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Least enjoyable game you've played?

@Shinpichu- controversially, I have never played a Metroidvania. I do want to play Aria and Dawn of Sorrow though, as ProtonJon LPed the game and it looks kinda fun! :) (Plus I want attack kitties)

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Have you played any of the other Xeno-series games? (Xenosaga, Xenogears)

Least enjoyable game you've played?

Hrm....I tend not to play games I don't think I'd enjoy, so this is kinda tough. The game in recent memory I enjoyed the least was probably TES 2: Daggerfall. I tried playing it for a few minutes and everything about it frustrated and confused me.

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have you played any of the games in the Ys series?

Have you ever played a game that was better than you thought it would be?

Not really. Maybe Muramasa, since I didn't really have any expectations, but I had heard it was good. I guess I enjoyed SD more than I thought, as well.

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who's your avi

Any games that you thought you'd enjoy that you actually didn't?

Hm...well, I mentioned Daggerfall recently, I think? I had a friend who went on about how great that game was and how better it was that later TES games, but I didn't enjoy it.

I sort of gave up on Xenoblade after the first area....not because I didn't like it per say, but I just didn't feel like continuing it. I had a similar experience with Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

@Shinpichu- What's the Ys series?


It's this long running series of Action rPGs (although the RPG elements are fairly minimal). Most of the latest releases have been on PC and Sony platforms.

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Favorite game to watch?

Favourite non-RPG?

Oh, this is a tough one. Narrowing it down was a challenge.

I'm torn between the Dynasty Warriors series as a whole, RefleX(a shmup), Mega Man ZX, and the visual novel I mentioned earlier, Kara no Shoujo. But, I'm gonna go with DW since I've had it longer than the others.

EDIT: I forgot Corpse Party as well.

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what don't you like about Touhou compared to other bullet hell shmups?

were you one of those kids who hated vegetables?

I don't recall. I do recall liking broccoli and carrots, but other than that I don't recall.

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Which Thunder Force was it you played?

do you dislike cute-em-ups in general?

Other than Touhou, I haven't played one, so I can't give a definite answer. Though I don't like the appeal(That would probably count as a yes).

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