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My opinion on beards are mixed.

They're a hassle to eat with I've been told and look messy.

But it's also kind of funny and cute in a weird way. Like how kids want large beards that sort of stuff. But it doesn't give you that clean look.

Edited by ~Summer~
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Favourite Let's Player?

@~Summer~ Thank you for the clarification! :) I guess the best thing that people have said about my USERname is that it is kinda funny. Plus all the Irony jokes that people make makes it so worth having it as my username. :)

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Do you play TF2?

Favourite Let's Player?

@~Summer~ Thank you for the clarification! :) I guess the best thing that people have said about my USERname is that it is kinda funny. Plus all the Irony jokes that people make makes it so worth having it as my username. :)

I'm a fan of Chuggaconroy!

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One thing that you wouldn't change about yourself?

@Shinpichu- There's 6 in particular that I really, really enjoy, so I guess that they're my equal favourites? They are: Chuggaaconroy, Olizandri, Masae Anela, Proton Jon, Lucahjin and StephenPlays. I'm also a huge fan of the Runaway Guys, but they're a collab, and I don't know of that counts?

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Oh? What style of fighting game do you like?

favorite non-danmaku shmup?


If that doesn't count, then Alltynex Second

they look messy and stiff most of the time

if it's really really long, i feel like braiding it

Kouhai, have you ever heard of Guan Yu?

Outside of being known as the "God of War" he was known for having a beautiful beard.

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same question

Opinion on first person shooters?

They're fun, but I mean the genre is a bit worn since a lot of games in the industry are FPS now-a-days.

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did i get ninja'd ok no i didn't Favorite kpop groups?

Oh? What style of fighting game do you like?

Kouhai, have you ever heard of Guan Yu?

Outside of being known as the "God of War" he was known for having a beautiful beard.

Smash Bros.

well I was talking about irl beards

magnificent beards like those don't exist

Edited by sylveonzoroark
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One thing that you wouldn't change about yourself?

@Sylveonzoroark... I already answered that question? :) Chuggaaconroy, Olizandri, ProtonJon, MasaeAnela, Lucahjin and StephenPlays with the Runaway Guys being my favourite collab.

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EDIT: Same question

same question

My 2D animu fighters

well I was talking about irl beards

magnificent beards like those don't exist

Guan Yu did exist, young lady.

Unless you're being sarcastic, then lol.

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edit: would you play a Touhou/Melty crossover?

One thing that you wouldn't change about yourself?

like physical traits? idk, nothing about my appearance I'm fond of. My hair, maybe, I'm told it's nice hair.

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why are you a ninja?


i was not ninja'd

now you are....

did i get ninja'd ok no i didn't Favorite kpop groups?


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Least favourite thing about being Ninja'd? ;)



i was not ninja'd

I don't think "fuck" is a legitimate question ;) (Sorry, I couldn't resist)

@Sylveonzoroak- I discovered Serenes Forest forums through the Fire Emblem Wiki, and have been here ever since!

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Are you passive or aggressive about getting the things you want?

edit: would you play a Touhou/Melty crossover?

I liked the ninja question, I was gonna say wait until it dies down

Only if it played like Melty, otherwise keep it away.

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Why did you accept a kouhai?

Least favourite thing about being Ninja'd? ;)

Not being able to ask the question to the person I was intending to ask the question to.

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Same question.

@Soledai- Passive, easily. I'm not like "I want this, please get me this!" I'm like "So there's this thing that I like, please can you get it for me?" *Insert puppy dog eyes*

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Skin color?

Same question.

@Soledai- Passive, easily. I'm not like "I want this, please get me this!" I'm like "So there's this thing that I like, please can you get it for me?" *Insert puppy dog eyes*

I don't have a kouhai?

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What are you doing tomorrow?

@Sylveonzoroark- The funny thing about this question is that I was originally writing it for today, but because it's midnight now, I have to write it for tomorrow. University lectures and seminars, I guess? :) Also prepping and writing a couple of university essays which don't have to be in for two weeks.

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