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Probably the Heavy, but if I started playing it I'd probably be Engineer. (Apparently he's quite good for n00bs to actually be somewhat helpful with, though newbies prefer Pyro)

Same question! It's probably Girl Scout.

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Do you use any of the other forum skins besides the default one?

Nah, the default one. Don't ask me why, it's just that I don't like to change it at all.

If you could choose two fo the starters of Kanto, which ones would you choose?

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Do u liek Mudkipz?

I've heard the meme XD and honestly, I don't even like to choose it for a starter. May guve you an upper hand in an early gym, but I prefer to attack fast and strong.

So if IS would release news of a new FE game, would you like a remake or a new one?

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Favorite magic trick?

I'd rank them all about equally, but I'd give bonus points to any magic trick that I know the secret behind, especially since I hate that "Magicians never reveal their secrets!" crap. I think I understand how to do the "is this your card" one, it's just marking it or putting it in upside down or something.

What's your favorite thing to draw?

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Mainly anything that is known as my favorite character. Any of them, aside from that... I'm working on simple fan animations and parodies.

Favorite snack?

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Things that trigger your berserk button?

Mmmm, mainly when they play with my name, giving me odd nicknames or making fun of me. Also when they insult my friends.

But anyways, as of lately I've been trying to keep alm in those situations because if I don't, something goes wrong always.

Favorite movie of all times?

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Things that press the fanboy button?

Seeing a very well and detailed fanart, or thinking of fanfic ideas XD also when they say i.e. with me, that Jill is not useful or things of that sort.

If you had a chance to become a super hero, which would be the name of your hero identity?

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