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Who are your favourite female Nintendo characters that aren't playable in Smash Bros. or Fire Emblem?

Edit: Whoops, that was meant for Gemma, but I'm still interested in hearing Soledai's answer to that question.

@ Soledai: I have no idea what an SD mecha is, so I guess I'll choose giant mecha.

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What got you into Metal Slug?

Who are your favourite female Nintendo characters that aren't playable in Smash Bros. or Fire Emblem?

Edit: Whoops, that was meant for Gemma, but I'm still interested in hearing Soledai's answer to that question.

@ Soledai: I have no idea what an SD mecha is, so I guess I'll choose giant mecha.

None of them really stand out to me.

Perhaps Elesa for being the first person I learned of about in BW

SD = Super Deformed, they're the little ones.

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Opinion of the Tellius series?

@Shinpichu- I know my favourite crisp flavour is Ready Salted, but I cannot remember which variety of ready salted crisp is my favourite.

Crisps= Chips

Chips = Fries

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the one thing in fates you enjoy the most?

If Fire Emblem was to have another crossover, which franchise would you like it to crossover with?

not really sure

there isn't much stuff FE and crossover with outside of other srpg games

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What are your hobbies?

Video games? I dabble in photoshop when I don't feel like playing anything, but even then I mostly just stare at a blank a canvas, I'm pretty boring.

Do you ever regret joining this thread and feeling obligated to answer the questions posed?

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thoughts on mods in video games?

If it's a multiplayer game then opposed to even purely cosmetic mods, if it's a solo game like Skyrim then go for it.

Do you ever think that they should change "Gender" to "Sex" as they are probably wanting the anatomical answer and not the social identity answer considering the correct answer to a person's gender is not actually "Male" or "Female" it's "Feminine", "Masculine" or "Neuter"? *Also kind of bugs me*

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Same question.

@Sylveonzoroark- My day has been good, albeit most of it was spent on essays. I'm uber excited that an LP-ear that I watched has begun his Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn LP. :D

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If you could make a video game, what would it be about?

I have several ideas for gamplay however as for a story line I've not really sat down and thought about it much for an 'ideal' scenario. I did toy around with the idea of a Fire Emblem style Nintendo Mash-up game where the different Nintendo ideas were different 'countries' to being under siege by Xbox characters in some weird Neptunia console war type game, but that wasn't a serious thought.

Have you ever considered that your avatar isn't ironic? The writing is in the stone it's not actually written in stone.

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