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I just want girls to be nice and not judgemental. You'd be surprised on how uncommon that is.

Fave homemade (read: notsomething you can easily order) food?

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Least favorite Touhou character?

I just want girls to be nice and not judgemental. You'd be surprised on how uncommon that is.

Fave homemade (read: notsomething you can easily order) food?

Trust me, I know.

My favorite thing is vegetarian fake-meat patties. It's not something I can easily order or buy because it's 5$, so I rarely get to eat it anymore. I'm getting tired of ramen and beans...

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Least favorite Touhou character?

Man... I don't like these questions since they force to make an arbitrary decision that holds no meaning to me. I SUPPOSE my least favorite Touhou character would be Reimu. She's okay but not amazing like the games and her fans make her out to be which hold true for anyone and anything really.

Favorite type of music?

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Funniest glitch you've experienced?

I get a lot of weird ones since I buy a lot of used stuff. I can't really think of any that I found funny, but I remember a lot where something not supposed to exist appeared in FE7 and it crashed. They were more annoying than anything since it only required a reset to remedy.

Do you like your member badge?

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Did you run Magician of Faith back when she was legal to use?

What do you think of luck?

This video sums it up.

Basically my luck can go from "Holy shit this is AWESOME!!!" to "Good God this sucks so much..." in the course of 5 minutes.

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Did you run Magician of Faith back when she was legal to use?

Yes. I wish I could still use my 10+ year old MoF...

Favorite oldschool game like from the Nintendo era?

Edited by Scrap Dragon
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Favorite Pokemon?

Thoughts for your now complete FE4 Tag draft team?

Aside from the distinct lack of Tinny, I rather like it. 3 staff users (4 if I decide to go for Sharlow) and 3 children characters that are very hard to screw up. Having only 2 holy weapons (3 if I don't immediately rush Julius) and 3 mounted units is gonna make things hard though.

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