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Edited by the power of memory: Meme, that term desperately needs to return to it's origin.

If the next line you spoke became an established law, what would that law be?

Edited by Soledai
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If you had the power to control one natural disaster, which would it be?

Thunderstorms, then I can walk out in them and enjoy the show without worrying about getting struck.

If you became king of the world, what would be the first law you pass? (you can pass other ones later, just the first thing that comes to mind)

Edited by Knight
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Any crime against humanity is punishable by death... even something small like mugging old ladies...

I don't think I'm fit to be King, I can get a bit too emotional when it comes to certain subjects.

What about you?

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Edited by the power of memory: Meme, that term desperately needs to return to it's origin.

If the next line you spoke became an established law, what would that law be?

Can you rephrase the question?

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What about you?

Mandatory recycling and more strict policies on damage to an eco-system (poaching, clear cutting, etc.) I'm quite passionate about conserving the environment.

To you, what is the most interesting foreign culture?

Edited by Knight
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Which mythical beast do you want to exist?

Can you rephrase the question?

If you had the ability to create one law, what would that law be?

Edited by Soledai
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Which mythical beast do you want to exist?

If you had the ability to create one law, what would that law be?

Assuming laws of nature are game: No one is physically able to consider violating another sentient being's consent regarding their body.


Edited by Makaze
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Ah, I remember you mentioning a strong dislike for that type of stuff

My question for Knight, to you as well.


Any crime against humanity is punishable by death... even something small like mugging old ladies...

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Which mythical beast do you want to exist?

Dragons, though the non-violent kind, like dragons in Chinese mythology.

Favourite Greek or Roman god?

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What one crime do you consider the worst and why?

What about you?

The same, actually... Stagnation. Not just where I am now, but ever. I never want to stay the same.

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What one crime do you consider the worst and why?

You're killing me, just one?

Rape; I hate hearing about this, what kind of deranged mind do you have to have, to want to violate and defile the body of another human being?

If you're wondering, I also hate murder, in the vein of genocide, and human trafficking a lot as well...

If I recall, you hated Rape the most as well... so barring that, what is yours?

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My sense of self, not knowing who I am or "why I am", so to speak... I think the worst there is being barred from your own body.

Second is losing a precious loved one, though that one wouldn't be imagined in my case.


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Loss of self-control and restraint.

If you had to forgo one medium of art for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If visuals, no pictures, not even films.

If audio, no music, not even in games and films.

If text, no reading for entertainment.

Others may apply; sure I didn't think of them all.

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Loss of self-control and restraint.

If you had to forgo one medium of art for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If visuals, no pictures, not even films.

If audio, no music, not even in games and films.

If text, no reading for entertainment.

Others may apply; sure I didn't think of them all.

I use all of these for entertainment... so this is tough

Probably visuals as far as I can think of... since sometimes hearing and reading about something can make something seem better or worse than what it is...

Could you include food as art?

What about you?

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Food is certainly an art, yes.

I'd forgo food/taste. It's the least emotionally gratifying art form.

What would you least want to give up?

Ah, food... I love eating, but that's due to me wanting to taste the many different kinds of food in the world, and the many variations of even simple meals... you could say I'm one of those dorks who thinks you could find history in the way a meal is served or prepared... you could, but I prefer if you didn't.

What's yours? (I can I guess text?)

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So what was your favourite surprise game announcement at E3? (as in, what game that wasn't announced before E3 2014 are you most psyched for?)

How do you feel about your topic lasting 3 years with near 1100 pages?

Quite awesome. =D

I'm glad that this thread has been exceeding my expectations in terms of helping SF members get to know each other better and talk to each other more. I thought it'd only last for around 1-6 months, but I'm glad it lasted a lot longer.

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