it's the hard version of said hack. This'll be fun.

Have you ever played Zelda 2?

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When you play through RD, do you pair Mist with anyone that doesn't have breasts?

I haven't gotten up to Part 3 yet, might pair her with Boyd because you get a stat booster for that.

The ending was pathetic and unrealistic. The author writes a generally realistic book, and then ruins it with a really stupid resolution. A realistic problem should be solved (somewhat) realistically, should it not?

Difinitely, sounds like a very good reason to me.

When you do new runs of FE4, do you restart from a save at the end of Gen 1 or something?

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When I did my Skasaher run, I happened to have a save at the end of gen 1, so I just used that. I may have to start over from gen 1 if I want to do another run though...

To prevent Tinny from getting stol'd, would you reccomend that I play really fast or make heads roll?

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Hmm? Then anything that's near to L'Arachel or any of the Red Knights from the earlier games as a prominent mention.

I'll repeat your question, but then I shall it to you, this time.

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It's all in the DNA/RNA study, Phenetics/Phenotypes (Physical Traits), Gene Pool, Genetic Drift and Probability by Genes (by means, chances of the traits to show up in the following generation) are what comes to my head first.

There's also the study of Recessive and Dominant traits via DNA/RNA. I happen to got an experiment about that for a quite a long time, but with a pair of flowering plants as a prime test subject for that. The following generation bore traits similar to the parent plants.

We had to take use of the available specimens for the experiments. Speaking of Phenetics and Probability, we had a few analysis studies on animals bearing different fur colors but of the same species and alongside some genetic phenomena occurring in people. (ex. Heterochromia or odd-eyed/bearing eyes which do not have the same color)

Yep, long wall o' text.

Most annoying type of monster to encounter in RPG's?

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Least favorite pairing that doesn't involve Thany in any way?

I'll repeat your question, but then I shall it to you, this time.

Sety; the humor it would induce far outclasses the inability to get into a relationship.

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Sheer amounts of the GBA ones... A bit of Jugdral, a bit of Telius and a bit of Akaneia.



FE3B2: Briefly tried the prologue, failed horribly and gave up.

FE4: Trying to play this, logging progress on my Backloggery.

FE5: Completed Chapter 1, then gave up because the rest of the game sounds scary hard and I don't know what I'm doing.

FE7: Got most of the way through Lyn Mode, may or may not restart.

FE8: Completed the early chapters.

FE9: Completed once.

FE10: Got up to the end of Part 2 on Easy after flipping out on Normal.

FE11: Completed twice, now gonna do a third after getting enough advice and figured out how best to log a new run on my Backloggery.

Do you use Jeigan?

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