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Edit: Do you have a Vita?

If you could have any political position in the U.S government what would you choose?

Something inconsequential.

Edited by shinpichu
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I never got asked a question on my last post. :'(

Have you ever been so bored you wanted to jam a fork in a wall socket so you get to ride in the back of ambulance for fun?

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What fictional world would you like to visit?

Any of the .hack//GU for their VR technology for video games.

Favorite game that has had its services cancelled and/or has no player base anymore?

Edited by Dwlr
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SSB worst character?

What series would you want to see Xenoblade do a crossover with?

64: Kirby

Melee: Doc

3DS/U: Kirby or Megaman.

I don't really play often, though.

Probably either Zelda, or Kid icarus!

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Would you like a Kid Icarus and Bayonetta crossover?

@Shinpichu- Neko Asame or the Shower with you dad Simulator. The crossed out ones are meant to be joke suggestions. In all seriousness, there's a couple of crossovers that I'd like to see. These crossovers are: The Last Story, Radiant Historia, maybe Pandora's Tower and Fire Emblem too?

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Favorite FE Mage?

Actual mage or magic user? I guess I'll go with Ilyana.

I'm having chili tonight, do you like chili? (Well I'm not actually having actual chili, but it's called chili by today's standards, so why split hairs right?)

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Do you like frito pies?

I don't know what those are, but from the name I'm going to assume I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole.

Do you like the SF style member badges with the soft light rectangle across the character's face?

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Would you ask for a badge from Glaceon Mage? If so, who would you want a badge of?

I don't know what those are, but from the name I'm going to assume I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole.


They're a mix of chili, cheese, and corn chips.

Do you like the SF style member badges with the soft light rectangle across the character's face?


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Would you ask for a badge from Glaceon Mage? If so, who would you want a badge of?


They're a mix of chili, cheese, and corn chips.


No, I'd just make it myself.

Yeah wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole, but that 'chili' has beans in it ergo not real chili. XD (I like beans in my chili though)

You don't think it's intrusive? (on some of the characters at least)

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Favorite eye color?

I suppose, but I don't really have that strong of an opinion.

Does it have to be natural? I like Violet or Red the best by far, if it has to be natural then seafoam.

It doesn't have to be a strong opinion, I was just wondering if I was the only one who didn't really care for them.

Where did you avatar's mouth go?...Not where has it been, I have a feeling I don't want to know. ^_^'

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Favorite artist other than yourself?

Where did you avatar's mouth go?...Not where has it been, I have a feeling I don't want to know. ^_^'

Beats me, I'm not the one who drew it.

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