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something that did not live up to your expectations?
whether be a movie, game, something else

Do you Remember the Time?

When we fell in love?

Do you Remember the Time

When we first met, girl

..wow this is gonna be weird for those that don't get it >.>

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In your opinion, who is the worst character in the Fire Emblem franchise? Why?

Excellus, he was designed to be hated.

If you could change one thing about the way you were raised, what would it be?

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Do you follow traditions or do you do your own thing? (with regards to anything)

What's a personality trait you despise that others find admirable?

Extreme altruism, and when it leads to trying to please everybody. Also, trying to please everybody.

I can't think of a bigger mess I despise.

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Same question

More or less, I stay indoors for a reason and I'm a firm believer that we created indoors because outdoors is evil.

Ever wanted amnesia so you could replay your old favorite games for the "first time"?

Edited by Dwlr
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Based on your current knowledge, what Senran girls do you dislike the least are you most interested in?

Why have you been playing senran so much lately?

Because they're fun. :3

also, I think I do the same game binging -> burnout thing you do, kinda?

Edited by shinpichu
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Opinion on the Rogue Squadron series?

Do you have any personal quotes that you yourself made up? If so, what are some of them?

if you're having fun with video games, you're doing it wrong.
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Do you get expansion packs for games that have them?

Opinion on the Rogue Squadron series?

Never played them, so I don't have an opinion them. But I watched a friend play one or at least I think that was one.

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