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What's your favorite sweet food?

What is your greatest fear?

Uh, this might be a typical answer, but dying without accomplishing anything in my life. Basically living a disappointing life, I'm fine with a boring life, though

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Of the song themes of the three World Eaters... which is your favorite?



[spoiler=Raksha] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ljz9Hk2-Sw

Your favorite Metal Gear game?

I only played Metal Gear Solid 3 and Rising, though... I do have plans to buy the HD versions of MGS1 and MGS2, since I have a Xbox 360 now.

And between them, it is a bit hard for me to pick... 3 has the better story, develops the characters better and has the better basic gameplay. While Rising has better Codecs, is more fun and has better boss fights.

Soundtrack wise... Rising's only really notable songs are the Bosses's, while every MGS3 track is a treat.

Protagonist wise... I prefer Naked Snake's personality, while Raiden has the better development so far.

It is a tough choice.

Keep in mind however... that I have not beaten either.

Edited by Saint of Games
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How familar are you with the Bomberman series? Have you played any Bomberman games before or at least know what the character looks like?

Of the song themes of the three World Eaters... which is your favorite?

None of the videos are working for me, for whatever reason.

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I can't remember what I've asked you before...Uhm...Your favorite song from a video game?

I've watched 2 (Sakura Wars and Attack on Titan)
I can't bring myself to hate either

Favorite Gen 6 Pokemon?

Chesnaught is the cutest, lolololol.

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What's a character defining trait of yours, be it something you do, say, or some habit or yours?

None of the videos are working for me, for whatever reason.

So, Youtube's not just retarded for me, then, Anyway, you can say the default answer is Feinne

What's your opinion on platforming games like Mario, Donkey Kong, and Sonic?

My bias is telling me platformers are really good games, namely the above three

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Same question.

What's a character defining trait of yours, be it something you do, say, or some habit or yours?

Compulsive correcting of mistakes and inconsistencies.

Edited by Makaze
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What do you think of Boney?

The user Boney? Oh, uh...When I first joined SF, I was a little scared of xer, though xe's never really been mean to me personally. Then I started frequenting the Last to Post Wins thread, and sure enough, xe hangs around there too. So we quickly became friends, although I don't see much of xer these days.

...Wait, I don't think I really answered your question, sorry. Boney is kind and compassionate to xer friends, but once xe decides xe doesn't like someone or something, that's it. I don't think anything short of a miracle would change xer mind about them. Xe is also very insecure about many things. I don't know what most of those are, actually...Sometimes I find xer really confusing because while I also have plenty of insecurities, our thought processes can be really...different. I admit that whenever I see xer being unnecessarily rude, I find it at least a tiny bit grating and I really do have to wonder what goes on in that brain of xers.

Sorry for the weird pronoun use; there isn't really a good gender-neutral third person pronoun in English that I know of. Anyway, why did you ask me this?

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This goes for me as much it does to you, why do other perspectives interest you?(See my profile, I basically said the same thing)

Sorry for the weird pronoun use; there isn't really a good gender-neutral third person pronoun in English that I know of. Anyway, why did you ask me this?

They, That person, Them, This person, etc... Although, I can confirm from previous interactions, Boney is male

Same question.

Compulsive correcting of mistakes and consistencies.

My exact trait, I suppose. My nephew told me I do this so much, that he practically expects it whenever he does anything, and that I'm known for it...

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What is the most interesting thing you have heard?

This goes for me as much it does to you, why do other perspectives interest you?(See my profile, I basically said the same thing)

They, That person, Them, This person, etc... Although, I can confirm from previous interactions, Boney is male

Because they broaden my horizons.

To be precise, they have a male sex but their gender-specific traits does not necessarily align with what is normal for males.

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My same question

What is the most interesting thing you have heard?

It's probably not the most interesting I've ever heard, but it's the most recent in memory, I don't remember the exact wording, but it went something like:

"If you kill a man during peaceful times, you're the worst kind of criminal. But, if you kill a man during wartime, you're a hero"

Humanity, and their contradictions

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Is there anything that annoys you that shouldn't? Something that doesn't really harm or put down anyone but it annoys you all the same like ankle socks or everyone always drinking coffee?

I can't remember what I've asked you before...Uhm...Your favorite song from a video game?

I have way too many. Quite a lot of my favourite video game songs are from Final Fantasy and Donkey Kong Country. Here's one that I'm actually listening to right now.

Edited by Randoman
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Type of food you dislike the most?

What are you?

Because you seemed to be friends with them. Other perspectives are always interesting.

Very technically, I'm a living organism that happens to hang around SF.

They, That person, Them, This person, etc... Although, I can confirm from previous interactions, Boney is male

I know he's technically a male. I'm just trying to respect his wish to not be referred to with gendered pronoun, even though I don't understand fully.

I have way too many. Quite a lot of my favourite video game songs are from Final Fantasy and Donkey Kong Country. Here's one that I'm actually listening to right now.

I also have too many. Picking an absolute favorite for just about anything is usually impossible for me. XD

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That confused me when I first read it, I think I get it...

Do you find more interest in philisophical or psycological study?

Is there anything that annoys you that shouldn't? Something that doesn't really harm or put down anyone but it annoys you all the same like ankle socks or everyone always drinking coffee?

I have a big list of this, that I can't remember but... People who cackle when they laugh, it sounds so awful, it's ear grating

I know he's technically a male. I'm just trying to respect his wish to not be referred to with gendered pronoun, even though I don't understand fully.

I see, I don't really understand, but I understand...I wonder if Boney is cautious or complicated...

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Your favorite color?

Between Playstation and XBox consoles, which one do you prefer more?

Squash comes to mind, since it's so soft and gross after it loses its "fresh cookedness," if you get what I mean.

Definitely PlayStation. I've played plenty of PS2 games and a few PS3 ones, while I haven't touched any XBox things that I can remember.

I see, I don't really understand, but I understand...I wonder if Boney is cautious or complicated...

Xe sees xerself as genderless. That's what I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around. I'm thinking xe's complicated, haha.

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Are more of a sadist or more of a masochist?

That confused me when I first read it, I think I get it...

Do you find more interest in philisophical or psycological study?

Being the first dull number makes it interesting because it stands out as being different from the rest.

It's a tie. I couldn't choose.

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What's your opinion on My Little Pony?

What are you most insecure about?

It would have to be my chances of finding a girlfriend and practically everything that follows with it (like if girls my age find me physically attractive, think I'm a good person personality wise, if I'd be a good boyfriend, husband and father).

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