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how would you rate your laziness out of ten?

What was the last game you got 100% completion in?

To each their own, one person means something different to each of us.

Are you disappointed?

Majora's Mask

not really

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Same question.

@Shezington- It depends. My memory for facts and figures is pretty darn incredible at times. The things I struggle to remember are my childhood memories, especially primary school.

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Favorite historical figure?

Do you watch any Let's Players? If so, which ones?

Some. MageKnight404, and I've watched some of RoahmMythril's Megaman runs. I also used to watch Clementj642 a lot.

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Opinion of Kirby Air Ride?

What game series do you always say you'll get around to playing but never do?

Can't think of any, really.

Edit: Although there are plenty of movies that I've thought "that sounds interesting, i should give it a watch" and then never did. Although I don't know if I could come up with specific examples.

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