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What's you favourite username on this site that isn't one that you've used?

The game world you would visit every day?

The problem is that all of the gaming worlds I'd want to visit have a ridiculously high death rate... And I don't really want to die.

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Same question,

@shinpichu- I guess flying (despite the fact that I have acrophobia). I'd never have to buy plane tickets (which can be expensive), which means that I can have cheaper holidays abroad.

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Favorite theme you've seen someone else with?

Favorite theme you had?

There was this original art of a girl with red hair that I had a long time ago.

Barring that, my Terra theme.

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Edit: do you have any posters?

Favorite theme you've seen someone else with?

that one time Shirley did a Letty theme for five seconds

idk really. Maybe Ein's "Well Said!" avi. Or Smug Kaguya.

Edited by shinpichu
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Favorite poster you own?

Do you collect anything?

Not anything physical, really. Waiting until I have a more permanent home before I start any serious collecting or anything,

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Have you ever met anyone famous?

@Xyr- I don't really own many posters. Well, I do own them, but it was impossible to hang them up in my room without them falling on my head in the middle of the night.

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