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Have you played or would you play Corpse Party?

one trait you dislike in others?


It can take many shapes and forms.

Also including presumptuousness

Edited by Soledai
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What about Romantic comedies?

@Tristei- Probably Melia or Fiora. Unique fighting styles + More female representation = Bliss. Ideally though, I'd love a Golden Sun, Last Story or Radiant Historia character in there, as they'd be cool as well.

(Holy Hell, Eruca in Smash Bros.... That would be awesome.)

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EDIT: What did you do for thanksgiving?

Basically Sylveon's question.

What did you do for thanksgiving (if you celebrate it)?

Ate food and watched K-dramas

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Halloween or Christmas? (I.e. Which one is your favourite?)

@Tristei. No, but I want to. Problem is that I don't want to emulate any game that I play.... Which means that:

1) Become fluent in Japanese (I'm learning, so it's possible)

2) Buy a Japanese NES/SNES/Wii U (I think they're on the Japanese virtual console???)

3) Get all of the games.

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a game you've played and disliked?

EDIT: What did you do for thanksgiving?


couldn't eat b/c stomach issues

my extended family decided to do this thing to celebrate everyone's november birthday at once

it was cool

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EDIT: Got a favorite drink?


Halloween or Christmas? (I.e. Which one is your favourite?)


Seasonal candy and the snow(if applicable)

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do you regularly listen to k-pop?

How much conviction do you act with on a daily basis?


i'd say enough

i usually always stick with mindsets i give myself

only thing i can do know to prep up for the world, ya know

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A game that you haven't played, but you like the look of?

@Sylveonzoroark- Well... I could easily start with the Sims 3 for the 3DS... Man, that game sucked.


When I played my first Zelda games back in 2011, I remember hating all of the ones that I played (Zelda I, Zelda II, Minish Cap and Four Swords Adventure Anniversary edition) bar Four Swords Adventure Anniversary Edition. So, I pretty much hated the entire Zelda series for a while. However, recently got and beat a Link Between Worlds, which was in my 3DS for a long, long time.... So, I might try those games again (especially FSA Anniversary edition and Minish cap). But for now, I'm a fan of the series. Oh yeah, I also watched an entire Triforce Heroes LP, and really enjoyed that as well.

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